Chapter 104 : Sacrifice & Resolution (Part 2)

The intensity in the air in this ruined underground facility began to arise when something happened to Iris as she used [Take Over] emergency skill from [The Villainess].

At that moment, her strength and speed suddenly increased and with her personality...

…became somewhat twisted.

Instead of feeling nervous facing a [Demon], her expression said otherwise with a big seductive yet twisted looking smile, paired with her red eyes that were enough to create pressure against this evolved monster.

[The Demon Spider, Arachne], lost her left arm right after she was about to strike her and found that severed arm was being held by none other than Iris herself.

"Hmmm~ to think the second time I finally come back, I have to face such a monster~" Instead of being serious, Iris is more cheerful and playful, as if she was like a little girl who just got out from detention.

She looked around her and she saw someone very familiar to her.

Iris' smile brightened up, "As expected~ you are alive and sound~ Silvi~"

Meanwhile Silvi and Harson were confused by the sudden change from their master, especially Silvi who heard of what she said.

"Ojou-sama...?" Silvi muttered

Iris smiled warmly, feeling a rush of nostalgia, "Mhm~ mhm~ your one and only Ojou-sama~ right here~"

" it really you?" Harson asked her.

Iris shifted her eyes at him then tilted her head, "Hmmmm...who are you?~"

It shocked Harson who heard it, "U-uhh–I-it's me Ojou-sama, Harson! The one who pledged to serve you the rest of my life!"

Iris blinked as she rubbed her head with her right hand. 'Hmmm...he did? Wait, I am slowly remembering it a bit, I guess her memories are mixed with mine now.'

'Well who cares~ it means I have more pawn to use for my benefits~' Iris smiled at him, "Oh, I'm sorry~ I guess I bumped my head a bit~ tee-hee~" Iris bumped the side of her head using her paw-like hand.

Silvi and Harson felt weird seeing her current behavior, she is more childish, just like kids her age but something told them that she's not the Iris they currently knew.


While she's distracted, Arachne takes her chance by flying towards her back. In just a second, she appeared right behind her and raised her sharp right leg and swung it to her right side.

Silvi and Harson widened their eyes in surprise when they saw Arachne appeared right behind Iris.



As her legs swung to the side, it was stopped by some invisible barrier that deflected her leg back to her. But the thing is...for Arachne who got twice stronger from the blessing and her evolution…

This damn hard.

Iris smiled when the invisible barrier began to show around her, like a white wall. '[Holy Wall].'

"It's hard isn't it?~" Iris spoke in mockery, as if she was telling her that her attack was useless to break her barrier.

"I'll give you something harder~" Iris raised her left hand, her smile still present on her face. "While giving you this...let's change location~"


Arachne widened all of her eight eyes when a large dark energy ball appeared through her left hand then...

"[Dark Pulse]."


The dark energy immediately hit Arachne right on her body without giving her a chance to react to it.



Arachne was sent flying with the dark energy and crashed through the ruined underground facility and went deep inside and far away from their spot.

Iris sighed after she sent Arachne to another location, she felt a faint hint of tiredness from the way she was having a hard time to breath.

'Heh~ it seems this body still hasn't matured enough, to think [Max Level] skill can cause this burden to my body.' Iris smirked widely, 'No matter...[Heal].'

Green light enveloped her body, her strength was restored again. She didn't stop at that, she took out [Mana Potion] from her [Inventory], drank two bottles and put them back again.

'Preparation I just have to deal with that monster.'

When Iris about to walk, silvi called her name


Iris stopped and turned to look at her. Silvi looked so worried, and a bit nervous with her sudden change.

When their eyes were locked to each other, she realized something, 'I know it...her personality and behavior changed, her strength rose up to an even abnormal level, and the way she laughed in the face of danger...she's not the Ojou-sama I know.'

Silvi bit her lips, 'But...Ojou-sama is Ojou-sama... and I promised her, that I will trust her and believe her no matter what she became now!'

Iris looked at her in confusion for a moment, "Hmm?~"

Silvi then knelt with one leg, followed by Harson who did the same.

