Chapter 6: The Monster (Part 1) (Edited)

[Monster], a creature that was created by an unknown god, name...[Demon God, Ars].

The legend once said that this unknown god created these creature for the benefit of human lives.

But unfortunately...

They are also the source of the destruction for humanity.

Their body contain magic power that couldn't be explain by many people. They possess strength that is stronger than normal creature and they had many forms that similar to animals or even closer to human being.

And their size comes from the smallest to the largest.

The resemblance from animals, for example like rabbits, insects, birds, wolves and even a bears.

When the [Monster] died, their body which contained magical power will be absorbed by the one who kills it whether it's a human or a monster themselves and transform them into their own power.

That's how human could fight back against such being.

And that's the origin of what [Monster] is....


When Rei was on his way towards those kids. He saw two of them running through the forest.

'There they are!'

But then, he also saw something chasing at them from behind.


'Is that...[Monsters]?' Rei saw two pair of wolves, chasing at them.

'It's my first time seeing it...but somehow they looks like just any wolves for me.'

'But first, I need to prioritize their safety first'

Suddenly he then step forward, then tighten his legs muscles.

After that, using his legs, he throw himself up towards them to reach them faster.


Hans who was about to reach his friend Bob, find himself in desperate situation.

' my friend!!!'

When the wolves about to reach their fangs towards Bob's head.

Right before that happen.

A voice answered their plead.

"Bob...get down."

When Bob heard that voice, he crouch his head down.

After that, Rei appeared from above Bob's head, then...

He drew his sword...

'[Vertical Slash]'


He swing his sword and cutted off the head of the wolf without a warning.

The blood splatter from the wolf headless body...

While the two kids who saw it...was surprised after seeing what happen right in front of their eyes...

Suddenly a [Notice] came out on above Rei's head.

[You leveled up!]

After noticing that, Rei didn't stop his attention towards the next target.




The other wolf who saw its brethren being killed by this mysterious kid.

It starts to howl and jumped at him, with its fang sticking out to bite him.

Hans noticed it and quickly warned him.

"Becareful there still—?!"

Without minding his words, Rei already prepared for his next action.

Since his sword was on his right hand, after he did swing his sword from the first attack, he turned the blade changing his sword direction to the monster that approaching him.

Then he turned his body towards where the monster which going for his left side.

The monster jumped towards him.

'[Horizontal Slash].'


Then Rei swung his sword in straight horizontal line from his right, creating a large cut through the monster mouth towards its body.

[You leveled up!]

Rei sighed and swing his sword to clean out the blood, then sheated the sword back.

"Done." He muttered while turning his head towards the dead monster that lying beside him.



Hans and Bob who saw the scene, opened their jaws and amazed by it.

When the moon start to shows up, brighten the view in front of them, they finally able to see who is this mysterious person face.

Until, they found out it was Rei who saved them.

"H-huh?! Is that you Ray?! B-but h-how?" Hans stuttered after he realized that the person who saved them was none Rei himself who they bullied him this morning.

Rei turned his head towards them.

"There's no time to explain Hans, why there's only two here?"

"Where is James right now?" Rei asked immediately while noticing one of three are missing.

"J-james told us...t-to left h-him behind" Bob said it first.

Hans bit his lips and suddenly kneeled towards him.

"Please Ray...I am begging you, I apologize for what happen this morning...and for bullying you this whole time!"

"So my friend...James." Hans pleaded to him while crying

Bob who saw him, cried as well and began to kneel towards him, "Yeah Ray! W-we're sorry about what we done in the past .... s-so p-please! Save our boss!"

Ray who saw them kneeling and even pleaded to save their friend, made him felt weird.

'I don't know these kids in my entire life, maybe they might do something bad again in the future.'

'Since...we cannot determine whether they will be bad or good after this.' Rei having a thought of it.

'But...' Then he smiled and after that he thrown something at them.

'I am a Knight, someone who would protect the people who need me.'

"....?" Both of them immediately catched it together.

"H-huh?....this is..." Hans recognized it, righr now on their hand was a pouch which is similar to the pouch that they had before.

"You guys can apologize to me later....including James." Rei spoke and turned around.

Hans and Bob who looked at his back, made them cried again.

"Ray...." the two called his name.

"I will save your boss, so go back now and tell the village."

"There will be a [Boss Monster] that might show up tonight"

When they heard those words, their faces went pale.

"B-boss monster?!" They said in sync.

