Chapter 108 : Invasion & Confrontation (Part 1)


'...who was also known as the God of Fire in Japanese lore. The God was also known for his flame which was so powerful it could engulf the entire universe and turn them into nothing but ashes.'

'He is the God who almost killed his mother Izanami and his father Izanagi, a God so powerful that they had to be cut into many pieces.'

'Izanami? Izanagi?'

'They are Gods too, although I don't know how to explain what God they are since I'm not great with History, but I do know some of the Gods of my Homeland.'

'What a peculiar place you lived in, even in our world there are only several Gods who govern this world.'

Rei explained while Ray stayed on the ground where he rested his body.

'Yeah, although the current God of Fire we have now is Ifrit, so yeah I took the name after I remembered that this flame belongs to him.' Rei explained about the black flame or something that could be called as [Hell Flame].

'So [Kagutsuchi no Ken] or [Sword of Kagutsuchi] was the name that I got. It fits with our current situation.' Rei concluded with a smile.

'Never thought we're capable of creating two skills at once, if not for your help on controlling the fire maybe we won't be able to create a proper magic sword.' Ray commented.

'Yeah, but anyway! What I am curious about is how you are able to do that! You know, you split the sky into half! Along with Jormungand!' Rei spoke excitedly.

'Oh that….I finally went past my limits. With my memories and yours combined…I reached my peak.'

'Woah, you seriously took the spot right after we switched.'

'Ahahaha, sorry about that, it's just in that situation the best way to defeat that monster is to create a strong peak skill just like uncle Nel.'

'Well that's with my [Kagutsuchi no Ken] and your [Sky Decapitation], aren't we basically unstoppable?'

Ray couldn't help but smile, 'Yeah…although I don't think I can use [Kagutsuchi no Ken] using [Hell Flame] anymore.'

'Huh?? Why is that?' Rei asked until he noticed that his whole right arm was nothing but scorched black skin, and the armor on the right arm completely melted.

It was an unbearable sight for him.

'No way...'

'It seems it rejected me from using the flame...and it injured your whole body as a result, which is why I don't think I can use it when we use [Persona] up until the session is over.' Ray explained.

'Houston...I'm sorry.'

'You don't have to apologize, we didn't know why the skill consumes HP, so I think this is why.'

'The flame doesn't allow anyone to control it, only you.'

'But...we are basically the same! I was the one who controlled the flame before, right?'

'That might be true, but the one who controlled the body was the flame couldn't recognize its owner and end up attacking me in the process. I was lucky that you managed to control it instead, if not...our body would probably die.' Ray explained.

Rei could tell how bad the damages were, even if he's not in control. He knew that Ray was in a lot of pain.

'Anyway, we should check on the quest reward.' Ray suggested.




[Quest : "Subjugate the Sky Dragon"] [Cleared!]

[The Demon God, Ars], giving player "Rei" a quest, which is to subjugate a monster called [The Sky Dragon, Jormungand]. A monster that was evolved through the blessing from [The Demon God] himself, turned into a [Divine] being–a [Dragon].


Target : [The Sky Dragon, Jormungand] [1/1]



'To think we were able to defeat a [Dragon].' Rei commented as he looked at the corpse that lay beside him, unmoving.

'That is true...but we're lucky the Dragon was still young and hadn't used his full potential.'

'If he could do that, there will be a storm that could blow us all.' Ray explained.

Rei gulped and couldn't imagine how it would end up for the both of them. He then opened the skill part and it showed him everything that he received.


● Skill : [??????]




● [Dual Wield] !!NEW!!

● [Shield Art : Grand Cross] !!NEW!!

● [■■■■■■] !!NEW!!

It appeared that they got two skill at the same time.

'Ohhhh!' Their eyes were sparkling at what they saw

'[Dual Wield]?' Rei checked the skill.


[Dual Wield]

Passive skill

A skill that was bestowed by [the God of War, Odin] after seeing such a performance that no ordinary human could have done. The skill allows the user to be able to use two kinds of weapons at the same time. The user is able to [create a new skill during the process].

When the user wields [different type] of weapon, the user will get +20% Strength and +20% Agility.


Rei was amazed, 'W-woah! A passive skill that allows us to use different kinds of weapons at the same time?! Isn't that amazing?!'