"We will await your return, and I apologize in advance but make sure you prioritize on staying alive, Ojou-sama." Silvi spoke.

Iris didn't react to it and instead, she was smiling as if she was expecting this to happen.

"As expected~ that part of you hasn't changed...Silvi~" Iris mumbled softly as her face looked sad for a moment.

"Did you say something, Ojou-sama?–" Silvi picked up her voice a bit but couldn't hear it clearly.

"–Nothing, I shall get going now." Iris shook her head, avoiding the topic by turning her head forwards again.

Although it saddened Silvi a bit that she couldn't hear of what she said, Iris added

"When I come back, I would love to have the tea you always made."

Silvi smiled when she saw a hint of redness on her ears and nodded, "Yes Ojou-sama, I wish you luck~"

Iris smiled and she finally left to follow the monster she sent away.

"....." As their master left them behind, Harson decided to ask since he knew that something about her changed

"Is it leave Ojou-sama like that."

"It's fine, from what I saw...she's still the Ojou-sama that I serve." Silvi spoke as she stood up, "And stop worrying, we have work to do." Silvi spoke and turned around to walk towards the opposite direction.

Harson soared one last glance at the direction Iris went to before he followed Silvi from behind.


In the Deep Abandoned Underground Facility.


Something crashed deep into the facility, where Arachne was found flying due to the magic that Iris casted on.

She was sent into this vast empty space within this facility, surrounded by large pillars that seemed to be holding the ceiling which is the ground above it.

And Aachne was still flying through that space as we speak


She had enough and immediately released her strong large aura through her body and destroyed the dark energy ball that latched on her.


Arachne gritted her sharp teeth, it angered her more when she was treated like that.


"Getting angry?~" Then Iris appeared right above her head, swinging her right leg that was covered with [Holy Wall], a white barrier that was converted to some sort of skin on her leg.


And kicked Arachne right on her face.


The force created from her kick sent Arachne down to the floor.


Arachne coughed out blood as she crashed down, while Iris landed down far away from her.

"Phew~ I guess I sent you pretty far away now~" Iris smiled.

Arachne immediately stood up from where she crashed while panting as she received more damage than she expected.


Arachne spoke in anger and this time she spoke like a normal person, as if she wasn't a monster from the beginning.

But it didn't faze Iris at all, How? It's because you are weak~"

As she spoke those words, her status revealed something unusual.


[Take Over]

Active Skill

Duration : ????

Cooldown : ????

A skill that allows a soul from someone to come and possess one's body. All skills from [Passive] and [Active] would be temporarily increased into Max level.

Penalty: Decrease -50% overall status for 1 hour


'Yes...skill [Take Over], allow me to possess this body and the moment I do that, all of the skills that I had before...will return to its original state, which is...'



NAME: Iris May Welford/ Hanamachii Yomi

JOB : Magic Swordsman

TITLE : [The Other Worlder]; [The Villainess]; [Quick Learner]; [Magic Master]; [Sword Master]; [The Tyrant Queen]

[Level: 58]

[HP: 12990/12990]

[MP: 2110/2110]


EXP: 0/50500


Magic Mastery Lv6 => LvMax; Sword Mastery Lv7 => LvMax; Super Growth LvMax; Darkness Magic Lv7 => LvMax, Light Magic Lv6 => LvMax; Magic Eyes Lv6 => LvMax; The Villainess LvMax; Etiquette LvMax; Knitting Lv7 => LvMax; Cooking Lv6 => LvMax

Status Appraisal Lv6 => LvMax

Foresight Lv6 => LvMax

Restraint Lv6 => LvMax

Intimidate Lv6 => LvMax

Shadow Movement Lv6 => LvMax

Shadow Blade Lv7 => LvMax

Heal Lv7 => LvMax

Holy Light Lv5 => LvMax

Sword Dance Lv7 => LvMax

Vital Strike Lv7 => LvMax

Omni-Slash Lv7 => LvMax

Dark Pulse Lv5 => LvMax

Silent Field Lv2 => LvMax

Holy Wall Lv4 => LvMax

Take Over LvMax [Locked]

Enchant : Strength Lv2 => LvMax

Enchant : Shield Lv2 => LvMax

Enchant : Speed Lv2 => LvMax

Divine Art : 13th Pillars Lv2 => LvMax


'All [Passive] and [Active] skill will turn into level Max~'

'With this level max skill, control, strength and speed for casting all my magic will become more stronger, more efficient and easier to use~'

So the definition of her skill that she used right now, is a complete [Cheat] without any cooldown nor duration due to the change that occurred to the skill.