"B-but h-how do you know this all?! .... a-and what about you?!" Hans asked as his tears continue to fell.


Rei turned his head back to them and gave them the warmest smile he had.

"I will explain it later, so don't worry too much, because..."

"I'm pretty tough." Rei showed his confidence to them, to assured that he will be fine.

"So go now! We cannot delay any time longer!" Rei shouted at them, after that he jumped off towards to where James is.

Seeing his moving, Bob and Hans nodded their heads together.

"Y-yes! We will! Make sure you come back alive! Ray!" Hans shouted but Rei already far away from them.

Hans wiped his tears, "Let's go Bob! We have to tell the whole village about this."

"Hmph!" Bob nodded his head, and finally they ran towards where the village direction.


When Rei running to search where James is, he went to checked his status as quickly as possible.




NAME: Kiritsuka Rei

JOB : Blacksmith

TITLE : [The Reincarnator], [Time Traveler], [Quick Learner]

Level: 3

[HP: 250/250]

[MP: 100/100]


EXP: 0/2000




AGILITY : 5(+5)



SENSE : 5(+5)


Blacksmith Mastery Lv3; Sword Mastery Lv2; Battle Instinct Lv1; Super Growth LvMax; Fire Magic Lv1

Fire Lv2

Horizontal Slash Lv1

Vertical Slash Lv1


'I finally be able to leveled up, but my status rise up less than I thought.'

Rei looked at the [Status Point] part, 'I see...I need to use this [Status Point] to increased my other status.'

'It seems you will got 5 for each time you level up."

'I will put those points later I need to focus on—??"

Suddenly he felt something just struck his into senses and turn his head towards a certain direction.

"Found it."

Then he stopped for a moment and turned his direction towards the location that he found then jumped off to the nearest tree.

After that, he took another jump again making him fly through the night sky.

While his eyes fixated towards this location, where he found James who is now surrounded by a pack of wolves.


Finally, back where Rei is now standing in front of these pack of wolves while defending James.

Rei stood there calmly while maintaining his stance by pointing his sword at those wolves.

They became wary of his presence and observed him quietly first.

James surprised from his sudden appearance. Because after seeing the boy who he called [weak], is now standing before him.

'Is it...really him?' James questioned himself whether he had a dream now.

Rei shifted his eyes towards James to check his condition, 'He looks battered...but I guess I'm glad he is alright.'

Then shifted his attention back to the wolves, "It's a good to see you still alive, James...having fun with the doggies?" Rei made a joke with him.

James widened his eyes and slowly laugh, "Hahaha...yeah." to soften the mood.

Rei smiled seeing him responding to his jokes.

James looked at his back, standing straight without trembling in front of these monsters, waiting to devoured him.

'How can he so calm while being surrounded by those monsters.' James asked to himself and realizing that, he was the one who should be called as [weak].

But Rei just focusing his attention and observing their movement, from breathing, eyes movement, their claws and sharp fangs ready to bite him.

But there's one thing he focused on, which is on top of their heads.

[Forest Wolf]*orange*

'The name on their's all orange.'

'Which mean...they are higher level than me.'

Rei reminded of the manual or the guide that came from the system. He read it during his stay after few days living in this world.

The guide he read was about [How to defines "Monster Level"?].

That is by defining them in 5 color.

[White], means that the monster is under level than the user. That mean the user can easily defeat the monster but get less exp from it.

[Green], means that the monster is on the same level as the user. It also mean that the user can still fight the monster and gained a bit more exp than the [White].

[Orange], means that the monster is above few levels than the user. It mean that user will have bit a hard time to defeated the monster but also gain significant exp from it.

[Red], means that the monster is on higher level than user. That mean, the user will be having a hard time fighting against the monster or might lose, but if they did defeat the monster.

They gained larger exp than any color below.

But the last the hardest one, and so far it is impossible to defeat.

The [Black] color.

After knowing that the wolves had orange colors on their names, it means they are above few level from Rei.

So, he doesn't hesitate anymore and gathered his senses by using [Battle Instinct].

His senses slowly growing sharp, as he now could sense all the monster presence around him, through his hearing and vision.

'Hmmm, 10—no...I guess it's 15, I am out numbered.'



Rei could sense the wolves that stands behind that to crawl,

'It seems 4 of them are running in circle to get behind us, huh.' Rei thought of it and slipped his other hand inside his pocket behind his robe.


Rei then throw a pouch to James, the same pouch like he gave it to Bob and Hans.

