Chapter 28: The Test & The Journey (Part 7)

In the Welford's manor, there's a tea party between nobles kids. It was held inside of a beautiful garden behind the main building.

A girl with beautiful blue and white dress sat down between two people who were also attending the party.

The two were a boy and a girl who had the same eyes and hair color, light green eyes, and blonde silky hair.

The boy was Alex Nox Schafer, who were 8 years old as of now. He was trained by Rei 2 years ago and now was back to his homeland.

On the other hand, the girl was his little sister–Emma Shalifa Schafer a timid girl who kept clutching onto her dress in the middle of the party.

Meanwhile, the girl who sat between them was Iris Mei Welford, 8 years old. Despite still being so young, her figure was quite taller than before, just like a model and her looks got even more beautiful.

As she sipped her tea, her maid Silvia stood beside her. Silvia didn't change at all, just your ordinary silver-white haired girl doing her best as a Young Lady of the Welford family's maid

"How was the tea~ Ojou-sama~" Silvi asked with courteous mile.

"It's good as usual~ Silvi~" Iris spoke as she elegantly put the cup back on the table then looking at the twins who seemed to be uncomfortable with this party.

"Why don't you two enjoy the tea too~ etto... Emma-sama~ Alex-sama~"

"Y-yes!" Both of them spoke nervously at the same time. It was clear that they were shy at the presence of the girl who was sitting with them.

Her beauty and her elegance were so bright, completely different than the other children who liked to yell and gossiped.

Her black silky hair and her dress that match her sky color eyes made it look like as if a goddess have descended to this world.

"How was the tea?~" Iris asked while watching them with her charming smile.

"I-it was very good Iris-sama!" Alex replied while Emma nodded quickly.

"I'm glad the tea was to your liking~ but let's get into the point." Suddenly, the tension from the air tightened as Iris dropped her smile.

"Y-yes! W-what is it?" Alex gulped.

"U-ummm..could you tell me about your days with Ray-sam– I-i mean Ray-san!" Iris stuttered for some reason and looked embarrassed.

The twins stared at each other for a moment before they looked at Iris who was looking away, hoping that they couldn't see her blush.

"Ray-san? You mean...Ray Houston-san right?" Alex asked for confirmation.

"Y-yes, Ray Houston...m-mhm..." Iris coughed a bit, clearing her throat and tried to regain her composure.

Alex blinked twice then smiled, "Why don't ask him yourself about that? If I may ask. "

"Um...I mean it will be rude for me to disturb his busy time...r-right?" Iris mumbled, fiddling her two index fingers together.

"Y-yeah, well...he did nothing but training and forging in the workshop." Alex replied, recalling his days at that village.

"S-see?! I mean, I'm quite curious of what he does that's all...since the two of you also had been there before."

"I-i understand, how about I tell you about my days with him" Alex offered.

"A-are you sure? About this?"

"Y-yeah but I hope it doesn't bore you."

"No no no! it won't!" Iris reply while looking a bit too excited.

'Yay! at last! It's been two years!...I only heard about him from the report but it's way too formal and it's as if I'm spying on him...'

'That's right...I haven't mailed him once because I was too nervous besides being busy with training and stuff...huhuh.'

'But not anymore! I finally could hear a second opinion from someone who stayed there with him! Hahaha!'

As her mind was messed up like that, her expression didn't change at all because her skill [The Villainess] was active.

Though in her silence, both Alex and Emma were staring at her try to called her out.

"U-umm, Iris-sama? You there?" Alex called her out while waving his hand in front of her face.

"Y-yes!? Oh...sorry about that!" Iris quickly snapped and feeling a bit embarrassed for daydreaming about him just now.

"Okay??...well how do we start this."

Then Alex begin to told her the story about his meeting with Rei from 2 years ago.

Alex was just a kid who have talent in magic as a mage and of course he have zero stamina.

Rei decided to teach him how to fight and increased his stamina along with Hans who havs the same job as him.

Alex told her about how ruthless he is...and how much he forced him to do his best.

Iris who listened seems disbelief of what he told her. Since the Ray she know are kind and caring person, well from the game she played.

Then he continue about him and the result of his training was...amazing. He told her that ever since his stamina was increased due the training, he felt less tired when using magic especially he tried many things while running and stuffs that he never done, added with magic he couldn't to be very happy for the result.

