Chapter 102: Irregulars


The static sound resounded as the sky above them slowly broke apart like a glitch on the computer.

And in front of them...

A hologram board that they usually saw showed up turned black and talked to them




Iris and Rei are surprised to see something like this happened.

Something unexpected that they never experienced after living in this world for 2 years.

At this moment, the world came into a sudden halt

Except for the two of them

"What happened?" Rei asked in panic.

'I don't know...' Ray muttered


■■I welcome you [Irregular]■■


Iris on the other side knitted her brows when the board changed, "[Irregular]?"


■■Yes, [Irregular] the existence that■■

■■broke the law of this world■■


"The law of this world?" Rei asked.


■■Correct, although to be more accurate■■

■■someone who bend the law■■

■■and cause something impossible to be...■■



Iris crossed her hands to her chest, "Then...who are you? Why do you want to talk with [Irregular] like me?"


The hologram went quiet for a moment.


■■It's simple, [I] wanna talk with you.■■


"You wanna talk with me?" Rei asked instead.

"That's correct." The hologram replied.

"If you wanna talk, shouldn't it be at the appropriate time?" Iris asked again.

"You are full of questions." The hologram spoke.

"Well of course, because this is a very strange situation...from how the time stopped and the sky turned into like that." Rei spoke as he pointed at the sky.

"There's no way I wouldn't ask you that many questions." Iris continued.

The hologram went silent again, "That is such a strong observation and a very reasonable answer."

"As expected of [Irregular]." The hologram continued.

The two suddenly become quiet, "...."

"Then will you tell me who are you? No–" Rei asked.

"–What are you?" then Iris continued again.

After that, the hologram went silent once more...



Iris and Rei suddenly heard a voice through their heads.




Loud laughter broke out and shook this frozen world.


Rei and Iris felt the laugh ringing through their heads, causing them to cover their ears despite the voice coming out from their head.

It continued for a few seconds before everything calmed down and the world stopped shaking.

Iris and Rei could tell the immense pressure coming from that voice. This person seemed to be more than what they thought.

"...." The hologram was silent for a while until it spoke again

"Well then, you should know by now...what kind of being I am."

Of course, this might be absurd for them to think that this person talking to them right that kind of [being].

"Are you...perhaps, a [God]?" Rei was the first one who asked.

Iris was having a thought of that question within her head. 'Is he perhaps a [God]?'

Of course, another silence came from the hologram.

"Yes, it is what you are thinking right now." The hologram replied to them again, as if it knew what they were thinking.

"I won't say about what kind of God I am, but surely you would know at the end of our conversation." The God continued.

Iris and Rei were silent after hearing those words, trying to guess what God they were talking to right now.

"Well let's stop the guessing game, and move on to another topic, feel free to ask since I have limited time here." The God spoke as he gave them the chance to ask their question.

" a [God] yourself, why now? Why do you come here and talk to me at this time." Rei asked first.

"Hmmm, a hard question, but I did answer the reason...I guess it wasn't enough to satiate your hunger for knowledge." The God replied.

"Just answer it."

"Sure, since I have given you the chance, I shall answer you appropriately."

"The reason why I came here just now, is to check up on you [Irregular], after causing so many changes to the flow of this could say I am pretty keen on cleaning up things."


"Yes, changes such as killing and saving people against their the distant future." The God spoke.

"Although, it is pretty much boring if the world just flows by itself normally because it feels like watching an old record."

"So you are saying...that what I did from the past two years makes it interesting?"

"CORRECT! You are intrigued me a lot you see,

you broke the law of the system that was given for you,

using multiple weapons,

and developed skills that doesn't belong to your given [Job]."

"Do you know how much I keep smiling seeing your growth?!" The God exclaimed.

Rei felt a sudden chill from the compliment, ' he is a stalker.'

'I feel you.' Ray replied as well as he could see each word that The God sent to them through the hologram.

"Is that not enough answer for your question? Because that is my personal reason why I wanted to talk with you now."

"I get it." Rei answered, 'Never thought I had such a stalker like that for the past two years.' Rei sighed.

On the other side, Iris had her first question as well.

"Tell me, were you the cause of the recent [Monster Stampede]?"

"I cannot say I am the cause here, you should know by now, the cause of the recent incident such as that was [The Demon King] you have been talking around and preparing for." The God answered her.

Iris widened her eyes "You knew? About my plan."

