Chapter 46 : The Revelation & The Ambush (Part 3)

Inside of the warehouse, Iris and Harson found out that the delivery man who was tasked to deliver these banned drinking is one of the members of certain group called [The Blood Rose].

This group belonged to none other than [The Femme Fatale, Minerva] One of the [Six Underworld Kings] who was also the one who assumed to be the sponsor of the Alluras, a noble family who has been rising up the ranks as of lately with their unknown sponsor backing them up.

Right now, Iris was standing before this delivery man.

"So he is that woman's underlings." Iris commented while Harson tied that man up with a rope they found in the room.

"Yeah, that tattoo alone is proof of it." Harson agreed after he made sure that the man wouldn't easily break free with a binding that tight on his body.

"But what if he wasn't a part of them, maybe the tattoo was fake?"

"No, I don't think so. This tattoo has a thorn like design around the rose part...that's the specific part of it." Harson explained, "I also heard there was a report of someone trying to impersonate them, but...they just disappeared without trace in one night."

"I he is the real deal huh, then we just need to interrogate him."

"Yes, but we need to know how to dispel the curse."

"A curse?"

"Every members of [The Blood Rose] have a curse implanted on their tattoo...every time they got interrogated, the tattoo will slowly get bigger and eventually killed the bearer."

"Uggh...that sounds horrible" Iris grimaced "But is there anything we can do about it?"

Harson nodded, "We just need an item with light attribute that can dispel the curse."

"I see...wait– did you said light attribute?"

"Y-yes, it's a rather rare item because usually people with [Priest] or [Paladin], also [Hero] and [Saintess] Jobs are the only one who can use it." He sighed, rubbing the back of his head, "But then again, it's just the two of us right now. We have to take him to a [Priest] before asking him anything..."

Iris who listened quietly, blinked her eyes for a moment and then raised her hand a bit, "I think...I can manage it."

"Uh….huh—?? Ojou-sama?"


Shortly afterwards, the man woke up.

"Ughh...where am I?" he asked to no one but himself as he felt the dull pain at the back of his head. He adjusted his bearings for a moment and realized that he wasn't alone in the room.

Meanwhile, Iris and Harson wearing an eye mask to cover their identity.

"Huh?!–Who are you guys?!–Wait...let go of me!" The man begun to struggle when he noticed that his body was tied with rope. But the rope was so tightly wrapped around him that the more he struggled, the more he was hurting himself.


"Ojou-sama...your order." Harson asked as he aimed his sword at the man.

"H-Hii!" The man flinched away from the sword, fear evident in his face but when he took in Iris small figure, he cursed, "L-let me go! You don't know who you're dealing with, you little brat!"

But that only made Harson get increasingly impatient and annoyed, "I should have cut off his arms–"

"Stop." Iris cut him off and crouched down a bit to level their eyes, "Hey you know what kind of situation you are in right now?~"


[Skill "The Villainess" have been activated]

Iris smiled sweetly with a hidden malice but the man didn't even flinch, making her smile stiffened at his lack of desired reaction. "I said let me go, you little bitch! Do you even know who are you messing with–"

"Of course I know~ you are from [The Blood Rose] right?~" Iris answered, cutting him off of his speech.

"T-then if you know, you should let me go–"

"Mmm…" Iris looked up and away, "Why should I?~"

"H-huh??" The man looked dumbfounded, as if he didn't expect that kind of answer from her.

A shadow fell over her face then, and her voice changed, cold as ice. "You have no idea what kind of situation you are in, do you."

Iris suddenly stood up then pulled something out from her inventory.


A sheathed rapier.

Harson widened his eyes a bit, 'A rapier?'

As Iris grip onto the hilt of the rapier, she slowly unsheathed the blade.


Like usual, it was mesmerizing....a beautiful dark shade of blue on its blade that gleamed like a piece of gem.

However, without warning, she pointed her blade in front of the man face, causing him to jerk his head away to avoid it. That seemed to be a mistake though because he felt the sharp cold tip of the weapon pressing against his throat.

