Chapter 118 : Tradition & Going Home

After Iris and Erna left the room, at the same time Rei was brought into the storage room where he would see the material that was given to him.

Rei followed Eindride who led him there and it didn't take long for them to arrive in front of the door that would lead him to the storage room.

"Here we are." Eindride spoke while standing in front of him before he opened the door.

He saw a large room that was filled with so many people surrounding a large serpent-like corpse. The only thing left was the bone.

Rei could see the elves who butchered and separated the material were walking around while carrying the materials with them. Starting from the meat, the rest of the bone, the large fang, scale, basically every body parts of the corpse.

"Woah." Rei was amazed with what he saw, he never though that Jormugand was this big if he looked up close.

"Surprised?" Eindride asked as he stood beside him.

"Yeah...I thought the Elf doesn't handle monster corpses and use weapons that are acquired from nature?" Rei spoke to him.

Eindride blinked for a moment to hear that comment, "That is indeed true, you really did your homework about us." Eindride commented.

"Well I need to learn Elf tradition before coming here." Rei replied to his comment, 'Though it's Houston who gave me this information.'

"You got it right, but it was in the past."

"In the past?"

"Yes, those traditions have long passed after we suffered a lot from dealing with monsters that invaded our forest from the force of the Demon Lord." Eindride explained.

"I see." Rei replied calmly despite he was still suprised to hear such thing happen.

"And the storage room was created to collect monsters' material to make weapons."

"Then it must be hard to convince to the people who still hold those tradition for so long right?" Rei commented again.

Eindride sighed, "Correct, changing our mindset wasn't easy because there's still some stubborn old folk that refuse to use the monsters that destroyed our forest as a weapon." Eindride continued.

"But in the end they all gave up after they realized that the strength that we have been preserved for thousands of years couldn't catch up with the current strength of the monsters who evolved by days."

Rei listened to his explanation as he looked at the skeleton of Jormungand that he killed. "How did you all end up having this idea of getting a storage room?"

"Of course it's from one of our people who traveled out of this place to gain knowledge, just like Ruru who is an adventurer, they collect more information on how we could improve our living conditions."

"For example, the wall outside was one of them." Eindride spoke.

Rei widened his eyes a bit upon hearing that, even Ray was surprised as well.

'That is surprising...I know Elf is a race that would follow traditions from generations to generations and stubbornly refuse changes.' Ray explained.

'But to think they improve themselves like this by gaining knowledge from outside…' Ray nodded as he seemed quite impressed after knowing the real reason that those walls were there.

"Before, we lived like any Elf would do where we built our houses above the trees, but that idea is quite primitive and if one catches fire, the whole Kingdom would just perish in just one night."

"That's why they introduced how to build a house that was made of rocks and earth to us." Eindride explained.

"Although it is unpleasant that we have to hired some dwarf to teach us how to be an artisan and building those walls to protect us." Eindride looked a bit complex when he mentioned [Dwarf].

'[Dwarf]?' Rei repeated his words.

'[Elf] and [Dwarf] are the race that have been a rival for many years because of their different beliefs.' Ray explained.

'Ahhh...I can understand that.' Rei still remembered about Gudmund who is a dwarf back in the Aven Town.

"Wait, your words somehow contradicted the way you greeted us on our first meeting." Rei spoke while staring at him blankly.

"That was because you reeked of so much blood on your hands, despite saying you are an Adventurer. It's hard to believe it. Your armor just strengthens my suspicions." Eindride spoke while pointing his finger at him.


"Just you know, we still hate the outsider who treated our race like an object of entertainment, but we don't hate their knowledge to improve our living conditions." Eindride spoke while folding his arms.

"Because we must keep moving forward to a better future for us elves." Eindride nodded his head, "Just like what my sister always told me."

Rei blinked for a moment after he heard that, "I see...what a realistic answer."

"She is my sister whom I am proud of, her idea opened up some old folks eyes and even pointed out everything wrong in this kingdom." Eindride explained with such proud looks.

"Thanks to that, there's almost no casualty from natural disasters and the spirits approved of her methods."

Rei was amazed to hear it even more, 'I feel like I'm listening to a story about revolution.'

'Is it?' Ray asked.

'Yeah, the way her mind works…it almost feel like she reincarnated from my old world.' Rei thought.

"Put it down slowly! That thing is very precious for our savior!" Rei and Eindride heard someone shout and they could see a large wood plank that had been lowered down from above and when it landed, there was a large shining golden horn.

Rei immediately recognized it, 'That's...'

"Yes, that is the horn that Dragon used to fire lightning magic towards us before." Eindride spoke as he approached it along with Rei.

The person who shouted earlier immediately noticed their presence.

"Oh! Eindride-sama! I'm sorry for my rude behavior." The person was an old elf wearing glasses.

"It's okay, you are simply doing your job." Eindride replied with a smile.

Then the old elf noticed Rei's presence.

"This person is?..."

"This is the one who hunted this Dragon, and the savior who fought against it." Eindride spoke while pointing at him.

"Ohh! You must be Crimson-sama! I'm sorry for this old folk for not noticing your presence!"

