Chapter 41 : The Villainess Showdown (Part 3)

The next day after Albert's birthday party, Iris continued with her plan to discuss and study with her teacher [The Witch]–Matilda who are one of the members of [Hero's Party] who were once subjugated the [Demon Lord] who's about to destroy this world.

Right now the both of them are inside of the [Magic Tower 50th Floor : Training Ground], an explosion occurred.


Iris who tied her hair up in a ponytail and was wearing her training clothes which consisted of a few light armor on her body and a training rapier on her waist, panted in front of the smoke after she directed her magic skill towards it.



As the smoke cleared, Matilda was in the middle of it and was currently surrounded with a barrier in front of her.

"Hooo~ it seems you have improved my dear~" Matilda praised as she saw a small crack on the barrier she created.

"'s still not enough." Iris replied to her compliment as she tried to steady her breathing.

"Hmmm~ true, you aren't strong enough to destroy a mid-level barrier like this, but you did manage to destroy the lower one~" Matilda smiled. "Well then, we should take a break first~" Matilda spoke as she turned off her barrier.

Iris nodded and took a seat on the nearby chair that has been prepared by Silvi who accompanied her with her training.


Silvi poured two cups of tea on the table right besides her chair.

"Thank you Silvi."

"Your welcome, Ojou-sama~" Silvi replied to her as Matilda walked towards them then sat down on the other seat.

"Here you go, Oba-sama~" Silvi slide the cup right besides her grandma.

"Thank you, Silvi~" Matilda thanked her as the two of them took a sip.

"Hmmm~ I never thought I could finally drink one of my granddaughter's tea after so long~" Matilda commented.

Iris raised both of her eyebrows in surprise, "Hmmm?? You haven't?? I thought you might had one since she's pretty good at this."

"Well you see, this girl used to be pretty rough and wild~" Matilda smirked as Silvi cheeks started to go red.

"O-obaa-sama! You shouldn't talk about that!" Silvi shouted out in embarrassment.

'Ohhh~ that's new~' Iris couldn't help but smirked and at the same time felt curious about it, 'I never thought Silvi could make such a cute face~ fufufu~' Iris giggled.

Matilda giggled as well under the cover of her hand, "Fine~ I will say no more~ and besides, it seems like my disciple is pretty motivated today. Did something happen?" She quickly changed the topic and stared at Iris with her mischievous smile.

"Fueh?~" Iris stopped sipping her tea and looked at her, "Am I?"

"Mhm~ it's almost as if you are chasing on something~" Matilda spoke while resting her head on her hand.

Iris averted her eyes from her stare and started to stutter, "I-it's nothing weird! I don't know what you are talking about!"

Matilda smirked wider, "Hooo~"

Silvi who finally calmed down, noticed the chance and smiled. "It seems she received something nice yesterday."

"S-silvi!" Iris called her out with an embarrassed glare but it does nothing but fuel Matilda and Silvi on their teasing.

"Hmmmm~ something nice huh~ is it from someone you like?"


Iris suddenly coughed after Matilda pointed it out, completely catching her off guard.

"Ohh~ did I get it right?~" Matilda teased.

"N-no you didn't!" Iris stuttered as her cheeks grew even redder.

Silvi and Matilda giggled at her reaction as they both shared similar thoughts, 'Ohhh, youngsters~'

"S-stop teasing me!" Iris pouted and finished her tea first.

"Okay okay~ but i'm still curious of how did this boy end up making her like this~" Matilda smiled as she sipped her tea again.

Iris felt like she's quickly going crazy at their continuous teasing, "H-he didn't do anything okay!"

Silvi stepped forwards a bit to explain it to Matilda, "Well...he gave her handmade flower bookmark on the day she left that village and a gift of his apology for being late on wishing her birthday."

"Ohh~ that's so sweet~" Matilda cooed.

"Silvi! Not again!"

Silvi giggled, "Fufufu~ sorry Ojou-sama~ it's just quite fun teasing you like this~"

Iris sighed and pouted, "I hate both of you"

They continued to giggle for a while until it died down to a comfortable silence as Matilda drank her tea.

Iris on the other hand, was physically and mentally drained, 'Sometimes...why [The Villainess] skill won't come out at this kind of situation.' Iris thought as she sighed tiredly.