"Now...would you mind answering a few of our questions?~"

"S-shut up! N-nothing's gonna change...! I would die before I talk anyway! Hahaha!" The man laugh hysterically, almost like a madman.

Upon hearing no answer from her, a triumphant grin broke across his face, "You don't know, don't you, you brat?! We [The Blood Rose] have a curse that won't allow us to talk anything related to the organization, unless you have a–!!"


Iris moved the tip of her blade towards the tattoo, "[Purify]."


Her blade started to shine while smoke came out of the tattoo on his neck.




Due to the moonlight energy coursing through the blade, the wielder is able to neutralize any kind of negative status effect towards everything it touches and adds extra damage against [Dark Energy] type of beings.


Harson and the man were taken by surprise when she performed [Purify] on the cursed tattoo.

"W-what!? Light attribute?!" The man gaped.

"O-ojou-sama...i-is that?"

"Make sure you keep this a secret Harson." Iris spoke while sheathing back her blade.

"Y-yes I understand, Ojou-sama." Harson bowed his head a bit.

Iris sighed, 'I guess [Curse] is also a negative status, it's a good thing that it works.'

"W-who are you guys?! W-what's with that weapon?! I never heard of it!!" The man shouted in anger. There's a hint of confusion to his tone and then he started panicking when he just realized what's going to happen now.

Iris simply chuckled in amusement looking at his terrified face. It's such a pleasant sight, one that she wanted to see from the start.

Iris raised her hand a bit and in a flash, Harson drew his sword and aimed it at the man's neck, "Since I don't want to dirty my beloved rapier...I shall allow you to do everything you want Harson. if he behaves rudely, cut off his arms."



"Understood." Harson obeyed, his cold eyes bored themselves towards the man who's breaking cold sweat and tried to scoot away.

"I-i'm not gonna tell you even if you're going to kill me! You can cut off my arms and legs! But I won't tell you anything!!" The man shouted back. He was scared for his life but the fact that he's still able to speak like that made them silent for a moment.

But then...

Iris smiled, "I see, then I don't have any choice but to do that method."



Iris reached her hand into something and then pulling out multiple bottles of green liquid from thin air.


"This is a high-quality health potion which I got with my money. I have these prepared for so long because I have these kind of idea about what I should do if I met someone who contributed to this evil plan to kill my mother."

"W-what are you gonna do to me–?!"

"Harson...his legs, please."




Before the man could respond, there's a flash of white and on the next second, blood poured out from his mutilated legs.

"AAAGHHHH!!! It hurts! it hurts!!" The man screamed in pain, grabbing his severed bloody flesh uselessly.

Meanwhile Iris looked almost emotionless while she stared at how pitiful this man before her was.


[Skill "The Villainess" have been activated]

'I'm so calm at this...if it's not for this skill...I might have threw up.' Iris thought as she took one of the bottle potions and then splashed him with the green liquid.


The man's legs slowly grew again and the pain gradually reduced to nothing.

The man suddenly laughed hysterically, "Keke...hahahahaha!!! You're gonna die, you little bitch!! The guards will be here soon since they heard me screaming!!"

That didn't seem to affect her at all since she spoke again, "Harson, cause him pain, I don't want a single drop of his blood touching me this time."

"As you command." Harson replied and then...



Harson swung his sword down and stabbed it deep into his leg and then he pulled out his sword again and just like that, Iris splashed him with another bottle of potion.

The man panted in fear, 'W-what's with these people...why the guards haven't come here yet.'

The man flinched when he looked up and seen a glimpse of Iris' face.

She was smiling behind that mask, as if telling him that "No one can save him" and "No one gonna notice anything"

The man's eyes grew wide after knowing it, and then he noticed there was some sort of barrier around them.

'[Silent Field]'s a magic barrier I created myself just now, good to know it's a success.' Iris smiled, proud of herself.


[You acquired a skill!]


[Silent Field]

Active Skill

MP Cost: 50

Cooldown: 60 sec.

Maintain the skill: -5 MP/1 sec.

A magic barrier created by cloaking dark magical energy around the area, preventing any voice or noises coming in and out of the barrier.


