Chapter 4: The Growth (Edited)


Suddenly a hologram of status board shows up in front of a boy.

"Now, let's see what do we have here."



NAME: Kiritsuka Rei

JOB : Blacksmith

TITLE : [The Reincarnator], [Time Traveler], [Quick Learner] !NEW!

Level: 1

[HP: 100]

[MP: 80]


EXP: 0/1000







SENSE : 1(+5)


Blacksmith Mastery Lv2

Sword Mastery Lv1

Battle Instinct Lv1

Super Growth LvMax !NEW!

Fire Magic Lv1 !NEW!

Fire Lv1 !NEW!


It was in the middle of night, where Rei was lying down on his bed while checking on his own status.

It's been a week ever since his reincarnation succeed and came into this world.

He finally able to adapt in this world, after a week had pass.

"Although, it is quite hard to live in medieval era, knowing I came from modern era."

" wasn't bad at all, hmmm??"

While checking his status, Rei's eyes widen after seeing something inside his status information.

"Huh? [Super Growth]? Since when did I get this skill?"

He quickly clicked the skill as the description of it shows up in front of him.


[Super Growth]

Passive skill

A skill that allow the invidual to get another additional 2.0× EXP on both status and skill. (It's also allow the individual to acquired or learned a new skill.)



"A skill that allow you to get more exp? When did this happen?"

When he discern his eyes and saw that he got another tittle he checking on it.

"[Quick Learner]? A [Title]?"

He clicked on the [Title] as the description of it shows up.


[Quick Learner]

A tittle being given by the [God of Wisdom, Athena] who are interested in this individual. She impressed by how quick this invidual adapt to this new world and learn about their live pretty quick. So she gave him this title and additional skill called "Super Growth".


"G-god?! wait wait!—Isn't the one who sent me here was Ifrit?! ..."

And suddenly a [Notice] pop out in front of him.





dear Kiritsuka Rei.

I'm sorry! The other gods found out about you as they start to ruckus about it, right now they are watching you together with me. So be on guard of what you do and.....

Good luck! (Ow<) - Ifrit



"Does this guy hates me or something."

"Even though I told him that I want to become stronger with my own hand, I guess everything cannot go the way you want." Rei sighed.

"And he haven't explained about this world being Otome Game, maybe I will ask him later."

Otome Game, a game designed for womens. A game that develop a romantic relationship between female player with few handsome and beautiful male character.

"Even though it's called Otome game, I still doesn't know what kind of role does Ray have in this world."

"Or maybe he is some sort of hidden character?!"


"Probably not."

But he decided to brush off those thinking and focusing on getting stronger.

"And I guess it's because of this skill [Super Growth], no wonder I could easily understand all the words here." Rei muttered while still checking onto his status.

"And I guess that's also why my Blacksmith mastery got level up."

He sighed once more and cover his face with his hand, but he slowly open his finger a bit and looking at his own title.


[Title] is given by the system itself and God's perceptive, it was given automatically whenever people achieved something. "Title" also giving a boost of the status they have.

"And so the title I got so far is ...."



With the memories he gained from his past life, the user get additional +5 [Intelligence].



[Time Traveler]

With the memories of gained from his future life, the user get additional +5 [Sense].


"I see, it's because of [Time Traveler] title, I gained the memories of [Ray Houston], that is why I could use such heavy hammer pretty well."

Then Rei reminded of his parents shocked reaction, "I guess, that's why their face looked like that."

"I mean after seeing their 6 years old son doing something like that."

Their reaction, Adam and Sheila were shocked after seeing his talent as their eyes looks like about to pop out.

But at the same time, he remembered when they told him "We are proud of you".

Which made him smile in the process.

"And I guess my [Strength] got some point as well, it's probably because of those weight lifting and push up."

Remembering those hardship again it makes him in tears, it was quite tiring but he still need to do it again.

"Though I guess it's because of that skill again, my growth slowly become more abnormal."

"When I remember it, the more [Sense] you got the more nimble your movement is on certain job you got."

"And the more level you got on [Blacksmith mastery], there's a chance that you could forge a stronger weapon ?"