"Of course, I know everything about you the moment you were sent here....[Yomi]"

Iris immediately stepped back a bit when her real name was called, "How...? Wait–You mean you are the cause of it?!"

"Non non, I won't do such a thing like that."

"In the first place, I don't even have the power to send someone from another world, who happened to have [Light Magic]." The God spoke.

Iris looked at this so-called God suspiciously, "Hmmm....that is true, someone like you wouldn't be the [Goddess of Light, Theia], since she wouldn't create this kind of situation."

"Correct, you sure are good at guessing, it seems it was worth talking to an Irregular like yourself."

"[Irregular] this, [Irregular] that, what makes you think I am Irregular?"

"Do you not know your worth? It seems you haven't understood the situation you are in right now, especially as you are inside the antagonist character in this world." The God replied.

"I know about it, I have a [Light Magic] which was reserved for the [Hero] and [Saintess], along with the changes I have made for the future for my own benefits."

"But that doesn't explain why someone like you tried to interfere now, when you could have done that two years ago." Iris explained.

"....." Then it went silent once more, after listening to her explanation.

"I already gave the same answer to the person who had the same situation as you." The God spoken.

'Same as me?' Iris widened her eyes, "What do you–?!"

"Although I cannot say who that is right now even if you do ask I won't tell you, cause it won't be fun of course." The God answered, she could feel that he's grinning beyond the hologram.

Iris gritted her teeth, as she was overcome with curiosity about this person with the same situation as her right now.

"But what I can tell you is that you are an interesting being and someone who shouldn't exist in this world."

"What do you mean by that." Iris asked.

"Do you think it is possible for someone who could possess dual opposite elements along with two souls that stay together in one body at once?" The God spoken.

"Huh?? What?–"

"Yes, you [Yomi] are the holder of the [Light Magic] and [Iris] is the holder of the [Dark Magic]." The God revealed.

Iris widened her eyes, "Say what?"

"Yes, the soul belongs to the one and only Iris May Welford, not only that, it's also a soul that came from the future."

Iris looked at the hologram in shock.

She already guessed who the soul belonged to, but she never thought that the one who sometimes took over her body would be the soul of the body she is having right now.

"Oh my god...this is..." Iris knitted her brows in confusion, 'Future? It can't be...'

"I understand your confusion since you were brought to this world without your own knowledge."

"Then explain to me why I shouldn't exist when I am here, what the heck do you mean by a soul that came from the future!" Iris quickly changed the topic while glaring at the hologram before her.

"....then I shall explain it, first, two souls that have opposite elements couldn't exist since they will collide."


"Yes, it will collide and the soul who is weaker will cease to exist, of course it wouldn't be the case if you are here talking to me."

'That is true...' Iris thought of it, "Then how come the other still remained?"

"....." The God was silent again for a moment.


After that, it spoke again, "I don't know the reason why...but I have a few guesses"

"That is...





The [Dark Magic] and the [Light Magic] within her soul and yours, are compatible or you could say both have the same strength and it's enough to create harmony instead of fighting over it."

"Me and her...have the same strength?"

"Yes, now for the second question, I shall say this one more time...Iris May Welford–the soul within you now is someone who came from the future."

Iris looked down and shook her head, "That is impossible."

"It is possible though." The God replied immediately.

"Your proof?"

"Because I am watching the same person who does that." The God answered.

But it didn't convince Iris even for a bit.

"It's your choice to believe it or not."

"Okay, I traveled back in time, or to be more precise it was called [Regression]."

"Someone who came to the past by the permission of [The God of Time], the soul inside of you came back from the future through that means."

"But sadly...the regression wasn't perfect because her soul was damaged, and you were her replacement." The God explained.

The new info just kept on hitting her like a wave, "No…no way..."

"Yesss, such a pitiful child, lost her loved one once and now stranded into this world without your permission, and forced to live the life that was supposed to be hers." The God spoke.

Iris felt pitied by this so-called God, but she couldn't deny the fact that she was sent to this world without her knowing what she should do.

Now after knowing the identity of the soul within her...something happened to her skill.


[Skill "The Villainess" began to tremble.]

A notice appeared, telling her the Skill that she always used suddenly showed human behavior. As if it reacted to her current feelings after accepting the fact that…

…the real [Iris May Welford] asleep within her now.

