Chapter 110 : Invasion & Confrontation (Part 3)

At the Northern side of the wall, before Fang met this new enemy.


He jumped and stabbed through a Cyclops' eye and struck it down.

As he stood there on top of the Cyclops' body, the elf soldiers who followed him watched him kill it.

One of the soldiers approached him, "T-thank you very much!"

"No problem, I'm just doing my job." Fang answered him and sheathed his sword.

"Is the battle on your side over?"

"Yes! We've completely cleared up the remaining monsters around here, thanks to you we were able to clear it up easily, Sir Fang!"

When the soldier called him "sir" with respect, Fang's ego swelled, "Heh, obviously, I am the second strongest in our team after all!"

The soldier looked at him in admiration, "Ohh!"

"Well that aside, we still have to clear up the remaining monster." Fang spoke while getting down from the Cyclops corpse.

"Yes, sir Fang!" The soldier bowed his head and left immediately.

Fang sighed a bit, despite being all proud like that his hands were still trembling as he tried to hide his nervousness, 'No matter how hard I try, I'm still nervous to do this alone, it is pretty reckless of me...but I'm sure this is probably what Crimson felt now fighting against that big monster alone.'

Fang looked at the wall, wondering what happened on the other side, 'A think he would face such a being like that, if I was there...will I be of any help?'

Fang, the man who's always cheerful and playful, for the first time in his life felt a change in his way of thought.

He was a veteran adventurer and of a higher class than Rei.

But his strength and skill was still lacking and because of that he stayed at B-class for so long and hasn't gone up to A-class yet.

Until one day, he was issued a promotion to be an A-class Adventurer by the Guild Master.


"Huh?? Pardon??"

In the office room of the Guild Master, Fang was facing the Guild Master himself, Hughes Farhill.

"Like I said, you're going to be promoted to A-class, do you have anything else to say?" Hughes repeated his words as he stared at Fang who stood there in front of him.

"N-no, it's just...surprising." Fang spoke awkwardly while scratching his neck.

"Heh, usually you would be screaming and hollering with joy but now look at you, why does your face say otherwise? Something in mind?"

"Y-yeah...I just wonder if I am fit to be an A-class Adventurer."

"Why would you say that? You have taken up some requests that can be considered dangerous these days and not only that, you are trained by that guy right? So there shouldn't be a problem." Hughes explained.

"But..." Fang still felt nervous.

" this because of the gap talent between you and him perhaps?" Hughes guessed.

Fang looked surprised but also looked like he'd accepted that fact at the same time.

Indeed, the talent between him and his leader–Crimson(Rei) from the start was already far away.

The only talent he had was his excellent sense and could be able to smell a scent from far and differentiate between someone's scent, like some kind of dog.

But for Hughes and Rei that talent was considered more useful than any other skill.

"Even so, you are someone who followed him, since you used to always avoid dangerous quests before you decided to move out of your safe zone."

"Even I was surprised that you didn't refuse whenever he forced you all to fight against monsters that were several times stronger than you all." Hughes explained since most of the time, Rei took a quest that was a bit higher level than any other quest.

Fang and Andrew, who are in his team, were forced to take it as well since they decided to follow him.

"And this is the result, you managed to break out of your shell and in the might find something precious and something that could change you." Hughes spoke as he stood up from his seat and approached him.


He tapped Fang's shoulder.

"But this is a dangerous world, survival is your top priority and make sure you do not act foolishly like that guy." Hughes spoke as he was referring to someone.

Fang knew what he's talking about and he decided not to talk about it, instead he looked up proudly as usual.

"Then, I shall keep that promise."


After reminiscing about the past a bit, Fang finally went back to where he was at now.

"Now seems I have to get going."

Finally he started to depart with the Elf soldiers who followed him to the Northern wall.




Where the cause of this chaos was located.


Several minutes had passed and they arrived at the Northern wall, he could finally see the giant hole on the wall much clearly.

Fang looked around, there was nothing but rubbles from the destroyed building and the wall itself.

A lingering scent of blood was picked up by his nose and while he and the soldiers were there, they found scattered half-eaten corpses.

