Chapter 16: The Great Five Family & The Villainess (Part 2)

In the middle of the day, within Welford's household, inside of a certain room…

Three people gathered together around the table. A huge middle-age old man with black hair and red blood eyes was sitting across his wife, who also looked like to be young despite her age is the same as the man across her, with her luscious blonde hair and blue eyes while the one who sat in between the two of them was a young man with blonde and blue eyes.

The older male sipped a cup of tea he procured from the table,

"Hmmm, what a pleasant day...a cup of warm tea, a time with my wife and my children."

He took another sip of his tea as he spoke. This middle-age old man is the head of the Welford family–Henry von Welford.

"Fufufu~ well you have been busy with paper works these days~ a day off is good for your body~"

The blond haired lady is his wife–Eliza luth Welford. She spoke as she giggled watching her husband in front of her.

"Mhm, indeed father, you have been working too hard. Mother and Iris are worried of you."

Meanwhile, this young man is their first son as well the heir of Welford family–Albert dragh Welford.

"Hehehe, of course. As expected my wife and daughter. They both are beautiful and kind!"

Henry said as he smiled proudly.

"Ara~ what a wonderful husband I have~"

Eliza said while smiling at her husband.

"So where is my daughter?"

"Yeah, I haven't seen her this morning."

Both Albert and Henry asked to themselves while looking around.

"She is training right now~" Eliza spoke while taking a sip of her cup of tea.

"Ohhh, training? I heard from the report, as expected my daughter I never thought she would train this early. Is there a reason for her to do it now?" Henry asked, curious of his own daughter's progress.

"I don't really know father, she acted pretty strange after coming back from that village." Albert answered.

"Blumund village huh, I never thought there's a village like that near the border." Henry said while folding his arms, trying to recall if he had ever heard of it but to no avail.

"Indeed, but father I heard something interesting from that village."

"Hoo, what is it my son?"

"I heard there's an outstanding boy who lived there. I overheard it from Iris' soldiers that he fought with a [Boss Monster]."

"[Boss Monster]?! And what happen to that kid?!"

"He defeated it with many injuries around his body. And what's more, is that this boy is in the same age as Iris."

"Hmm, such a scary talent he has. It makes me want to recruit him under me, but sadly he lives in pretty far away."

Both of them came to a mutual agreement after knowing Rei's talent and fighting sense.

"Fufufu~ well actually Iris tried to recruit him~" Eliza joined into the conversation.

Then two of them suddenly turn their head to the woman.

"What?!" Henry and Albert shouted in surprise.

"W-wait my wife! how do you know about this?" Henry asked.

"R-right mother!" Albert added as well.

"Fufufu~ of course I know, it's lady's talk between mother and daughter~" Eliza replied to these two confused man.

"T-then what is his answer?!" Henry asked her once more.

"He rejected her offer." Eliza answered him calmly.

"What?!" Henry and Albert shouted in surprise once again.

"He actually rejected from an angel!! I'll kill him..." Henry said with anger.

"Unforgivable..." Albert said with full of killing intent

"Like father~ like son~ fufufu~" Eliza said in soft tone and enjoying these two attitude.

"Well try to understand this boy~ she told me everything about him, of how brave he is facing the monster that was going to harm his village and how he sacrificed himself for that moment, and at such young age."

Eliza explained it as the two of them start calming down for a moment.

"Especially, he is also the first person Iris likes~"

After she spoke those words something snap could be heard around them.


Suddenly, Henry slammed his hand on the table and stood up.

"Y-you must be joking my wife...our daughter must misspoke about it." Henry stuttered.

"Y-yes! Mother, Iris would never like someone else other than her family right? Hahaha..." Albert chuckled a bit hysterically while standing up as well.

But Eliza stayed calm and smiled at them while taking a sip of her tea.

"Albert...let's go to the Blumund village and found this boy!!" Henry shouted like a maniac.

"Yes father!! I'll follow you!!" Albert shouted as well.

But then the heated atmosphere slowly getting cold when Eliza spoke.

"Ara~ where do you think you are going to~ anata (dear)~"

The two of them froze for a moment and turned their head to this smiling women who enjoy her tea calmly.