Then after all the questions had been answered by this God, it spoke to them at the same time.

"Now then, since I have answered your questions, why don't we go to the main topic." The God spoke.

Rei and Iris immediately look at the board as they read the words written on it.

"You who have tasted what this world has to offer, you who have watched the dark side of the fantasy world you always see in the game and story."

"Not everything is nice and warm just like in those stories, behind that...there's so many people suffering while they are enjoying worldly happiness."

"Since I am a God here, I shall give you a choice just like other Gods did to you by giving you a quest, but the difference is...mine is not a quest but...




An offer." The God spoke.

'An offer?' They thought the same.

"Yes, a blessing."


■■Will you receive the "God" Blessing?■■

[Yes / No]


Suddenly another board appeared in front of them.

"....?!" Rei and Iris widened their eyes when the option was given to them.

"I shall give you my blessing, if you said [Yes]." The God spoke, "It's not difficult right?"

Rei and Iris were quite tempted by the offer, a [Blessing] from a [God] is no joke.

They can receive a strong skill that might be on par with the Monsters or the Legends in this world.

Especially since this thing seemingly directed to Rei who was born with [Blacksmith] job.

"Why don't you choose Kiritsuka Rei? I know you need strength to be strong, to prevent the Great Disaster that will come in the future."

"It will be a great offer right?" The God personally spoke to him, to persuade him.

Rei didn't make any change in his facial looks since it's still covered with his helmet.'s a pretty tempting offer.

He should have reached his limit. The fight against that [Jormungand] was life wrecking for him, he had to dodge and block every strike, drinking potions to keep him alive, and created a plan to defeat this monster without an absolute power that could overwhelm his enemy.

He knew that, yet he didn't answer The God.

"So? Is the offer is not enough for you...




Hanamachii Yomi-kun." The God spoke her name, this time he personally talked to Iris.

Iris who heard that name widened her eyes, the name she had almost forgotten, the name that she hides behind [Iris May Welford] name.

The name that has never been called since she came to this world

"I know, you have your own limit knowing you're in the body of one of the strongest Bosses in the game."

"Yet, you will be defeated by the Heroine of this world and her companion, if you push [Yes], I assure you..."

"You will find happiness, and find your way home to meet your beloved man♡ much faster than you think."

Iris remained silent.

Indeed, she has limits to her strength because the trigger of how she became stronger is when she lost her Mother.

But that didn't happen, and now she needed to get strong without any support, unlike what could have happened if she allowed the story to go like how it's supposed to.

Iris was the same, her facial expression didn't change and instead she kept on staring at the board flying in the air in front of her.

After that...

The two of them reached their hand towards the board in front of them, extending their index finger together.

The time seemed to move slowly as they were about to press the button. Until...

"I have another question for you, God." The two spoke.

The God was confused when they suddenly stopped.

"What is it?"

Then their eyes looked at the board.

"I know you are trying to tempt me with this offer, but I just had to ask this first and foremost..." Rei spoke.

"What [God] I am speaking with." Iris spoke coldly as her eyes changed into red.

"....." Of course, the God didn't reply to their question.

"It's too much of a coincidence...since a God like you wouldn't be generous, just like any other God that I know." Rei spoke.

"Especially, you came right after I defeated this Monster."

"You said you were interested in me..." Rei spoke.

"...but you decided to offer me your blessing." Iris continued.

"Do you think I wouldn't notice your schemes to talk about my past and plan, to weaken my decision and mind!" Iris shouted.

"Tell me, you self-proclaimed God?!" Rei shouted as well.


But the God didn't reply to those words






Another laugh resounded through their head again.


The laugh is much longer than before, and this time much louder


And it's loud enough to shake the frozen world

But Iris and Rei remained calm and stared at the blank board when the laugh started. This time they didn't react towards it, and instead confronted that loud laugh that was ringing through their head.

And they endured it.

Soon after that, the laughter stopped.

"So, is that your answer?" The God asked them.

"Yes." The two of them answered.

"From the way you seems you know my identity very well" The God spoke.

"I just racked my brain to find it and push aside the other possibility..." Rei explained.

"...and found the answer." Iris continued.

"Hm, then tell me...which [God] I am?" The God spoke.







The silence broke once again in between them, as the two hesitated to answer the God that spoke to them.

When they opened their mouths, they spoke that name.

"You are...








