After what Gypsut told me, I must find Conner. He must know the truth, and all of it. We must be delicate if we are to save her. She must be told only what she needs to know until we can find a way to remove the spells cast on her.

I must get in contact with Amira before it is too late. She is the one who placed the spells on Ren, she can remove them.

I pull out my phone and call her only to reach her voicemail. "Call me, we have a problem." As I hang up the phone, I get a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Should Alpha find out what I am doing, he will kill me for sure, but if I don't do something, Conner, Ren, and Gypsut will kill play soccer with my head. I cannot fail.

"Alec. Have you seen Dhiren anywhere?" The booming voice of my alpha is unmistakable. 

"No Alpha. Last I saw, she had locked herself in her room."

"If you see her, send her to my office. There are things I must speak with her about."

"Yes alpha, of course." Seeing my opportunity to leave, I turned on my heel and strode away from the man I used to follow without question. How many other lies has he fed me and how many have resulted in disasters such as this one? The thought makes me shudder. I would never blindly follow another again, especially not Gypsut. 

While Gypsut had opened up and revealed to me the truth, he was still partially to blame for the destruction that came to Dhiren's life. She was put through so much because of male pride, I would see that she would suffer at their hands no more, even if it cost me my pack.

When I reached Conner's room, I knocked. The door creaked as I opened it. Inside Conner was in a state of anger, wrath, and tears. In the corner, hiding in the shadows, I caught a glimpse of Gypsut.

"Have you told him," I asked Gypsut casting a worried look at Conner.

"He knows as you do. I will give you two the rest of the day to contemplate this new information. Tomorrow, we begin our work. Be ready, it will get messy." With that, he was gone with just a breeze to show his departure.

"I hate when he does that," I mutter to myself. For now, my attention is on Conner. I try to gage his emotions in order to be prepared for whatever actions he may take in retribution to the new facts he has learned. "Conner, you know what must be done. Your father and Gypsut must be stopped. We cannot allow them to have her. It would be the end of everything as we know it."

"Yes, we can't let Gypsut or my father have her. She is dangerous now. She is a weapon and we can't fix her. It is too late to save any of them. We have no choice." He looks at me with sadness and determination in his eyes.

"I know Conner. But we must see to your father and Gypsut first. After we have taken care of them, we will worry about what to do with Ren." Before Conner dismisses me, he leaves me with a grim decision.

"We don't have to worry about what to do with any of them. They must all die."