Chapter 86 : Danger Lurking (Part 1)

After travelling for a while, they almost arrived at the destination they were supposed to take to have a little rest.

"I saw it!" Fang shouted as he popped out his head from the window of the carriage and saw the village right in front of them.

[The Loren Village].

The village was surrounded with a big wall and a gate made out of logs, it was big and sturdy with watchtower on each side of the gate.


Fang widened his eyes when he noticed that there's someone standing right in front of the gate.

He looks like an old man who seems to be on his 60s. He has white long hair and beard as well, wearing worn out outfit with a bit fancy style.

"There's someone waiting for us!" Fang informed the others.

Inside the carriage, there were Rei, Wise and Kagura and they were suprised that there's someone waiting for them.

How did they know about them coming to the village?

Rei looked at Wise and Kagura.

"Don't let your guard down, no matter what, okay?"

"Yes." Wise and Kagura answered.

"Also...send a message to Andrew and the others." Rei ordered.

"About what?" Kagura asked.

"hiding our identity, and our client as well." Rei spoke.

"U-understood." Kagura stuttered. She noticed that Rei started to act a bit odd after hearing they will be going to this village.

Rei turned to Fang, and called him "Fang."

Fang returned to the carriage to answer him, "Yes?"

"I have an order for you and you must listen to me."

"O-okay?? What is it?" Fang started to get nervous at this, especially when Rei spoke to him in that tone.

"When we arrived...if you smell something weird, don't ever show any expression to the others and tell me what it is when we are alone...okay?" Rei spoke while staring at him.

Fang gulped and nodded, "Y-yes, I understand."

'What's wrong with him?...' Fang wondered as he looked at him.

Even after seeing their confused faces because of this kind of order, Rei didn't explain it any further and went silent the whole time, until...





...They reached the village's gate


Rei and the others left their carriage, following Iris and her crew who stood before them, facing the old man that was spotted by Fang from the distance.

"Welcome to the Loren Village, I am Dudley the Head Village." The old man introduced himself to them, showing such a warm greeting with a big smile on his face.

"Thank you for welcoming us, mister Dudley." Iris greeted him with a smile, guarded by Silvi and Harson who's standing next to her.

Dudley just bowed her and smiled at her "It is my greatest pleasure to welcome a Noble as yourself in this humble village."

"Really? I never mentioned my name nor anything." Iris spoke while staring at him.

Dudley slightly bowed his head, "It's just a guess, but I can tell with one glance that you are a Noble by the people you're coming with, milady."

Iris stared at him suspiciously, 'Hmmm...he's clever.'

Dudley added, "Rest assured that i'm not someone suspicious. I also know because there was once a Noble that came here to rest from their long journey."

"So you knew we went here to find a lodging to stay, that's why you greeted us? How did you notice us, anyway?" Iris asked.

"Correct, we were informed of your arrival by our guards who could see from a far using their skills from above there." Dudley pointed the watchtowers beside the gate above them, there were guards who were wearing light armor.

"We're quite wary of any movements from the outside so we must make sure we're ready with everything." Dudley explained.

"I see, that's quite impressive." Iris nodded, "Since you already know what we want here, can you let us in and guide us?"

Dudley bowed at her "Of course, my lady. Right away." He spoke as the gate behind him finally opened.

As they walked into the village, they noticed that this place was very large for it to be called a village.

Surrounded by a big wall made out of logs, there's a few row of houses, the children were playing around with a smile on their face, and they could also see some people working with their crops and some of them were talking to each other.

But when they came in, the people there...began to stare at them, their eyes seems to be observing their every movement.

Iris knitted her eyebrows, not liking their stares, it, 'What is this feeling...'

The others felt the same way as her, all of villagers were staring at them, but thankfully it only lasted for a minute. They stopped and began to smile at them, even waving their hand to greet the group.

Iris blinked and waved back, it was weird since that whole situation in itself was very odd, but Dudley cut off her train of thought by speaking to them.