It's a horrible sight for them and it's a horrible stench for Fang who haven't gotten used to this.

'Ughh...these monsters.' Fang couldn't help but feel disgusted and angry at such a scene.

When they were about to continue their walk, someone was standing there and suddenly approached them.

A woman, wearing a worn out coat that was stained with blood and her face was covered by the coat.


"A survivor?" Fang wondered as he saw her.

"We have to help her!" The soldier who was the one who talked to him before, started to approach the woman.

Then Fang picked up a smell with his sharp nose of his.

The woman fell on her knees on the ground as the soldier stood beside her.

"Are you okay ma'am!"

"Yes...I'm okay."

"I shall take you to a safe place!" The soldier spoke as he was about to help her stand.

"But...can I have a favor from you?"

Fang then felt something bad after he smelled the scent coming from that woman.

"Sure! Do you need something ma'am." The soldier gladly answered her.






need to kill more."


When the soldier heard those words, a sharp beast-like claw hand stretched out through the woman's coat, and she swung it down in blinding speed.


But before the sharp claw could strike his head, someone pulled him from behind by his armor.


The sharp claw landed on the ground and managed to create a hole on it. The soldier was saved by a hair's breadth.



Then someone dashed at the woman with that claw-like hand.


That person swung his sword at the woman, but when he thought his sword struck her down, he found his sword was cutting through the coat she was wearing.

The woman fled and jumped up, she managed to dodge that strike and enough to slip away from that coat at such a high speed.

She landed on top of a building and it was revealed that the one who swung that sword and saved the soldier was none other than Fang.

"S-sir Fang!" The soldier realized that and found himself sitting on the ground.

"Ara~ you managed to see through my acting~ I thought I had a talent for it~ but it seems it wasn't able to fool you...Mr. Adventurer~" The woman spoke, she has brown hair and a rose tattoo on her neck, and her furry beast-like claw arm.

"Obviously, your lousy acting won't fool me!" Fang spoke proudly, and of course he didn't state the fact that he knew her from her scent.

'...her body reeks of blood, not one nor two...but thousands of people she had killed.' Fang thought as he felt nervous inside.

'Even Crimson had killed someone before...compared to his body count, she is a monster.'

Fang analyzed the situation, noticing that the woman in front of him looked to be more dangerous than he thought.

"Ara~ I see~ you have such a sharp eyes~"

"Yeah~" Fang gulped as he managed to fool his opponent.

"Then mr. Adventurer~ may I know your name?"

"Do you need to know my name? This is the first time that a woman would try to hit on me~" Fang joked.

She giggled, "Is that so?~ Then that's too bad...because–"


With a blinding speed, she jumped towards him, leaving a crack on the building she stood on before

Her right arm transformed like the other one and swung it to grab Fang.

"–It's too bad you have to die here~" The woman continued her words but...


Unexpectedly, the woman widened her eyes when she saw her claw...


…was being blocked by his sword.

Fang calmly held his sword and clad himself with his orange aura.

"Do you think I couldn't react to your speed? Unfortunately for you, my leader is much faster."

"Haa! I guess I am lucky to find someone like you then~" The woman smiled widely after encountering such a person, as she did that her strength increased and forced Fang to step back.


"My name is of the elites of the [Blood Rose], I shall personally ask you some questions regarding some matter."

'[Blood Rose]?' Fang was confused by that name while he raised one of his eyebrows, "Then...I refuse."


Fang immediately pushed her back, deflecting her claw away and made her jump back to gain distance.

"Ohhh~ what a surprise, to think you are capable of using seems like the info I got needs some update." Hera smiled.

"You speak as if you know me already, so why bother asking my name again."

Fang sighed and got into his stance while gripping his sword tightly.

'This is hard.' Fang thought while observing his opponent, 'A woman who had that kind of strength, not only arm that can change into a monster claw, is she even human?'

"Well it can't be helped, you are such an amazing man and I thought I might face a fake one."

"Although...I am more interested in you, could you please tell me more about yourself, this onee-san would bring you the pleasure out of this world."

"Heh, are you flirting with me?" Fang tightened his grip, and then he positioned his feet, after that...


