Chapter 38 : Crimson (Part 5)

After collecting all the treasure that was kept by the bandits, Rei and Alicia continued their journey back home.

On their way out of the bandit's cave, Rei brought along the rest of the three bandits that were tied on a tree.






The moment they arrived at the Rubal village, they were met with the sight of the villagers waiting for their return at the front gate. Alicia dashed towards her family, they cried as they pulled her into a warm group hug, smiling in utter joy and relief.

Rei just watched them from the sidelines, smiling at their touching reunion.

"Thank you so much...Mr. Knight, for saving our daughters..." Her father spoke while his tears kept falling down.

"And our village too." The chief separated himself from the crowd to speak. "We couldn't thank you enough for saving our village and the kids...but please allow me to express my thanks from the bottom of my heart to you once again."

The chief bowed his head, followed by the other villagers and the children.

Rei blinked a few times, taken aback at their show of gratitude and then rubbed the back of his helmet nervously, "'s fine okay? I'm just doing what anyone would do."

"Hohoho~ you are such a kind-hearted young man, but no one would be able to face such danger like you." The chief spoke, smiling kindly.

"After this, does mr. Knight have some time to spare?"

"Hmmm, I guess so...I kinda need a place to stay for a while."

"Oh? Does that mean you'll be going soon?" The chief asked.

Alicia and Leticia who heard it look surprised, "Huh??"

"Yes...I still need to continue my journey."

"I see...I see...well how about you stay for a night? We're going to celebrate this night with a party."

"Huh?? Are you sure? You are fine with it?"

"Hohoho~ why wouldn't we? I are our saviour and we wanted to reward you." The chief spoke, but then a man came to him.

"Chief are you sure? We don't have anything to reward him." He spoke in concern

"Hmmm...indeed, this is troubling..."

As if he just remembered, Rei spoke, "Ahh, I almost forgot."


Rei pushed his hand into some sort of invisible pocket



The chief and the man popped their eyes out when they saw Rei pulled out a massive bag that looked absolutely heavy and filled to the brim.


When the bag was opened, it was filled with gold and silver coin.

"M-mr. Knight, where did you–"

"I found it in their treasury, since I know they took your money away, so I'm taking them back."

"H-how can we repay you!!?!" The chief couldn't expect things to turned out like this, very much in a loss of words.






That was his stomach that was making such a noise and it brought a hint of pink on his cheeks, "...H-how about we eat first?"


After he returned to his own place in the village, he was met with so many delicious food prepared at the dining table. Rei wasted no time to eat his fill.

With his MP drained and his body was in serious need for nutrition after loosing so many blood, he didn't stop devouring his meal.


'Slow down, slow down, the food won't go anywhere.' Ray sighed a bit seeing how fast Rei ate all the food in front of him.

Roasted meat, cream soup, plus a few veggies that was prepared by the villagers, quickly vanished into his stomach.


"Phew~ just let me celebrate for a moment okay? We defeated Banzana, it was the most intense fight I had ever since my training." Rei spoke with his mouth full.


'Yeah...hmmmmmm.' After Ray replied, he was lost in his thought for a moment.


After swallowing the food in his mouth, he spoke again, more clearly this time "Are you still concerned about that journal we picked up before?"

'Yeah well...I never thought that guy was the type to write a journal.'

"Me too. I was hard to see such lunatic doing something like that..."

Ray sighed in agreement, 'We will read it after you finished eating.'

"Sure, but how about we focus on that [book]?"

'Oh, yeah! I almost forgot about it!'

"How come you forget stuff that was necessary for our Quest."

'Hahaha~ sorry sorry~'

Rei put his plate down to the table before taking out the book with a bow mark on it from his [Inventory].

As Rei read the title of the cover, he knotted his brows in confusion, "Huh??"

"Houston." He called


"Is it me...or this seems like something entirely different?"

'I get you, but then again...I think this is a rare technique that might be useful for you.'

"Well if it's [Archery Mastery] book, it would make me happy...but I don't know if I should be happy with [Archer Artillery Mastery]."


[Archer Artillery Mastery Book]

Grade: Epic

Type: Book

An ancient book containing the most renowned Archery skill that has been long gone. It is said, the book contained an Archery skill that could even destroy a castle wall.


'Hmmmm...I think they're still the same.'

"They are?" Rei looked at him sceptically.

'Well I never use a bow before, but I know how to make them before. What I know is that this skill might be useful for us and what's more, it's an [Epic] item!'

"Hmmmm...fine, I will read it after we know the basics first."

'That's right, a warrior need to know about that first before they started learning how to use their sword.'

"That's why I will read this until I learned it but...where do we find one anyway?"

' about we asked the people in the village?'

"Okay, let's go ask them now."

