Shin Vs Elder Ros [3]

Chapter 452: Shin Vs Elder Ros [3]

The force behind Shin's slash was nothing short of cataclysmic. As the blade cleaved through Elder Ros's armor, it rent through his ribs with a sickening crack, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake. The formidable barrier that once protected him shattered like fragile glass, unable to withstand the sheer power of the assault.

But it wasn't just the physical impact that left Elder Ros reeling. The attack carried with it a potent spiritual essence, intertwining with his very soul. The invisible tendrils of Shin's spiritual attack seeped into the depths of his being, unraveling the very fabric of his spirit. The pain that surged through his body was not limited to the physical realm; it transcended into the ethereal, shaking the core of his existence.