
Chapter 446: Disbelief

The members, now freed from the grips of impending doom, showered Orso with heartfelt words of thanks. Their voices cracked with emotion as they expressed their deep appreciation for his selfless act of heroism. Tears of joy cascaded down their faces, mingling with the sweat and grime that adorned their weary features.

Orso's lips curved into a slight smile, a momentary respite from the weight of the battle that raged around them. The glimmer of hope flickered in his eyes as he witnessed the lives he had saved, knowing that his sacrifice was not in vain. 

But as quickly as the smile had appeared, it faded, replaced by a sudden jolt of searing pain that tore through his abdomen. A sword, stealthily concealed, had found its mark, piercing his flesh with a ruthless precision.