Chapter 26: The Test & The Journey (Part 5)

At first, Nel didn't quite expect that he would come to him and asked such a request. Moreover, why would he only wanted the instructions, instead of asking to be taught directly.

He accepted it without question after seeing Rei's face who seemed to be aware of what he's doing, so he decided to trust him about it.

" me after the party is over okay?"

"Thank you, Uncle Nel!"

Rei bowed his head towards Nel and left to see the other kids are.

'Book instructions? You only want that?' Rey questioned, once again left in confusion with Rei's actions and decision making.

'Yep.' Rei answered him nonchalantly as he kept walking.

'Shouldn't you be asking him to teach you how to use a spear?'

'Of course I would love to, but that means I would be disturbing his job. Remember where we are?'

Ray realized something.

'Inside the forest between the border...'

'Exactly...that's why I want him to focus on his job instead of teaching me. Of course I would be asking some advice on how to use the spear efficiently, but I need to learn the basics first.'

'But you think only instructions is enough?!'

'Remember one of my title and skill, Houston?'

'Huh? Y-you don't mean?'

'Exactly, rather than using someone to teach me...I will use this skill to the fullest' He paused, 'Well, as much as my limit would allow it, that is.'


[Quick Learner]

A tittle given by the [God of Wisdom, Athena] who are interested in this individual. She was impressed by how quick this individual adapted to this new world and learned about their life pretty quickly. So she gave him this title and additional skill called [Super Growth].



[Super Growth]

Passive skill

A skill that allows the invidual to get another additional 2.0× EXP on both status and skill. (It also allows the individual to acquire or learn a new skill.)


As Ray checked on it, his face paled a bit.

'Isn't this cheating...'

'Like I said, I don't have any choice either...but time is ticking and I have to become stronger before the tragedy could happen.'

'I see...I get it.' Ray sighed, 'So? After reading the instructions, what are you gonna do next?'

'Of course...fulfilling all the requirements for the skill, and I will try my best to accustom myself with the spear and start making spares of them.' Rei spoke with a smirk.

Ray was left speechless after hearing that, thoroughly amazed, 'Sometimes I wonder what kind of life you were having before coming here.'

'Hahaha~ well I'm just your humble highschooler.'

'High—what? What's that?'

'Hm well...that's a secret. Besides you are the one who told me that everything can be a weapon and use everything you have to defeat the enemy.

'If the enemy is hard to be cut, then I only need to stab it with strong thrust like spear right?' Rei mused, 'That's just a thought though, I still need to learn more another skill so I won't just be stuck with a sword.

'Am I right, Sensei~'

Ray sighed and couldn't help the smile on his face at his Impressive thought process.

'Okay okay, I understand. it seems my teaching was very effective'

'Heh, you should be proud to have such a student like me.' Rei boasted.

'Sure, yeah, my student is the greatest.' Ray praised monotonously.

'Wow...that's the worst praise I ever heard...' Rei shook his head, 'And by the way, if I learn the [Spear Arts] does that mean you'll be able to learn it too? I mean we are linked with each other.'

'Huh...I never tried it before, I never hold a spear in my entire life.'

'I see, we can probably test it after I acquire that skill.'

'Yeah, sounds like a plan.' Ray agreed and eventually, they finally arrived at their destination.


On the other part of the town, Nel was having a talk with Adam right on the corner where no one was around to over hear their conversation.

"Adam, I have something to say to you."

"What is it?"

"Let me get straight into the point...what is wrong with your son, Adam." Nel spoke seriously.

Adam narrowed his brows, "What do you mean by that?"

"I honestly don't want to ask any of this...but today's event is different." Nel hardened his eyes, "Can you answer my dear childhood friend, Adam?"

"I don't know what you son is fine as he is and I need to go back to my family–" As Adam about to leave, his shoulder was grabbed by Nel, stopping him from moving.

"Don't dodge the topic! I know you are hiding something from me, Adam. This is a serious problem."

Adam looked at him for a moment then sighed, shrugging his shoulder away from his grasp, "I understand that you want to know...but trust me, I don't know a single thing about it."

"What do you mean you don't know?! Did you see about his performance today?! His swordsmanship is on par with a veteran and he even awakened his [Aura] in such a young age which usually need several years to develop?!"

"Like I said...I don't know shit about it." Adam glared, growing increasingly tired with his question, "And today was the first time I saw him using [Aura]."

"How is that even possible?! He is your son, you should have—!!"

"Because I never ask, Nel." Adam raised his voice a bit, and when he realized it, he looked away.

