Chapter 77 : The Future Companion

Three days after the promotion, Rei was in the Hatchler Inn, sitting and talking with Fang and Andrew's team together.

"Crimson, why don't we go on a quest together!" Fang offered while Rei was eating his breakfast, which is a cream soup and bread.

"A quest?" Rei replied inquiringly.

"Yepp, a quest! Since you are D-class now, you should be able to have a B-rank quest together with us."

"Is there such qualifications like that?" Rei asked while munching on a bread.

"Of course, an E-class can join a C-rank quest as long you teamed up with D or C-class. For the B-rank quest, you need to be at least D-class with enough achievement." Fang explained.

"Is it true?!" Andrew jumped from his seat, as always he was surrounded with two girls on both sides. The ponytailed girl Erika and the girl with glasses Dahlia.

"Can we all join?" Andrew asked while the girls insisted to it as well.

"Hmmmm...I don't know about that." Fang rubbed his chin while observing him.

"W-why is that?"

"I have seen what Crimson was capable of from the way he fight. He's somewhat an All-Rounder type which is very rare in this case. He can be either support and attacker at the same time."

"But I haven't seen you fight and so I don't know if that's a good idea to join or not." Fang explained.

The elf—Ruru leaned close to them as she overheard about what he said, "Yepp yepp, you know how dangerous it is for D-class to join on a B-rank quest, it might cost your lives."

"Did you forget that you almost died from an Ogre attack if it wasn't for Crimson?" Kagura crossed her hands to her chest, joining into the conversation as well.

The moment he heard their rejection, Andrew looked down, disappointed.

Rei sighed seeing these people just saying whatever they want, but...that's the truth.

'If they went out fighting a B-rank or A-rank Monster...they will die for sure.' Rei thought.


"Hmmm, I think it's fine to let them join." Rei spoke while taking another spoon of his soup.

"Huh??" They looked at him in surprise after hearing that.

Fang knitted his brows, "Did you not listen to what I said?"

"Of course I heard's surprising to me that you're capable to explain all of that."

"Hey! You think I'm that dumb!" Fang shouted in annoyance.

As he said that, all of them shared the same look, as if they're agreeing with Rei.

"But yeah, they will surely die if they fight a B-rank or A-rank monster by themselves."

"That's true." The big man in this group, Wise spoke.

"But surely it will be a good experience to them...we let them train at the same time." Rei suggested.


Rei nodded as he put his spoon down, "Sometimes you need to understand how to fight a monster...if we fight a person, they are sometimes tricky to deal with but it's also the same as fighting a monster.

"If you don't know what their habits are and what are they capable of, it will be hard for you to fight one." Rei explained.

"That's also true." Fang mumbled while holding his chin, thinking about it deeply.

"For example, a Wolf monster is agile, they are swift yet ferocious. They kill with their fangs and claws, but....what is their weakness?" When Rei asked that, seemed like no one knows the answer.

Rei sighed, "Well I guess you know how to deal with it, but doesn't know what kind of weakness they have."

"S-sorry, this is the first we heard about it."

"Well from my observations, Wolf monsters have two weaknesses." Rei spoke while lifting two of his fingers.

"The first one is simple...because they only charges at you so it's easy to predict where they're going to attack based on their characteristics as a beast."

"I see...Beast type monster is based on what kind of animal...those kind of monsters sometimes hides and attack when we let our guard down." Kagura nodded.

"Then the second is the most simple of all...they have higher instincts than ours, like they could sense danger from their prey. If you showed a bit more intimidating pressure around can even put them down without raising your sword." Rei explained.

They were taken by surprise after hearing that kind of explaination.

"I know that they're sometimes scared when we showed our sword but never knew you can make them fall with only intimidation." Fang mumbled.

"Of course, but the intimidation I'm talking about is mixing it with a bit of Bloodlust which could let them knew...they're going to be killed." Rei explained again.

