Something is bothering Conner but he won't open up about it and continued to shift subject. I decided not to push it because then he might push me about my scars. I begin to wonder how much his father knows. Once we reach the dining room, all thoughts leave my brain and all I can think about is the amazing aroma coming from the table. I can feel my mouth start to water.

      I almost want to leap at the table and start shoveling food into my mouth. Then I remember the young alpha next to me and the alpha and beta who are already seated at the table. Covering a blush, I allow Conner to escort me to my seat. As soon as I am seated, I can feel an uneasiness come across the table.

      The beta, Alec, is nervous and begins to shift in his seat. Glancing around at all three men, I study their body language. The alpha seems calm and reassured. Conner seems perturbed and agitated. The beta is fearful and anxious. There is something going on between them, but I am not sure if they know it yet.

      To break the tension, I break the silence.

      "Good morning Alpha Niklaus and Beta Alec. Thank you for inviting me to join you for breakfast. You are very kind to me." Smiling while looking at Alpha Niklaus, I nod my thanks. He responds with a wave of his hand.

      "No need my dear. You have been through so much. This is the least we could do for you."

      To my right I feel Conner tense and grit his teeth. "Yes," he agrees. "You have endured enough pain at the hands of others. We must at least guarantee you are comfortable and healthy while staying with us."

      I feel as though this is said as a jab towards his father. Again the conversation settles into an uncomfortable silence.

      "So....shall we eat," I ask to break the unease.

      "Yes, of course. Please dig in, "Niklaus says.

      Seeing the arrangement of sausage, bacon, eggs, waffles, french toast, fruit, and toppings, I make a sampler platter. Once my plate is filled with a sausage, egg, bacon, and cheese burrito, a waffle and french toast stack with strawberries, syrup, and whipped cream, and a glass of milk and coffee to follow it down, I begin to eat. I notice that my plate is fuller than that of the boys, but my embarrassment is subsided by the growling of my stomach. Besides, they know I have refused food since being thrown in the dungeons.

      Eating with abandon, I refill my plate a second and third time to satisfy my hunger. When I finish eating, Conner reminds me of the sketch I brought with me. His father immediately looked up. "What sketch."

      I immediately respond in kind. "Its nothing, really. Just something I drew this morning to get my mind off things."

      I can tell he was too eager to see what I remember and is pondering what I could have possibly sketched to require his attention. "I would like to see it if you don't mind. Your parents always said you were quite the artist. It would make me proud to remember their words."

      Slowly, I unfold the paper in my hands. Inside is a picture that shocks the whole room. It depicts a girl surrounded by horror and dead bodies. It is lifelike to the point that Alec quickly runs from the table to retch in the corner. The girl doesn't seem to notice the carnage around her as she plays with her doll. Her blood stained dress matches the stains on her face. Around her you can see her mother with her head ripped of, her father with his guts clutched in his hands and his mouth open in a silent scream, her village on fire behind her while other bodies lay motionless on the ground. Others run on fire, and still more are chased down and killed. Little do they know, this is my gift.

      Niklaus pales at the image and Conner's face loses all color before turning a bright red. Niklaus scrunches his nose is disdain. He swallows hard thinking of the events that led to the scene depicted in the drawing. Guild and remorse begin to etch into his face. Seeing this, Ren immediately folds the paper back up and stuffs it into her pocket. Conner is the first to speak.

      "Is that your pack? Is that what you dreamed about last night?"

      "No," Ren quietly responds. "I am used to that dream. The one from last night was different.....The girl looked up at me and smiled. And then I heard her laugh. That laugh...I have heard it before, but it was just a dream."