"Wait, does that mean I can produce stronger weapon much faster and much stronger ? because of this skill...?"

When he thought about it, it gave him a creepy smirk as he thought how powerful this skill is in Blacksmith.

"It's like gacha game, this is quite fun, but I guess I need to work hard two times no—10 times harder."

"Oh right! There's a grading system on each item and weapon as well."

Every weapon and item in this world have their own grade. Like [Common]*white color*, [Uncommon]*green color*, [Rare]*blue color*, [Epic]*purple color*, [Legendary]*orange color* and [Divine]*red color*.

"Since I already learn everything about Blacksmithing, all left is...."

"To start my Sword Training."


It was early in the morning, Rei gets up from his bed before everyone else does.

He immediately went to his father's workshop to finish his works that he have been doing.

Inside the workshop, it was an old looking place, a few all kind of hammers and tools hanging on the wooden wall. A black anvil near to the fireplace which is used to heat the metal.

"Let's begin."

He began to cracked his fingers, "First is..." then pointed his hand towards the fireplace, "[Fire]."

Using his low-grade magic skill [Fire], a small fire appeared on his hand then start turn up the fireplace.

He learned this magic skill from his father, Adam.



Active skill

MP cost: 5

Cooldown: 10 sec.

Maintain the skill: -1 MP/1 sec.

A low grade fire magic that allow the user to create small fire.


"This magic skill sure is handy, but it required [mana]."

"I need to use is around 5 MP and if I continue to maintain the fire, the MP will continue to lose -1 point for each seconds."

He began to heat the blade of his sword in the fireplace while controling the temperature of the fire.

'Not yet...'

He carefully and using his sense and feelings to make sure he had the right spot of it.

'Not yet...'

Until he felt the sign of cracking from the fire.


He immediately pulled out the blade from there, the blade is now glowing light-yellow bright.

After that he put the blade on the anvil and began to swing his hammer.





























He make sure to keep the rhythm, with the memories that he had from Ray Houston and his father teaching.

By controlling his strength while focusing on the right point where he should swing his hammer on it.

His body began to sweat and his lips slowly forming into wide smile.

Everytime the blade cooled down, he heated it up again in the fire.


And then, he continued to swing his hammer over...


And over...









As 1 hour had pass and he finished forging the blade and cool down the blade into the water.

His body was full of sweat as he was wearing a tanktop to revealing his slim arms, its unimaginable that this kid only 6 years old.

After that he quickly sharpened the blade and molding a handle for his sword.

"And finally after 3 days of failure, I finally completed forging this sword!"

Rei shouted in satisfaction, he never knew forging a sword would be this fun.

At the same time he didn't noticed of himself that he was smiling all the time when forging that sword.

"Now! [Appraisal]!"


[The Beginner Sword]

Grade: Uncommon

Type: Sword

Attack: +15

Durability: 100%

A sword forge by a young genius, even though it's looks normal the sharpness of the blade could cut through almost everything.


[Sharp Edge]

It's allow the individual temporarily increase STRENGTH and AGILITY by 5.

Duration : 30 sec.

Cooldown : 45 sec.



After looking at the status of this sword, Rei's eyes about to pop out.

'A skill!? and it's grade is [Uncommon] ..... I never thought I could get a skill in uncommon grade on my first try!'

'Is this because of that skill?' Rei pondering himself, but he immediately shook his head to brush off the thought.

'It's useless to think about it, but I need to hide this sword quickly.'

'I don't know how other people gonna react after they found out about this skill.'

'But I need to hide it from others, even from my family.'

After that he quickly sheathed the sword and wrapped it with cloths.

Then he back went out from the workshop and back to his room while feeling the heaviness and satisfaction in his heart.


Since today is weekend, Rei planned to play with his little sister, Emily.

Emily is a kind and playful girl, she always follow her brother and admire her brother Ray. Whenever Rei walks out to do errand, she always follow him and helped him.

Now Rei is walking together with Emily while have been in his thoughts in his mind.

'Hmmm, I never thought I got so lucky for my first try, father said that it's hard to make a sword with a skill, especially for beginners.'

'That sword had [Uncommon] grade which is near to [Rare] grade, but I wonder what it will be for [Epic] and [Legendary]?' Rei continue to wonder his thoughts.