'Not only that...if the weapon was different the user will get additional Strength and Agility status?!' Ray commented.

Rei nodded, 'this skill is perfect for us.'

Then Ray looked at the other skill, 'Wait...what?!'

'What's wrong?!'

'This skill?!–'


[Shield Arts: Grand Cross]

Active Skill

MP Cost: 150

Cooldown: 180 sec.

By swinging the weapon that the user holds in a cross line, it will form a cross energy that is implanted to the shield and banish the evil before them. The user could input any element as long as it's the element that the user is affiliated with.


'This is [Guardian Job] skill from [Paladin]! To think they gave us this skill…' Ray spoke.

'But...we haven't learned it yet though, and we're also not following any church or religion.' Rei claimed.

'Ummm...that is true, but how come we got it?' Rei asked, confused.

'Well let's just be grateful to get a powerful skill from [Shield Arts] that's not on the list from the book that Guild Master gave us.' Ray spoke.

'True.' Rei agreed.

'But this last skill...' Both of them shifted their eyes to look at it



????? Skill

MP Cost: ????

Cooldown: ????

■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■ ■■■■■ ■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■ ■■■■■■■


'Is this bugged??' Rei commented.

'I don't know.' Ray was confused as well, this is his first time to see something like this.

As they glanced at each other, they could guess where this skill was coming from.

'It must have come from that [Demon God].' Ray guessed and Rei nodded in agreement.

'Regardless we don't know what kind of skill this is, we should be extra cautious.' Ray warned him.


'Okay then, the next one is the title!–' But when they were going to proceed to the next reward, they were abruptly interrupted, which forced Ray to come back to reality.

"Hey! Crimson! Are you alright?!"

When Ray opened his eyes, Eindride's face was right above him.


Startled, he raised his head from where he was lying down and hit his helmet against Eindride's forehead.

"Ouch!–Damn you! Is that how you treat someone who supported you in battle!" Eindride shouted at him as he rubbed his forehead with his hand to ease his pain.

"Well don't get close to me, it's disgusting."

"Wha–?!–" Eindride about to shout but he immediately pursed his lips and sighed.

"Seriously, how come the savior of my kingdom is you...this is unfair." Eindride regretted even though the man before him was the one who prevented a Dragon from attacking his Kingdom.

That fact won't change since he witnessed it himself.

"That just means that I am stronger than you."

"Hah?!–Even I know I cannot beat that kind monster! But at least I can still defeat anything else other than that!"

"Yeah right."

"Ughh–!!" As he continued to ignite his anger, whether intentionally or not, Eindride's eyes saw his damaged right arm.

Then without warning...



Ray's body was lifted by Eindride with his left arm wrapped around his shoulder.

"What are you doing?" Ray was pretty surprised when he helped him stand.

Eindride sighed, "Like I said, I can't believe the savior of my Kingdom is you, you rude bastard...this is the least I can do." Eindride spoke as he began to walk with him.

Ray could only stare at him, despite the one who experienced and having conversation with him was Rei, he could tell he wasn't a bad guy despite how rude he was on their first meeting.

"Well, blame your Queen and my Client."

"Tsk..." Eindride clicked his tongue.

Ray smiled while being carried like this.

"You...I have a question."

"What is it?"

"...which one are you?" Eindride asked him during their walk together.

Ray widened his eyes and glanced at him, "What do you–"

"I heard everything that the Dragon said."

"You...did." Ray felt nervous about this, especially that his and Rei's secret had been revealed by that Dragon during their fight.

"So...which one are you?" Eindride asked him once more while his gaze still remained forwards and not making eye contact with him.

Ray hesitated, even Rei inside his mind was nervous about this situation, but Ray remembered what he did when his secret was revealed by the Queen.

"I–like I said we are Crimson, nothing more and nothing less, just ordinary Adventurers who had a foolish dream of becoming a Knight."

Eindride widened his eyes when heard his straight answer, which made him laugh and smiled.

"Hahaha, I see I see...a Knight huh, not a Hero?"

"Yes, a Knight. Not a hero." Ray repeated his words.

"What a foolish dream..yet I cannot help but support you."

"Heh, thank–"

"That also means I am right above you now."