"Woah...I never knew about that!" Andrew spoke, " can you do that, Crimson-san?"

"Hmmmm...well I guess I can only show it to you."


When Rei shifted his head towards him, his eyes glinted for a bit and suddenly...

A wave of pressure coming at Andrew like a storm.

"Ugh–!" Andrew who got struck by it, felt heavy all of sudden. A feeling that he knew all too well. Fear.

'I-it just like that time.' He remembered when the ogre showed himself before them.

It seems like only Andrew felt it, because the he others looked confused when Rei and Andrew went silent so suddenly.

Until they saw Andrew's terror-stricken pale face and currently breaking a lot of sweat.

"Andrew!" Erika tried to shake him as a means to snap Andrew out of it.

After that, Rei closed his eyes and sighed while Andrew started to pant heavily the moment those feelings disappeared right after Rei closed his eyes.

"Haaa...!! Haaah....haaah....was that...Bloodlust?" Andrew guessed in the midst of his frantic wheezing.

"Huh??" The others glanced at him with wide eyes, since they didn't feel anything at all.

Fang of course recognized the thing that he just did, "Was that a directed bloodlust?!"

"Yeah." Rei replied to him so casually as he stood up from his seat then turned around to face Andrew.

"If you're asking how did I managed to do it...then learn from this training I'm about to give you, learn how to survive and learn to know your limit, do you understand?" Rei spoke at Andrew as the teen still felt hazy from his stare.

Andrew gulped after hearing what he said, he knew if he needed to reach that level of strength, he has to throw away everything he has built and learned it from scratch.

With a determination look on his face, he looked up at him.

"Teach me...teach me how to become strong, Crimson-san." Andrew spoke while staring into his eyes.

Rei met his gaze and smirked, "Hmph, you better not taking those words back."

Andrew smiled in excitement along with his team.

Rei turned to Fang to ask him then, "Fang, I'll take just show us the quest, can you?"

Fang sighed, "I guess I don't have much choice...but the next quest it will be just us okay?"

"I promise." Rei nodded.

Ruru smiled and beamed, "Then I have a perfect quest for you beginners!"

"For beginner?" Andrew asked, curious.


In the forest not far from Aven Town, there was a quest to subjugate a certain monster.

That monster was big, maybe bigger than the Ogre and the trees around it but their strength and battle experience is much lower than them.

They have one big round eyes and sharp teeth, with green lime color skin, while holding a large club made out of wood.


Yes...that monster is,



In the middle of the forest, it could be seen that many trees were falling down to the ground, followed with a scream.

"Oh, they're back." Rei spoke as he could see...

That Andrew and his team were currently running for their life with a big Cyclops hot on their tails.


"Help!!!" Andrew were running while bawling his eyes out with tears.

"Who said this is for beginner!! This is impossible impossible impossible!!" Dahlia screamed, clutching onto her staff.

"Kyaaaak!!" Erika screamed as well

As for Lena, she was standing behind Rei.

"A-are they gonna be fine?" She asked.

"About what?" Rei replied.

"I-i mean about the plan we had before?"

"You don't have to worry, because I am responsible on protecting you guys." Rei smiled reassuringly under his helmet at her.

The girl somehow felt that he's smiling and so she nodded while her cheeks grew warm.

Rei sighed, 'Well it's not like I'm completely worried at them...[Subjugate two Cyclops that roamed around this forest], that's the quest we're currently at right now.'

'Cyclops, a monster with powerful strength but they're not as smart or have battle experience like the Ogre. But they are still a threat that killed many D-class and C-class Adventurer.'

'Although they're slow, so it would be fine for them...except her.' Rei thought while looking at them who'll return to him shortly.

"Guys! We're almost there!" Andrew shouted.

Erika nodded but she's worried of Dahlia who ran beside her.

She looked far paler and tired than the two of them, "W-why must I go running with you both!"

"Crimson-san said that a Mage need to at least have strong stamina to catch up!" Andrew said.

