Chapter 13 : The Awakening & The New Encounter (Part 1) (Edited)

It was early in the morning when a sound of nature intermingled with something else in the area.


There's a boy who's currently swinging his sword on a tree. He was very calm and quiet as he swung the weapon.


Moreover, each swing was filled with powerful strength that was loud enough to be heard from all the way to the village.


The boy was Kiritsuka Rei, it's been two months ever since he started training with Ray Houston—the other soul that resided within his body who came from future.



Rei who continue to swing his sword felt something strange happening to his body.

'What is...this feelings?'

His sense started to get sharper, his breathing was steady and calm depsite swinging his sword numerous times.

'Everything moving so slow...'

While his thoughts process are also getting faster.

'What is..happening right now?'

He could see his sword movement getting slower but in reality.




His swing was getting faster and faster...

'This is it...'

Rei suddenly felt his body heating up, his wooden sword felt more lighter.

And after that...


When he swung his sword into straight horizontal line.


It cut through the tree as it begin to fall down.


The loud noise from the falling tree spooked the birds and making them fled from the area.


Rei panted heavily while he widened his eyes after witnessing of what just happened.

'Finally, you had achieved it.'

Rei just stood there and felt something surrounding his body, he heard someone's voice.

"This is..."

When he noticed it as soon as his body was clad by red mist that was crawling around his skin.


[You had acquired skill [Aura]!]

"A skill...? [Aura]."



Passive Skill

An energy that strengthen both individual's body and mind, by achieving awakening through a hardship and fight between life and death. (It can be activated automatically)


After he saw the skill, another voice came out again.

'Congratulations, Kiritsuka.'

It was Ray's voice that came out from inside Rei's mind.

'You've finally achieved [enlightment] and created an [Aura].' Ray spoke to him.

"[Aura]?" Rei repeated his words.

'Yeah, [Aura] is an internal force that run course inside your body, it can passively strengthen your body and senses from inside and burst them all out into powerful force.' Ray explained.

"W-woah..." Rei looked at his hand, that seeping through with his red aura.

"But how is this different than a [Mana]?" Rei asked him as he was curious about that part.

'Good question, and of course it is entirely different than [Mana] or [MP] that we had.' Ray replied.

'[Mana], it's an external force which is not coming from you but your surroundings and by using it, you can created a phenomenon that you can called [Magic], such as [Fire].' Ray explained.

"I see." Rei replied.

'But of course, to acquired [Aura], you need a rigorous training and meditation.' Ray explained again.

'Different than [Magic], you need to acquired that was called [Mana Heart].' Ray added.

'[Mana Heart]?' Rei repeated.

'Yeah, but only people who have their [Job] as a [Mage] can acquired that.' Ray replied.

"I see." Rei somewhat felt down as he thought he could use magic.

"But, is there any differences between acquiring an [Aura] and those who not?" Rei asked.

'Of course, you can tell the differences already, when your [Aura] was released, don't feel your surroundings are getting slower, am I right?' Ray replied to his question.

Rei nodded to respond to his question.

'When you are in state of using [Aura], it can also unconsciously strengthen your eyesight and your thoughts to process much faster.'

Ray explained while Rei looked at his hands, but when he observed it closely.

"But why does it feel familiar..." Rei muttered, "No, it was the same like [Sharp Edge] skill that I used from my first sword." He spoke.

Ray smiled, 'Correct, but there a differences between your [Aura] and the skill from your sword.'

"Differences? Why is that?" Rei looked at his hands again, but he couldn't get the answer.

"Because, the [Aura] that came out was not from you, but...from the sword that you held.' Ray answered him.

"From the sword?" Rei repeated him.

'Yeah, do you remember what you felt when you forge that sword on that day?' Ray asked him.

"Hmmm, I think I felt joy and if I was having fun forging it...though I don't know why it had something to do with it." Rei spoke.

