Chapter 66 : First Adventure (Part 3)

In the middle of this really bad situation where Andrew's team and Rei were surrounded by a horde of Goblin that overwhelmed them with thier sheer number advantage.

Rei provoked the team to fight the Goblins before them, while sitting there doing nothing but watched the fight.

"So? Go get them." Rei spoke while giving them another push.

And the first one to take the bait...was Erika.

She fisted her hands as she ground her teeth, "Aaaghhh!! it's just a mere Goblin! How hard can it be!!" And then, she started charging the enemy by herself.

"Erika stop!!" Andrew shouted but was a second too late to stop her before she could leave the formation.

"That barbaric woman!" Dahlia clicked her tongue and began to create a small magic circle on her hand.

"Erika-san!" Lena shouted as well, her grip on the staff tightening.

Erika was already in front of the enemy, ignoring them.


The Goblins of course, responded to her who's charging on them alone. The Shaman who stood behind them shouted to order them to charge at her the same way she did to them.


The Goblins started charging, and when they are near, they were met with a fist flying towards their face.



They looked dumbfounded until they were sent flying.

"Fuuhh! See? That was easy!" Erika said after sending them away with her fist.

The Goblin were taken by surprise but they didn't back down and continued to charge towards her.

"Dammit...Dahlia! Cover me with your magic! Lena, prepare healing magic!" Andrew who saw her fighting them alone, decided to join as he rushed into the battle.

Dahlia nodded as she began her chant, "O'lightning fury, pass through my enemies and paralyze everything in your wake..."

"O'lord, give us strength to overcome this test, give us your blessing and light to bring us hope...." Lena chanted her magic too, the same moment as Dahlia. And as they continue with her chant, the Goblins were still charging towards Erika.


As one them jumped towards her, she swung her legs to kick them off flying.

"Yush!" But it was too early to celebrate for her because one of them jumped from behind.


Erika who was late to notice, was about an inch away from the giblin's axe. But before it could hit her from behind...


A sword slashed through its body, making blood spurt out to the ground around them.

It was Andrew.

"Andrew!" Erika called his name, happy to see him by her side.

"Sorry for the wait!" Andrew shouted back, slashing through the Goblin who's charging towards him.


Erika smiled, glad that he came for her and now she decided to focus her attention back towards the goblins.

Rei observed them from a far, watching how those two fought together side by side, 'Hmmmm, it's not bad but...'

'They are lacking in skill it seems.' Ray hummed.

'Yeah, from the looks of it...Erika could only hurt them with her punches that didn't even do enough damage to kill one of the goblins.' Rei observed.

'Indeed...she is more like weakening them with her punch, giving that Andrew guy a chance to kill them in their weakened state.' Ray explained as well.


As Andrew and Erika fought on the front line, some sort of lightning was created by Dahlia who stood a good distance away behind them.


Following that was a small light, created by the other girl—Lena. Both of them are currently doing the chants necessary to cast their magic.

Rei stared at their magic, and right now...he looked somewhat disappointed.



'Does magic needs to be chanted that long?' Rei asked in the middle of this situation.

''re asking about what that Schafer boy demonstrates to you in the past?'

'Indeed...he demonstrates me the magic and told me, that magic in this world needed to be chanted and can be shortened if you had magic sense with the chant words.' Rei explained.

'Indeed and that is true, so why do you even ask.' Ray was somewhat confused with his question.

'Since I want to confirm something...isn't the skill [Fire] is the same like magic? Because we created a phenomenon by using [Mana] just like how you taught me before.'

'Yeah it is, I'm suprised you still remember what I explained to you 2 years ago.'

'Well I have been thinking how to use magic but since our job limited us to learn it...we couldn't learn it from Alex that time.'

'It's because a [Blacksmith] can only learn [Fire] affinity magic to support their job...meanwhile that Schafer boy excels with [Wind] affinity type of magic.'

'Well that is true...but that's not my point!'

'Then what is it?'

'Father did teach me before about [Fire] right? And he told me when using this skill, you need to imagine a fire coming out on the woods, by feeling and using a strong imagery of it, am I right?' Rei explained.

