Chapter 53 : Iris May Welford (Part 2)

Iris, William and Harson froze on their spot after feeling the strong ominous power coming from the man standing before them.

Despite having [The Villainess] skill, Iris still couldn't be able to move freely from how strong his presence was.

But somehow, despite all of that...the monster stayed quiet.

'Why he isn't moving?' Was their question.

The being just stood there, as if he tried to observe the situation, blissfully unaware what his mere presence did to all three of them.

But shortly after that, he inspected himself, curious at what has become of his body

*"So this is me..."*

Such a sinister voice came out from his mouth...

Iris and the others jolted in surprise after this monster finally obtained the skill to speak.

*"What is this...I feel strong."*

The, the best way to describe it is that, the Styx himself have been resurrected.

All of his hands balled into fists and his aura became a lot stronger, showing his sharp set of teeth in a terrifying grin.



*What is this!! I feel strong!! I can't believe it!! HAHAHAHA!!*

Along with his laugh, his aura burst out as if he's trying to show off his new power.

Meanwhile, Iris stood still on where she's standing, along with the others who tried their best to keep their composure.

After a long laugh, Styx finally noticed their presence.

*"Huh?? You....Who are you all??"*

Iris widened her eyes a bit, surprised that after all of those fight, somehow he didn't remember them.


But then, Styx pointed out his finger towards the little girl.

*", tell me...who are you...and why do I feel that foul energy coming from you."*

Styx asked as if he could tell that he should be very careful around her.

Iris noticed, it seemed like Styx sensed the [Light Magic] coming from her, which is the only power that could hurt him.

But...her skill forced her to be calm.


[Skill "The Villainess" have been activated]

Her fears and nervousness were washed away, replaced by a surge of calmness.

"I should be asking you...Who are you? Isn't it a courtesy to introduce yourself first before me." Iris bravely retorted him with another question.

Styx laughed.

*"Hahahaha! Indeed indeed~ you are true~ but I have to apologize. Since I don't even know what my name is...and for what purpose i was born to this world.*

Styx answered and then stared at her.

*"But one thing's for sure."*

Suddenly the atmosphere around him changed, he showed his creepy grin again and looked at her.

*"I want destruction!....I want to destroy everything! and take everything for myself!!! When I woke up, somehow I have this hatred against you and when I look at you...I feel my blood boils."*

A hint of bloodlust flashed across his eyes and that made Harson and William jumped off then stood right before Iris as if they're trying to hide her on their back. Both of them holding on to their own weapons.

"Harson! William!" Iris called their names.

"Ojou-sama! Are you okay!" Harson asked while facing the enormous energy coming from Styx.

" look really messed up now Ojou-san." William cracked a joke to relieve them from this thick and heavy atmosphere.

Styx raised one of his eye brows when he Saw them.

*"Haahh?? Who are you guys?"*

Harson glared, "Do we have the obligation to answer you, You monster!"

Styx rubbed the back of his nape then cracked his neck a bit.






Styx appeared right between Harson and William as he stood right behind them and in front of Iris.

*"It was pointless to ask.* Styx spoke.

Harson and William widened their eyes after noticing him move with a speed that they can't follow.

Styx turned his head around and gave them a smirk.


Harson and William swung their weapon to strike him but he suddenly disappeared from their sight.


Styx reappeared right behind them once again.

When they noticed his presence on their back again, Harson and William didn't stop their momentum as they spun themselves to strike him once again.


But the sword and the knives they used were blocked with each one of his hands.

*"Ohhhh, amazing reaction."*

Styx simply grinned in enjoyment, blocking their weapon with ease.

"Ojou-sama!! Please run now!!" Harson shouted as he tried to keep pushing with his sword.

"Yeah!! We can handle this!!" William shouted as well.

Iris widened her eyes, "Are you stupid!! I'm not leaving you both behind!! I can still–guh..." When she's about to get up from her feet, she suddenly dropped her knees to the ground as she felt that her body is as heavy as lead.