"This is Loren Village, a very peaceful village where no one is fighting with each other or cause trouble." Dudley spoke while turning his head around to them, "I can assure you that this place can give you a peaceful rest."

'Right...a peaceful night.' Iris somewhat doubted him about that part, because...she couldn't help but felt the unsettling vibe of this village.

After that, a man suddenly approached them, and stood beside the old man, "Head Village, may I ask who is this?"

"This is our guest, they were looking for somewhere to rest." Dudley replied.

"I see, welcome to Loren Village and I hope you enjoy your stay." The man spoke politely while bowing his head a bit.

Iris smiled and nodded, "The pleasure is mine."

"Also head village, I have something to report." The man suddenly leaned closer to whisper something to him.

"??" Iris was wondering what they were talking about since Dudley's expression didn't change at all when he received this "report" that he talked about.

"I see....I see, just take care of it for now. I will get back to you after I am done showing our guest around." Dudley spoke.

"Yes sir." The man quickly left.

"Take care of what?" Iris asked since she overheard what he's saying.

"It was a preparation for a festival that takes place tonight and we're planning to have a feast later. If you want, would you like to join us?" Dudley offered.

"A festival?? Hmmm that sound good, right guys?" Iris spoke towards the Adventurer who followed her.

"I think it's fine to take a break instead of being on guard the whole time." Rei spoke something so unusual so suddenly, receiving weird looks from his teammates.

"That's great." Iris spoke while nodding and smiling at him.

Dudley then stared at the Adventurers, "Pardon, may I ask?"

"Yes?" Iris replied.

"Are they Adventurers?"

"Ah, yes they are. In fact, we're heading somewhere for a quest before coming here to have a little rest before continuing our journey." Iris spoke, but Dudley kept staring at one person--Rei.

"I see...may I ask what rank you are?" Dudley asked.

"I'm a C-class Warrior." Rei replied calmly.

"A C-class, I see I see...I wish you good luck on this quest and take a good rest while you're here." Dudley spoke, mocking him very subtly with that smile.

Rei could felt it and the others as well, but he didn't bother to ask whether the others want to join the festival or not and instead approached him.

"I appreciate your kindness, we shall take the offer." Rei spoke with a nod.

Dudley nodded as well and continued to guide them once again.

Right now, Iris could see that there was an intense atmosphere around him and the others. You could literally hear a pin drop with this silence and for some reason, Iris could tell...

That they were being careful of something.


After they were done with the tour around the village, they were placed on a house separated from each other. So there's a house for the girls and another house for the boys.

Iris were inside of the the room with all the girls from each team, Ruru, Kagura, Erika, Dahlia and Lena. They were in one big room with many beds, Iris and Silvi couldn't help but respect the village head's decision to separate the girls and the boys, leaving Albert and Harson with the others.

While staying here, she could feel that there's something stuck within her chest. She saw that the overly calm look of the other girls but they also look very careful, for some reason.

Iris approached towards them and stared, "You guys...can I ask a few question?"

They were looking at each other at first but then they decided to explain why they acted like this.


In the meantime, inside the other house, Rei and Fang was the only one who didn't change their clothes or putting their things down.

Albert who saw this approached them to ask before they could leave, "Where are you going?"

Fang looked at him with a nervous look on his face, "Us?? We uhh...we want to take a walk for a bit, catching some fresh air, y'know--that sort of thing--"

Albert knitted his brows, Fang looked so nervous about it, "O..kay..."

Rei turned his head over his shoulder a bit to glance at him, "It's okay, we will be back before dinner." He spoke while walking out from the house with Fang.

Albert blinked, watching them leave the room then looked at Andrew and Wise who remained in the room with them. "Did something happen to that guy? He sounds...cranky, for some reason."

"Ah–ummm...he's just caught in a bad mood recently." Andrew spoke while showing a nervous smile.

