Chapter 64 : First Adventure (Part 1)

Today is the day Rei is going to do his first quest as an [Adventurer]. But first things first, he needed to prepare his stuff first before setting out to meet those people he just met.

Right now he is inside of his room and preparing his armor. After wearing his helmet, he walked out of the room and went downstairs

It was early in the morning, the inn was deserted but the workers there were already doing their duty. From cleaning, preparing some food and serving the Adventurers who were staying in this place as well.

Rei looked around, decided to go to an empty seat and was greeted by a cat girl he met yesterday.

"Good morning sir-nya~ how may I help you~?" The cat girl smiled, asking him about what he wanted.

"Hmmmm, maybe a simple bread and cream soup will do." Rei ordered.

"Comin right up sir-nya~" the cat girl nodded and went off to get his food ready.

In the mean time, Rei spent the time to observe his surroundings. There wasn't that much customer who ate in here unlike last night.


Rei sensed someone approaching him and it was a big woman who are known as Hilda, the owner of the Hatchler Inn.

"Good morning young fella! Aren't cha pretty early today! Can't wait for the adventure?" Hilda asked while taking a seat across him.

"Well, I do...I can't wait to try these quests and adventuring for myself, but I also have my reason to go up early."

"Hoho~ aren't you quite diligent? And what kind of reason is that?"

"Well...I need to prepare myself before setting off, almost all my equipment is on a bad shape." Rei admitted while showing the armor he is wearing right now. There's a few cracks on its surface and looked like it was in the verge of breaking.

Hilda noticed it and nodded, "Mhm mhm, I see...that's very a good decision, most newbies forgot about how to take good care of their equipment but you are quite experienced on this, did someone teach you about that?" After giving him an explanation, she asked him again, starting to get even more curious.

"Well someone told me, before setting off on a dangerous need to prepare yourself to face any problem on your own."

"Hahaha! Quite a strict teacher you have huh!"

"Well I'm pretty grateful to have him teaching me for 2 years." Rei replied.

"Ohho?~ Then how old are you exactly?" Hilda asked out of curiosity.

But Rei chuckled, "No can do, that information is personal."

" secretive you are! You're starting to look like a shady guy!"

"Well think of it as you want but I still won't tell." Rei replied adamantly.

Hilda laughed once again, "Hahaha! Fine! Then let me ask you another thing."

Rei looked at her when she said it like that.

"If you are new come your equipment already in that shape? Did you fought something on the way here?"


Rei went silent about that and carefully staring at Hilda for a moment.

"Is that a question from the owner of this inn or...from an ex-veteran Adventurer." Rei asked her instead as they are now giving off a grim pressure against each other.

But Hilda grinned and laughed again, "Hahaha! Fine! I won't bother to ask you again~" Hilda stood up while smacking Rei's back.

Rei just rubbed his back and gave her a nod,

"But let me tell you, if you need anything, just ask away!" Hilda said while flashing a wide smile at him.

Rei decided to do just that, "Hmmmm...then can I ask something?"

"Hmm?" Hilda blinked for a moment.

"Where can I find a [Blacksmith] around here?" When Rei asked that question, the cat girl came with his food.

"Here's your food nya!~"

Meanwhile Hilda blinked her eyes again, "A [Blacksmith]?"


Afterwards, Rei set off to the place where Hilda told him. After spending quite a while walking, he's standing in front of an old building.

Rei was a bit stunned from the appearance of this old building but when he stood there, he heard a sound.


"This sound..." Rei mumbled as he heard such a familiar sound.

The sound of hammer, tampering something.


Rei hesitated at first to open the door, but with a little push, he opened it.


A bell sound was heard after he opened the door, a sign that someone's coming inside.

But when he was in, there's no one who greeted him or anything. He could see how messy this place was but he could also see some weapon hanging on the wall and even on the barrel together.

From outside appearance, all the weapons here looked like a dirty worn out sword and dull but when Rei approached one of the sword and touched it l, he could feel something from it.

