Chapter 34 : Crimson (Part 1)

*WARNING: This chapter may contain violance, gore and any other 18+ rated*

In the midst of darkness, Alicia had a dream. It's about when she was kidnapped by those bandits.

She didn't know how she ended up like that, but the only thing she knew is that she is weak...

Very weak...that she couldn't fight those bandits back. Of course she's still a little girl who doesn't know how to protect herself so…there's nothing she could do about it.

Her family couldn't save her, because she knew that they are powerless to them.

She looked around inside her cell, so many children like her was inside while wearing dirty ragged clothes.

However, she had a friend who was in the same age as her so she didn't feel lonely at all being put in such a place like this.

Her name was...Elle.

Her friend was a brunette girl and shared similar eye color like her, violet. Despite being here, she always put a bright smile on her face to cheer up her friend–Alicia when she felt down and missing her family. They shared laughs and the other children couldn't help but wanting to join the two of them, sharing what little fun they created to distract themselves from the grim reality they were in.

One night on the hard cold floor where they were resting, they were discussing about something...


"Yes? What is it Elle?"

"What do you want to do…when we finally get out from here?" Elle turned her head around to look at her.

"Hmmm...I think I want to go back to my family!" Alicia reply with smile.

Elle smiled back and nodded, "I see...that's nice…"

Alicia noticed her rather melancholic tone and expression. "Elle? What's wrong?"

Elle sighed, "The truth is...I…I don't have a family anymore."

Alicia who heard that was shocked as she averted her gaze down a bit, "I-I'm sorry..."

"It's fine" Elle replied with a smile.

She waited for a bit before she softly asked again, "Ummm...what happen to them? If you don't mind me asking"

Elle was quiet for a while before she eventually answered Alica with her story, "They...were killed by those bandits. Our village was raided by them and before they caught me...they killed mommy...and daddy..." Elle looked away and up at the ceiling, her hand was clenching on her clothes tightly and she noticed that they were shaking.

Alicia listened to her words carefully, reaching out to clasp at her trembling hand and gave her a reassuring squeeze to which Elle returned with a shaky sigh and squeezing hers back using her other hand. Alica closed her eyes as she somehow able to understand her pain.

Her family was still alive, but she and everyone else here were caught by those bandits and couldn't escape from their grasp, basically sharing some sort of camaraderie with each other.

Alicia leaned closer towards her friend and suddenly...embracing her in her arms.

Elle blinked twice as she looked over at her in mild surprise, "A-alicia?"

"Then how about you come with me?"

"W-what do you mean?"

"It means we can be family! My parents are kind, so they probably would let you in with me!"

"Uhhhh...the [probably] part doesn't sound right."

Alicia became a bit flustered at that, "Eh? Uh…I-i just—I don't know, okay!"

But then, Elle begin to giggle a bit as Alicia couldn't help but followed her along and then they ended up laughing again.

Elle sighed pleasantly after their laughter gradually died down, "Alicia..."


"Thank you for being with me, I'm glad I met you."

"Of course! That's what friends are for." Alicia beamed with a smile before they fell asleep together with a smile on their face.

Unfortunately, that happiness didn't last long because on the next day...

Elle was brought into a room with an ugly plump man.

Alicia was shouting desperately, "Elle!! No!!" She cried as she couldn't reach her because she was still inside of the cell.

The last thing she saw of her dear friend was her bright smile, as if trying to show her everything's going to be alright before the door was closed and Elle disappeared from her sight.

Three days have passed and she didn't hear anything about Elle. Even though Alicia barely spent a week in that place, they already formed a deep bond and connection to one another. She meant it when she asked her to be part of her family since she already saw themselves as sisters.

She didn't know why Elle hasn't gone back. When she asked the others they always averted their gazes and not telling her anything.

Then the next day, it was Alicia's turn... to be brought to that room.

She didn't know what's going to happen to her nor she care much about it. She only wanted to know what happen to Elle.