Rei stood up from his seat after he finished all his meal and conversation with Ray, wearing wore his helmet back on and made his way way towards the door.



On his way out, he was stopped by someone who stood in front of his door.

A little girl with blond hair and purple eyes, in such a bright day, her hair shined beautifully under the sunlight while her purple eyes gleamed like a gem.

"Alicia?" Rei spoke out her name, catching her off guard and made her blush.

"O-oh! Mr. Knight! S-sorry...for coming to your place without telling you." Alicia stuttered, fiddling with the fringes of her blond hair, looking away a bit to avoid his eyes.

"It's fine...but why are you here?"

"I-i just came to check on you, t-that's all! N-nothing more!" She accidentally raised her voice a bit. Oh boy...wasn't she a flustered mess.

"I is your body doing now? Do you feel any pain or anything else? Did you get enough rest?" Rei asked her with one questions to another.

"N-no! I'm feeling totally fine now! I rested enough...and it thanks to you that I was able to rest well."

"I see...I'm glad to hear it" Rei spoke gently with a hint of smile on his tone.

Alicia smiled widely after hearing it and then giggled l, "Hehehe~"

"Anyway...what a great timing, I was about to go to the village to ask for something."

"What is it about?" Alicia tilted her head a bit, looking at him curiously.

"Do you know the best [Hunter] in your village Alicia?" Rei asked with a smile, having some sort of ulterior motive behind it that went unnoticed by the other girl.


At the Rubal village, Rei and Alicia went to a small house that wasn't too far away from Rei's place.

From where he stood, he could see a man in his mid thirties coming out from the house while holding onto something.

"Uncle Rodger!!" Alicia called, catching his attention before making his way towards them.

"Oh! If it isn't Alicia!"

"Hello~ Uncle Rodger~ Knight! This is Uncle Rodger! He is the best hunter from our village."

"Hahaha! You exaggerated me! And it's nice to finally meet you mr. Knight." Rodger smiled gently and bowed his head towards him, "Once again I thank you for saving our children and the village."

Rei reached a hand out to stop him from bowing, "You don't have to bow at me...I'm only doing what anyone must do at that kind of situation."

Rodger nodded, "I understand...such a kind young man you are, well now I am hoping that you could court Alicia as your bride in the future~" Rodger smirked as he noticed the little girl kept stealing glances towards Rei.

"F-fueeh?~ U-uncle!! don't tease me!!" Alicia shouted, covering her red face.

Rei just rubbed the back of his helmet, unsure of what to do and wondered why would he say such a thing.

"Hahahaha!!! Well we don't know about the future right~?" Rodger laughed while raising one of his eyesbrows.


"Fine fine~ I'll stop~" He sighed, "Anyway, do you both need anything from me?"

"Oh! Right! Mr. Knight!"

"Hmm? Ahh, yes! I almost forgot, you know how to do [Archery]?"

Rodger blinked for a moment, "Well...I know the basics of it since I am the one who hunt for our food, why do you ask?"

"Could you...teach me how to do it?"

The two of them looked at him in confusion. "Huh??"

"It doesn't matter if it's just an instruction book for Archery, I need them in haste."

"Wait! Mr. Knight! Aren't you a [Magic Swordsman]??"

"Indeed...why would you need an Archery when you can use magic?"

"Umm...actually, I'm not a [Magic Swordsman]."

"Huh?! T-then what kind of job??"

Rei stared at them for a moment, thinking of what to say, "It's a secret, I'm sorry...I cannot tell you not because I don't want to...because I have my reason to not reveal everything to any people I just met."


Rodger and Alicia looked at each other for a moment, then nodded.

"I understand, I respect your wishes so I won't ask more than what you're comfortable to share." Rodger smiled

Alicia nodded her head, "That's right! I won't make you do things you don't want. So please don't worry."

Rei smiled from behind his helmet and nodded at their understanding, "Thank you."

"Well then how about you watch me hunt and I'll give you the instructions book for Archery afterwards."

"Sure, I'm quite curious at how you do your work"

"Hahaha! I'm not strong as you are mr. Knight!"

Rei turned to looked at Alicia for a moment then reached his hand towards her.


"Thank you, for guiding me...Alicia." Rei thanked her such a gentle tone, causing smoke to came out from her head.


She managed to stutter out a response through her burning red face, "Y-y-you're welcome!!"

Rei nodded as he followed Rodger closely behind, making their way to the forest to start hunting.

As the wind blows, Alicia made a rather sad face, watching their back as if they were going to a far away land and never coming back again.


In the middle of the forest, Rei and Rodger were hiding behind the bushes, observing something in front of them.

A large deer poking out among the bushes and trees.

"So...what should we do now...Rodger-sa–"

When Rei about to finish his words, he suddenly felt a chill running down his spine at what's happening right next to him.