"Bad mood?? From what?" Albert questioned them again.

"Ahh–yes! He was hoping there's a lot of monster lurking around the forest before! But there's not much monster that tried to get near him because of how strong he is!" Wise spoke while his face are sweating.

Albert folded his hands to his chest, "Hmmm...I kinda understand that!"


"I see...I see! as expected from the man that I consider as a rival! I know he wanted to be much stronger by fighting against those monsters!" Albert spoke passionately, you could feel him radiating with that heat.

'You do?' Wise and Andrew thought.

"I shall learn that from him! Hm hm! From this onwards I shall accompany him during this journey." Albert nodded to himself.

' don't have to do that, you're our client.' Wise and Andrew thought the same while blankly stared at him.

Although it's true that Rei has been hunting monsters to get stronger.

But this time...his mood was ruined by a very different thing.


Rei and Fang walked around the village once again, observing it as they go. Everytime they looked around, the only thing they could see is a peaceful village, nothing more...nothing less.

"Crimson." Fang called his upon name.

"Yes?" Rei replied while continue his walk.

"Did you notice."

"Notice what?"

"About how strange this village is..." Fang mumbled as he glanced towards the villagers around them.

They kept staring at them, they didn't even blink, almost, and that didn't sit well with him, but Rei ignored it and continue to walk calmly.

"We can talk about that when we are alone...remember? If we keep talking like this...we'll make them suspicious of us." Rei mumbled softly so only Fang could hear it.

"I know but this is so strange..." Fang replied until suddenly Rei stopped walking.

"Hm?" Fang looked up to what's in front of them, noticing that they arrived at the back gate of the walls around the Village.

Fang looked at it carefully, there seems to be few guards stationed at that back gate that will led them to the forest behind the walls.

"There're guards...what are they doing? Are they protecting the village from monsters?"

Fang mumbled but when he gave it another look, they seems to be guarding it from the inside. As if they were tasked to not let anyone enter the forest.

"What should we do?" Fang asked.

Rei looked around for a moment before he found a good spot for something.

"Follow me." Rei spoke.

Fang blinked when Rei began to walk at the corner of a house right beside that gate.

"Wait!–" He decided to follow him before the guards could notice them, and now they were under the shadow casted by the roof.

"Crimson? Why are we here?" Fang called him and asked, not sure what he's about to do but then...Rei touched his shoulder.


Fang stared at his hand on his shoulder, "Huh?"

"[Shadow Movement]." Rei spoke as he activated his skill from his boots.

"What are you–"

Fang's question was cut off when he was enveloped with the shadow together with him, as if it's swallowed them, and then sink them into the ground, inside the shadow.


The shadow moved fast and passed through the gate without being noticed by the guards. They kept moving until they were inside of the forest, a bit far away from the village.

When he decided that they were safe, Rei canceled his skill and they reappeared from the ground.

Fang was panting and felt dizzy the moment he was back on the ground, "W-whoa...what was that skill? Was that yours??"

"Yeah." Rei answered curtly while swiping the dust off from his red cape.

"Then how come you never use this?"

"I can't show you all my cards just like that right? And besides this is my first time using this skill together with someone." Rei explained while looking around.

"It was your first time? You mean you tested it on me?" Fang spoke while raising one of his eyebrows.

"There's a chance that it might fail or you'll be stuck in the shadow or even cause you injuries but since it turned out okay, everything is fine."

"Y-you tested on me knowing that it might be dangerous?!" Fang asked incredulously.

"Well...even if it did, you're still the strongest among our team, so I could tell maybe you can handle a little pain." Rei shrugged while praising him nonchalantly.

"Y-yeah that's true! Yes, I am the strongest!" Fang replied with a proud look on his face while nodding his head in agreement.

'Simpleton.' Rei thought as he kept looking around for something.

"So...where are we?"

When Fang asked, he realized that they were deep inside of the dark forest. It's hard to see with all the trees and bushes, the only thing they could see are eaves and branches above them that completely shut the sunlight out from reaching the forest.