When she arrived at that room...

It was hell...

For the first time in her life she received such pain all over her body.

The plump man who brought her inside, kept swinging his whip on her.

She was tortured many times, even though she begged him to stop but her pleas fell on deaf ears. If anything, that seemed to excite the man more, as sick as that sounded.















The man continued to torture her with out a care in the world. There's a sick glee on his face, as if he was very much enjoying his time.

As her whole body slowly filled with so many fresh scars, Blood dripped down from her skin...

The little girl couldn't scream anymore due the pain was too overwhelming for her.

And before she let her remaining consciousness go, "" she asked, despite suffering from such agony...she still wanted to know where did Elle go.

The man showed her a grin, "Oh? Her? Ahhhh....She's dead~"



Alicia widened her eyes as tears slowly well out from her eyes as soon as she heard that her only friend in this place, the one she shared stories and laughs…

Has long gone...

She began to cry on her own, her hatred towards the man in front of her quickly building up along with her anger. Her body couldn't move at all...and she could only look at that man who grinned even wider seeing her hateful gaze.

"Aahhh~ yes!! That face~ very beautiful~!!" The man laughed as he raised his whip and grinned. "Show me…show me more!!"

The whip landed and she abruptly closed her eyes at the stinging pain. She couldn't move but at that moment, all she could do is…






'God...or me...'






Hoping that someone could save her...


As if hearing her pleas, the door behind the plump man opened...

A man with black armor a red scarf that seems looks shine in the dark came into was somewhat beautiful.

Although her gaze was blurred, she knew that deep in her mind...that the man would no doubt save her from this nightmare.

Knowing that, she closed her eyes



In the middle of her unconsciousness, Alicia opened her eyes a bit when she felt someone carried her small body.

She couldn't see clearly because of how blurry her vision was and trying to keep herself awake.

"I heard from mom, that...a woman mustn't have a scar on her body or else she can't get a man."

The man in front of her heard him talking to himself.

"Mhm, okay." He sheathed his sword back and suddenly took out a bottle with green liquid inside.

"Hey...can you please open your mouth." he asked.

Alicia didn't know him...but she knew that she could trust this man.

She opened her mouth a bit.

After that, he poured the green liquid inside of her mouth gently and make sure she drank it bit by bit.



Suddenly, she felt a surge of warmth coursing through her entire body as a green light surrounded her. Alicia relaxed after the pain slowly faded along with her injuries.

Before she went unconscious again, she spoke...

'Thank you.'


After a while, the dream came to an end and she began to open her eyes after her injuries were healed.


"She's awake!"

She could hear many voices around her and she realized they were from the kids who were kept in cells, like her.

"Uh...huh? You...where are we...?"

Alicia sat up and looked around her as she tried to orient herself. She was surprised because they were out of their cells.

"W-wha– what happen?? How did you guys get out?! Why am I here??"

The other kids slowly looked at each other for a moment before they looked at her once again.

"Ummm...the truth is–"

The other kids began to explain what happened from start. They told her that someone saved her from that room and even healed her injuries afterwards.

Right now, that man was out there locking the door and fighting those bandits alone.

Alicia who listened to their explanation began to feel worried and scared at the same time.

"T-then we need to help him!!" Alicia tried to stand up but they stopped her from going anywhere near the door.

"You can't Alicia!"

"Yeah! mr. Knight told us that he's gonna be back."

"H-how can you trust him that much!"

"Because!...because he promised us to came back and saved us all."

They all looked down and knew that this was their last hope, and if that man didn't come back, they would be locked up again.

Alicia couldn't help but be wary of this man after what she experienced from that room. She knew she couldn't trust anyone that much, especially adults.



The steel door in front of them creaked open and the one who came from behind it was...

Rei who was wearing the black armor, helmet and his red scarf.

He looked at those children who immediately cowered from his sight that was covered with blood.