Harson and William saw her not moving at all, they knew she had used all of her stamina and magic to fight against this thing before.

William felt especially guilty for having her protect him from the previous explosion.

"Tsk...I never thought I would be saved by a little girl who's younger than me..." He turned to Harson "Oi, you airheaded knight! How about we have a truce and fight this bastard together."

William offered as he held onto his ground while still clashing his knives with Styx's hands.

"I don't want to work with you...but knowing that you asked me sincerely...I cannot refuse this offer."

Harson answered him as he tightened the grip of his sword

Meanwhile, Styx only looked at between them in annoyance because he was ignored.

*"Oi oi...did you perhaps forgotten about me? Finish chatting with each other?"*

Styx spoke out with a smirk.

*"And fight me? You weaklings? How are you gonna do that?!"*

Suddenly Styx double up the pressure of his aura after spoke mockery on them, forcing them to take it head on being this close to him.

But suddenly, their body surrounded with an aura...

William's aura is dark green and as for Harson, his are the color of the clear blue sky, just like Rowan.

The two of them held on their ground and endured the pressure.


Styx grinned, fascinated after seeing the change from these two.

*"Now this is gonna be interesting."*

Suddenly, Styx swung all of his arms and spreaded it wide, pushing Harson and William away due to his overwhelming strength.

And then...


In that moment, when they tried to get their momentum back...

*"Well then~ show me what you got!~"*

Styx caught them off guard by sending multiple fists flying towards them.



Harson lifted his sword and William used his knives to guard himself. But when those fists hit them, they send the two of them flying away passing through Iris who still on the ground.


"Harson!! William!!"

However, when they're still in mid air, Harson quickly flipped himself before landing on the ground first and stopped himself with his sword stabbed on the ground.

"Guhhh!!!" When he finally stopped first, he lifted up one of his left arm.


As for William, he extended a some sort of shadow rope that came out from his hand and wrapped it around Harson's left arm as he stopped himself in the air.

Harson stayed on his ground to help to stopping the force but...

When Styx eyes were practically lit up when he saw it...



Without taking a moment to breathe, Harson used his strength to pull William from that rope and send him flying like a slingshot towards Styx.

The strong momentum created a new force of speed, turning him into a flying human bullet towards Styx.

William who added his own speed and accelerated in mid air, quickly swung his knife towards him.



Styx was unable to process what just happened and got caught by that strike from William who passed through him, feeling the skin of his cheek broke and drew out blood.


Styx was about to turn around to face William but a presence rapidly approaching from behind stopped him.


Harson dashed towards him, swinging his sword from above.


Styx quickly blocked with one of his arms but suprisingly, he took a step back when his sword hit him.


Styx couldn't believe that one attack could make him move from his spot

*"But still not enough!!"*

He swung his hand away that have been clashing with his sword to deflect his blade away. After that, he swung his fist towards Harson who's going to get back to his own position.


However, William appeared from behind his back and struck him from there with his knives.


That successfully interrupted his attack against Harson and when he saw that opportunity created by William, Harson move his head that was an inch away from his fist, causing it to pass through him and he took that chance to swing his sword from below.


The strike hit his chest.Styx who got hit by the two of them felt increasingly irritated and somehwat confused of which one he should deal with.

But since it took time for him to think, the two of them connected their attack by swinging their weapon once more.


Harson swung his sword from above after that slash he made from below.


Meanwhile, William swung his knives, creating "X" line towards his back.

With their amazing coordination, they managed to land a bit of damage against his indestructible body.

Iris on the other hand, watched the fight between them in awe at the way they coordinated their attacks despite doing so for the first time.

'Amazing...I thought they would fight against each other instead lf like this...What was the cause?'

Iris asked to herself but she didn't know...

....that she was the cause of it.