Rodger took a deep breath and slowly let it out...his presence slowly disappeared as he hold out his bow and his arrow, pulling the string while steadily aiming it at that deer.

Rei could feel his concentration getting stronger from the looks of his eyes, and that made him swallow his suddenly dry throat. A




In that moment....




Everything stilled as if it was frozen in time...




And then...













Rei widened his eyes when Rodger let go off the string and shoot his arrow swiftly yet smoothly, hitting that deer right in its neck, making it fell down.


Rodger stopped his focus as he lowered his bow after he knew he hit the bullseye on the target.

'W-woah...did you see that Houston?' Rei asked him inside his mind

'Of course...I never thought I'm gonna say he...really just a [Hunter]?' Ray was even more suprised after seeing Rodger in action.

The older man stood up and walked towards the deer while Rei followed him from behind.

"Say...Rodger-san, are you really just a [Hunter]?"

Rodger turned his head and chuckled, "Oh me? Yeah I do."

"But the way you shoot...was–"

"Mr. Knight." Rodger cut in, looking at him gently and patiently.

"I will tell you this, since you have a secret that need to be do I."

"I-i understand."

"Thank you, but don't worry. I will keep my promise to give you the basics and of course...a [Skill]."


"Did you not see how I shoot this deer?" Rodger asked as he crouched down to tie its legs on a rope and a long stick.

"Yeah...I do."

"What do you think of it?"

"I think...that shot was beautiful and at the same was calm and smooth...yet deadly."

"Indeed, that's the very basics when need to know how to breath in rhythm and blend yourself with nature."

"Focus your mind at one spot...aim, and then...shoot."

"So that's can erase your presence like that."

"Well just as you do you understand? What you need to train is your mind to keep focused and then you can start training your archery skills bit by bit."

"I understand!"

"By the way..."


"Could you help me carry this thing? It's quite heavy..." When Rodger said that he was carrying the big dear on his own but his legs was trembling as if he's having a hard time hauling it with its weight.

"A-aahh!! S-sorry!"


Afterwards, Rei and Rodger went back to the village together with the big deer in tow.

When the night comes, it was a party. Laughter can be heard around the village as others drink and eat their fill, meanwhile the kids are playing with each other, running around and laughing in glee.

Rei sat down on one of the bench alone while watching the view.

Alicia and Leticia walked over to him, "Mr. Knight!" They greeted him eagerly.

"Oh, Alicia...Leticia, do you need something?"

As if on cue, several kids came out from behind them, looking curious about something.


"Ummm...sorry, the others wanted to ask you a few that alright?" Alicia asked carefully.

Rei chuckled, "It's fine...ask away."

Then a little boy raised his hand from behind Alicia, "Yes! Mr. Knight! I have a question"

"What is it?"

"Did Mr. Knight defeat the bad guy boss alon"

"Okay then, let me ask you...why do you ask?"

" dad said it's impossible to defeat him...he said he was one of the strongest of the six."


"Yeah! But I don't know what the Six means...but dad said, they are very bad!!"

"I see...thank you for telling me and for the answer, yes I did defeat him."

When Rei answered the question, the children made a fuss as if they were amazed, but there's only one kid who seems to be looking down on him.

"Heh, how great of defeating mere bandit."

"Ohh, you think it was easy to defeat him, huh?"

"Well of course! Since he is just a bandit!"

"Well then...if I show you this, are you gonna take your words back?" Rei suddenly pulled out something from his [Inventory].


"Huh?!" The children and even Leticia looked at the big saber sword he was holding with surprise. Except Alicia though, since she knew about it already.

"W-woah...i-is that??"

"Yepp, this is the sword that guy used...and when we fight, he used this sword to crush everything on his way...the trees, the rocks, and the ground turned into nothing but a mess by him with a single strike."

"T-then how did you manage to defeat him!?"

"Of wasn't easy, in a fight between monsters like that, you need luck and tenacity to survive...and let me tell you all about this."

"When a fight start...and you cannot defeat your opponents, running away is fine."

"But...Mister! Isn't that a shame for a Warrior!"

"Good question...but of course it is a shame for a Warrior to admit his defeat...but he have a second chance to change from that defeat."

"So in other words is that...running away are also a method to win a fight, understand?"

"Yes!" The children shouted, making him smiled,

"Well then anything else?"

All of them raised their hand together, including Alicia and Leticia, "Then mister! Tell us your name!"

"My name?" Rei blinked, giving some thought about it.

He was silent for a while bit the children waited patiently. Rei glanced at something behind them. A bon fire.

The bon fire crackled, its flame burning brightly. The sight of flames eating at the piece of wood was beautiful but fierce...and dangerous.

After that, Rei looked down at his scarf that was crimson red in color.

"My name is....







To be continue...