Rei was looking around and tried to check the parameters with his sharp eyes imbued with aura and sharpening his sense to pick up a presence around them.

"Hmmmm....I don't sense any living being around here...nor monsters." Rei spoke.

"Neither do I...even my smell doesn't pick up on anything other than these trees." Fang replied, then his eyes fell on Rei, "so...can you tell me what's going on now?"


Rei went silent when he asked that. He didn't speak for quite a while and it made him think that he's doing the thingy that he usually did again, but then...Rei looked at him.

"Do you want to know?"

"Of course I do! Do you know how anxious I am about telling you what I found?!" Fang spoke while creepingly moving his fingers.

"Well you can tell me now." Rei replied calmly.

Fang sighed and began to spoke, "I'm picking up a nasty scent from that old man and....he reeks of blood, it seems he have something to do with the thing that you are hiding right now." Fang scrunched his nose in disgust.

"So you better explain why you want me to keep quiet until we're alone." Fang put both hands to his hips, demanding for an answer.

But Rei didn't answered his question once again.

"You know, you always hiding a lot of stuff from us. I mean, we barely know each other despite living with you for 6 months...but I want you to at least think of us as a comrade that have fought together with you." Fang explained while fist bumping Rei's armored chest.

Rei hesitated of course, but looking at how serious he is...he figured he can't hide it any longer.

Rei sighed, "Fine...I know this time I can't hide things from you."

"Good!" Fang huffed with a wide grin.

Rei sighed once more, "But what I am about to say...might sounds outrageous coming from me."

Fang stared at him for a moment then nodded "Don't worry...I trusted you. We've been through things together so I will believe everything you have to say." Fang encouraged with a smile.

Rei looked at him then he turned around, "You sound more like a leader now."

"Hey! I AM a leader!" Fang shouted back, feeling that he's mocking him.

Rei chuckled, "Heh, yeah. Let's talk about it as we walk, make sure to focus on your smell to find something, anything."

"To find what?" Fang blinked.

"Evidence of course." Rei spoke as he began to walk further into the woods.

"Evidence?" Fang repeated, a bit confused.

"Yeah, there was a certain rumor that I heard about this village."

"Yeah?" Fang asked as he followed him closely.

Rei nodded, "A nasty one...that you might not believe it. That's why I need to get this evidence to prove it so I could send a message to the Guild."

Fang gulped for a moment but nodded his head, in a gesture to keep going. "Then what is this rumor about?"

Rei hesitated for a moment before he began to spoke about it, "It is said that...there were members of the [Demon Cult]...who lives in this village."

"....?! [Demon Cult]?!" Fang was shocked to hear that name.

"Yes...[Demon Cult]."

[The Demon Cult], is a cult that was created for people who believe that the God who would save the [Demon God, Ars] the origin of all Monsters.

They believe that Demon is a high being that needs to be praised and prayed to because they were a being that was closer to their God.

And those prayers includes the death of their own kin.

They will sacrifice themselves for these Demons, nurturing them with their lives and believed that their strength will be enough to save the world...





By destroying them.

But despite that, this organization is neutral and they don't have any connections with the one who ruled the Underworld which is the [Six Underworld Kings].

It's because these Kings have different desires and different goal to begin with, and it may interferes with these people from the [Demon Cult] who's ultimate goal is...





To resurrect [The Demon Lord].

"No that why they were staring at us like that?! Because they're wary of us and might interferes with their plan"

"Hard to say. The rumor might turned out to be true or they're just that wary of outsiders. That's why we need evidence to prove it." Rei spoke.

"Damn...i'm sorry, but this is quite hard for me to believe."

"Like I said it's just a rumor, we don't know whether it's true or not."

"Yeah...but wait a sec–how did you manage to know about this information? I never heard such a thing." Fang asked.

"I have my ways, it's trades secret." Rei replied.