Matilda smiled, "Well? Let me see what the boy gifted you, I'm quite curious about his skill."

Iris blinked twice and slowly opened her [Inventory], "Sure."

After that, she pulled out a rapier through thin air.

Matilda didn't seem to be suprised about it since she knew about her [Space Magic], or rather the [Inventory] and [System] she had long ago.

But now her eyes were fixated towards the thin rapier with a crystal embedded on the hilt,

" looks quite normal to me but it seems to have some sort of power that came from the monster he forged into." Matilda commented but Iris shook her head, as if saying that she's not done yet.

And then...







Matilda widened her eyes when Iris pulled out the rapier from its sheathe.

When she drew out the blade, she revealed the dark blue blade underneath the sheathe that seemed to gleam like a beautiful crystal.

She was captivated by the beauty and couldn't help but use her appraisal skill.



[The Moonlight Rapier]

Grade: Epic

Type: Rapier


Durability: 100%

A rapier that was created using the core from an unknown beast that roamed the night. Under the moonlight, it will let out a mysterious power no one can ever imagine and due to the creator's strong will and vision, it created a new form of power that could control and stabilize the dark energy using the power of the moonlight.


[Dance of the Moonlight]

Duration : 30 min.

Cooldown : 1 hour.

A skill that allows its user to let out the hidden power of the unknown beast that could be controlled and stabilized, the user will gain +50% overall status and additionally, it granted the user the [Purify] power.


Due to the moonlight energy coursing through the blade, it could neutralize any kind of negative status effect towards everything it touches and it add extra damage against [Dark Energy] type of being.

[The Blacksmith Will]

Duration : 2 min.

Cooldown : 60 sec.

The creator imprinted his will into this rapier, giving the wielder a strength to pave their way through hurdles and challenges. Overall status increased by 20%.


Matilda looked at the rapier and was impressed by the status and skill that it has.

"Amazing..." She muttered.

'Three skills at [Epic] grade weapon...not only that, it was created by a child who was roughly the same age as her. Is it possible?' Matilda thought curiously.

" this for real–"

"Yes." Iris nodded as she answered her straightforwardly.

Matilda widened her eyes and began to laugh, "Pft–Hahaha! Such an ammusing boy! I see, so he is a [Blacksmith]! But still, I can't believe he could forge such a thing."

Iris smiled as she stared at the rapier on her hand. "Indeed...for some reason I can feel the way and how he felt as he forged this."

"Hmmmm, I heard the best blacksmith know how to put their feelings into the weapon they forge...putting their will, their vision and their feelings. I can tell that your friend here have the potential to be the best [Blacksmith] around." Matilda explained with a rather fond smile.

"Of course...he is my friend after all." Iris couldn't help but smile wider.

Silvi stood between them and coughed, "Ahem...Obaa-sama, I feel like I should tell you this, despite having the potential to be the best [Blacksmith]...this boy decided to not walk through those path."

"Hmmm? What do you mean by that Silvi?" Matilda asked as Silvi's words confused her.

"The first time we met him...Ojou-sama tried to invite him as her personal Blacksmith."

"Ohhh, this is the first for me to hear." Matilda smirked, "So? Why isn't he here??"

"That boy he...he refused Ojou-sama invitation."

Matilda widened her eyes and laughed once again, "Seriously, what's wrong with his head! The more I know him, the more I'm interested on him!"

Iris pouted a bit at that and when Matilda noticed the change of her expression, she smirked.

"Hmmm~ don't worry my dear, I know that boy is your target~"

"W-wha–?! N-no! You got it all wrong!'s just a...misunderstanding." Iris intertwined her index finger together, looking away as she blushed.

Matilda giggled, "Okay~ I shall stop for real now~ but i do wonder why would he refuse such invitation? I mean you are the Duke's daughter."

"Ojou-sama did propose that he would get a decent payment and assurance for his family's safety but...he still refused."

"Hmmmm...could you tell me the reason, Iris?" Matilda directed her words towards Iris who immediately looked at her calmly.

"He told me to put this as a secret and I hope you do the same...Master."

Matilda was silent for a moment and then sighed, "Sure...since you are my disciple, I shall respect your wishes."

"Thank you, Master...just like Silvi said, he refused to be my personal Blacksmith. He found out offer to be appealing, but that's still not enough to keep him away from his dream."