What Arachne faced right now wasn't just any little girl that was smarter than her in terms of strategy but also a little girl who possessed the strength that defied logic.


Arachne shouted in anger as her aura spiked up and she stretched her spider legs on her back.


Arachne was still confused even after being told like that.

Iris suddenly began to laugh,

"Pft~ Hahaha~ you still haven't understand your situation now? How can such an intellectual monster like you couldn't comprehend what happened~"


"I shall tell you this once and for the last time~"

Iris then pointed Arachne with her index finger, "Listen, you are weak..." then she pointed to herself,

"And I am strong. Now, do you get it?~ the weak cannot defeat the strong~ that's the simplest explanation that I could give a dumb monster like you." Iris mocked her.

Of course it angered Arachne even more.

*Grrr....SHUT UP!!*


Arachne lost her reasoning and jumped towards Iris with such a high speed.

'[Enchant: Strength], [Enchant: Shield], [Enchant: Speed].' In such short time, she casted her magic buff on herself and then...


Iris drew her rapier and swiftly swung it to her side, swiping Arachne causing her to be struck and thrown away back to her spot again.



Afterwards, Iris appeared right in front of Arachne's face.


Arachne jolted in surprise and swung her right hand claws towards her face.


But her hand was bounced off due to the barrier that stuck right on the side of her face.

Then Iris thrust her rapier at her, Arachne quickly pulled her right arm that was bounced away to block the thrust.


And she was thrown a bit far away again by that one thrust from her rapier. Arachne still couldn't comprehend how such a small thin looking sword had this much strength.

Arachne landed on the ground and recovered from being thrown away for the third time.


She gritted her sharp teeth, but…


She was greeted by three dark energies from Iris who didn't let her recover properly

"[Dark Pulse]."


And this irritating situation just fueled her anger even more.

A sudden burst of aura immediately dissipated the dark energy away, and Arachne began to transform into something else again.

Her body became a bit robust and bigger, unlike her slender body from before this one added a bit more armored skin that enveloped her body and face turning into some sort of armor, even her left arm grew back again.


As Arachne expressed her anger and murderous intent, the legs part on her back changed into more like a sharp tail instead of sharp spider legs.

Just in a matter of seconds, Arachne adapted her body with this situation.

Iris could see that from where she landed on the ground.

Iris kept her calm face despite seeing her enemy getting stronger after she was thrown away for the third time by her strength.

"Heh~ now this is getting interesting~ [Sword Dance] and [Holy Body]." Iris casted another buff skill from herself and her armor that caused her body to be enveloped with a different kind of aura from the buff she used.

Her eyes opened wide, glinted red in the dark.

Arachne who saw her enemy getting stronger by casting buff, she become more ready than ever.

"Here I come~"


This time, Iris took the initiative by jumping at Arachne and raised her rapier to perform thrust at her.

Arachne stretched her claws on her right hand then swung to greet her attack with her own.


As her claw reached her body, her claw slipped into her body but she felt nothing but an air and Iris disappeared from her sight.

Arachne widened her eyes when she realized it was just her after-image that she just struck down.

Then she felt her presence right behind her.


Iris was still in the air when appeared, Arachne turned around to try to attack her.

But she was greeted by her rapier that was thrusted towards her face.


Blocked with her armored forehand, her skin and her body this time withstood her strength that have been multiplied by her buff.

"Hooo~" Iris reacted to Arachne's armor skin.


Then her body was struck down by the sharp tail and caused a large explosion when her tail hit the ground.

But Iris' body disappeared into after-image again and her presence reappeared right above Arachne's head.