Alex put a smile on his face, "I could never imagine, I can do all of that...I'm very thankful to him, despite he was very rude and harsh on the training, he never tried to push us around and if we are tired, he let us rest."

"I see...but if you all resting, what is he doing after that?" Iris asked.

"I don't...reallg know, since I was very tired and went to rest myself."

"'s okay, I think I had–"

Emma raised her hand, "I know of what he does after training you guys..." Emma spoke while looking down to her dress as she felt very nervous to said.

"Emma? You do?"

"Y-yes...actually, I've been watching him over." Emma's cheek slowly become red as Iris noticed of this.


"After he trained Alex onii-sama and the others, I saw him went to some places..."

"So I followed him...and what I found was him trained alone..."

This short-blonde hair girl spoke with a low voice as she was very embarrassed of how she told them about her observation of him.

"A-and...yeah...I've been watching him training until we back home..."

"A-amazing...even after he trained us, he still goes on training alone to keep himself stronger." Alex spoke in admiration though meanwhile...

'No no no!! Stop!! You didn't asked why your little sister watching over his own brother's friend?! And continue to watching him until they get back!? You don't think that's weird?!' Iris continue to maintain her poker face while herself is in disarray again.

"Y-yeah...he was amazing...and cool." Emma making this face of maiden in love.

And Iris noticed that, 'U-uwaahhh...that's the face of maiden in expected my Ray-sama is handsome, but to think it would be this potent towards this young innocent girl. But me too.'

Iris coughed to make their attention went back to her, "Well as expected my friend, he is truly remarkable, I even tried to recruit her as the servant here before."

"Huh?! Really?!" Alex looked suprised.

"Indeed, but unfortunately he refused because he still have way long path that he need to walk through it."

"I-i see."

Iris smiled at them as soon a servant came to them, "Iris Ojou-sama, I have a report to make."

"Oh, speak of the devil, how about we hear about his recent activity?" Iris spoke.

"Y-you mean, Ray-san?" Emma asked while her cheeks was still blushing.

"Yes~ now then can you tell us about it~"

"I, understood...the report regarding Ray Houston activity, recently 7 days ago...Ray is having a match with the Blumund Village guard."

Iris widened her eyes, "A match? Why?" Iris asked.

"The reason for the match, it is said that it was a test for him to be able to go outside from the village."

"What?! You mean now?!"

'W-wait– isn't he have the same age as me? Why would he do that? I do remember he is saying that he will go on journey but I never knew it would this fast...' As Iris went into her thoughts again, she spoke again, "Continue..."

The servant began to tell her about it, how Ray's father and how Nel, the village guard as well as former knight from their kingdom decided to have a match with him. This was clearly quite a shocking news to eveyone who heard it.

"Then?! How about Ray?! Is he okay?!"

"C-calm down, Ojou-sama." Silvi spoke to her.

As [The Villainess] skill activated and she regained her calm again.

"U-umm...about Ray Houston, he won the match but end up injuring himself from blocking Nel Shubert final attack."

The four them went silent, one of them smile in admiration(Alex), one of them fidgeting while couldn't help to smile(Emma), while the two of them went shocked but couldn't helpt excited.

'Two years had pass...and he already could defeat a former knight, I don't even know if I can defeat the current him...but what if he gets even stronger in the future? I can't stop thinking about it.'

'And that means...I need to make my move...since...this year–' Iris shook her head and took a sip of her tea.

"Thank you, you can get your compensation with Silvi and it seems the party is gonna be over~" Iris slowly stood up.

Both Alex and Emma rose up from their seat and thanked her with a smile.

"Y-yes, thank you very much for inviting us!"

"Thank you!"

"No problem, I had my share of fun hearing about my friend from you guys and if you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend."

As Iris nodded a goodbye towards them and started to walk, she looked up at the sky for a moment.

'I will look forward to meet you again, my Ray Houston-sama~'



NAME: Iris Mei Welford/ Hanamachii Yomi

JOB : Magic Swordsman

TITLE : [The Other Worlder]; [The Villainess]; [Quick Learner]; [Magic Master]; [Sword Master]

[Level: 12] >>> [Level: 27]

[HP: 2020/2020] >>> [HP: 4020/4020]

[MP: 650/650] >>> [1200/1200]


EXP: 0/9000

STATUS POINT : 150 >>> 0


STRENGTH : 47(+15) >>> 77

AGILITY : 47+30 >>> 77

VITALITY : 47+30 >>> 77

INTELLIGENCE : 75(+15) >>> 115(+15)

SENSE : 39(+15) >> 59


Magic Mastery Lv5; Sword Mastery Lv5; Super Growth LvMax; Darkness Magic Lv5, Light Magic Lv4; Magic Eyes Lv4; The Villainess LvMax; Etiquette Lv6; Knitting Lv4 !!NEW!!; Cooking Lv4 !!NEW!!