He dashed forward at her, "We're still fighting." his eyes suddenly became more focused as he had straightened his mind.


He swung his sword from below to upward.


But Hera managed to block such a strike within a second, yet it still surprised her.

"Aw, that's unfortunate~" Hera commented while holding onto his sword with her claw.

"Yeah, you're pretty and hot but I cannot be swayed by a murderer who killed dozens of innocents." Fang commented then deflected her claw aside.


"I don't even know what [Blood Rose] is! Or give a single fuck of what you want from us!"

Then he followed by lifting his sword up and swung it down towards her.


But Hera dodged it by stepping back, then stretched her claw back and took this chance to swing at him when he missed his strike.

"Well that means this is your lucky day! You shall learn the despair of fighting with me!"


Suddenly Fang changed the way he gripped the sword, instead of slashing through the air...

He positioned his sword like he was going to stab and the target was...


The ground. He stabbed the ground with his sword that was clad in his aura and created a large crack that destroyed the ground where they both stand, leaving a huge gaping hole.


Hera lost her foothold and it canceled her strike that missed him by a hair's breadth.

Then Fang took his chance by pulling his sword out from the ground, lifted his sword and swung it to the left side of her stomach.

'Caught you–'

Fang thought he saw victory was within his grasp, using such a plan of feigning an attack by destroying her foothold and followed by another strike.

But there was just one thing that he missed...


Suddenly Hera caught his sword by using her left elbow and knee that clamped his sword together.

"W-wha–" Fang widened his eyes when he saw it...and he finally realized...

That something he missed was the fact that his opponent was a living being, which meant...

"Ohhh~ I forgot to tell job is [Martial Artist]~"

His enemy had a [Job].


Fang felt immediate pain on his stomach, then he found her right foot landing on his stomach.


It sent him flying with just a kick...


...and crashed against the building behind him.

"Sir Fang!" One of the soldiers called him when they found Fang laying his body against the wall after they saw the woman sent him flying.


Fang coughed out blood, 'It hurts...I thought I managed to block it with my aura, but to think a simple kick like that could release so much force.' Fang panted and tried to stand with his sword.


And used that chance to drink a potion from his pocket.

"Hooo~ so you're able to survive from that~" Hera praised with a hint of mockery after seeing Fang managed to stand after that strike.

"Destroying my foothold was a good plan~ not only that you are pretty quick witted, and have the talent which is an instinct stronger than any human I see so far~"

'Talent?' Fang heard those words and his face became more serious, 'No...I don't have talent.'

'Compared to him…his instinct is much stronger than me.' Fang thought about his leader.

'Compared to him...he is way faster and more talented at getting stronger...' Fang thought about someone who became stronger with him with the guidance of his leader.

'I don't have any talent, and nothing else worth mentioning except my senses of smell…' Fang gripped his sword tightly, 'if I do have a talent, I would have learned aura a long time ago.'

"Fuck, that hurts but thanks for the compliment...but like I said, we are in a fight here. You talked too much."


Fang began to take his stance, while his eyes focused once more.

Hera smiled widely seeing such an expression, "I have taken a liking to you...but sadly, I need to ask some questions and then kill you!" She spoke as she stretched her claw from both of her hands this time.

They resumed fighting once more.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the wall…

Wise and Kagura were facing a large bald-man, his body was surrounded with armor made out of rock and holding a large axe, while Erica and Dahlia were facing a girl with green twin-tailed hair which turned into a snake-like head and a sword on her hand.


The four of them were running to escape from these two monsters and somehow all of them ended up in the city square together.

"Ohh~ Guld, you are here." The girl called his name when she saw him standing on another path right beside her.

"Mira, were you brought here too?" Guld called her name and hung his large axe on his shoulder.

"Yes, it's truly bothersome...they knew they cannot fight against me since they saw how slippery I am so they decided to run away from me after blinding my sight first~ and I let them get away~" Mira replied.

"I see, a good judgment...then I guess we're the same, since these two I am facing know that they cannot break my armor so they decided to run."

"Hey, don't compliment the enemy." Mira pouted when she heard that.