" wife, I-i'm p-planning to go to that village to...give my respect to that kid! Yeah! Hahaha..."

"Mhm~ mhm~ and your real plan?~" Eliza asked with a smile.

"I wanted to purge this boy..." When Henry spoke those words he looks menacing like there's dark aura around him.

Eliza sighed and smiled again at him again.

"Could you please stop these act anata~ or do you want to be hated by Iris?" When Eliza spoke as if there's a flower popping out around her.

"U-ughh... b-but m-my wife–"


"O-our daughter is–"




"U-ughh... I-i understand..."

After her relentlessly attack him with her beautiful and cuteness, Henry quickly sat down and quietly drank his tea as he somehow felt the blizzard from her words despite her looks cheerfully with smile.

Albert who saw this quickly sat down as well when his mother glanced over to him.

'As expected mother...'

Eliza huffed exasperatedly and looked at them with a wry smile.

"I understand both of you are worried of her, but she respects his answer and beside this boy look a good kid and extremely rare one~" Eliza mused, taking another sip of tea from her cup.

"Rare? what do you mean by that?" Henry asked cautiously while slowly looking at his wife.

"Fufufu~ curious?~" Eliza replied to her husband with a smile.

They quickly nodded since they did want to know the answer.

But when she's about to say something...

"Well he's–"


A loud explosion invaded their ears and the sound was powerful enough to rattle the windows.

"What happen?!" Henry shouted with serious looks.

"Father! that direction!" Albert said while point his finger towards the smoke.

"That is where the training ground place!" Eliza added as she stood up from her seat.

"Tsk, Eliza, you stay here. It might be an ambush, so Albert I want you to protect your mother understood?" Henry said while tapping his son's shoulder.

"Y-yes father!" Albert nodded his head as his father left the room with few guards following him.

"Protect them with all your might! I'm going to save my daughter."

Henry spoke to those guards as they quickly answered him.

"Yes sir!"

Then guarding the room as he left with a sword on his hand towards to the training ground.

'I hope you are safe...Iris..."


25 minutes ago, Iris was having a spar with one of the soldiers there.



Iris shouted while clashing her sword with an old man who stood in front of her, holding his sword and blocking her sword with ease.

"You have grown stronger from the last time I see you, Ojou-sama."

This old man is Rowan, he has silver white hair and striking blue eyes. He has sharp jawline and there are wrinkles that marred his face due to old age considering he's almost in his late sixties. But despite that he was quite tall with broad shoulders, straight posture and well-built physique.

He is the man who has the title of the strongest swordsman in the kingdom and also the one who taught the head of the Welford family of how to wield a sword.

But now he was recruited to be Iris's teacher, to teach her how to wield a sword just like her father.

"W-well, I can't help it I need to be stronger to be recognized as one of the Welford family!"

Iris said while smiling at her opponent, swords clashing to one another. She changed out of her usual clothes and was wearing a breast plate, simple blue clothes and skirt with her hair tied into a ponytail.

"I see, then show me how strong you have become!"

"Don't worry, it's my plan to defeat you today Sensei!"

The two of them shouted as Iris suddenly used her strength to flank Rowan's sword aside as he took a step back.


Iris took this chance and stepped forward to swing her sword from the right side, but Rowan quickly lifted his sword up and swung it down towards her.


When the sword was hitting her, it passed through her body like a mist and disappeared. Rowan widened his eyes in surprise seeing her disappear from his sight.


Then he felt a presence from his back as Iris came out from his shadow from behind.

'[Shadow Movement] and [Shadow Blade].'

Iris casted her skill [Shadow Blade] as her sword cloaked with shadow energy.


[Shadow Movement]

Active Skill

MP Cost: 25

Maintain the skill: -5 MP/1 sec.

A skill that allows individuals to move along in the shadow and slipped inside enemy's defense to strike.



[Shadow Blade]

Active Skill

MP Cost: 50

Cooldown: 15 sec.

Maintain the skill: -10 MP/1 sec.

Casting a shadow on individual's sword with shadow energy that ignored any kind of defense.


Rowan who noticed this quickly turned around to anticipate her sword but when she casted that skill, her sword slipped through his own.