Iris appeared to be twirling elegantly in the air after dodging such deadly strike from her tail, then landed herself on one of the pillar.

"Heh~" She giggled


Iris jumped towards the pillars around this area, side to side, changing her locations as her speed slowly accelerated.

Arachne looked around with her eight eyes, trying to follow her speed.


Then Iris suddenly bounced off from the pillar and dashed towards Arachne from her left side.

Arachne anticipated it and reacted towards Iris who was approaching her, then stretched her right claw and got ready to strike her.


Iris widened her eyes as their eyes locked on each other and casted her [Magic Eyes] skill.


Causing Arachne to stop her movement for a short moment, which shocked her.


Iris used both of her feet that were covered with barriers and stomped right on her face.



She kicked her away, causing her to fly back only for a short moment until her body landed on her feet to the ground.

*What was that?!–*

Arachne was confused when her body didn't listen to her at all when their eyes met.


Then Iris quickly jumped back to the pillars.


Iris repeated the same attack, dashing towards her from Arachne's left side.


Arachne reacted by blocking her rapier strike with her left armored forearm.


Iris jumped back towards other pillars and dashed towards Arachne's back side.


Arachne immediately reacted using her tail to block the strike, but her blade managed to slip in between her tail that was tied together and Arachne took the initiative to block with her right armored forearm.


Then Iris jumped away after she pulled her rapier back, and used her speed to jump around the pillars around her.

The way she struck, the way she moved, it's as if she was playing with Arachne.



Her attacks angered her and caused her to use her tail and scattered them around randomly.


She destroyed the pillars around her to catch up to Iris' speed, and created smoke from the dust of the rubbles.

Arachne grinned widely as she thought she finally had her when she saw no movement.

Arachne didn't lose her focus and waited for Iris to come out from this dust.


As she heard something coming out from her back, Arachne immediately turned her head around.


But she widened her eyes when it was just a rock.

She felt a presence coming from her front that made her turn her head back again and saw Iris appeared above her head and raised her rapier.


Performing straight down thrust.


The tip of her blade clashed and got blocked by her armored forearms and Arachne swung her both arms aside to bounce Iris rapier off and loosen her grip from her hand.

Arachne grinned when she saw an opportunity but...


Iris grabbed Arachne's head with her both hands.



After that, Iris used her right leg that was covered with a barrier and performed a knee strike straight towards her face.



Causing the armor on Arachne's face to crack, caught her off guard as if that opportunity from before was just a bait for her to lose focus about what Iris' gonna do.

But that's not all, Iris moved her left hand and opened her palm in front of Arachne's face.

"[Dark Pulse]."



Dark energy was thrown from her left palm and that attack managed to destroy the armor that covering her face.


The force from the explosion caused by her magic made Iris fly away to gain distances from Arachne and managed to steal her rapier back that was still in the air.



Arachne was injured on her face and she quickly controlled her scattered tail and pulled them to strike Iris who was still up in the air.


But her tail caught her after-image once again, and Iris reappeared just right behind her.


Then kicked Arachne's back waist using her right leg covered with barrier

Arachne's body flew up a bit after receiving that kick.

Then Iris reappeared on her side and swung her left fist, punching Arachne's face and causing her to fly back to the ground


And crashed to one of the pillars.


Arachne covered her face that was beaten up with her knee, fist, and blasted with magic.


Iris landed on the ground with a smile "Ara~ sorry~ it's just that your face looks so ugly that's why I punched it~"


Arachne's aura spiked up, as Iris' every word kept fueling her wrath and increasing her power.


In front of such rage, Iris was smiling calmly as if she did it on purpose.

Then Iris lifted her hand towards Arachne, making a taunting gesture as she looked at her with her irritating calm smile.

"Come again~"

Arachne gritted her sharp teeth and...


...flew at her and swung her right claw at such high speed.


But with minimum movement Iris took a step aside to dodge her strike but...


Her cheeks got a small cut from her strike. Iris widened her eyes a bit and her smile curved more widely.