"What? I'm simply giving credit where credit's due. They are able to judge that the situation would be very disadvantageous for them if they were to continue fighting."

Mira nodded, "Hmmmmm, that's true."

"But I never thought they would regroup with their comrades." Guld spoke.

"Well we know for sure that won't change anything, I mean we were able to regroup as well~" Mira replied with a smile.


Meanwhile, Erica, Kagura, Wise and Dahlia were out of breath from running.

"Sorry, I ended up bringing the enemy here." Erica spoke.

"That's okay...we're the same. We can't face him since we're lacking strength." Kagura replied.

"That's true, our attack always misses her since that woman is not only fast but she is also tricky to deal with." Dahlia spoke while biting her nail, feeling frustrated.

"Well ours is a sturdy one, no matter how many times we attacked him...this guy won't budge or move." Wise explained.

Then suddenly they realized something, and not only that they thought the same thing as they looked at each other.

"Heh, I never thought his teaching would come in handy." Erica spoke with a grin.

"Seriously...what a creepy observation." Dahlia spoke while fixing her glasses.

"It's not creepy, he is just simply amazing." Kagura replied before making this proud expression.

"Indeed, he is sure are insightful." Wise spoke as soon as they decided something unanimously.

They changed their position.

Guld and Mira widened their eyes from the sudden change of their positions.

"Hah~ this is such an amusing pair~" Mira commented.

"Indeed maybe I have misspoken about them...but what makes this different than before?" Guld spoke when they could see the position that had been set by them.

Guld facing Erica and Dahlia.

While Mira is facing Wise and Kagura.

"Two women facing me off? You gotta be joking." Guld spoke

"Indeed, what makes it different to fight against me when your two friends over there couldn't even touch me." Mira spoke haughtily towards Wise and Kagura.

"There's a difference of course." Kagura spoke while holding a dagger in her hand.

"You don't know us yet." Wise spoke and held his shield up.

"Precisely." Dahlia spoke as she held her staff.

"Now then, let's get this over with so I can go back to him!" Erica clenched her fist.

The atmosphere they gave off had become different.

Of course, these two monsters brushed it off, thinking it was nothing.

"Then show us–"


Right when Guld gonna finish his words, Erica already dashed towards him.



She clenched her two fist and swung simultaneously as she struck right on his abdomen.


Guld's body suddenly moved to the back but his feet still rooted to the ground.


It didn't cause any damage but his body was forced to move as he could see something quite unbelievable happened.

Erica's fists were clad with a yellow aura.

"Guld–!" Mira was shocked at the fact the sturdy Guld were being pushed back like that.

Then suddenly...


Two knives were thrown towards Mira's direction.


Mira immediately used her sword to deflect those knives.



Her eyes widened when Kagura already appeared right in front of her face after she deflected her knives.

"You think that would work!"

As her eyes got sharper, her twin-tail hair that was a snake-like head began to move and strike her with their bites.


But Kagura swiftly dodged in between them and managed to lower Mira's guard.


Then she kicked her right in the face.


Kagura then stepped on Mira's shoulder and used it to jump away.




Wise rushed in, slamming his shield against Mira.


Causing her to be thrown back to where Guld was standing.



Followed with a lighting that gathered into a staff that came from a girl with glasses, Dahlia.


She shot a lightning bolt at them, it hit both Guld and Mira.



The two of them finally were able to get injured from them. Even Guld, who's the sturdiest one between the two, was injured from her magic.

"Ughh...this is.."


The flow of the battle changed, these two gathered the wrong people, and they shouldn't be messing with them.


Erica hit her fists together, "Now then, time to counter attack!"


At the same time...



In the North-eastern side wall, someone was sent flying and crashed towards some building.


Andrew coughed out blood while his body tried to recover after the crash.

On the other side was a boy with monster-like arms and a horn on his forehead.

"It seems like this is your limit." Kara spoke while staring at Andrew who was about to get up with his sword.

"Indeed, I don't think




...I can fight anymore..."

Andrew spoke while trying to stand as he began losing against this man-monster that stood before him alone.

To be continue…