"T-this is hell!!" Dahlia shouted while panting heavily.

Rei sighed, 'Of all the three of them...Dahlia have the lowest stamina of all, so I just need to push her to raise her stamina by running.'


When the Cyclops growled at them and feeling like it almost catching up to them, the one who ran the fastest from them all is...


Is actually Dahlia.

Andrew and Erika blinked twice after seeing something unbelievable, and that is a Mage running faster than a Warrior and a Monk from with a big monster chasing them.

Even Rei was caught off guard at that and ended up laughing in his head, 'Hahaha! did she just awaken something?'

'That's strengthening magic that increased her speed. I guess she must have unconsciously activated it.' Ray spoke.

It didn't take long for Dahlia to arrive first and she immediately hid behind Rei along with Lena.

"Crimson-san!! H-help!!" Andrew yelled while running as fast as they could, but knowing their limit they must have been exhausted by now.

So Rei decided to join in, "Lena, take care of Dahlia for me." He spoke while walking towards their direction.

"Y-yes!" Lena replied as she turned to the mage and started treating her.

The Cyclops started to get closer and closer to them, and it suddenly leapt over them.

Andrew and Erika who saw a big shadow overlapping their body, shifted their heads up to see that monster was in the air.


The Cyclops without a doubt swinging his giant club towards them and at the same time, Fang and the others rushed in to see what's happening.

"I heard a scream!" Fang shouted as he panted a bit heavily, seemed like they were rushing to this place right after defeating one of the Cyclops.

That was when they saw the other Cyclops were jumping that high and about to strike Andrew and Erika who's running below him.

"No!!–" Fang who saw that, was about to run towards them but halted when he saw that someone else has already did that for him.


A man with black armor and red crimson scarf fluttering around on his back, passed through Andrew and Erika then stayed there.


"That idiot!! What is he gonna do?!" Fang hissed when Rei was just standing there while the Cyclops was about to slam its club down.

'What am I gonna do? It's simple...there's a way to obtain a skill, for a sword, spear and bow...they need to simply hit the target.'

'Meanwhile...for a shield.'

At that moment, Rei took out a shield from his [Inventory].


The eyes that were currently watching him, grew wide after seeing Rei summoned a shield out of thin air and holding it on his left hand.

A black triangle shield, with red pattern on around it, creating something that looked like a monster with red crystal embedded in the middle of the shield.

Everyone was surprised at what's happening but Fang on the other hand was shocked beyond compare, 'He is...using a [Shield]?!'

The moment Rei lifted his shield, Fang recognized that style. The style of certain someone who he admired when he was young.

"Huh? Guild Master?" Fang called his name as felt the familiarity from the way Rei was holding his shield.

An image of the [Guild Master, Hughes] overlapped within him.

'Kiritsuka! Brace yourself!!' Ray warned inside his mind.











Finally, his shield met with its club, creating a loud noise from that one strike. It was powerful and the sound resonated all over the forest.

Their clash created a large shockwave around him but the people who watched it looked at him in disbelief when he was completely fine after receiving that blow, standing still with his shield lifted up and continued to block that club.


[You have learned skill "Shieldmanship Mastery"]

' learn this skill, I need to at least to get hit once with something stronger.' Rei thought.

The Cyclops was suprised after seeing the human blocked his club like it was nothing.

And then...


The crystal on his shield began to shine, creating some sort of red flame, eventually it manifested into some sort of a monster's head with two horns on top just like an Ogre.



[Skill "Fiery Feast" have been activated]



The Ogre's head opened its mouth and began to crunch down the club in front of him. It was an unbelievable sight because such a giant club like that couldn't possibly disappear just like that without trace after being swallowed by a shield.


"Hah, so this is my new shield skill, not that bad."