"His dream??"

Iris nodded, "Yes...he is currently on his journey to become strong.

"Not as [Blacksmith] a [Knight] that he aspire to be."

Matilda widened her eyes, "A knight? Are you serious??"

"I'm not joking Master...Silvi was there and heard it too."

"Is that true...Silvi." Matilda asked and turned her head to the silver haired maid.

"Yes, Obaa-sama...what Ojou-sama said was true...he refused and choose to become strong enough to get a title of [Knight]."

Matilda nodded and looked to be deep in thought for a moment but then she closed her eyes and shook her head in disbelief, "I want to laugh about it, but hearing how serious he was...i couldn't help but admire his determination since the path he chose is not going to be easy." Matilda spoke it with a surprisingly gentle smile.

Iris smiled as well after knowing her Master's positive reply. "Thank you, Master."

"By the did he managed to defeat a [Unique Boss Monster], despite being a [Blacksmith]? I know he defeated that monster, but I never heard the full story."

Silvi and Iris exchanged unsure glances at her question.

"I'm sorry...Obaa-sama, I really don't know about it, but the one who saw him in his last moments on defeating that monster...was Ojou-sama."

Matilda looked at Iris, as if asking her for an answer.

"....I...really don't know about it...since I just saw a glipmse of how he defeat that monster."

Matilda nodded, "Mhm. Go on."

Iris fiddled with her fingers first before continuing, "He was using one of the most difficult skill of...

[Magic Swordsman]."

Both of Matildas eyebrows nearly reached her hairlines as she widened her eyes, "Huh?! What do you mean by that?!"

"I don't really know...but he was holding a sword covered in fire...then use it to cut the monster like a butter knife."

"A [Magic Sword] skill?? Is that even possible for someone who's never been thought about magic and sword skill??" Matilda murmurred to herself about it, then shaking her head in disbelief.

Iris nodded in agreement as she spoke out what she thought about it, ' was strange...

[Magic Sword] applying magic towards an object which requiers amount of control to keep our mana from running out and the magic from going haywire. It is a difficult feat for even us [Magic Swordsman].

'Even I still haven't quite manage to control that skill because it's quite difficult.' She thought

"And then? How did he managed to defeat it?" Matilda continued her question.

"When he finally stood right in front of the monster...he stabbed his sword through its head, but knowing the monster was tenacious...before it could attack him...his sword explode and destroyed its head along with it." Iris explained.

Matilda listened to her carefully as she rubbed her chin, "I see...I believe it was just an Imitation of that skill...with a different modification."

Iris blinked for a moment, "What do you mean by that Master?"

"It means...that your friend just created a new skill for himself with an additional consequence when using their inner skill."

"Every [Blacksmith] job have a magic skill [Fire] for them to work and since they learnt it...they also learn how to apply the heat and control the fire at will."

"But the fire they can use are limited to their work. It is not that suitable for a fight." Matilda explained as Iris and Silvi listened to her carefully.

"By applying those facts...I believed that your friend here controlled those fire on his sword, by condensed the heat into a single point and slowly released it. And finally, an Imitation of [Magic Sword] skill was achieved by that method." Matilda guessed.

'The way he thought about it, and then applying it to the sword was quite interesting...' Matilda thought and then heaved an exasperated sigh "A monster has just been born, not only that...there's two of them." Matilda glanced at Iris who seemed to be deep in her thought.

Matilda's explanation made her realize just how strange yet crazy this is.

"So he condensed it...and then released it." Iris muttered as she finally got the answer she has been waiting for.

Matilda smiled and patted her head, "Okay, I guess I had enough of this."

"Eh?!" Iris quickly snapped back to her senses. "A-ah–yes! I understood!"

"Today you are invited to a tea party right? You should get going now and take a bath."

"But what about the–"

"I already understand the plan, so you don't have to worry...who do you think I am?"

Iris giggled, "Then I shall get going."

"I shall prepare myself to, make sure you prepared a good bait."

"Of course~" Iris stood up from her seat and walked towards the door. "After all, I am Iris May Welford...the daughter's of Duke Welford."

'...and [The Villainess] of this world.' She thought as her eyes turned cold, 'I shall show them."











'Who they are trying to mess with...'

As Iris walked out from the room with Silvi, her eyes turned red in a spur of a moment.