Status Appraisal Lv4

Foresight Lv4

Restraint Lv5

Intimidate Lv4 !!NEW!!

Shadow Movement Lv5

Shadow Blade Lv5

Heal Lv5

Holy Light Lv3

Sword Dance Lv5

Vital Strike Lv5

Omni-Slash Lv6

Dark Pulse Lv3



Meanwhile, in the Blumund village...

Rei suddenly sneezed, "Achoo!"

'Hmm? A cold?' Ray asked.

"I don't know...I feel like someone is talking about me."

'Maybe it's just your imagination.'

"I guess–..."



"–so?" While Rei was talking with Ray, James, Bob and Hans were groaning in pain on the ground.

Rei was standing before them, holding his spear as he was just about done training with the other kids.

"Now, do you get it? The intensity of the training to get your own aura?"

"Y-yes sir..."

"The training is going to be much harder, and at the same time, you need to meditate on your own." Rei explained, "For Hans I don't really know but the best is to learn from an actual Mage about your magic skills, since they usually doesn't require aura unlike Bob and James."


"I guess that's all for today." Rei sighed and put down three bottles of green potion, one for each of them on their side.

Then before he left...


Rei stopped walking as he heard James called him, "Yes?"

"A-are you really...going to go out from this village?"

James asked while slowly sitting up straight, slightly tilting his head up to look at him.

"Yeah...I will be going first than–" Rei turned around to look at them with smile, "Make sure to follow me...I will be waiting for you all from above."

James, Bob and Hans widened their eyes seeing the one who always helped them and trained them to be strong, showing such a smile and having expectations on them made them feel...needed and to some extent, special.

"Yes!!" They answered eagerly at the same time.

Rei nodded then soon left them, going back to his house to start preparing his gears and items.

He was wearing a brown clothing with a few sets of armor like a breast plate, arm guards, leg guards and finally a helmet with the shape of some sort of beast.


[Black Helmet of the Unknown Beast]

Grade: Rare

Type: Helmet


Durability: 100%

A helmet that was created with unknown material, it is unclear how it end up into this shape but there's a mysterious power coming out from this helmet. Like a wild beast that are hiding its fangs.


[Beast's Will]

Using the power of the mysterious beast, it allows the individual to temporarily increase STRENGTH, VITALITY, and AGILITY by 15.

Duration : 45 sec.

Cooldown : 65 sec.



[Black Breastplate]

Grade: Rare

Type: Breastplate


Durability: 100%

It was created by unknown material, but it doesn't give any kind of effect, only the black color.



[Black Arm + Leg Guard]

Grade: Uncommon

Type: Arm and Leg Guard


Durability: 100%

It was created by some unknown material, but it doesn't give any kind of effect only the black color.



[Black Boots of the Unknown Beast]

Grade: Rare

Type: Booths


Durability: 100%

A pair of boots filled with dark energy that was created from unknown material. It gives the wielder the ability to move between shadows.


[Shadow Movement]

A skill that allows its user to move along in the shadow and slipped inside enemy's defense to strike.

Duration: 35 sec.

Cooldown: 40 sec.


Then he took out a sword that has black colored blade on it.


[Corrosive Black Sword]

Grade: Epic

Type: Sword


Durability: 100%

A sword that was created using the claws from an unknown beast that roamed the night. The claws contains dark energy which allows its user to apply corrosive effect to anything the sword touches.



Due from its dark energy, it could apply [Corrosion] status towards everything it touches, including the wielders' enemies.


He quickly sheathed this swords, 'Out of all equipments I have created, the helmet, boots and the sword have greater status and skills, while the rest just gained color. It seems that I'm still lacking as a [Blacksmith].'

When he was about to go out, he noticed that there's a long looking pole wrapped in cloths.

"Oh, I almost forgot about this one." He stared at it for a moment, "Hmm...even though it's quite lacking in power, at least it will be handy in the future, I should put it into my inventory first."

He took the clothed pole into his [Inventory] before he heaved a deep sigh, "Now then...shall we head out?"