But when she observed closely, she could see that Styx got injured from their attacks and concluded that there's something wrong with it.

'I see!...even though he got his perfect form now, his strength was still being weakened from the orb! But...even doesn't mean that he is getting weaker.' Iris thought.

Styx who has both of his front and back injured due to their coordinated strikes, made him angry.

*"How dare you!!"*


Styx swung his fist all over the place, forcing Harson and William to jump back to put some distances between him.

Styx sighed and observed them simultaneously.

*"It seems I underestimated you a little...I never thought my body had been weakened before I woke up."*

Styx spoke out as he didn't remember when he was hit by the orb Iris and William used on him.

*"But nevermind that, you're still weaklings."*


As soon as he said it, the wound on his back and chest were, it's more like they're regenerating in inhuman speed.

Harson and William eyes grew wide seeing the injuries they caused to him vanished in no time.

"A [Regenerating] skill!!" Iris shouted after seeing it with her own eyes.

*"Heh, is...and that's not all."*

He positioned himself into some sort of...[stance]. Shocking the three of them even more.

"No that?!–" Iris opened her mouth first.

And then...

His body slowly surrounded with a dark purplish energy which they could tell fairly easily. It's two kinds of energy which could only come from people with a certain [Job].

"A [Mana]..." William muttered.

"And an [Aura]?!" Harson spoke in disbelief.

Styx creepy grin grew wide, extremely pleased at the reaction he's getting.


Back on the dark room, Minerva sipped her wine from a new glass since she broke it last time.

"Seems like it has started, Minerva-sama." Nero pointed out after pouring the wine into her glass.

"Indeed~" Minerva replied as the two of them watched their fight.

The combination between Harson and William were quite unexpected.

"Ohhh~ the two of them are pretty skilled~ the Assassin boy is quite skillful himself, but for a mere swordsman who haven't achieved enlightment could be able to catch up with that thing's strength~ I guess Iris has an eye when choosing people~" Minerva complimented

"But~ I think that's still not enough~ cause that thing isn't just an ordinary [Chimera] that have [The Ashura] genes mixed within also has something ordinary human like us do~"

"And that is...Minerva-sama?" Nero asked.

"Yepp~ a [Job]." Minerva spoke with a smile.


Harson and William were still stunned after seeing a monster releasing two kinds of energy on his body.

A [Mana] and an [Aura].

'What is can such horrible thing like this could exist in this world?!' Iris thought in disbelief.

'A [Chimera] who not only has an [Aura] but a [Mana] too?! Doesn't he has that thing's genes?! How does that make any sense?!' Iris couldn't help but wonder how does this thing could do that sort of thing.

"Does it have [Magic Swordsman] as his job...before he was created?"


"Fufufuf~ Of course it's not~" Minerva giggled and smirked,

"Everyone knows~ a monster who has an anti-magic curse running inside his vein would never be able to use mana or magic~"

"But of course with my skill and genius mind~ I could seperate them with ease~"

"I...I see! But Minerva-sama I have a question." Nero asked.

"Sure~ what is it my dear~"

"How were you able to seperate them when the anti-magic and mana would contradict each other?? What's more, I think it would be impossible for a [Magic Swordsman] who can fuse his body with [Aura] and [Mana]."

"Fufufu~ such a good question~ I did say I required a person with a [Job] mixed with [The Ashura] gene on it right? But the truth is...I didn't use just one, but two seperated job~"

"Two seperated job?"

"Yepp~ two human body~"





Suddenly Styx moved in such a high-speed and launched his fist towards Harson.

Harson couldn't react to his speed on time, luckily he raised his sword to block that strike but...despite that...

He suddenly flew away straight to the debris around them and crashed towards it.

Iris turned around and yelled, "Harson!!"

'What was that?!' she paled.

*"Heh, [Martial Arts : Destruction Fist]."*


"The first body is a man with [Martial Artist] as a job, something we call a [Fighter] or [Brawler].