'Yes, but what about it.'

'Doesn't that don't to chant the magic and just use a strong image of what magic you need to use by creating the phenomenon using your mana? Just like using [Fire] skill, isn't it?' When Rei explained to him


At his silence, Rei asked again 'Hmm?? What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?'

'H-huh?? N-no you didn't say anything wrong...b-but! I cannot tell you about that since magic wasn't my expertise!'

'I see...well I will try to ask Alex or anyone with [Mage] job then.'

'Hahaha! Y-yeah.' Ray awkwardly laughed as he thought it with himself, 'This kid is freaking me out by asking how to create something impossible into reality...ugghh...this will be bad for my heart.'

When the conversation was finally over, the chants of those two girls also came to an end.

"...So come forth!–[Lightning]!"

"....Help this little lamb!–[Heal]!"

And just like that, they released their magic skill. Dahlia created a small lightning from her hand while Lena created a green light that slowly enveloped the two who have been fighting on the front line.

Rei who saw that was of course somewhat taken aback with their display of magic since this will be his first time seeing it, but...

He suddenly felt that something bad was about to happen the moment he saw the Goblin Shaman in the back, showing its teeth as if it was smirking.

Meanwhile, Andrew and Erika were slowly getting tired from the seemingly endless onslaught from the goblins.

"Dammit...there's no end to them!" Erika shouted while panting heavily, as she rested her back against Andrew who's also getting exhausted.

"Yeah...this is the first time I met a lot of these monsters." Andrew said as well and felt their body slowly enveloped with green light.

"Huh?? This is–!! Lena!!" Erika who noticed the light, quickly shifted her eyes to her team mate on the back who used her magic skill [Heal] to recover their stamina.


While Andrew felt a tingling feeling from a surge of magical power coming from Dahlia who were preparing her magic skill, [Lightning].

"Dahlia!" Andrew called her name as he smiled.

"Sorry for making you wait!" Dahlia spoke with a confident smile as her magic was finally ready to be released.

The two of them celebrated as they felt like they were gonna win with this.

That was until something unexpected happen...

"Here we go!! [Light–"


Right before Dahlia about to shoot her lightning magic, it suddenly stopped and dissipated into the air without anyone knowing what just happened.

"Huh–??" Dahlia widened her eyes when she saw the magic suddenly stopped working just like that.

Of course, Andrew and Erika who saw it were shocked when they too saw it.

"W-why it won't activated?" Dahlia asked to no one in particular frantically, looking at her empty hands in a mix of dread and confusion.

Rei knew about it from the moment she tried to detect the enemy of course, 'Of course it won't activate when you cannot use your detection magic before...Do they forgot that the enemy have jamming magic.'

"What's wrong?!" Andrew shouted at her until the Goblins charged at them once again, but Andrew blocked them with his sword.

"I-i don't know! My magic won't activate!"

"M-me too!! The [Heal] stopped working!" Lena shouted as the light slowly dimmed down.

Andrew looked at them in a mix of disbelief and a hint of fear, "What?!!"

Their stamina that was slowly being recovered came to a halt as well, making them weak.

Erika continued to punched them all desperately, "Haaa!! Haaa!! Dammit!! Get away!!" Erika panted heavily as her punches slowly getting weaker and weaker until finally she couldn't muster anymore power.

"U-ughh...A-andrew." Erika sobbed while Andrew continued to fend off the remaining Goblins with his sword.

"Stay back! Erika!" Andrew ordered, slashing them one by one who tried to approach them...

His sword that he swung started to be covered with blood...

Until finally...there's this one last Goblin who charged at him and in response, he swung his sword towards it.


The moment his sword struck the Goblin's body, it went right through its chest but...when he tried to pull the sword, it slipped from his hand due to the blood.

"N-no–!!" Andrew tried to take his sword back but gets stopped by the Goblin who stood in front of him. "D-dammit!"

"A-andrew! W-what should we do!" Erika spoke while they slowly took a few steps back while the Goblin began to surround them all.