"...what?" Nel widened his eyes, taken aback.

"You heard me."

"But why?! He is your son!–"

"–Because he is my son, and as his father I need to respect his not speak about what he hides from us." Adam explained with somewhat bitter look on his face.

Nel finally shut his mouth at that and sighed as he calmed himself down.

"But, he told me...he will tell us about it when he is ready...I just need to put all of my trust on him."

Nel looked at his friend, then shook his head.

"That trust might come back to bite know."

"Heh, he is my son... don't worry about him."

"Of course I would be worried you idiot, he might die...out someone who have [Blacksmith] as his job...he's still lacking combat abilities and not enough aura to survive the outside world."

"You haven't change my friend...a worry wart who can't keep his nose out of someone's problem." Adam chuckled light-heartedly. "I know...I am scared as well ever since he was injured 2 years makes me worried all the time whenever he went out from the house."


"But after knowing the power that he possess now...I don't have to worry about this...because I know...

"Someday...he will change the world."

Nel sighed once more and rubbed his head, "Such big words coming from your mouth... and fine, I won't butt in into your family's problem."

Nel looked at him again, smirking, "To tell you the truth, I'm proud that my friend has such an outstanding son, like him."

"Heh, tell me about it!" Adam boasted full with pride as they finally left that secluded place and back into the crowd.


Meanwhile, Rei who was with the other kids used his aura to enhance his hearing to hear his father and uncle Nel's conversation.

'Woah...your father sure is a cool person.' Rei whistled inside his mind.

'Well he is the father I respect.' Ray replied with a smile.

'Yeah indeed.' Rei chuckled a bit as he transitioned back to reality.

Now, he was sitting between the kids, with Emily on his right side and James on his left side while the others sat across them.

They had grown so much in these past 2 years, James looked energetic as usual and his body was a bit taller and build than he used to be.

Hans who used to have skinny body and short bob-cut hair, now he had long hair and shaped body after he trained it like he was told by Rei.

Meanwhile Bob buffed up a bit, still quite chubby but the aura around him was stronger now.

"Aniki! Congratulations on your victory! That was amazing match!" James spoke with excitement.

"Yeah, I never knew you can defeat Uncle Nel."

Hans spoke with analytical stare as he fixed his glasses while Bob who was sitting next to him only ate his food while looking at Rei silently in admiration.

Rei chuckled nervously from all the stares, even his little sister was looking at him with sparkling eyes.

"That's my Onii-chan for you!" Emily said while clinging onto his arms.

Rei couldn't help but sigh, "Okay okay, let's stop this praises." Rei said while chuckling.

"But Aniki! I've been wondering...why did you fight with Uncle Nel in the first place?"


After James asked, Rei twitched a bit as he couldn't exactly tell him the reason. However, he steeled himself and finally spoke,

"Because...I go out from the village."

When he spoke those words, they all went into silence, frozen up for a moment. Emily stayed quiet, still holding her brother's hand.

"W-what do you mean are going to leave? Wait– why?!" James asked as he stood up from his seat, looking furious someho. Rei merely looked at him quietly.

"Yeah! Why!" Hans and Bob spoke as well because this was quite a shock to them. "What about us?!"

"Is it because we are not strong enough...that you decided to leave..." James spoke as he in the verge of crying, while the other two stared at him in the same way.

Rei sighed, then smacked their head.



"Calm down! Seriously...did I ever say that you guys aren't strong enough?"


"Then stop assuming things! if you are a warrior then you must stay calm in every kind of situation...isn't that what I taught you?!"

"Y-yes!..." The three of them nodded at the same time.

Rei sighed once more, "I don't want to ruin the mood here, but calm down and listen to what I am about to say."

They did as they were told, staying put and listened to him.

"Let me tell you okay...the reason why I want to leave the village...

"Is to become stronger..." Rei spoke seriously.

When James about to say something, Rei continued, "–and if you asked me why do I need to do that, it's because this place is limiting my growth. I will be stuck like this until I got old...and if I don't leave,

"We don't know when another [Boss Monster] would appear here, and if that monster is stronger than the last time...when that time comes, I might not be strong enough to fend them off again."

"You guys remembered right? From that night."

After hearing his words, it made them shiver remembering the incident from 2 years ago.

"I almost died...even with my current strength, I still think that I couldn't defeat that monster on my own..."

Then his head turned around to look at some people who seemed to be drinking and laughing as if they had a wonderful time, "And if it weren't for the duke's mens help...I would be dead by now."

They kept quiet, still listening to him intently.

Rei sighed and suddenly...