The tea party was held in [The Schafer's Family Manor]. It was attended by the noble women of various noble families, including The Welfords

The one who hosted it was none other than the madam of the Schafer family–Madam Helen Liv Schafer. A beautiful middle aged woman with beautiful blond hair and green eyes like emerald. She was wearing her beautiful moss green dress and a scarf made out of soft fur around her neck.

Helen sat on her seat right in the middle between the other noble women as they were discussing about domething amongst themselves.

Emma sat on the different group reserved for the kids. She was holding her cup and listened to the others talking.

However, they were slightly interrupted by the sound of the door opening.


The servant who work there held it open as two new people stepped inside.

Helen noticed it and smiled as she stood up from her seat and then moved to approach them.

"I never thought you would come here, Madam Welford~" Helen greeted her with a small nod

The rest of the noble ladies who were presented in the room fixated their eyes towards the door, more specifically towards the two figures greeted by Madam Helen.

It's the young lady and the madam of the Welfords family–Iris May Welford and Eliza Luth Welford. Both of them wore a matching magnificent blue dress.

"Indeed, but since my daughter is friends with your children...I'm afraid I must attend it to meet you once again, Madam Schafer~" The blond haired lady with similar sky blue eyes like Iris spoke.

Helen giggled, "Fufufu~ just call me Helen like you what you used to call me~"

"Then call me Eliza like you used to as well, Helen." Eliza replied and nodded her head slightly to her.

Iris who stood there behind her finally revealed herself. She looked like a beautiful porcelain doll with her black hair, dress and her calm expression.

Iris glanced at the two ladies before her, observing the two of them, 'It seems Helen-sama and Mother are friends from long ago. I never thought we have that kind of relationship with Schafer family, I thought I was the only one who have such connection with their their children.'

"Oh yeah, this is your first time meeting her. This is my precious daughter, Darling? Introduce yourself please."

Iris smiled and bowed at her in curtsy to give out the best etiquette towards her and the other ladies, "My name is Iris May Welford. It's my pleasure to meet you, Helen-sama. "

Helen widened her eyes in surprise a bit seeing her elegant etiquette and such a nice act made her smile.

"Nice meeting you as well, Iris-kun~ I heard a lot about you from my daughter and as her mother, I thank you for helping her out with her shyness towards others." Helen thanked her as she nodded her head a bit.

Iris calmly smiled and shook her head, "It's okay, Helen-sama...I'm her friend after all and so I feel obligated to help her~"

She smiled fondly, "Well then, I'm sorry for holding up your time, shall we take you to your seat?~ Duchess Welford and Lady Iris?~"

"Thank you, Helen." Eliza spoke and smiled as they walked to the seat that has been prepared for them.

Iris was escorted to the kids section where she sat right next to Emma.

"Hi~ Emma-chan, we met again~"

"I-iris-sama! T-thank you for coming."

"Thank you as well for inviting me~ I never thought I would come to your place."


Iris smiled seeing how cute Emma was in front of her but then...

"E-hem." The two were suddenly being interrupted by a young lady who cleared her throat to catch their attention.

The girl who was sitting right across her has pink colored hair that was tied in a twin tail. She's wearing a matching pink dress and there are many jewelries on her neck and fingers.

"Good afternoon, Emma-sama~ Iris-sama~" The girl greeted her while folding her both of hands and smirked in front of them.

Iris who noticed the way she greet them, couldn't help but feel something bad was going to happen.

"G-good afternoon." Emma greeted back nervously.

"Good afternoon indeed...may I help you?" Iris asked after returning her greetings.

"I'm sorry, I just want to thank Emma-sama for inviting this cute me to this tea party~" The girl smiled confidently while looking at Emma.

Iris knitted her brows at that, feeling icky at the way she addressed herself, 'Cute me? Aaahh...I she is one of that kind.' Iris thought.

"Ahh that's right~ I should be introducing myself~ my name is Bridget Allura~ nice meeting you Iris-sama~" Bridget introduced herself with curtsy, at least she knew some etiquette.

"Nice meeting you, Bridget~" Iris spoke softly and smiled.

"Iris-sama~ can I ask you a question?" Bridget asked with a hint of smugness to her tone.

"What is it?"

Bridget smirked, "I heard a rumor that you befriend a commoner...long long ago~ is it true?~"

Iris kept her calm and responded in kind, "Yes, it is true."



