Void [2]: Deoras

Chapter 442: Void [2]: Deoras

"I beg of you! Stop this at once!"

"Master~ If you desire, you can release her from this torment. This dark energy will slowly deteriorate her body, prolonging her suffering even after death. However, if you take her life with that dagger, her soul will find release and disintegrate naturally. The choice lies in your hands." Deoras's voice dripped with sadistic temptation, leaving Shin with a heart-wrenching decision.

"You bastard! Stop this shit!"

However, Deoras remained ominously silent, his twisted grin stretching wider across his face. His eyes gleamed with a dark and wicked delight, leaving Shin to face the unsettling uncertainty of what Deoras had planned next. The air grew heavy with tension, as if time itself had frozen in anticipation of the impending chaos.

The silence only deepened the sense of dread and impending doom, leaving Shin paralyzed with fear and indecision.