Ray laughed, 'Hahaha! Sometimes you are clueless or either smart of yourself!'

"Ughh...don't tease me, just answer the question." Rei felt irritated when he comment him like that.

Ray smiled, 'The answer is, your [Emotion] that caused it to happen.'

"My emotion? But I never learn or know what [Aura] is." Rei replied.

'Yes, even without learning, [Aura] can be triggered by some emotion, such as Happiness, Sadness, Joy or Anger.'

'So when you forged that sword, you unconsciously released your aura and injecting it into the sword with a small fraction of it.' Ray explained.

'And that small fraction of [Aura] created a skill called [Sharp Edge].' Ray concluded it.

Rei was amazed by it, "I see...but wait, doesn't [Aura] and [Mana] is different thing? How can you explain about the skill that needed a [Mana] to activate it?"

'You sure asking a good question after one and another, are you sure you are not a scholar or something?' Ray commented his behavior to keep asking more and more.

"I am not, but for me, informations are crucial to know the unknown things." Rei replied.

'That is true.' Ray replied.

'Then let me explain it for you to understand.'

'[Skill], is an ability that required external force like [Mana] to activate them.

'And [Skill] can created the same phenomenon just like [Magic].'

'But the differences between a [Normal Skill] and [Magic Skill], they both required different things.'

'For example, there's a [Skill] that can be activated without [Mana], such as a [Techniques] that comes from a swordsman or martial artist, like your skill [Vertical Slash] and [Horizontal Slash] are one of them.'

'Both of those skills doesn't require any mana to begin with, because it just basic technique and pure raw strength to use it and in addition they also can be fused together with [Aura] to increase their strength.'

'And there's [Magic Skill], a skill that created a phenomenon such as [Fire] that you always use, people with no [Mana Heart] can still use magic although they can only use low-class one.'

'But what about the [Skill] that used [Mana]?'

'Of course, they will be different, because they can created the same phenomenon as [Magic Skill], although the differences between the skills they required a strong and complicated [Techniques] to created something that they envisioned with.'

'While [Magic Skill] required intelligence and memorization, to created something that they envisioned as well.' Ray explained it wholeheartedly.

'Now you understand everything?' And ended it with a question.

Rei nodded vigorously, feeling his head about to burst out after receiving that much information.

"But...I guess, [Aura] sounds very practical and easy." Rei muttered

When Ray heard that, he began to laugh, 'Hahahaha! Yeah, you truly are weird!' He commented.

"What do you mean by that?" Rei asked while feeling insulted.

'Well, knowing you that you have no knowledge of what [Aura] is, a given.'

'Normally, people would take decades to achieve of what you just did, as for me, it tooks 8 years to finally achieved that.' Ray explained.

Rei felt his jaw dropped and his eyes widened in shock as soon as he heard it.

"Wha—Why did you just tell me just now! after those long explanation!" Rei asked as he found it disturbing, cause from all the explanation he just made, he left the crucial one.

'Hahaha! because I want to see your reaction!' Ray exclaimed proudly.

Rei just sighed, "Seriously...I am still new to this, at least give me a break." He replied while he stared at the cutted tree then to his worn out wooden sword.

"[Aura], huh..." Rei muttered.

'Yeah, that is an [Aura], with that, you can strengthen almost everything from cutting or crushing.'

'So from now on, the training will be much more harder than before. To make sure you can control your [Aura] more efficiently and more powerful. Got it?' Ray stated.

"Yes sir." Rei replied confidently because this is the first step at getting stronger.

'Now, let's go back, we promised Emily to play with her today.' Ray reminded him.

"And who's fault is that, for forcing my body to the limit for the past two months." Rei replied to him.

'Well, you need it and someday, you will be grateful to it.' Ray replied back.

After that, he went back home with a smile on his face.


In the middle of the day, Rei and Emily went out to play together. While they were playing, some kids approached the two of them.

It was James and his gang that also came with few other kids from the village.