The other young ladies started to talk among themselves after hearing her answer.

However, their whispers and stares didn't faze Iris at all, "But I'm suprised you know such an old news like that."

"Of course I know~ your commoner friend is so popular these days, I hope his common blood won't affect you that much~"

Iris expression darkened a bit "What do you mean by that."

"What I mean is...I am afraid that your family is going to get ruined because of that commoner~ you should cut him off before he sucks all of your money~ and instead choose a better friend~"

"Uhuh...and? What make you said that?"

As Iris kept exchanging words with her, her expression remained calm albeit gradually turning darker and colder by the second

Emma found it amazing how she controlled her emotion since she personally felt angry from such an insulting words towards Rei even though Bridget never met him in person.

Bridget sweat a bit but stood her ground, smirking, "You don't know? Papa told me~ that commoners are parasites who suck off our money...bit by bit~"

"....." Iris merely looked at her in silence

"Ohh! I didn't mean that in a bad way~ I'm sorry to ruin the mood, i just want to warn Iris-sama to be careful when befriending others~" Bridget smiled as if she has no idea that every words she spewed out were unbelievably rude.

The others just simply observed them quietly but secretly they share the same belief like Bridget since most of them were displeased at the thought of nobles befriending a commoner and for the rest, they looked to be satisfied with every single words Bridget delivered to Iris.

Bridget smirked, 'Haaaa~ how miserable, I know you don't have a social skill, Iris-sama~ unlike you who trained with your sword just like those dirty boys...I~ have been studying how to socialize from the moment I was born a noble and put many people down with my words~ I don't care that you are the Duke's daughter, but the moment you came into my will be your own downfall.'

'Now then!~ show me your reaction! Iris May Welford!!!!~'

Bridget who were busy celebrating inside her head, stared at Iris who remained silent.

But suddenly...


A smirk broke across her face, catching Bridget off guard a bit.

'Huh?? She's....smiling??'


[Skill "The Villainess" have been activated]

"Ahhh~ I see...such kind words you have there for me, how can I express my thanks for the warning?"

"Ahhh!~ it's fine, you don't have to thank me–"

"Oh no! I must insist, I was told by mother to thank someone who are kind to me~"

Her strange act confused Bridget for a moment, "H-huh?? I-i see??"

"But I still don't get it...if he were someone who suck off our money, why would he gave me a gift~"

"A gift?"


Iris suddenly rose up from her seat and smiled at them.


In that moment...they fixated their eyes towards her.


And suddenly, a sheathed rapier came out from thin air on her hand.

'What is that?' Bridget asked, not knowing a single thing about the weapon on her hand.

"So? What is it that you wanna–"

Iris smiled and...




Once again, she drew out the blade, revealing the dark blue blade underneath the sheathe that seemed to gleam like a beautiful crystal.

The ladies who saw it, couldn't help but admire just how beautiful it was.

The color and the shade of the rapier looked almost like an expensive jewelry in their eyes and it's nothing that can be compared to the jewelries that Bridget were wearing right now.


As if in a flash, Iris took one step ahead and thrust her rapier towards Bridget who were still dazzled by her rapier.

Her blade didn't hit her and pass through her head, cutting off a few strands of hair and thru fell down to the table.

The ladies and even Emma were unable to react at her speed.

Bridget who just now noticed the blade of her rapier right beside her head, quickly turned pale.

Iris on the other hand, looked very calm and composed as if she didn't just trying to hurt her.

A rather sinister smile bloomed across her face as she pulled her rapier back, "Ahhh~ I'm sorry Bridget-san~ it seems you almost got caught by this~"

Iris simply showed her a bee stuck on the tip of her rapier. "Phew~ I'm glad you are okay~ ohh! what were you saying before?" She tilted her head innocently as she asked her to repeat her words.

The young ladies and Emma couldn't shake off the weird feeling inside of them. Their heart was beating so fast after seeing her move so fast and thrust her rapier towards Bridget, or rather, towards the small bug who happened to be around and Iris killed it with terrifying accuracy and precision.

From then, an image of her was implanted to their mind.


Iris smirked and swung her rapier to swat the bug away before sheathing her blade back.






"Now then, can you repeat it again~ Bridget-san~"

To be continue...