[Black Ravenous Fiend Shield]

Grade: Epic

Type: Shield


Durability: 100%

A shield that was created using the core from a monster that has survived every battle it engaged itself in. By eating its enemy it gains more strength that makes it evolve into vicious being that could crush its enemies. With the strong image of the creator, it left a rather strong will of his that gave it a new form of power that could eat up everything on its way.


[Fiery Feast]

MP Cost : 150 MP

Cooldown : 180 sec.

Using the power of the vicious monster that was combined with the blacksmith flame, it created a tremendous new power. It will summon the strong will of the monster of wanting to feast on its enemy to gain more strength. This skill can be triggered everytime the shield blocks an attack, it can be used again after cooldown. If the skill hit the enemy, the user will gain STRENGTH +25 and VITALITY +25 (per-stack). (Each stack will be reset when the user put the shield away.)

[The Blacksmith Will]

Duration : 120 sec.

Cooldown : 60 sec.

The creator imprinted his will into this shield, giving the wielder a strength to pave their way through hurdles and challenges. Overall status increased by 20%.



[Skill "Fiery Feast" gained 1 stack]

'[Fiery Feast], a skill that allows this shield to swallow up everything on its way and gain strength from it, whether its weapon or people.'

'Even monsters can be eaten as long it came into contact with their bare body.' Rei thought as his eyes shifted towards Andrew who was standing there dumbfounded behind him.

"Andrew, what are you doing?" Rei called him out of his daze.


"I said, what are you doing standing there just like that?" Rei asked once again, more firmly this time.

"E-eh? Uhhh..."

Rei sighed, "Do you want to be strong?" Rei asked him while staring into his eyes.

Andrew who saw his eyes, froze for a moment as he couldn't help but feel nervous, especially looking at the monster in front him.

'Was he the type who was all talk and no action?' Rei thought while sighing, 'I guess those words was just all talk.'


"I am...disappointed on you." Rei spoke as a giant fist coming from behind him.



Rei lifted his shield with one arm and blocked that fist with ease.

Meanwhile Andrew was struck by that words, it was indeed what he just said...he was just all talk with no balls.

Rei sighed, "Let me tell you this...I am not as talented as you thought."


"To be more specific is that I don't have the talent to realize my own action...sometimes I stayed ignorant and not knowing what strength lies within me and ended up thinking that I am weak." Rei mumbled.

"And that's holding me back most of the the time I realized it, everything was over." Rei explained while holding onto that fist a little longer.

Andrew who listened couldn't understand what he meant but he knew that the man before him is trying to tell him that he's not talented. Despite having a cool equipment and strong weapon, he still thought himself as weak.

"So do you know how I handle this kind of situation?" The moment Rei said that, his eyes shifted at Andrew and suddenly an intense pressure came from him and his eyes looked fierce, like a beast.

"I worked hard for it and cast those weaknesses away...I fought with these monsters who are much stronger than me...I dodged death many times and strive become strong!" Rei swung his shield, deflecting that giant fist.



"I overcome my limits...even I have to vomit every single time to do that." Rei quickly pulled out his sword from [Inventory].

"Endure the pain....and keep struggling!"


Rei jumped and suddenly his sword was covered in burning fire.

"And don't be satisfied with what you need to keep on craving to be stronger until..."





'[Imitation Fire Sword].'







" stand at the top."

Rei swung his sword down and slashed through the Cyclops head down to its chest, cutting it apart into half.



The Cyclops fall down lifelessly without any struggle from that strike. A fire sword that was created within a minute and struck down this gigantic monster.

It left such an awe to those people around him, including Andrew who saw him standing on the monster's corpse after cutting it down.

"And that could feel that all your hard work is rewarded." Rei finished his explanation and got down from the body then approached Andrew.

" are you going to disappoint me this time?" Rei asked while looking straight at him.

Andrew gulped and stared at him back,

"I-..." He ground his teeth and gulped down his dry saliva. He felt this uncomfortable intensity coming from the man who stood before him, it pushed him to do something, somehow...