"That's it~♡"

The situation had become reversed now, Arachne who flew past her dodge immediately recovered in the middle of the air by spinning herself and stuck her several tails at the pillar that she was gonna approach, and then...


Bounced herself with her tail, moving towards another pillar


to another pillar again and again...

As if she is copying what Iris did from before.

"Hah!~" Iris couldn't contain her excitement as she watched Arachne jumping around the pillars around her.


And purposely destroyed the pillar that she jumped off from, causing a mess around Iris, blinding her vision with the dust.


But her eyes still could see the movement from the dust around her.


Several tails came out from the dust and approached her from behind.

Iris took a step to her left side, and barely dodged the strike in time.


The tail managed to slightly injure her left arm despite dodging it. 'Ohh~ did it get faster? And this feeling…'

Despite being a slight injury, her body was stunned for a while and her vision went dark. Something in the tail caused her arm to bleed even more.

'Oh, poison~'


Arachne came out from the dust and approached her at her blank spot which is her back and swung her claw towards her.


Arachne widened her eight eyes when her claw struck her, but it never reached her body because Iris managed to block it with her rapier, surprisingly.

Iris was pushed back by the force of the attack and they were moving away from the spot of their initial clash.


As her rapier blade clashed with her claw, Arachne showed a confused expression when she saw Iris' calm expression that was twisted in excitement.

*H-how?!* She was expecting something to happen to Iris, but....

The poison didn't work.


[Skill "The Villainess" have been activated]

Iris grinned widely as her red eyes glinted. Her skill activated, causing it to neutralize the debuffed status she received from that poison, "Hah!~ Yes!~ That's it!~ Struggle more!~"

Arachne who saw her behavior suddenly pushed Iris away.


Then used her tails to stick it on the ground and double dash at Iris.

"Ahahaha~!" Iris laughed when she saw that while she's still flying and moving in the air.


Arachne stretched both of her claws, striking Iris first on her right side.


But Iris deflected her claw with her rapier by swiping it aside.


Then Iris countered it by thrusting her rapier.


Her rapier clashed with Arachne's right claw as she managed to block it.

Their body was moving and flying in the air, constantly exchanging blows, counters and guards at high speed and even caused the pillars and the ground to be crushed with their force.

As they were still clashing, Iris noticed her MP getting lower and lower.

"Should finish this up~" Iris mumbled as her rapier was still preoccupied with Arachne's claws.


Iris kicked Arachne's stomach, causing them to pull apart



Arachne flew down and landed on the ground, while Iris did the same and put a good distance away from each other.


"It seems we ran out of time, sadly I need to finish this up so I can go back to my comrades~"





Let's get this over with~!" After that Iris released her remaining magic aura around her body, and clad herself with purplish aura.

Arachne who saw that gritted her teeth, *You want to end it just LIKE THAT!! DON'T MESS WITH ME!!*

Iris knew that she couldn't be here any longer because even though her skills are Max leveled that doesn't mean her body can withstand her strength.

But her will was strong enough to overcome the pain.

As their final resort, they will use their all to finish this fight.

Starting with Arachne who used all her tails on her back, twirling and clashing to one and another that focused into one point and began to create a spiral and performed in perfect harmony, creating a burst of raging demonic aura.

*I hate you...I hate you...I hate you...I HATE YOU!!!*


Using her anger as the source, the spiraling drill began to expand, and the intensity became stronger and stronger.

Meanwhile, Iris who started this all, remained calm with her eyes closed and holding her rapier close to her.

She reminded herself of the skill [Take Over], a skill that allowed the user to be possessed by someone's soul and all skills were maxed out, which include [Active] and...[Passive].

Her [Passive] [Sword Mastery] had been maxed out, which meant it allowed her to…

…create a skill that could be considered a skill that belonged to her and only her.

[Divine Art] the skill that she created was one of them. By combining her [Light Magic] and [Dark Magic] into one Swordsmanship.

Now she simply clad her rapier using Light and Dark magic on both sides, using the same method that she used to defeat [The Prototype Ashura, Styx].


But something is different, the intensity of the spiral Light and Dark magic were spread around her rapier.

She finally took her stance.