Rei widened his eyes a bit in surprise, ".....?!! This is..."



[Dull Sword]

Grade: Common

Type: Sword


Durability: 100%

An imperfect sword forged by a [Dwarf] race, despite it looks dull, it strength cannot be compared with any other ordinary sword.




'What's with this strength?! It's just a dull sword and it doesn't have any skill! But...the power is on par with uncommon type of sword I made long ago.' Rei thought while looking at the status of the sword he is holding.

Then he found a particular word in the explanation, 'A [Dwarf]?' But after that, a voice came from behind him.

"Ahem...are you a customer?"

When Rei heard the voice, he quickly turned around. "Huh?" But he couldn't see anyone around until the voice came out again.

"Oi! Down here!"

Rei looked down and he found a big yet short round old man standing in front of him. His hair is white in color that matched with his impressive beard. The man was quite dirty and is currently holding a hammer on his right hand.

"So? Are you gonna answer me?"

Rei blinked, snapping himself out of his daze. "Ah! I-i'm sorry, I didn't mean to barge in and yes I am a customer."

"Ohhh...a customer you say? How come you know about this shabby kind of place?" The dwarf said as he walked towards the nearby table and took a seat.

"Ah, yes...Hilda recommended me about this place."

"Hilda? That damn woman...can't she see that I'm busy enough on my own." The dwarf grumbled rudely. "But now that I see you, are you new here?"

"Yes...I am a new Adventurer that just registered yesterday."

"Hmmmm...with that kind of monster armor?"

"Huh?? What monster?"

"Yeah, a monster armor...the armor you are wearing right emitting energy just like a [Monster], people who are sensitive with mana cannot differentiate between a person and monster with that."

Rei blinked for a moment, confused of what he meant by that. But he have a gist that might be the reason people feeling scared because of it.

'I thought it was my helmet that made them scared like that?!' Rei screamed inside his mind.

"I don't know who created that armor, but I think that guy is probably a genius for maintaining the monster's power on the armor...did you met a genius or something?" The dwarf asked curiously.

"Y-yeah, I guess so...hahaha." Rei said awkwardly, 'Although I'm the one who made this...but being called a Genius is something...' Rei thought.

"Anyway, what do you need me for? As you know, repairing and forging an item will cost a lot if you're doing so with me.

"I mean there's [Blacksmith] anywhere other than here and this one is rather shabby." The dwarf spoke while sighing.

"But I can guarantee you that the weapon I made is much stronger than any other kind of weapon you ever seen in this city." The dwarf spoke as he looked at him seriously.

Rei could feel his sincerity and the weight of his words. He already saw the weapon he made and it was enough proof for him to trust his words.

"I understand." Rei nodded.

The dwarf nodded as well, looking down as if he accepted this feeling the same thing that always happen to him, rejection...

"I see...well I can recommend you to–"


"I want a repair for my armor, and forging a weapon for me as well." Rei cutted off and spoke as he accepted his offer, before the dwarf even finished his words.

The dwarf looked up at him in suprise, "–Huh?"

"Oh! Also can you show me where are the bows and spears are? I really need them–"

"–Wait, wait, wait!" The dwarf stopped him from talking.


"Did you not hear what I said? I said that if you do repair and forging an item here it will cost you a lot! Didn't you get that part?!" The dwarf yelled at him as he smashed his hand on the table.

"Shouldn't you feel unfair about that part?" The dwarf added again as if he really want this man to reject his offer.

But Rei stayed calm and looked at the dwarf, "I know...but didn't you said you guaranteed me that the weapon here is the best in this city?"

"Huh? W-well yeah–"

"Then there's no problem."


"Beside...I already checked your weapon beforehand and that dull sword you made...

Even though it's still imperfect, it can still pack of punch." Rei commented about the dull sword he was holding before.

The dwarf somehow suprised hearing that coming from him, 'He knows the value of that sword? from just touching it?!'

"And one more seems to be misunderstanding me about the cost...I don't give a care about it because....