"Onii-chan?" A small girl voice could be hear but Rei still in his thoughts

'Should I make another one? For the village? I mean it's quite risky but...ughh...this is hard.'

"ONII-CHAN!!!" Emily yelled loudly to call him once more.

"W-what! Y-yes?!"

Rei finally snapped from his thoughts and looking at the source of the voice which is Emily.

" always in your thoughts these days, are you feeling okay? Is your head still hurt?" Emily said while pouting.

Rei looked at her and smiled softly at her as he pats her head.

"Sorry for making you worried again, your brother had something in mind lately."

"Hmmm? What were you thinking Onii-chan?? Oh! Is it me?!"

Emily ask while acting cute and sparkling eyes.

Rei couldn't even resist to see her like this, 'W-what is this cute creature...'

"Y-yeah! I was thinking how cute Emily is!" Rei immediately replied to her question.

And that made Emily smiled brightly and jumped in happiness hearing his response.

"Yay! Yay! Onii-chan thinks Emily cute!"

"Mhm, mhm, Emily is the cutest!" Rei nodded


Seeing this girl accepting his brother words, it makes him smile and couldn't agree more.

"So Emily, can we meet uncle Nel? I have something to ask him."

"Hmmm? Uncle Nel? okay! But!"


"Ummm...can we play after that??"

When Emily act cute and shy together in front of him, it makes him blush a bit.

And that struck his heart, 'Uggghhh...she is too cute!'

Then Rei smiled, "Sure, let's play a lot after that okay?"

"Yay!!~" Emily jumped happily and continue to walking together with her brother while holding hands like a cute pair of siblings.


After that they both arrived at the post near gate of the village as they found an old man with huge built wearing an armor and holding a spear on his hand, and standing still while looking towards the forest.

"Uncle Nel!~ Emily and Onii-chan is had come to play!~"

Emily called over the uncle who was standing straight with a serious looks on his face, but when he noticed the children there he softened his face.

"Oh! Well look at who it is, if it isn't Emily and Ray."

"It's been a while, Uncle Nel." Rei replied to him.

"It is, but wait." Nel said with a smile at them, then, "Hey, mind if I take a break for a while?" He asked the other guards about it.

"Oh, sure sir Nel!" The other guards just agreed with a smile, seeing this stiff serious old man suddenly softened of these children.

"Thanks!" Nel quickly walk towards them and pats their head with his big hand.

When Nel approached them, Rei widen his eyes in surpised.

'As expected, he's huge as if he is a mountain, compared to me...I look so small in front of him.' Rei thought of it.

"So how are you guys doing?" Nel asked them.

"Emily doing fine!" Emily answered him quickly.

Nel laughed, "Hahaha! I'm glad to hear it, how about you Ray? are you fine now?" He spoke while looking worried at him.

Rei smiled, "Yes, I am fine now, Uncle Nel."

"That's good to hear, I don't know what to say about myself."

"It's okay, Uncle Nel."

"No, it is my fault, so I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you that time." Nel spoke while looking guilty this time.

"It's okay, Uncle Nel, but thank you for worrying." Rei felt bad about this, so he thanked him instead.

"Of course! Since you are the son of friend of mine!" Nel replied.

[Nel Shubert], he is their father best friends ever since they were a kids. They both always hang out together and sometimes they were called as brothers from how close they are.

"So do you guys need anything from me? This uncle will help you the best as I can!"

Nel asked with a smile and slowly crouch down to match their heights.

"Hmmmm, then...Uncle, I have something to ask, but I cannot said it loudly, so can you lend me your ear." Rei requested him.

"Ohhh, ask me anything!"

"Then...." Rei leaned closely to Nel's ear. "Does monsters have been in sight within the forest lately?" Then he whispered.


After hearing that, Nel was surprised and suddenly become quiet for a moment.


But then he smiled at him.

"I'm sorry Ray, I don't know what you are talking about." Nel answered to his question.

"But you don't have worry about that, since your uncle here will protect you all!" Then he added it to assured them.

"..." Rei seems unconvinced while he stay silent for a moment.