"Ohh! This is where you are, Ray aniki!" James called him out when the two of them approached them.

There was also Bob and Hans standing beside him, while behind them, there's a timid boy and girl that seems to be siblings because they share similar brown hair.

"Hey, James though...didn't I told you do not call me that?" Rei responded to him nicely since they were in good terms now after that boss monster incident.

On the day after Iris went back to the kingdom and Rei started his training, James and his gang came to visit and apologized to him while also expressing their gratitude for saving them and sacrificing himself.

Rei couldn't help but to forgive them because they're still children.

Now their relationships became more friendly. James and his gang looked up to Rei as their older brother and started calling him with [Aniki].

"Aniki! do you have time?!" James asked him excitedly, you could literally see the moment his eyes lit up and sparkled.

"Hmm, I don't know....I'm playing with Emily right now..." Rei glanced at Emily who's clinging on his arms.

"Yeah! Emily is playing with Onii-chan now! Bleehh!" Emily scoffed while sticking out her tongue.

"N-no way!..." James looked down as he felt a sense of defeat after being rejected by his older brother.

Rei chuckled and smiled at these two. "Emily that's a bad manner."

"B-but Onii-chan!" Emily looked up at him with her puppy eyes.

"No buts, that's a bad manner to stick out your tongue to someone like that." Rei resisted her and gave her a bit of a scolding.

"Ummm...okay, I'm sorry." Emily murmured and looking down to her feet.

Rei smiled softly and gently stroke her head. "That's a good girl~"

Emily's cheeks became warm and she's smiling happily at his praise. "Hehehe~"

Rei slowly shifted his eyes to look at James and the gang and he noticed two new presences behind them when he secretly used his aura.

A voice came out inside his mind.

'Heh, this kid, he is quick at using his aura.'

Rei just smiled after being praised by Ray, and start to speak.

"James, how about we play together? The more the merrier after all."

Rei offered while James lit up once again as soon as he heard him.

"Really?! Yeah!" James exclaimed while smiling happily.

"Good for you boss!" Hans added.

"Yeah!" Bob added as well.

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot, I want to introduce you guys to someone first."

The two of kids who were behind them started walking forward at James' cue.

"They are...?" Rei asked as he looking at them.

'A twin?'

The boy and the girl had the same eyes and hair color, they have light green eyes, brown hair and both of them were standing side by side timidly.

'But...why do they looked scared?' Rei thought seeing them cower in front of him.

"They are kids from the kingdom and a noble, recently they came here not too long ago to have their vacation." James explained.

"My parents are friends with their parents so she told me to take their children to get along with others." James explained it again.

"I see." Rei replied.

'Your parents are have a connection with nobles at outside of this village.' Rei claimed it in his thought.

"Hey, you should introduce yourself." James spoke while giving a push for the timid boy towards him.

The boy stood in front of Rei, shielding the girl who followed him from behind. He looked up at him with bravely.

"N-nice to meet you, R-Ray-san! M-my name is...[Alex Nox Schafer]! And this is my little sister [Emma Shalifa Schafer]!"

The brown haired boy–Alex said while trying his best to keep his composure while introducing his little sister Emma.

"H-hi..." Emma greeted them while hiding behind his brother.

' think I would meet a noble, other than Iris, but wait...I don't remember her family name.' Rei thought to himself.

"Nice to meet both of you, my name is [Ray Houston] and this is my little sister [Emily Houston]." Rei replied them with a smile while Emily hid behind his back, shyly yet curiously taking a peek to the newcomers.

The two siblings were surprised with how he responded to their introduction. They thought he was a scary person because James called him like that.

'I thought he would be a scary and tall person but...' Alex said in his thought while staring at his smile.

'He is way too nice...' Emma who has the same thoughts was surprised and peeked at him from behind.

"Emily, you should said hi to them okay?" Rei gave a push for Emily to introduce herself to them.