"I'm back." He spoke as made his way towards them.

But when he approached them, they stepped back a bit.

"Hm??" Rei was confused of their behavior but then he realized his armor and clothes were covered with blood.

Rei shook his head and turned around so that his back was facing them, "You're free now, let's go back to the village."

Rei didn't mind being seen as scary by these kids. He just murdered a bunch of bandits in cold blood after's not exactly easy keeping yourself clean in the heat of the moment.

The kids were looking at each other since they didn't know what to do what to now.

'Did he'

That's the question they had in mind, well...mostly Alicia who looked at the man in front of them.

He looked hurt, somewhat, of course not physically but...more like his mind and feelings.

She didn't know why she felt this way but eventually she gathered her courage to speak to him

"U-um...Mr. Knight!"

Rei didn't turn around but he answered her call, "Yes? What is it?"

"A-are we really free?" Alicia asked while looking at the back of his helmet, making sure his words was true or not.

"Yeah, all of you are free." Rei spoke curtly but even with just that simple reply, she could tell...this man was telling the truth.

"T-thank you very much! mr. Knight!" Alicia bowed deeply as her eyes began to tear up. The other children followed her and began bowing bowed their heads in gratitude.

Rei still didn't look back, he didn't feel like what he had just done was worthy of such a heartfelt thanks.

"It's fine, you can thank me after we came out from this cave."

Rei began to walk out from that room with the kids following him from behind.

"Don't look around and focus on me, got it?"

Rei spoke, getting one of the lit up torch on the ground as he continued to walk.

The kids listened and focus their eyes on him, following the man obediently.

'Houston.' Rei called him out inside of his mind as he led the children to freedom.

'What is it?' Ray replied.

'I want to ask.'

'Okay? ask away.'

'I was planning to ignore this...but when we kill those bandits, I heard a level up notice. If monsters gave you exp point does that mean humans too?' Rei asked.

'....' Ray was silent for a while hearing the question and then he sighed. 'Seriously...I really don't want to talk about it but...yeah, you're right.' Ray answered.

'Like monsters, humans also have magical power hidden inside of them. The stronger they are...they would release even stronger magical power or in this case, exp points.' Ray explained.

' knew?'

'Of course I knew, I live longer than you and back those wars...this kind of thing was like bread and butter to me.'

'War huh...' Rei was fixated about that word after he heard it.

Ray sighed and tried to cheer him up, 'You don't have to think about it, just focus on getting stronger. Don't worry, I will be by your side no matter what, Kiritsuka.'

That made him laugh a bit, 'Thanks.'

'Hmmm, we have saved around...60 children that were kept in that cell but...I have a strange feeling.'

'What strange?' Rei asked.

'I'm thinking about the boss of those guys.'

'You mean Banzana?? Heh, maybe he left because he chickened out.'

'Well one cannot be sure, so keep your guards up...cause I heard a very bad rumor about him.'

'What is it?'

'It's just a rumor but...he was called as someone who is brutal and ruthless...and at the same time he is also...

A battle junkie, someone who enjoys battling the most.'

After those words...when they're about to come out from the first entrance...

A silhouette of a large man came out so suddenly from the other entrance as he swinging a giant saber sword.



Rei was alarmed after he noticed his presence and quickly pulled out his black sword.


Their swords clashed to one another, the children were taken aback after seeing Rei let go of the torch and quickly blocked the sword that was about to hit him.

"Mr. Knight!!" Alicia called out in fright.


As their swords continued to clash, Rei couldn't help but broke a bit of sweat upon feeling the difference of power between them.

'W-what the heck...with this strength.'

'Kiritsuka!! retreat first!! you can't fight him head on!!'

'That's quite easy for you...'


' say!!'

Rei quickly changed the direction of his sword to make the man's blade slide past him as Rei quickly jumped back and stood right in front of the children.

'Heh, dammit...speak of the devil, the person you just talked about finally showed his face.'