Since this body have trained for so long, he have an aura and strong body that could handle the [Ashura] gene~" Minerva explained.


William rushed towards it, trying to do a sneak attack towards him from behind.


But the strike missed and Styx countered him with his fist.


With his speed, William was able to dodge his fist and quickly jumped back to keep his distance.

'That was close...if I don't focus and let my guard down even just a little head might pop off like a balloon by now.' William thought as he landed on the ground.

Styx on the other hand, remained on his ground as he looked at him.

'Huh?? He isn't coming?' William knitted his brows in suspicion.

Styx suddenly opened his mouth and a small magic circle appeared from there.


A small purple energy were focused into one point.



Without warning...

A powerful laser made of concentrated dark energy coming towards him from his mouth and was aimed towards William's head.




William managed to dodge that laser when it's inch away from his head. His mask shattered after it got hit for a bit and the terrains behind him were destroyed, creating hot lava on the ground.

William and Iris shared similar thought, 'Was that [Magic]?!'


"While the other body was from a person who had [Dark Mage] as his job~ but in this case, rather than his body...the only thing I took from him was his [Mana Heart],

A [Mana Heart] is the core of every [Mage] so they could circulate their mana around some parts of their body to perform [Magic]."

"Now we have something with the body of martial artist mixed with Ashura genes and the [Mana Heart] that was implated inside of it~" Minerva explained cheerily.

"I-i see...but doesn't that mean the [Mana Heart] need to be circulated through the body? And wouldn't the anti-magic block them??"

"Of course it would block them~ you silly~ but...the question you need to ask is...why should I focus circulating through his entire body when I can just choose one?~"

"Huh??" Nero got confused.

"Heh~ I just need to circulate them towards its brain instead~ shooting those magics recklessly from multiple hands is quite wasteful for his mana~ but how about a targeted magic...coming from his mouth and a mind that can accelerate faster than any human being so he could react towards every attack~

"Isn't that more interesting?~ A body of an anti-magic martial artist and a head of a dark mage that can shoot out magic from its mouth many times with a low cost of mana but has an equally destructive power~" Minerva spoke while sipping onto her wine.

"Haaa~ but nonetheless~ that thing is still a failure because he cannot manifest those power since he was still unstable~ and unaware of what being he is.

Still~ it's thanks to our precious young lady here~ for forcing him to awaken his perfect form~" Minerva smirked.


Harson tried to get up to his feet with much difficulty as this was the third time he was sent flying and it made him cough out blood.


Iris noticed him and paled, "Harson!!"

Styx saw that too and his smirk grew wide.

*"Ohh? You are quite durable~"*

" think that punch could kill me? I have trained myself to death under the legend myself." Harson gritted out as if trying to mock him.

Styx laughed boisterously

*HAHAHA!! quite a funny fellow you are! since you are funny, I shall give you a painless death~*

Styx turned his head towards Harson and opened his mouth again.


A focused energy came out from his mouth.

"Harson! Run!!" Iris shouted.


As the laser shot out, Harson was unable to move and now he surrendered to his fate by closing his eyes.


But then the laser missed and hit the ground behind him.


They saw William saved Harson's life in the nick time.

"W-what are you doing?!" Harson asked when he saw William moved him away before the laser could hit him.

But then....the two of them saw something horrible happened to William.

As he rushed to save him, his back was hit by that laser. There's a pretty bad burn on his back.

"William!!" Iris cried out as her tears started to fall now. She felt the helplessness for not being able to move from her spot.

William fell off to his knees and chuckled, "Hahaha...sorry...can't believe I made a blunder."

Harson quickly grabbed him and held onto him. "Y-you shouldn't have save me!"

"Hahaha...indeed...but you are my client personal I can't let you broke my client's heart." William spoke as he coughed blood out from his mouth.

*" shouldn't have do this kind of pointless things"* Styx clicked his tongue as his mood soured and walked towards them.