Her eyes shined bright red when she performed such control over this kind of new magic and sword skill.

'This is my peak...this is where I surpass my past self~' Iris curved her lips into a wide smile, 'And I'm gonna test it on you.'

Her eyes were set on Arachne who's about to set off her final strike.

It gave her chills through her back when Arachne saw her eyes.

She gritted her teeth


Losing her control, Arachne began to jump and ran towards Iris who's still getting herself ready.

A large drill made out of her sharp tails that's combined into one point and about to strike her like a lance.

After that, the spiral Light and Dark energy that Iris released began to condense and combine into one energy.

Then she suddenly raised her rapier and pointed her rapier towards Arachne.


Instead of combining into the blade, the dark and light energy were suddenly focused on the tip of her rapier, creating a small orb filled with that raging energy.

Arachne saw what happened and was confused about where the raging power she released before disappeared into, until she felt...

Something would happen and whatever it was, it made her feel uneasy...

Regardless, Arachne kept running towards Iris.







Until her uneasy feelings were answered by the expression that Iris made.

She showed her a calm yet twisted smile, as if mocking the former Spider Queen who took the form of a Demon.

And this little girl uttered her final words towards her.





"Now then...Good bye~ Insect~"






"[Divine Art: Nemesis]."


Afterwards, the energy was released into a single point line towards the raging storm of bladed tails right in front of her.


As the two force collide, the one that losing strength is...


Arachne's, where her sharp bladed tail was shattered into pieces without much resistance while the straight line of the energy beam was still going forward.


And struck Arachne's chest, enough to break her armored body and even went through her with the length that might be enough to reach the walls surrounding this facility.

The beam left a large hole on her chest.


The shattered pieces of her tail were falling apart as Arachne fell on her knees and noticed the hole on her chest.

Despite that, her body was still trying to move, to reach Iris who approached her slowly.

*I...I...must avenge my children...!*

as she spoke, her armor started to crumble down, she looked desperate, desperate to continue fighting.

Iris looked down upon her and pointed her rapier towards Arachne's face, her expression showed something different than usual and that shocked even a monster like herself

Arachne laughed softly, **

Iris was looking at her with a cold and expressionless face while looking down at her pitifully.



She fired the same condensed energy, but this time the output was much bigger than before and was aimed point blank on Arachne's head.

Her head disintegrated into nothing but ashes, and her body fell down lifelessly to the floor.


[You leveled up!]

[You leveled up!]

[You leveled up!]

[You leveled up!]

[You leveled up!]

[You leveled up!]

[You leveled up!]

[You leveled up!]

[You leveled up!]....

As the notice showed up, Iris' expression slowly changed into a smile and confused for a moment.

"Ohhh, right~ Spiders aren't insect~" She mused, "Hmm I should bring this corpse and–"


Right before she was gonna bring Arachne's corpse, her [Inventory] started ringing.

"Huh?" Iris immediately opened the [Inventory] and brought out the thing that was ringing, it was a communication orb that she brought with her.

'Wha? Who?–' Since this is her first time seeing such a thing, she tried to remember how to use it with the memory that [she] left before.

Then she was able to open the call,



There were some noises from the orb until the voice slowly came out.

"Iris-san!...*bzzt*...come *bzzt*...quick! we need you...*bzzzt**bzztt*...west...*bzzt* *bzzt*"

'Is it because this place is interfering with the signal?'

The noises seemed to be getting louder, making it hard to comprehend what she's hearing, 'Hmmm...west? If I remember...west is where that particular adventurer that I don't know from the past.'

"What happen on the west?" Iris asked.

"*bzzt* *bzzt*....dragon."

"Huh?" Iris widened her eyes.

"A [Dragon] have appeared at the [West]!"

To be continue…


[Divine Art : Nemesis]

Active Skill

MP Cost: 400

Cooldown: 180 sec.

A combination skill of magic and sword that forge two elements into one that could lead to destruction and purification. The sword will bring two elements into one single point focused on the tip of the sword and shoot it at the enemy with a force of destruction and purification combined into one towards the enemy, the output can depend on what the user wants it to be.