Before he smiled at him again, "Okay!" And acting innocently.

'Just as I thought, he is hiding something... from the way he reacted, there's only one conclusion.'

'Those monsters had already begun to move.'

Rei clicked his tongue, 'Tsk...we don't have much time, I need to get stronger as soon as possible to prevent it before the disaster happens.'

Rei clenched his hand then he looked at Nel while maintaining his smile towards this uncle.

"Let's go and play Emily!" Rei then acted like a child again, to hide his intentions again.

Emily who have been standing beside them was clueless about what happen and stay quiet with a smile and act cute.

"Okay Onii-chan!" But in the end, Emily didn't ask and just accepted her brother invitation to play while smiling and followed him from behind.

Meanwhile, Nel slowly looked at their backs when they are walking together.

"Why did Ray asked that question? I guess rumors have goes around and made that child curious." Nel muttered while making a troubled expression and walked back to his post.

"I will protect them, no matter what." He muttered and stayed on guard to focus for the children's safety.


As times had pass, it was already afternoon. Rei was carrying Emily on his back as she was sleeping and exhausted from playing too much.

Meanwhile for Rei, he look more exhausted than she is, 'I never thought we would play until sunset.' While he sighed.

Then his eyes shifted towards his sleeping sister, 'Now that I think about it, I never had sister before...' he reminded of his past, but after that he slowly smiled.

'But well....






This isn't bad.'

Rei thought while smiling and looking up at the red sky as the sun already set from his right side.

And soon, they arrived at home.

"We are back, Mom." Rei spoke out after he goes inside the house.

"Oh, welcome back~ Ray~ Emily~"

Their mother Sheila welcoming them with gentle tone and smiled after seeing her children.

The atmosphere around here is so warm, added with the warm light coming from the window in front of her.

While she was cooking their food for dinner in the kitchen.

Rei's eyes was widen as he felt mesmerized from this warm welcome.

"U-uhh, yeah, we are back ... Mom..." He begin to feel shy and repeated the same words.

'I'm feeling embarrassed about this, since I'm not used to call someone like that.' Rei thought while carrying his sister back to her room.

"Ara~ it seems my son and daughter are having fun today~" Sheila said as she was still cooking.

"Y-yeah." Rei nodded his head while stopping at upstairs.

"U-ummm, I'm going to bring Emily to her room now, she looks pretty tired after playing for whole day."

Rei spoke while walking to upstairs and carrying Emily on his back.

Sheila giggled to see them, "Fufufu~ Okay~ don't forget that we will have cream soup and roast meat for dinner~" then she spoke while focusing her cooking.

"Y-yes." Rei went towards his little sister room and laid her down on her bed.

Before he went out, he looked at her and gently stroke her hair while watching her sleeping soundly. Then he begin to smile.

"Heh, how cute, rest well my little sister." He said while he left the room.

He went downstairs and see his mother, Sheila cooking from behind.

"Say, Mom?" Rei asked her.

"Yes, sweetheart?" Sheila answered him.

"Can I go outside for a while?"

"Outside?" Sheila looked at him.

"Yes, I promise I will come back as soon as possible, just need few things to do!" Rei said while walking towards the door.

"Hmmm? Sure~ but make sure to come back at six, and don't be late~" without further asking, she just agreed his request.

"Yes, I will!" Rei replied while smiling back at her before he left the house.

'I never thought it's gonna be this easy, and...when was the last time I got greeted like this.'

While in his thoughts, he ran towards the place where he hid something from everyone even to his sister.

Where he went to the wooden wall that protecting the village as there were some twigs underneath them.

"Found it..."

He slowly brush the twigs off from there and he could see a big hole from the wall.

He found this hole not too long ago when he walking around the village to search a place to keep his stuff.

As he went inside the hole, he quickly put the twigs back on the hole to hide it before anyone could notices it.

Now he is standing near to the forest and there's some kind of small bags that hanging on the tree surrounding him.

"It's seems these [Monster Repellent] are quite working."

"I guess, it's time for sword training, before six.'

[Monster Repellent], just like it's name it is a mixed herbs that have strong smell to repell any monsters that had sensitive nose.