Rei quickly get on his stance and stayed on guard, making sure the children were safe behind him.

Afterwards, the light of the forgotten torch on the ground illuminated the man's large figure from the darkness.

He had dark skin with dark chocolate dreadlocks and a body that was two times bigger than the man Rei faced from before, while the large saber sword was held tightly on his left hand.

'That is...[The Bandit's King, Banzana].' Ray spoke.

"Ohh~ you're quite strong despite being a lot smaller than me." Banzana spoke.


Rei didn't answer, focused on his stance while staring at him silently.


"I see, so you're the little shit who killed all of my subordinates. Hmmmm...quite a decent aura and equipment you got there, no wonder they lost to you, Hahahaha!" Bazana laughed like a madman and then he grinned creepily.

"Well it wouldn't be fun if you're weak, but then might be worth it. Say! How about I offer you something?"

"An offer?" Rei replied.

"Yeah~ I challenge you to a duel."

"A duel? Are you joking? A bandit like you challenging me on duel?"

"Hey hey~ even if I am a bandit, I was once a warrior. If you accept it, I will let those brats go."

"...." Rei was silent when he heard of his offer.

'Houston, what should I do.'

'I don't have any choice but accept it...even I don't want to face him right now...but the kids are number one priority...we can't let them getting caught into a fight.'

"Tsk...Fine! I agree!" Rei accepted.

"Mr. Knight!" The kids shouted in fright.

"But let them go first, then you'll have the fight that you want."

"Heh, Hahahaha!!! Fine~ I can let the brats go first~ I promise you that."

Surprisingly Banzana stepped aside, giving them the path to freedom.

Rei couldn't help but be wary about his intention, he prepared his sword just in case if he tried to back-stab him.

He signaled the kids to follow him to the path while Banzana himself followed later.

When they're finally out from the cave, Rei talked with the kids and gave them a small pouch each.

"These are [Monster Repellents]. Just walk straight from this place and you will meet someone who's gonna lead you to the village."

Alicia held one of the pouch and looked up at him, "Mr. Knight! What about you?!"

"I will be following you guys after I defeat this guy okay?"

The kids nodded their heads and couldn't help but feel guilty for leaving this person who went out of his way to save them alone with that monster.

"P-promise me you will come back!" Alicia said while holding back her tears.

Rei widened his eyes a bit and smiled as he nodded, "I promise, I will be back to you and your little sister Litia."

Alicia was taken aback when she heard her sister's name from him but before she could say anything, Alicia was dragged by the other kids who started to run away from there.

Rei turned around his back to them and now...facing the monster before him.

"Are you done?" Banzana asked with a yawn.

"Yeah, I'm done so...give me the rules."

"Heh, quite hasty aren't you? But don't worry, even I couldn't hold myself back any longer~" He chuckled,

"The rule is simple, whoever die first...lose but since I'm already giving you so much rewards, how about this?~"

"If you die...I will go to that village and kill them by~ one~ I'll make sure no one escape from me~ isn't that great!~ so it will be fair for both of us isn't it?!~"

Banzana spoke as he raised one of his eyes and grinned excitedly, giving off these sinister aura around him.

Of course Rei noticed it, his aura was no joke. He could feel the chill running down his spine at how strong this guy felt like.

But despite that, Rei remained strong and steady in his spot and instead of feeling scared...

He got more...angry.

"You scum."

Rei glared through the slits on his helmet and his eyes shined a bit as his red aura spiked out while gripping his black sword tightly.

Banzana laughed and the creepy grin on his face became wider as he could tell from his voice that he is getting angry,

"Hah! That's more like it! Be more angry for me!!

make me enjoy this battle!! Mr. Knight!!"

A cold breeze brushed past them and the moonlight brightened the spot where they stood as if they were given the blessing on this fight for the night.

Soon, the fight between the future knight and the bandit king would begin...

It became a legendary tale that was passed down to future generations.

To be continue...