There's nothing more precious other than your life if it cost that much right?" When Rei spoke like that, The dwarf was astonished by his words. He realized that money is not the most precious thing.

It's the lives he has taken care of.

'Can't believe there's a guy like this would said those words, not only that...he could tell that sword is still imperfect.'

'There's nothing more precious other than life...huh.' The dwarf sighed in defeat by his words, by a mere stranger who he never met in his life but spoke like a wise man.

"Hah! Well said it boy!" Suddenly the dwarf laughed as he grinning at him.

"Huh??" Rei was confused instead of why suddenly this dwarf laughed.

The dwarf suddenly stood up and looked at him, "Then what are you waiting for...

"Show me your armor and let me repair it, about the bow and the spear, it's on the left and right shelf."

Rei was surprised how easily the dwarf told him about the weapons he asked, "A-ah! Yes! Thank you."

But before he went looking for it...

"Before that, tell me...what is your name." The dwarf asked him.

Rei stopped and turned to look at him, "My name is Crimson."

The dwarf smiled, "I see...Crimson huh, what a unique name you have, you can call me Gudmund."

Rei smiled behind his helmet, "Thanks Gudmund."

The dwarf nodded as he let Rei bought those spear and bow he needed, and asked what he wanted with Gudmund for the weapon he had in mind.

"Crimson this what you want?" Gudmund asked.

Rei nodded as he gave him the material that he need.

"N-no way! This thing is!..."


Finally, he struck a deal with Gudmund and now Rei is walking to the Guild to meet the people who wanted him to join with the quest.

Right now, all of them were sitting on the table together.

First is the brown haired young man with a headband, and a long sword attached on his waist.

[D-Class Swordsman, Andrew].

"Ummmm...can you both stop this." Andrew sighed as these two girls clung on his arms.

The girl wearing a pair of glasses with black robe and a staff who sat next to him was clinging on his right arm.

[D-Class Mage, Dahlia]

"Erika, you go away...I want to have my time with Andrew."

On the other side was a girl with a pony tail in a skimpy outfit with bandages wrapped around her arms, is now clinging on Andrew's left arm as well.

[D-Class Monk, Erika]

"You should go away! I'm his childhood friend anyway!" Erika defended herself.

And lastly, a white haired girl with the same robe and staff as the mage but this hers are white in color, was sitting beside Rei instead.

[D-Class Priest, Lena]

"P-please don't fight with each other like that! W-we have a meeting to do." Lena cried, trying to stop these two.

Meanwhile, Rei sat right across them with his fully equiped item, folding his arms. On his hand, he was wearing some sort of black iron glove.

'I can't believe the [Blacksmith] here is highly skilled...maybe I should try to learn something from him.' In the midst of their arguing, Rei was talking to himself internally about this gloves he is wearing.

The iron gloves looked like a scale and sharp nails on each ends.


[Black Claw of the Unknown Beast]

Grade: Epic

Type: Gauntlet



Durability: 100%

A gauntlet with a claw shape on each of its fingers. It was a created by none other than the [Dwarf] race by fusing a bit of the sword that contained the unknown beast power. It is now can be used by the user's own hand.



Passive Skill

Due to its dark energy, it could apply [Corrosion] status towards everything it touches, including the wielders' enemies.

[Beast' Claw]

Active Skill

MP Cost: 50

With the shape of the beast claw, it can release the beast's strength and rip apart the body of the enemy who stand on its way.


'I told him to repair it, not making it strong.' Rei spoke while looking at the status of this glove.

'He did told you it was kind of a service.' Ray replied.

'Even so, the strength is amazing it even has two skills on it! This is beyond our own!'

'Well he is a dwarf for a reason, they are blessed by none other than [the God of Blacksmith and Craftsman, Hephaestus].' Ray explained.

'You mean all of the dwarves??' Rei asked.

'Yes, they all have his blessing...but you are also the same.'

'Huh?? Me?'