"Since I am already an official Royal Knight in my Kingdom~ unlike you who are still an Adventurer, that's too BaD~" Eindride spoke in a mocking way and broke the warm atmosphere just like that.

Ray couldn't contain his anger and immediately headbutted his head against him.


"Ouch! Seriously! Do you have to do that everytime!" Eindride got another swollen bump on his forehead.

"You deserve it." Ray replied in monotone and that angered Eindride.

While in the midst of that, they were interrupted by a loud ringing noise.







The sound came from the orb inside Eindride's pocket.

Ray and Eindride looked at each other for a moment before Eindride took out the orb and answered the call.

"It's an emergency!" They were suddenly being shouted at from the orb, a girl voice warning them about the emergency she mentioned.

"Huh? Hello, this is Royal Knight, Eindride Andor Viorgrand, tell me what happened." Eindride responded.

"Onii-chan? Then relay this message to Crimson-san! there's an emergency!" Ruru pleaded

Eindride looked at Ray who was confused, the same as himself.

"What kind of emergency, calm down first then talk to me." Ray answered in his stead.

"O-okay, u-ummm...right now, the Kingdom–Viorgrand has been attacked by some intruders!" Ruru spoke

"–?!?! What?!" Eindride became nervous and worried.

"What happened to the Guards! The Soldiers! How about the Queen– about you! Are you okay!?" Eindride showed his concerns as he was very worried.

But Ray remained calm in this situation.

"I am fine onii-chan, right now I am evacuating the citizens with the soldiers." Ruru answered.

"Then what about our team?" Ray asked her.

Ruru didn't answer immediately, "They are going to deal with them soon."

"I see...then tell them, do not die." Ray spoke to them, then Rei poked him through his mind and whispered to him about something. 'Hm? Ehh–'

To hear those words, Ruru immediately felt calm as his words reassured her.

"Yes! I shall tell them–"

"Another thing, if they weren't able to defeat them when I arrived...don't expect me to spare you when I give you that hellish training." Ray spoke following what Rei spoke to him and added pressure with those words.

Ruru suddenly shivered when his words unlocked an unpleasant memory of him training her and her team.

"Make sure to relay this to them, if they can't do it...[Crimson, will personally deal with them instead]." Ray added.

And that made Ruru paled, "Y-yes sir! I will relay your words to them!"

She sounded scared, Eindride who stared at him was somewhat surprised at what he just heard.

The call ended immediately and Ray stayed calm in this situation, while Eindride was still looking stumped about it.

"Hey, what are you doing? Shouldn't we go back quickly now since your Kingdom is being attacked."

When Ray reminded him, Eindride shook his head and continued to walk.

"Why are you so calm in this situation?"

"Do you need to be afraid in this situation?" Ray asked him.

"Well of course, your team–I mean your friends are facing an unknown enemy alone, we don't know how strong they are but they are just B-class Adventurers, how can they win?!" Eindride already underestimated them the moment he met them for the first time.

"Is that how you evaluate me?"

"Yours is a different case. But them? I don't even sure if they could win."

"Then wanna bet?"

"A bet?"

"If they win and make the intruder retreat to us, I want you to give me one of your precious items."

"W-wha–those items are something that was given by the Queen! I can't give it to you!"

"Are you backing down after underestimating my team?"

"Ugh–" It hurts his pride of course, but knowing the bet will be his item, it worries him.

"Then how about this, I added another condition, if you win...I will be your subordinate and call you master for the rest of my time staying in the Kingdom."

That caught his attention, "Deal!" And he immediately agreed to it.

"Heh, you better not back down to those words." Ray reminded him

"You should be the one who is worried here!" Eindride replied while mocking him.

"Then I shall remind you again, I am a C-class Adventurer."

"Yeah, what does that mean?"

"Do you not wonder, why am I saying this?" Rei spoke to him.

"What are you trying to say?"

"What I am saying is...the people that I made a bet with, are the people who are going to be promoted into A-class soon, although it is not official but the Guild Master had informed me already."


"Yeah, the people, the team you mocked, is an A-class Adventurers team that [I] personally trained." Rei snickered when he caught him right into his trap.

"Y-you tricked me–!!"

"Well you have only yourself to blame for being short-sighted." Ray mocked him as the two walked through the forest.