James catched it and looked at him, '....?? Ray?' And confused why he gave him this pouch.

Then Rei took a deep breath while waiting a little bit more before the fight start.

He closed his eyes to focus his sense more, making him looks like lowering his guards down.

Then, he start to count.















Then he opened his eyes.

"James get down!!" And yelled at James.

"....?!" James quickly crouch himself down, then Rei turned his body around to face off the 4 wolves that came out jumping to strikes him from behind.

'First to fill the gap...[Sharp Edge]'

Rei took this chance to finally used the skill that came from his sword, his sword began to envelopes with red aura.

It made the sword looks sharper which temporarily increased his [Strength] as well.

'and then...'

Rei took a step forward, while turning his sword to his right side.

"[Horizontal Slash]!'

After that, he swung his sword in straight horizontal line.


Which end up beheaded the 4 wolves in one swing.

'So easily...the sharpness is no joke.' Rei praised his work because he just beheaded these 4 wolves at the same time.

Their bodies fell and their blood splattered around him.

'It's a good thing they jumped together, it created perfect line for me to cut them at the same time.'

James who still crouching, started to lift his head.

'What just happ—?!'

James widened his eyes and surprised when he saw those wolves corpses that got beheaded with their heads lying around Rei.

"N-no way..."

[You leveled up!]

[You leveled up!]

[You leveled up!]

[You leveled up!]

Rei saw the [Notice] that appeared in front of him, but he still need to maintain his focus against the rest of the pack which is now they start to howl after seeing their brethren died by his sword.

'That's 4...' Rei counted.

'I only have 30 seconds...before the buff ended.' Then he clenched the grip of his sword.

'I need to end them quickly.' After that he pointed his sword at the wolves.

"James, hide behind me! Do not try to run! And watch me!" Rei yelled at him and getting into stance before the wolves start to charged at him.

"Y-yes!" James replied and then...

It start with one wolf jumped at them first.



Rei took one step forward and turned his body to his right and let the wolf flew towards James.

'[Horizontal Slash].'


Then he swing his sword in straight line, cutting through its body into half from its left.

'That's 5.' Rei counted again.

After that another one jumped at him after he killed the other one before.


"...?!" Rei immediately noticed it.

When the wolf's jaw about to open.


He swing his right leg to kick towards its mouth and shutted it close.

After that, he change his sword trajectory and swing it to stab its chest that goes right to its heart with the blood splattered a bit towards his cheek.

'6.' Rei counted it again.


Then two wolves start running towards his both side.


They jumped at him.

"Look out!!" James who noticed them yelled.

Rei pulled out his sword from the wolf he stabbed to death and remain calm in this situation.

When they about to bite him from both sides, he took a small jump.


And let the wolves crashed to each other.



Rei immediately took that chance swung his sword down and quickly cutting their heads off at the same time.


Then this time, three of wolves ran towards him from behind.

'You think the same trick would work?!'

Rei picked up their presences and spun his body around then swinging his sword again from his left.


'[Horizontal Slash].'

Then he cutted their heads off as their headless body dropped down one by one while their blood splatter once more.




Finally, the last four of the wolves jumped towards him from all direction.

One at his front.

One at his back.

Then two at both sides.

But Rei didn't move, because he noticed them first already without taking a single glance at them and purely trusting his senses.

Rei took a deep breath.

As they're about to reach to him.

He unexpectedly start to jump high enough for their mouth won't be able to reach it.

He back flipped his body in mid-air and made his landing towards the wolf that was attacking from behind.


He stomped on its head, then...


He used its head as stepping stone for him to jump forward towards the three when they stopped moving.


After that, he swung his sword from his left.

'[Horizontal Slash].'


And cutting two of their heads in one go.


But one of them slipped through his sword.

The wolf that attacking him at his front, managed to dodge his sword by jumping back.

'You think...I will let you go!'

With his sword on the side, it probably won't be able to reach the wolf.

So...he decided to use his left hand and reached out towards it.

Then grabbed its neck, and...



He smashed its head down to the ground.


Then he heard a crack noise from its skull that start to cracking.



Rei then turned around and found out wolf that he used as stepping stone, is now jumping at him from behind.


Then he swiftly lifted his sword.

'[Vertical Slash].' And swung the sword down.


And ended it, by cutting the wolf in half with him.


In just 30 seconds, right before his buff [Sharp Edge] had ended.

The fight finally, Rei had single-handedly killed 15 wolves monsters by himself and the result...