'Did you forgot? That you received a skill [Blacksmith Flame]? It's a rare skill among [Blacksmith]s and most of the race who can have this skill is the [Dwarf] themselves who received the blessing.' Ray explained.

'What?!' Rei suprised at how easy he managed to get that skill, 'Is this even allowed...' Rei thought as he sighed.

'I guess it is, I mean he did watched you creating 200 swords just for spare.' Ray replied while nodding his head.

'Ehehehe~' Rei laughed awkwardly.

'But back to the case, we still have a problem to settle.' Ray spoke, hinting him to look at what happened right now.

Rei saw the team that was supposed to be discussing about the quest right now, is now currently fighting over a guy.

Rei sighed, 'this damn protagonist.' He grumbled, showing a bit of jealousy of his situation but he shook it off and tapped the table with his iron glove.


"Ahem...are you done?" Rei asked as he broke the atmosphere.

"A-ah!–Yes! I'm sorry for making you wait Crimson-san!" Andrew quickly pushed them both away to gave him space as he smiled awkwardly at him.

"It's's about the quest, I need to know what kind of quest you are taking right now?" Rei asked while looking at him.

"Oh! It's a quest for–"

"It's a quest to eliminate [Goblin] of course!"

"Y-yeah yeah! It's [Goblin]."

"[Goblin]...I see." Rei mumbled.

"Yepp! [Goblin]! The weakest monster!"

"Hmmm...I see." Rei replied with such uninterested looks behind that helmet.

"What? Don't tell me you are scared with that scary look of yours, mister?~" Erika jeered at him and then boasted, "Don't worry~ I can defeat them with my bare hands! I can crush them all until nothing is left!"

"Hah, such a barbarian~" Dahlia retorted.

"What did you say?!" Erika glared.

"What? It's true. You only think about your brute strength, menawhile I~ can easily burn them to death with my magic~" Dahlia spoke while showing off a small magic circle on her hand, creating a small fire from it.


"What–?!" As the two of them continue to argue again, Rei sighed.

'Houston...I'm sorry for calling you old before.'

'It's okay...I'm sorry to be mad at you for something small like that.'

Watching the two girls, reminded the two of them when they were fighting. Rei apologized to him after seeing the mistake he had done .

Rei looked at Lena who seemed nervous and the only one who sat right beside him.

"Lena was it?" Rei asked.

"Y-yes! Do you need anything s-sir?!" Lena stumbled with her words, having a hard time meeting his gaze.

"What do you think about the [Goblin]?" Rei asked again.

"U-ummm...I think they are a monster to me, a pretty scary one..." Lena quieted down, speaking softly.

"I see, well it is scary to face off a monster like that."

"Y-yeah! It is! W-well this will be my first time do a quest such as this." She spoke while looking down.

"Hmmmm, then what kind of quest you have done usually?" Rei asked.

"Ummmm...we only done herb gathering and small monster subjugating...such as boar and wolf." Lena explained. As soon as she noticed that Rei has been staring at her, she quickly hide her face with her robe.

"W-waaah! T-that's all!" Lena shrieked, trying to hide herself.

"I understand...and thank you for explaining it to me." Rei nodded as he understood why these people looked quite easy going about this quest.

'Do you know anything about [Goblin]...Houston.' Rei asked while folding his arms.

'Of course I know...since I was an Adventurer myself, they were indeed the weakest monster of all but...they can be tricky sometimes.'

'I what do you think about this team...can they managed to defeat those things.' Rei asked as he stared at them.

Ray chuckled, from their observations...

'Erika, a girl who is nothing but a muscle-head.' Rei spoke.

'Dahlia, A girl who is confident with her magic but doesn't seem to be understanding her situation.' Ray added.

'Lena, a nervous and shy girl who cannot initiate a conversation unless being spoken to first.' Rei continue.

Rei shifted his eyes at Andrew this time,

'And a boy who doesn't know how to handle his own team.'

'Indeed...from your observations and seems we can conclude that...





this team...





Deemed to fail horribly on this quest.' Ray finished it.

To be continue...