Until finally, the cocoon that was wrapped around this boy began to crack...


"I-...I won't disappoint you! Crimson-san! Please give me another chance!" Andrew stood up like a man he was supposed to be, saying something he should have.

Leaving such an impression towards Dahlia and Erika who stood behind him.

Rei smiled under that helmet, "Then next time...don't just say those words to me and prove it with your action instead."

Rei spoke while walking past him, leaving Andrew who was taken off guard with his words.

[Prove it].

It might sound meaningless, that word. But it meant so much for him because it became something he wanted to do, his very first goal ever since he started becoming an adventurer.

[One day...I want to fight by your side and prove my worth].

That words was carved deep in his heart.

Fang catching up to Rei who continued to walk, matching his steps with him as he walked beside him.

"Is it fine to put that much pressure on a kid?" Fang asked.

" depends, if his will is that weak then he should gave up...because the path that I'm taking is different than all of you." Rei shrugged his shoulders.

Fang stopped walking for a moment and looked straight at him. "Heh, quite harsh aren't cha? Even after showing your kindness like that."

Rei didn't respond to that and just continued to walk.

"Hmmmm...then...can I ask a favor?"


"Could you teach me how to use Aura?"

"Huh?" Rei raised one of his eyebrows.

"Yes....could you teach me how to learn to manifest aura?" Fang repeated, looking quite hopeful.

Rei was looking at him skeptically, "Hmm...why do you want it?" Rei asked.

"Well...the only thing I can say is..." Fang glanced at Andrew who was standing there surrounded with his team with a smile and talking happily with them.

"...I guess a sense of rivalry?" Fang admitted while smiling.

Rei sighed after noticing it and commented bluntly m, "What's the point getting riled up with someone younger than you."

"Eeehh?! Isn't that unfair?! Look, I don't have any talent as well, just like you...the only thing I going on with me is my good sense of smell and that's it! I mean, my sword is average too and–"

"But still, you wanna compete with a kid?" Rei spoke as if he's not the youngest than all of them.


Rei sighed once again, "Then prepare a quest for all of us, I will train you and the others as well."

"Eh?? Really?!" Fang shouted in excitement.

"Sure, but my training will be much harsher than you think."

"Heh, didn't you said to endure all pain and keep struggling?" Fang replied with a wide grin.

"Hm, true." Rei nodded and turned around.

"Well it settled, since you gave me permission..."

Rei suddenly smirked widely behind that helmet, "I will train you all without make sure you're prepared for that." Rei spoke while leaving Fang with a smile.

Fang was grinning widely and nodded, "Ouh! I will show you!"

"What happen? What happen?~" Ruru approached Fang excitedly.

"Hear this! We got ourself a teacher!" Fang announced.

"Eehhh?! Really?!" Ruru replied with a bit of shock on her face.

"Yes! Crimson and I just made a deal!" Fang spoke proudly.

"Ohh, that sounda interesting, can I join?" Wise came over.

"I wanna join too." Kagura joined.

"Of course! He said he will teach all of us!"

"Yay!" Ruru shouted in excitement until...

Rei stopped his movement and turned around.

"Oh I forgot to tell you...make sure to bring some diary and enough health potions." Rei spoke at them.

"Huh? why do you need that?" Fang asked as Andrew who joined as well heard of what he said.

"Just to check on reality." Rei shrugged his shoulders then left them without any further explanation.

"Huh??" They were left in confusion with his words, but at the same time they felt chill through their spine.

"W-what do you mean by that? Crimson." Fang asked.

"Hmmm, I wonder~" Rei replied playfully and started to leave them behind.

"O-oi!! W-wait!! W-what's that supposed to mean!!!"

After that day, Rei began to train these adventurers he had just met. Despite the fact that he has to train himself, he ended up doubling his work like that.

But nonetheless, in the future...he would gain formidable comrades that would walk alongside him in his path.

To be continue...