"H-hi..." Emily who was standing behind Rei's back, waved her hand as her best effort to greet them.

"H-hi..." The two siblings replied at the same time as their cheeks were starting to get slightly red.

"Well once again, nice to meet you Alex, Emma. I hope we can be good friends." Rei spoke while offering his hand to Alex.

Alex looked at his hand for a few seconds before he slowly reached out, grabbed his hand then shook it a bit.

"L-likewise! I hope we can be good friends!" Alex replied eagerly.

Rei and the others smiled as they were enjoying this moment together. James walked closer to them and patted Alex's shoulder.

"See? I told you! Aniki is a good person!" James said while looking proud of him.

"Y-yeah! I thought he would be a scary person but I was wrong!" Alex spoke bluntly, unaware that his words stabbed Rei's heart.

' I look that scary?' Rei just kept smiling quietly while looking at them have their own conversations.

"Unlike what the rumor said!" When Alex said that, Rei widened his eyes in surprise.

"Wait—what rumor?" Rei asked while looking at them.

"H-huh?? Ummm...there's a rumor that have been spread among the noble." Alex replied.

"There's a rumor about that??" Rei asked him.

Alex nodded, "Y-yeah, the rumor is about [Iris-sama], being a friend with someone talented here."

"...?!" Rei was surprised to hear that.

"And that person is you, right?" Alex spoke as he stared at him.

"U-uhhh...yeah I am." Rei nodded while still being surprised, 'Did someone leaked an information about me?'

"Woahhh!!" All of them exclaimed in amazement.

"T-that's amazing." Hans said while fixing his round glasses.

"Y-yeah!" Bob agreed and nodded vigorously.

"You exceeded my expectation Aniki! To think that you're friends with the [Duke's Precious Daughter]—!"

Upon hearing that, Rei felt something cracking inside his mind.


"W-wait, who's daughter again?" Rei asked worriedly.

"Hmm? Iris-sama of course, she is the [Duke's Precious Daughter]." James repeated while blinking, not quite understanding his slight freak out.


After that silence filled the place.

"Also, Alex and Emma is from Duke Schafer family." James added.

'D-d-d-duke's daughter!!!?? And they are also a Duke's children?!' Rei screamed inside his mind while maintaining a poker face.

'Ah, I forgot to mention that.' Ray's voice came out.

'Again?! Why you left such crucial information from me?!' Rei shouted accusingly.

'U-uhh...sorry, this time I totally forgot.' Ray admitted apologetically

Rei sighed a bit, 'I was pretty rude to her...'

'Sorry, I didn't know...I was fixated with her first name.' Ray replied.

'First name?' Rei asked.

'If I remember correctly, her name is [Iris May Welford].' When Ray said that, it left a big impact for Rei.

'[Welford]?' Rei repeated her last name.

'Yeah, I will explain about that later. The kids are still here.' Ray said.

Rei quickly went back to the real world and noticed that James and Alex was staring at him.

"A-amazing, he doesn't seem surprised even after hearing us came from a Duke Schafer family as well." Alex spoke.

"Heh, that's our aniki! He doesn't get scared over something like that!" James replied proudly of his big brother here.

"But, is there something wrong Aniki?" James asked while looking at him with a hint of concern in his tone since he just stared off at the distance for quite a while.

"Uhhhh...y-yeah, I am fine sorry about that, let's talk about this later and go play together okay?" Rei replied with a weak smile, trying to regain his composure in front of the kids.

"A-are you sure about that? For us to play together?" Alex asked timidly while his sister nodded along with his question.

"Of course, like I said the more merrier." Rei spoke reassuringly. "Now let's go play."

Rei reached his hand to them and pulled them closer to play together with Emily, James, Hans and Bob.

They were playing together until it sunset.


When the night has come, another life and death fight between Kiritsuka Rei and Ray Houston will took place.

This will be their last but not least of their fight, because this will be....the beginning of their journey.

To be continue...