Rowan was surprised after seeing that but he slowly smiled.

'Hmmm, she improved this much in such young age huh…even so—!!'

When her sword was about to hit him, he stopped it by holding her hand that was gripping her sword handle.


Iris widened her eyes seeing her attack was stopped with that kind of manner then Rowan kicked her legs to make her fall while he quickly took his sword and aimed it at her neck.

"You're still inexperienced." Rowan spoke with a smile.

"Uggh, fine I lost!" Iris admitted.

"Heh." Rowan huffed.


*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

The two were applauded by the audience which is the soldiers that was hanging around there as well her maid Silvi who spectated along between them.

"That was amazing Ojou-sama!"

Silvi walked towards her while bringing a clean towel on her hands.

"Thanks, Silvi~"

Iris replied with a smile as she got up with Rowan's help who was giving her a hand to stand.

Iris took the towel and wiped her sweat on her neck line with it.

"Phew, now it's time for magic training!" Iris exclaimed brightly.

"Another training?! B-but Ojou-sama, you will ruin your body!" Silvi protested with worry.

"It's fine, it's fine~"

'Well since I can cast [Heal] to myself~ now then what should I do for magic training~"

Iris having such a thought while smiling while Rowan stared at her.

"Hmmm." Rowan slowly walked towards Silvi.

"Silvi, did something happen to Ojou-sama? She seems spirited up more than the usual."

"You noticed, Rowan-sama? Well…something did happen 2 months ago, when you weren't around Rowan-sama."

"Ohh? Is that so? Was it that talented boy that our Ojou-sama trying to recruit?"

"Yes, but why would you bother to ask if you know it already Rowan-sama." Silvi asked him without giving a glance towards him.

"Well I'm just quite curious for someone who stood beside her and watched them over." Rowan said while glancing at her.

"Indeed, as a person who watched over them, I think he is pretty strong."

"Stronger than Ojou-sama?"

When Rowan asked, Silvi nodded her head.

"I see, so that's why she keeps training over and over." Rowan hummed, rubbing his chin as he closed his eyes.

"Yes, and I'm worried about her forcing herself…" Silvi trailed off, looking at Iris worriedly.

Rowan looked at her and patted her head gently. "You don't have to worry about her, since she is my disciple as well as my Granddaughter's Young Lady."

Silvi widened her eyes when she felt her head being patted by him. She quickly looked away as she spoke with her ears slowly reddened, "P-please stop this, we are still working, Ojii-sama."

"Hahaha! my Granddaughter is the cutest, but well I hope you take care of her as well." Rowan grinned widely towards her.

"Of course I will. Because it's my job as her maid." Silvi said determinedly.

But then after that...



Suddenly a gust of wind was blowing them from their side making the two of them turned their eyes towards the source it. They could see Iris was standing there with her hand aiming at something in front of her and there's a large dark and light magical energy formed on her hand.

"O-ojou-sama!?!" Silvi shouted, her eyes widened since they could feel the magical energy that was coming from her got even stronger.

Even Rowan was surprised after seeing the large magical energy that she let out.

"Ojou-sama?! That is..!"

"S-sensei... S-silvi... what should I do?..." Iris panicked, getting teary eyed as she thought,

'H-how did this happen...!?'

To be continue...

*Iris' Current Status*



NAME: Iris Mei Welford/ Hanamachii Yomi

JOB : Magic Swordsman

TITLE : [The Other Worlder]; [The Villainess]; [Quick Learner]; [Magic Master]; [Sword Master]

[Level: 12]

[HP: 2020/2020]

[MP: 650/600]


EXP: 0/9000



STRENGTH : 32(+15)




SENSE : 24(+15)


Magic Mastery Lv3; Sword Mastery Lv3; Super Growth LvMax; Darkness Magic Lv3, Light Magic Lv3; Magic Eyes Lv2; The Villainess LvMax; Etiquette Lv4

Status Appraisal Lv2

Foresight Lv2

Restraint Lv3

Shadow Movement Lv2

Shadow Blade Lv2

Heal Lv2

Holy Light Lv1

Sword Dance Lv2

Vital Strike Lv2

Omni-Slash Lv2