Rei murmurred before he went out to meet his family that was waiting for him near the gate, along with other villagers and his friends.

Rei stopped when Adam stood in front of him who gently tapped his shoulder. "I never thought that my son is going out as adventurer sooner than I matter where you are, always remember that this village is your home."

"Dad..." Rei hold on to his tears and smiled at him, "I understand..."

His mother, Sheila walked towards him and stood beside her husband, "Don't forget to eat well or you won't grow into a strong man like your father~ Ray~" She spoke while holding on her tears as well but she stood up with w smile and supported him fully.

"I understand Mom, I will become more bigger than Dad on next year...maybe."

"Hahaha! Well that's my son for you!" Adam laughed and ruffled his hair.

Then Emily his little sister walked forward to her brother, "Here!" She gave him a red scarf that have the same color of his left eye.

"For me?" Rei asked in suprise.

Emily nodded, then Rei took the scarf then wrapped it around his neck. The scarf reached down to his shoulders, the soft fabrics felt nice and warm on him.


Suddenly Rei hugged his little sister with a warm smile, "Thank you...Emily. I will look forward to meet you in the future." He spoke softly as he gently pat her head.

The little girl began to cry over her brother leaving, hugging him back just tightly.

Rei couldn't help but embrace his little sister in his arms to calm her down before letting her go.

Then finally, Nel along with James, Bob and Hans came forward.

"Aniki...*sniff*" James sniffled while rubbing his eyes.

The sight of him covered with snot and tears made him chuckled. Rei reached out to give his little brother a reassuring pat, "I'll be waiting for you guys and...for my parting gift..."

Rei reached out his arms into something as a sword, a shield and a staff came out from thin air, all of them came from his [Inventory].

The others who saw this were suprised, especially Nel who noticed it once before.

"As expected, you have a [Space Magic]..." Nel mumbled.

After that, Rei gave those things to them, "Here for you."

The three of them looked at the items in bewilderment before they eventually took it from him, holding onto their weapon that was created by their leader who was about to leave from the village.

"Th-this for real?" James stuttered, still couldn't believe his own eyes.

Bob stared at the shield in awe. "Woah..."

While Hans fixed his glasses as he confirmed the item he was holding, "I-i can feel the magic from it."

"The sword and the shield was the easiest one but that staff is quite hardest one I ever made"

"I use what's left of the material I have and created those things for you. The sword is the same one I use on that day when I save you, the shield was created by the monsters I hunt so it's pretty durable and for the staff...I used a precious magic crystal that I have to increase the output of the magic once it's casted."

"So make sure to use it well and don't forget to take care your weapon properly, got it?"

"Understood! Thank you very much Aniki!" The three of them bowed at him in gratitude and respect.

Rei smiled then he went to Nel and took out a spear from his [Inventory], it was a silver spear with a green gem on the tip of it.

"This is for you, Uncle Nel." Rei spoke with a smile, noticing the surprised look on Nel when he took a hold onto the spear, feeling as if it resonated with him somehow.

"Ray...this is?"

"I also use this with the remaining material and my money as well, to create this...the [Silver Fang Spear], I use silver on this spear so you can fight well with dark type monsters and about the gem that was embedded on the tip, it can increase the output when you use [Gale Thrust]."

Nel couldn't help but be amazed of this young man who stood in front of him, "I-i don't know how to thank you for this..."

"You can thank me by protecting this village while I'm away, so use it well Uncle Nel" Rei replied with an easy smile.

Nel nodded, smiling as well and received the spear with gratitude, "I promise, I will do my best to keep this village safe."

"Thank you, I feel more reassured now."

Rei closed his eyes and nodded then he started to walk out through the gate but before that, he turned around to look at them who still stood there as he waved his hand, "Thank you very much!! Dad!! Mom!! Emily!! and everyone!!"

"I will be back!!!" He shouted

Rei soon turned around to wear his helmet...finally letting his tears to stream down through his helmet and started walking forward.

'You did well...Kiritsuka.' Ray praised in his mind.

" it's only the two of us..."

'Yeah, now then let's go forward to our journey together!'








Ifrit: "Yeah! Don't forget about me!"











In midst of their journey a [Notice] board with [Chatroom] feature came out in front of him and the one who sent it was...

None other the god who sent Rei here...

[The Fire God] and [The Fire Spirit King], Ifrit.

To be continue...