[You level up!]

[You level up!]

[You level up!]

[You level up!]

[You level up!]

[You level up!]

[You level up!]

[You level up!]

[You level up!]

Made him leveled up more than he could think as the notification continue to ring in front of him.

Rei kneeled for a moment and stuck his sword on the ground, 'So tiring...' and panted heavily.

He could see that his [Fatigue] point had reached 60 and the color turned orange.

Then his eyes looking at his sword, stained by blood of the monsters.

'Even though this is my first battle...'

'I feel pretty calm...despite having myself outnumbered.'

'Is it becauss the influence from Houston's memories?' Rei wondered.

'It's useless to think about it right now...what level I am now?'




NAME: Kiritsuka Rei

JOB : Blacksmith

TITLE : [The Reincarnator], [Time Traveler], [Quick Learner]

Level: 9 => 16

[HP: 2050/1050]

[MP: 300/300]

[FATIGUE: 60]*orange*

EXP: 0/18000



STRENGTH : 9 => 14

AGILITY : 3 => 18

VITALITY : 4 => 19

INTELLIGENCE : 3 => 18(+5)

SENSE : 3 => 18(+5)


Rei was surprised to see his status, 'I am at level 16...I guess those monsters did gave me plenty of exp.'

' much status points that I got?' Rei slowly scrolled down his status.

'....?!' Then he got surprised more by the numbers.

'No way....did I just got 75 point?! That doesn't make any sense!'

Rei troubled by the numbers that he got was something unexpected for him.

He sighed, 'I will put them later....right now, my first priority is to bring James back, before it's too late.' Then he slowly getting up and pulled his sword while turning around.

But when he saw James who sat there on the ground with his mouth open.

'Is he...scared?' He thought of it.

But unexpectedly, after seeing him defeated those monsters.

James' eyes start to sparkled.

'Huh??' Rei looked at him and being confused why he had that kind of expression.

"T-that was amazing!" Until James start to shout and couldn't contained his excitement.

Rei stopped moving and find it weird for him to be this excited, 'Why is he smiling? Is he...broke?'

Though he doesn't want to ask him for his mental, he swung his sword to clean the blood off from it.

Then sheathed his sword back, before he went towards James to offer his hand.

"Can you get up?" Rei asked him.

James nodded his head fast and took his hand, so he could pull himself up.

"T-thanks...Ray." James looked at him, as he somewhat look shy.


Rei stared at him weird, but hearing him thanking him like that, made him smiled.

"It'a not a big deal, but right now we need to be hurry....before—?!"

Before Rei finished his sentence, he picked up something from his sense.

"Huh? What's wrong Ra—"


Rei grabbed James and carry him on his shoulder.


Then he immediately jumped away...

"Ray!? What's wrong—?!"








Right after they jump, something just landed on where they stood before, creating a strong shockwaves around it.


Rei and James got caught by the waves and got pushed few miles away from it, as they landed on the ground together.

Rei immediately put James down and unsheated his sword, "Damn it..." he cursed.

James confused on what happen, and looked around "W-what just happed?" As he asked.

'If I didn't react fast enough...we both probably dead.' Rei gulped and staring at this thing that is now in front of them.

'What is that thing....?' When Rei asked himself.

The dust that was around this thing, start clearing away.

Revealing giant silhouette, emerged from it.


With its red eyes glows in the dark.

Rei couldn't see it clearly due the dust, but when he took a glimpse of it.


His right eye.



Starts to throb, when he saw that thing in full view.

Rei quickly covered his right eye with his hand, "Is it...reacting?" As he felt a slightly pain through his golden eye.

"What is that thing...?" Rei muttered to himself again.



Its start to howl which created another huge soundwaves enough to clear the dust away around it.

"Ughhh—?!" Rei could feel his body about to be blown away just from its howl.

But he suddenly stop moving.

"What...?" He widened his eyes after finally be able to see, the creature that attacked them before.


From the shadows, a [monster] has appeared.

A monster with a massive body covered in black fur.

Its dark claws cut the ground as its lips opened to reveal its enormous, sharp teeth.

The ruby eyes of the creature glowed in the darkness.

And above its head, it displays its name...

[The Dark Wolf Leader].

That has the red color in it.

Upon seeing its name, Rei grinned and took a deep breath.


"Aren't you quite early....[Boss Monster]?"

When Rei lifted his sword, the enormous wolf begins to howl...

Finally, the second round had begun to sound.

To be continued...