"I-i don't know..." Andrew replied as he couldn't think of anything at this moment. 'Dammit...they outnumbered us...and even the magic couldn't work...right now.' Andrew thought.

Dahlia quickly hid behind Andrew's back while Lena was struck by fear and couldn't move from where she's standing.


The Goblins started to laugh seeing the despair from these adventurers' face.

The fear...

Slowly swallowed them up...

Rei in the meantime, didn't do anything but remained on his spot, still waiting...for something to come out.

''s coming.'

The situation...couldn't get any worst.


And that is when the ground shook.

"Huh?? w-what is that..." Andrew noticed it and so he looked around frantically.


The sound of large steps approaching them that was so powerful it made the ground shook with its might.

"W-what is happening..." Erika began to shook as her instinct felt something dangerous approaching.


The pressure on this team of adventures thickened....


"T-this can't be...." Dahlia mutterred as she somewhat recognized this feeling until she saw...


A big silhouette showed up through the darkness.

"T-this must be a dream..." Lena trembled as she couldn't hold back her tears as she saw the mysterious creature.


The Goblins laughed and cheered loudly in celebration.







The trees falling apart, followed with the roar of the creature.


A big monster with muscular build, dark-gray skin and a fang like tusks on its mouth, red eyes, and two large horns on its forehead and a great sword attached on its back.

It's a monster that was way stronger than they were and powerful enough to take down even veteran Adventurers, they equipped with their strong battle sense.

'Hah! I see...I thought it was a Hobs but instead something much more dangerous.'

'Do you know what it is...Houston.'

'Well I never thought I would see this monster once again, Kiritsuka you should becareful...that one is what you call...




an [Ogre] A-rank Monster.'


The Ogre roared once again, creating more heavy pressures around him.

"W-why an [Ogre] is here?!"

Andrew shouted as he couldn't move from where he stood. The pressure came from this monster was able to paralyze the team who stood there huddled to themselves in fear.

Everyone except...

Him...the man with an armor who sat there, watching the view calmly.

Rei smirked after seeing the monster he has been waiting for, "I the big one finally shows up." He said as he stood up from his seat and began to walk towards it.




"Very impressive...the pressure is something else, so this is an Ogre huh." Rei spoke calmly as he stood before the team.

"S-sir Crimson! W-what are you doing! G-go back!" Andrew warned him as he was barely standing with his jello-like feet.

But Rei ignored him until something jumped off from his side.


A Goblin, who has been hiding in the bushes and waited for the right moment, and now trying to strike Rei from the left side.

"Sir!! Becare–!!"


Right before its axe hit his head, the Goblin was stopped by his hand which managed to grab its head.

The Goblins and the team saw what happened. The Goblins suddenly stopped laughing and cheering the moment Rei held onto the Goblin's head with his bare hand.

This Goblin tried to resist him, struggling against his grip but it was futile because Rei is much stronger.

"When you set an should start with shutting your damn mouth when attacking someone." Rei spoke as he tightened his grip against its head.


The Goblin screamed in pain until...





He crushed its head...






Its head burst like a popped balloon while the blood sprayed on his armor, creating a grotesque scene in front of them.

"Hmmmm...a new monster...a new Adventure, I guess I will learn much I right Houston." Rei mumbled, grinning behind that helmet as his eyes lit in the slits of his helmet.

'Yeah...indeed.' Ray smirked.

"Hey, Andrew, it seems I haven't told you yet about my childhood...let me tell you something."

"Before I came here, I hunted a monster much bigger than that. I faced them alone and use them to make this armor for myself." Rei explained while getting into his battle stance.

"The reason why I didn't take a single step before now is because I am targeting an entirely different thing from you.

"You can take the Shaman and the others yourself. As for me...i will take this big one alone." Rei smirked and released his red aura around his body.

"I bet this one can give me a good material and experience so come at me, Ogre!"

As his eyes created two different kinds of light, golden-yellow and red-crimson, he spoke

"Now then...shall we start the hunt?"

To be continue...