"I see..." Fang trailed off, actually thinking about that now. About the rumor.

He was confused whether to believe this nonsense or not.

'Well even if you try to remember where exactly you might have missed the won't find it anywhere.'

'Because...this information is coming from someone who knows the future.' Rei thought, hinting towards Ray.

Ray came out and sighed, 'I can't be certain of what I heard...there was news around the town about a certain village who got caught doing those [Demon Cult] activity.'

'Although it's not official since I only heard about that from other Adventurers.' Ray added.

'I see...that means we just need to find some evidence or something related to this [Demon Cult].' Rei replied.

'That's right, but knowing that the [Demon Cult] was caught after that many years hiding from the government...means that they have solid alibi, and...' Ray explained.

'They probably hide it in very secluded in this woods.' Rei finished his words.

Ray nodded, 'Exactly, that's why they were people guarding this place. It's to not let trespassers finding it.'

As Rei and Fang walked together inside these woods, all of sudden...

Fang finally picked up a smell, along with Rei who felt a presence near them.

"Crimson." Fang called him.

"I know." Rei replied.


Suddenly a noise coming from the bushes right behind them, and the presence was coming from behind it.

But they ignored it until they disappeared from that someone's sight.

And then, a little boy came out from the bushes, looking bewildered, "What?! They're gone?!"


Rei and Fang reappeared right behind him, and Rei touched his shoulder


"Who are you?"

"WAAHHHH–hmpf–!!" The little boy screamed but Rei quickly shut him up by covering his mouth with his hand.


Right after that, they could hear someone else approaching.


"I swear I heard something around here."

The guards who were stationed on the backgate, came into this forest to check if there's any trespassers.

Rei and Fang immediately hid above the tree, under the shadow casted by the trees, and the little boy was in Rei's arms while still covering his mouth to prevent any unnecessary noise.

"Hmmm, I don't see anything, let's not waste our time here. You know we need to get ready for the festival." one of the guards spoke.

"I know! But I just hear something!"

"Seriously, come on, we have to go!"

He insisted but after looking for some more and found no one, they left the spot.

The moment they're gone, Rei and Fang came down from the trees and let go of the little boy.

"That was a close one." Rei mumbled.

"Yeah, thanks to this kid. You almost blew up our location." Fang scolded.

"Hey! it's not my fault that you guys are suspicious!" The little boy defended, raising his voice as he did so.

"What?! You trying pick a fight on me or something?!" Fang also raised his voice.

"Keep it down! They might come to check on us again." Rei warned them more firmly this time and they quickly covered their mouth.

'Is he a kid.' Rei thought about Fang who does the same.

"So tell us kid...who are you and what are you doing in this place." Rei asked him.

"I'm the one who's supposed to ask you that mister...who are you guys anyway." The little boy didn't answer and instead, he returned the question while folding his hands to his chest.

Rei looked at him calmly, "We're Adventurers."

The little boy's eyes began to sparkle after hearing those words, "Adventurers?!"

"Shh." Rei warned him again.

The little boy covered his own mouth again then nodded, "Hmfh–S-sorry..."

Rei sighed, "It's okay...but you should go home now, it's not safe here and we don't have any more time to waste..." Rei spoke while shooing him, when he was about to turn around...


"W-wait!" The little boy tugged on his red cape, desperate for something.

"What is it?" Rei replied as the two of them looked at him.

"If you're truly an Adventurer...can I have a request?" The little boy pleaded.

"A request? Listen here...we're not here to play, we don't have time–"

"My mom–"

"Huh?" Rei widened his eyes when he mentioned his mom.

The little boy suddenly cried, " my village."

"What did you say...?" Rei looked at him, knitting his brows.

"This very strange, you have to help us."

When the little boy pleaded for help to them like that, many crows began to emerge from the shadow...


As if they're warning them about the danger...that might have started even before their arrival here in this village.

To be continue...