"It's your fault for being so cocky in front of me~ so now let's continue since we still have a ton of potion left~" Iris spoke cheerily.

The man finally realized the weight of the situation. He couldn't escape from this and hell awaited him soon...




After what feels like an eternity of pain, the man finally gave up. He looked like a dead man at first glance but still very much alive, "S-stop it...I-i'll tell you everything..."

Iris sighed when its finally over and ordered Harson to stop.

"Good~ you finally gave up after using 20 bottles, I guess we don't have to use another 100 more on you~"

Harson and the man immediately paled at that.

"I-i'll talk!! I'll talk!! N-no more, please, I beg you!!" The man begged while kneeling his head on the ground.

"Then answer me first, where did you get these liquor from?" Iris demanded.

"I-it's my lady's order to...bring these stuff here."

Iris crossed her hands on her chest as she asked again, "For what purpose?"

"I-i don't know."

"Who is this lady you speak about?"

"It's...Lady Minerva..."

Iris and Harson knew it already but they still couldn't believe that she's actually connected with this noble family.

"Then do you know about the connection between Allura family and your lady Minerva?"

"Yes...o-of course I know! B-but...I don't think it's a good idea to–"


Harson quickly aimed his sword towards him again.

"H-hiii–!!!'s to ruin The Welford's family!!" The man cowered, curling in to himself.

Iris and Harson widened their eyes.

'So it's true.'

"What is she trying to accomplish by doing that?"

"M-my lady has a plan to ruin the Welford's family by killing the Duchess...and...and when they are weakened...she's planning to control the family."

"And how is she gonna do that?"

"Umm...through their only daughter...

Iris May Welford."

Harson grounded his teeth, holding back his anger and prevented himself from lashing out after knowing the truth.

Of course Iris didn't show any hint of anger or emotion since she knew this already from the beginning.

"I see...then just what kind of facility is this place? I can tell from the beginning it has some sort of special connection with this plan, especially the way the Allura family is guarding it with magic wall around and placing strong guards on the gate."

"F-from what I heard...this place is where they do research and production of a special poison that could kill the Duchess...and's a place where they experiment on some stuff."

Iris could tell that the special poison were manufactured in this place, but...

'...the game never mention this.' Iris has a bad feelings about this so she decided to ask.

"What kind of experiment did they do?" Iris asked.

The man quieted down, looking down to the rope binding his body, "I...I don't know."


Harson aimed his sword again to him.

"I really don't know!! They never showed it to us! I'm just a regular member just like others! E-even you ask them...they wouldn't know!" The man shouted in desperation.

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Y-yes! I-i swear to god I'm not lying! B-but from what I know...they are doing a something terrible, a horrible experiment."

"Then let me ask you....with whom did they experiment on?"

When that question appear, the man trembled in fear. He hesitated at first but began to open his mouth.

"T-they're experimenting...w-with the people we kidnapped and slaves we got from [The Bandit's King]."

Iris gritted her teeth, "Tsk....I see...thank you for the information mister and before I release you, I will ask you one more thing."

The man's expression brightened up at that, extremely happy that he was going to be finally released from all those pain they inflicted on him, "Y-yes ask away!"

A shadow fell over her face as she looked at the man with cold emotionless eyes, "Do you ever feel guilty when you kidnap those people?"


"Of course not, what am I thinking...Harson, release him painlessly, poor man had enough of pain tonight."

Harson nodded his head and then lifted his sword, "As you command."

"T-thank you very– Huh?? Painlessly–?"



Before the man could even finish his words...

Harson swung his blade down and cut off his head.





Both of them finally made it inside of the facility. By using the map they got from the man before, they were able to easily slip themselves undetected.

According to the map, they found out that there's a special room where the Allura and Minerva produced the poison and experimented on people they kidnapped.

Right now, Iris and Harson were making their way towards that room.

Harson who walked beside her could tell that his master isn't in the mood after hearing what happened to those people.


"What is it Harson?" Iris replied without even sparing him a glance.

"My apologies...I should have cut his tongue before he could say something like that." Harson apologized, bowing his head a bit.