The evil God who ruled this world and the one who created Monsters and...[The Demon King]." The two of them spoke at the same time.

"[The Demon God, Ars]...that is your name."

Then...the God who heard their answer behind the screen…

Grinned widely.


The static sound became louder, ringing the whole world and as the ground shook...

A new presence came towards them.

"....?!!" Rei and Iris immediately noticed the sudden presence, the pressure coming from the thing that they just defeated.

"What happen?!–" Rei suddenly focused his attention to the Serpent's corpse.

"No–what did you do?!" Iris shouted at the hologram screen.

"I applaud you [Irregular] for knowing my name, not many remember my name since long ago, the Demon King who instills fear towards you humans and other races."

"Yes, I am [The Demon God, Ars] the one and only." Ars introduced himself through the screen.

Rei and Iris gritted their teeth as they found themselves in such a troubling situation.

"What is your purpose for coming here." Rei asked him while glaring through the screen.

"Hmmmm, you could say I descended to this world to give you all a Divine Punishment though I didn't lie when I said that I'm interested in you."

"Divine Punishment? What makes you want to do that?" Iris asked.

"Ohhh, of avenge the [children] that I raised with my whole heart." Ars replied.

"[Children]?" Rei asked.

"Yes, my [children] that you killed with your own hands." Ars spoke as if he was referring to something.

The two of them widened their eyes and looked at the monster corpse before them that was still emitting powerful energy.

His hands trembled, "You mean..."

"No way!!!–" Iris shouted, "These monsters were created by that woman! How can that be?!"

"Ahhh...that woman? Right, she is indeed the one who created these monsters, I was watching her since I was interested in the way she created them."

"But even though they have so much potential, she just threw them away because they were a failure in her eyes."

"How sad~ they were thrown before they could fully reach their potential~" Ars spoke to them.

"But luckily, I am a merciful God~ I helped these children to fulfill their dream, to become as strong as they desired~"

"They become big, strong and enough to overwhelm the whole army of the prideful Elf~"

"I have taken my time to raise these children and gave them the name that befitted them~"

"So you were the one who give them their names." Rei replied.

"Yes, the name that you [Irregular] know, the Monster that was once a Myth in your old world."

"Just like the Myth, they were thrown away because of the God's mistakes."

"But I'm not like them, I love them equally~ if I wasn't born into this name I probably would become [God of Love] am I right?~" Ars joked.

"You are crazy..." Iris muttered.

"Am I? I am a God, I am the omniscient and omnipotent being, I lived with my own rule, with my own purpose of why I was born."


When Ars finished his explanation, the ground began to shake.

"Since you didn't accept my blessing that I have prepared, I shall not waste it...and gave it to them~"

"[The Demon God Blessing]~" Ars spoke.

Then as the ground continued to shake, the intensity from the energy that the monster's corpse emitted became much stronger.


■■Now~ have fun...■■






■■and survive.■■


Ars spoke through the screen.

"Oh right, before that~ since I managed to hack this system, I shall give you the opportunity to do a [Quest]~" And before he disappeared.

A [Quest] screen appeared before them.



[Quest : "Subjugate the Sky Dragon"]

[The Demon God, Ars], giving player "Rei" a quest, which is to subjugate a monster called [The Sky Dragon, Jormungand]. A monster that was evolved through the blessing from [The Demon God] himself, turned into a [Divine] being–a [Dragon].


Target : [The Sky Dragon, Jormungand] [1/0]


● Skill : [??????]

● Title : [??????????]





[Quest : "Subjugate the Demon Spider"]

[The Demon God, Ars], giving player "Yomi" a quest, which is to subjugate a monster called [The Demon Spider, Arachne]. A monster that was evolved through the blessing from [The Demon God] himself, turned into a [Cursed] being–a [Demon].


Target : [The Demon Spider, Arachne] [1/0]


● Skill : [??????]

● Title : [??????????]





As they looked at the [Quest] screen and muttered their name, color returned to the world around them.

"Now you should be motivated since there will be a reward..."

"Aahhh~ how kind I am~♡" Ars spoke playfully.

As the world slowly returned to its original state, they watched as the monsters they already killed, started to resurrect









■■...and win...■■









The hologram screen disappeared and the name appeared above the head of the monster's corpse.

[The Sky Dragon, Jormungand].

[The Demon Spider, Arachne].

And the color of their name…










…Is [Black].

To be continue…