Rei smiled and patted James's head, "You guys are thinking too much, stop making those faces as if it's the end of the world."

James widened his eyes when he felt his hand touching his head.

"Don't you guys have a become a strong adventurer to help this village."

"It's the same as me, I want to help the village too and so...I will be going first before you guys." Rei said determinedly.

"I'll wait for you guys from up there." Rei smiled brightly at them.

James tried to hold his tears back and nodded his head, "Yes, I understand! Aniki...I will catch up to you as soon as possible!" James vowed while sniffling his runny nose.

"Yeah I will be looking forward to that." Rei replied with smile, then suddenly Emily hugged his arms.

"Hm? Emily?"

Emily beamed with sparkling eyes, "Onii-chan...I wait for me too okay! I finally decided that I will become strong enough to catch you up like others!"

"Hmmm???? Eh?" Rei blinked his eyes twice.










Shock was an understatement as soon as he heard Emily uttered such a thing. Never in his life he could imagine hearing that coming from his little sister.

"E-emily... y-you must be joking right? I mean you don't have to worry, Onii-chan is enough to protect Emily!"

"Nooo!! Not that! I don't want to see Onii-chan to get hurt, that's why wait for Emily! I will become stronger enough to be by your side!"


"No but! I want to be with Onii-chan!" Emily puffed her cheeks and her eyes started to get somewhat glassy as if she's about to throw her biggest tantrum at him.

'Ugghh... I know she cared for me but it's kind of cheating when she's looking at me like that... '

"Don't use that kind of face on me! When I said no, it means no! "

"I'll do whatever I want! I'm going to catch up, and nobody can stop me! "

The two of them were arguing non-stop as the mood that was tense not too long ago was lifted up by these sibling's quarrel. James, Hans and Bob finished processing what Rei said to them earlier. And now they're slowly came into terms with his situation.

After few minutes, the siblings finally finished arguing,

Rei sighed, finally giving in as he touched his forehead, "Ughh...fine! I allow it."

Emily jumped in triumph and excitement, "Yay!! I love you! Onii-chan~"

Rei shook his head while the others laughed at them, the mood became much better now that they settled things with each other.

Rei smiled, giving a gentle pat to Emily's head, "But make sure you don't slack one a bit okay? And another thing, tomorrow we will be getting serious. I will leave next week, so before that I will be teaching you guys something."

His face became stern, "That's why, I won't be pulling any punches. Got it?!"

"Yes sir!"

As soon as they answered him, it marked the end of tonight's party. Everyone helped cleaning up the mess then went back to their respective home to rest after a long night, preparing to return to their routines and their daily lives tomorrow.

But before Rei went home, he met Nel who was waiting for him near Rei's house.

"Ray, here's the instructions." He showed him the thick book, waving it around a bit "I don't know why you want this but it's best for me to teach you directly instead you know."

Nel spoke while offering him the book. Rei tested its weight then checked its contents by flipping it open. He could see the movement of various skills and stuffs like that written on the old pages.

"Yeah I'm sure uncle, thanks for the offer but I have to refuse."

"Why is that?"

"Because I want to learn this on my own and develop my own skill just like your [Gale Thrust]...but if I hit rock bottom, then I will ask some advice from you."

"I see...I wish you best of luck then." He nodded, "About the match today. It was amazing, I will look forward to the future...when you are strong enough, let's have another match."

Rei smiled and nodded his head, "I understand uncle Nel, on that future I shall show you how much stronger I have become."

"Good...well then I'll be going now, see you tomorrow." He waved as he turned his back to him, walking away.

"See you tomorrow uncle Nel." Rei replied and went back home, clutching the thick book in his hand as he walked.

Inside of his house, his family greeted him with a smile, celebrating his victory a bit more. After a while, they all went to sleep and Rei in particular slept soundly on his comfy bed, recollecting everything that happened tonight before being dragged to dreamland with a smile on his face.


Three days later...









The booming sound of a falling large tree echoed around the forest. The one standing in the midst of all the other fallen trees was Rei.

His body was covered with reddish aura but there wasn't a single piece of clothing to cover his toned upper body and the sweat making his skin seemed to glisten under the sunlight.

On his hands was a worn out spear which definitely had seen much of his training these past few days, seeing all of the atrocities he pulled against the poor forest's vegetations.

The boy eventually took a deep breath to steady himself, calming down his beating heart and the adrenaline pumping in his veins before slowly letting it out through his mouth.

And as if on cue, he heard a sound




[You learned skill "Spear Arts"]



to be continue...