"It's fine...I will learn the truth eventually." Iris said as she flashed him her kind smile.

But of course that was a lie.

'I'm the one who should be apologizing...I was too naive....I thought it was just a game and I had to plan myself before I got killed in the end of the story....

'But I never thought that behind all those beautiful scenes in the game...there's such a dark side to this world...I underestimated this world too much.'

As Iris was lost in her thought,


Harson stopped her from walking forwards and pulled her over the other way to hide her.

"What's wrong, Harson?" Iris asked cautiously.


A couple of voices came out at the end of the hallway.

"You sleepy man?"

"Yeah, I didn't get enough rest."

They spotted two guards in front of a door that looked like it made out of steel.

"Harson." Iris called in a silent order.

Harson nodded. "As you command, Ojou-sama."

Without wasting more time, Harson dashed out from their hiding spot while the two guards who spotted him, quickly raised their weapons.

"Who are–hmpf!?"


Harson grabbed the guard's face, shutting him up while his other hand thrust his sword forwards, stabbing him right on his heart.

The other guard snapped out of his daze, shouted in anger when he killed his friend.

"You–?! Ack–?!"

Swiftly, Harson pulled his sword out and quickly slashed the other guard by his throat.

The blood spurt out from his throat and just like that, both of them dropped lifelessly down to the ground


"Ojou-sama, I'm done." Harson reported while swinging his sword down to the side to remove their blood and put it back to his sheath.

Iris came out from her hiding, looking very impressed with his performance.

'Hmmm...i guess him being the new successor of Sensei is true after all.' Iris smiled.

Harson Pierre was taken under Rowan's wings after knowing his family ended up being a victim of that liqour incident.

"Good work, Harson."

"Thank you, Ojou-sama."

Iris walked passed him and that somehow struck Harson with awe.

This little girl remained unfazed looking at these dead body besides. Instead of being disgusted or bothered, Iris simply kicked them aside so she can make her way towards the door.


[Skill "The Villainess" have been activated]

In her head, the notice started ringing.

Of course it's ringing, this is her first time seeing a dead body like this. She was about to throw up seeing these dead guards but the skill forced her to be calm.

To top it off, she didn't feel any guilt whatsoever.

'Don't are now [The Villainess, Iris May Welford]....I shall protect this family in her matter how many people I have to step on...I will reach my goal and be with him.'

Harson took the keys from one of the guard's waist, showing it to Iris and proceed to open the door after she gave him a nod as permission.





Harson inserted the key into that steel door and unlocked the door.








He slowly opened it a bit to take a peek, checking if there're people inside.

After that, he signalled Iris to follow him after making sure it was safe.

When they entered the room, it was pitch dark, they could hardly see anything.

Fortunately there's a small lamp from the hanging from the guard's waist so Harson took it before he guided Iris inside, hovering the lamp in front of him to light their way.

"What is this place?" Harson murmurred while looking around.

They could see some notes on the wall and the table, then there's a glass case filled with some chemical bottles with various color of liquids inside of them.

Iris could feel goosebumps on her skin, a sign that something seriously bad was lurking somewhere in this room.


She bumped against Harson's back who stopped walking abruptly.

"Huh? Harson, why did you–....w-wha–"

Iris widened her eyes. Her face was drained of all colors when she saw the thing.

Harson has similar expression with Iris and for some reason, he recognized it. "W-why is it here..."

"H-huh?? Do you know what this is, Harson?!"

"Yeah...I only heard it from the legend that Master Rowan told me...on their journey with [The Hero]...they fought with one of the four generals under the Demon Lord's command"

"I know that, he blabbed about it before during our training." Iris sounded impatient and there's a hint of fear to her voice, "I just want to know what is this thing doing here?!"

Iris pointed her finger towards the gigantic arm. Its skin was red and has some sort of tattoo around them. It gave off this dark energy around it and there's so many wires, cables and tubes plugged into this arm which is dripping out dark blue blood.

"This arm...belonged to the Demon General that Master Rowan fought in his prime." Harson gulped, "the name of this demon is...

[The Ashura, Styx]."

To be continue...