Iris tried to crawl towards them but her body couldn't move at all.

"Stop it!!" Iris shouted, but Styx ignored her as he stood right before them.

*"Since you ruined my mood...i won't waste anymore time dealing with you."*

Styx looked angry, his red eyes glinted a bit before he opened his mouth...








A focused energy came out from his mouth once again.

Harson and William closed their eyes as if they have given up this time...they couldn't win against this thing.





But...when he was about to shoot it, suddenly something happen...








As if a multiple chain surrounded Styx's body, his movement become restricted and that made him stopped his magic.

Harson and William opened their eyes, when they felt that nothing happened.

"What...happen?..." Harson asked to himself, averting his eyes towards the one who done this to him.

"Ojou-sama!!" Harson called as they could see...

A desperate little girl...bawling her eyes out with tears as they shined blue just like before.

"I told stop..." Iris used her [Magic Eyes] skill to restraint Styx's movement for a moment.

And when she does made him more pissed.

*"Again and again...does everyone here, have a death wish or SOMETHING!!"*

Styx shouted as he released more of those dark aura once more.


[Skill "The Villainess" have been activated]

Her notification popped out when her skill activated on its own after she felt that pressure coming from his aura.

But somehow...

It was futile...

She couldn't stop the fear, the pressure after knowing that she couldn't do anything in front of this monster...


[Skill "The Villainess" have been activated]

That overwhelmed her...


[Skill "The Villainess" have been activated]

And it made her skill activated again and again...




Styx walked towards her...

Harson and William who saw him approaching her, tried to move.

"Ojou-sama!! RUN AWAY FROM HIM!! HURRY!!" Harson shouted desperately.

"NOOOO!! STOP!! DON'T GO NEAR HER!!" William shouted as well.

Iris couldn't move at all as she stared towards this monster who's approaching her slowly. Like a predator upon his prey.

Her mind was filled with her own thoughts and her skill continuesly notified her.





'Is this the end?'


[Skill "The Villainess" have been activated]





'Am I gonna die now?'


[Skill "The Villainess" have been activated]






Styx finally stood right in front of her...


[Skill "The Villainess" have been activated]

Another notification pops out once again.

Iris lifted her head up, looking straight towards Styx who towered over her.

*" pitiful being."* Styx mocked.


[Skill "The Villainess" have been activated]

*"Despite having that foul are still powerless before me."*

'Pitiful...? Me...?' Iris muttered.


[Skill "The Villainess" have been activated]

*"My instinct telling me that you are very I have no choice to end you before you grow stronger."*

'' Iris couldn't process it at all but nevertheless she could only feel despair.


[Skill "The Villainess" have been activated]





As if in slow motion, Styx lifted his fist....


Then he swung his fist towards her...

As the notification continue to pop out...





















It went on and on. And when his fist about to reach Iris' face....

The notification...changed on its own.



Iris' eyes grew wide after seeing the [Warning] popped out right in front her eyes.

And as if time stopped, the [Warning] started giving her explanations.






[Skill "The Villainess" had reached its limit!]





[Initiating Emergency Skill from the owner of "The Villainess" title]





[Skill "Take Over" have been activated]


Suddenly...a figure of a woman shadow came out right behind her back...then with her pitch black hand wrapped around her teary eyes.

And a voice came out right next to her ear...

"It is time~ for you to sleep~ Hanamachii Yomi... I shall take over from here~"

A gentle yet seductive voice filled her ears.

Iris blacked out as if something hit her as soon as she heard the voice.

When those hands disappeared, Iris closed her eyes.





When she reopened her eyes...





Time moved its course once again...





When his fist about to hit her face...Styx saw a glimpse of change coming from her.

Once Her eyes reopened, they changed color.





Its blood red now.





And in that moment...








A pool of blood was drawn by a single blade...

Yet another awakening has begun...

To be continue...