Which he learned it from the book he had in the house. He secretly made it with the herbs that he gather around the village during the night, to created this secret training place.

Rei took out a sword from hole in the tree, the sword was found in the storage and he stole it for training purpose.

"Hmmm....since I already trained my body a bit, my strength is now almost around at teenager age."

"But the problem is, my body is still undeveloped and I don't know my limit at this age."

Rei sighed, "It useless to think about it, since I have Houston's memories, I'll just do my best to get stronger."

Rei taken a position where he stood still with his both hands holding the sword and wielding it in front of him.

"First I need to acquired [Horizontal Slash] and [Vertical Slash], by repeating the same process until the skill appeared." Rei muttered.

"Though, I don't know when I will get that skill."

"But I guess I need to do thousands of swing from straight line for Vertical and side to side for Horizontal."

Rei looked at his own hands gripping the wooden sword, "This is gonna be hard, but...this is my choice."

"First, the basic, by taking a deep breath and lift the sword up to straight." Rei slowly lifted the sword.

"Then swing!"


He swing the stick in straight line in front of him.


He continuesly swung the wooden sword in straight line, again and again.








Finally, after he reached 50 swings, he begin to swing his sword again but on side to side while striking onto the tree.


As the red sky slowly turning dark, Rei who relentlessly swing the sword had finally stopped.

He panted in exhausted and wiped the sweats that goes under his chin.

"I guess that's it for today, but wait—?"

He soon realized something amiss and immediately looked at the sky.

"This is bad! I was too focus on training and forgot the time!"

He said as he quickly went back to the hole, but before he went in, he saw something that grab his attention and quickly took it.

He ran towards his house as quickly as possible and saw Sheila was standing there in front the door.

When she saw Rei, she looks upset and sad as she were about to cry.


She quickly ran towards him and hugging him tight.

"Oh, thank god! Are you okay?! Where have you been?! I told you to come back at six?!" Sheila said with tears and worried looks.

"I-i'm sorry." Rei felt guilty that he didn't know that he would make her worried like this.

Sheila seeing him scared, she start to sigh, "It's okay, as long you are fine...but make sure don't make me worried again like this okay?"

"O-okay." Rei looked down.

Sheila noticed something on him, "But, where did you go? And why are you so sweaty and...dirty?" Sheila asked while staring at him.

"U-umm..." Rei avoided doing eye contact with her.

'I can't explain that I went training, but I hope this could stop her from asking further!'

He suddenly took out something from his back.

"Here...for you...Mom."

As time looks stop and Sheila widen her eyes after seeing what he brought.






It was a beautiful white flower on his hands.

Sheila who saw this was in tears and suddenly hugged him tight once again.

"You silly son, do you know how much I worry about you, ever since that happen." Sheila reminded him when he fell unconscious due that incident.

It made him feel bad, but all these training that he does is for preventing the disaster that going to happen in this village.

"I'm sorry...Mom." Rei apologize.

Sheila wiped her tears and smiled, "Because of this flower, I forgive you...but! Promise me next time, that don't be late okay?"

With that words, Rei bit his lips "Yes...I promise." Then he nodded his head while knowing...that someday...

He will broke that promise.


After that he had a wonderful meal together with his family.

Rei went back to his room.

In the midnight, where everyone still asleep. Rei hasn't sleep yet and sat on the chair beside the window while leaning his body against.

Then he looked towards the night sky.

"Such a beautiful night, to think that so many things happen in just a week."

"A wonderful family, a warm welcome, and delicious food." Rei slowly reminded him of his past, 'Compared to that world...'

"Am I allowed to be this happy? Houston."

Rei asked himself and remembered what Ray told him.

Then he repeated those words, "You are me...and I am you...we are one and we share the same fate, and no matter what...we will help each other."

Rei closed his eyes and chuckled

"Heh, you said that, but I am here alone Houston."

"But don't worry Houston, with me here, I will protect our precious family."

Rei then yawned, "I guess I need to sleep, tomorrow will be another tiring day."

"I will get stronger as soon as possible...."

"Just you wait."

After that, he went back to the bed and quickly fall asleep.







In the back...

























The countdown had finally begin.

To be continued...