Meanwhile, 15 minutes ago before the attack started…

In the Elf Kingdom, Viorgrand, the white walls were guarded heavily with the Elves' soldiers.


One of the guards who stood right above the front wall yawned.

"Hey focus." The other guard who was paired with this guard spoke.

"Sorry sir, it's just…I don't think there's someone who would attack us at this time." The guard replied.

"But you must focus, since Eindride-sama is out there fighting that monster for us with that Adventurer."

"Oh! The rumored Adventurer who caught our Queen's heart the moment he arrived? That Adventurer!"

"Yeah, you miss out on a lot of stuff."

"Really? Then you better–"



Just as they were having a normal conversation, a sudden burst of blood splattered on the other guard's body.


The other guard could see his comrade who was guarding the wall had lost his head.


And fell as a small boulder crashed against the wall behind them.

"Wha–o-oi...are you kidd—"


Then, without even being able to finish his words, his head was crushed from the same boulder while his headless body fell on the ground.

And those shots came from a location that's very far away from the Kingdom.

Four silhouettes could be seen standing on the branches, under the shadows from the trees.

"Hey Leader! Was I able to hit them? This is getting tiring." A short looking man spoke as his appearance was shown first since he was at the front.

A portion of his right arm changed into some sort of a monster looking arm and its skin was black. His long brown hair covered his eyes and there's a single horn grown above the right side of the short man's head.

"Geez, can you throw it more quietly?" A woman with a green haired twin tails girl showed up with her haughty tone. She was wearing quite a revealing outfit.

"Leader asked me, not you." the short man glared at her.

"Hah? Who told you you can do whatever you freak." The twin-tail spoke as her eyes turned sharp as well but difference was it became golden yellow and her pupil became snake-like

"Are you picking a fight with me?" When he spoke his eyes turned into sharp red eyes and he let out a some sort of red aura from his body.

"Yeah, I am so what?" Yet the twin-tailed girl didn't back down as a green aura came out from her body.

"Be quiet you two." Another one showed up, a big bald man that seemed to be 2 meters tall looked at them.

"But he/she started first!" The two blamed each other.

"Oh come on~ stop making a fuss, we have work to do~" Then finally the leader who led this group, a woman with rose tattoos on her neck showed herself.

"Kara." The leader called the short man's name and the twin tailed girl's name "Mira."

"You both are the executive chosen by our mistress, so make sure you don't do anything stupid."

"Ughh...fine." Kara looked away.

"Hmfh." Mira pouted while looking away as well.

"But Kara, you did great job on killing the eyes without them noticing it~"

Kara's cheek reddened, "'s thanks to your eyes that I am able to do it."

Then Mira glanced at him, "Heh~ simp~"

Kara who heard that went full rage at her, "Hey!"

The leader giggled at his behavior, "Fufufu~ it seems our Kara has improved, what do you think Guld?" The leader spoke to the big man who stood behind her.

"Well, he's still rough on many ways but in the future he will probably surpass me sooner or later." Guld answered her.

"Heh, that's great~ and now stop you two." The leader spoke to Kara and Mira who seemed to be fighting and glaring at each other, but in the end they stopped.

"Now, don't forget what we are here for, okay?~" The leader asked them.

They all nodded but Kara was the one who seemed to be the only one who's confused, "Ummm, leader do you think there is such a person in that Kingdom?"

"A [person who could see someone's soul]." Kara mentioned it specifically.

"Yes, there is one person who has such ability and our mistress wants it." The leader spoke while smirking.

"Make sure you both aren't distracted with the situation out there, even we can sense what kind of being they are...we aren't a match for them."

"So let those monsters deal with other monsters~ and us dealing with our own business~" The leader snickered with her devilish smirk.

The others agreed as they smiled, "We are [the Blood Rose], the elite team that our mistress Minerva-sama created~"

"We shall provide whatever our mistress want and we shall crush everyone that tries to get in our way~" The leader began her speech, boosting the morale of her group as they felt the surge of power coming from them.

"I, Hera shall give my heart and dedication to capture this person for our beloved Goddess!"

"Yeah!!" Her group shouted as they released their auras.

"Now, use all the power that have been bestowed by our mistress and let them know...true fear~"

To be continue…