"D-don't worry about it." Rei replied as he put both of his hands defensively in front of his chest.

"No no, you are our savior. If it wasn't for you, our Kingdom would be destroyed by this beast."

"But to think that such a young man like you could hunt a monster like this by yourself, the world sure works in mysterious ways! Hahaha!" The old elf laughed with joy as he showered him with praises.

"Ehehe, but I didn't do much at all, Eindride helped me to defeat that Dragon as well, if not for his magic, the Dragon would escape and go after the kingdom."

"Oh my! Then I am thanking you Eindride-sama for saving our kingdom as well."

Eindride was flustered from the sudden praise while Rei chuckled in secret

"You shouldn't be thanking me that much, I am just doing my duty to protect this kingdom." Eindride smiled.

The old elf returned his smile with his own, "The youngsters nowadays have been nothing but lazy but I think I am looking in a different light now that I see a young human and young elf like you worked very hard."

"A-ahem." The two of them coughed a bit, as if to change the topic.

"Shall we focus on the material?" Eindride reminded him.

The old elf laughed, "Hahaha~ yes yes, as you can see we are about to move this large horn."

The old elf led them to the horn as Rei looked at it.

"This horn seems to be the most special part of the body, because it has magic circuit that allows this monster to use lightning magic."

"Is that even possible?"

"Ohh of course, Dragon could use magic since their race are intelligent and closer to the divine being because of their power is strong enough to destroy a kingdom."

"Although this is my first time seeing a Dragon like this. The structure itself is similar to any other monster, it's as if it's a monster that evolved into a Dragon." The old elf explained.

'He sure got it right, as if he's there and saw it himself.' Ray commented.

'Is it that hard to determine which kind of monster just from the structure?'

'Of course it is, it requires a lot of experience. As a blacksmith, you need to know how to deal with monsters' corpses.'

'From butchering, separating the material and the core and...even differentiate between other kind of monsters.' Ray explained.

'That is why I taught you how to do it.' Ray spoke.

'I see.' Rei then glanced at the horn and slowly reached his hand to touch it.

"Hmm?" Eindride and the old elf noticed him reaching his hand towards the horn.

'[Appraisal].' His eyes glinted and the description of the horn showed up from his eyes.


[The Sky Dragon's Horn]

Grade: Epic

Type: Material

A horn that is filled with the sky magic that ruled over wind and lightning, just add mana into it and it will allow the user to control those elements.


Rei felt complex to see this description, 'The description is oddly good now.'

'Well because your [Appraisal] skill is connected with your Sense, higher Sense means you will get a more accurate description.'

'That is true...unlike the Dark Wolf Leader's Fur and Claws, it didn't give us more description and only told us about its mysterious power.' Rei commented.

While Rei was having a conversation with Ray, the old elf saw his eyes glinted for a moment.

'Did he use an [Appraisal]? Does that mean he is a [Magic Swordsman]?' The old elf asked himself as he glanced at Eindride.

Eindride noticed his gaze and knew what he was thinking but he just shrugged his shoulders, 'I don't know either.'

'Huh??' The old elf looked confused.

'Despite being close to him in the fight, I don't know what kind of Job he has to be able to wield different kinds of weapons, not to mention...his destruction par like veterans aura user.' Eindride thought, getting more curious about him.

"So, what are you planning to do?" Eindride decided to ask and broke the silence.


"Since we are done checking up the material, is there anything you would like to do? or a request?" Eindride asked.

"Hmmm, I don't think I have anything else to do except bringing this stuff with me." Rei spoke.

"Well then how about we prepare a carriage for you—" The old elf was about to recommended him to prepared it.

"No need." But Rei cut off his words.


Then Rei reached his hand towards the horn again, '[Inventory].' then the horn immediately disappeared.

The old elf was even more surprised now, "[Spatial Magic]?"

'I heard he cut off the dragon with a flaming sword, does that mean he could use fire element magic and spatial magic?' The old elf wondered.

'This man...who is he?'


After that, the day was finally over and all of them prepared to leave the kingdom tomorrow.

Rei had finished filling his [Inventory] with the materials he got from the storage room, while Iris wore her reward on one of her fingers.

The rest are...resting and partying together.

Nothing too interesting happened as they had fun after such a rough fight. They continued to party until the clock struck midnight.

On the next day, they were prepared to depart from the kingdom. They were all standing outside of the gate in the morning with the Elf Queen herself—Erna, and Eindride to personally send them off.

Rei and Iris stood side by side while looking at them, and behind them was Ruru who stood with Fang's team.

Erna then approached them, "I guess this is farewell."

Iris answered her with a smile, "Yes, but I think we will meet you again in the future."

"That's true since our Kingdom is allied with you now."

"Yes, since I have proof to back it up, it will be worth it to see the King's reaction." Iris widely grin while trying to imagine it. 'Though it's been a while I seen his face.'

Erna giggled, "Hahaha~ true~ you will definitely be the first in history to achieve something like this at such a young age~"

As the two of them conversed with each other, Eindride approached Rei.

"Next time, how about we spar?"


"Yes, I am aware of your strength when you fought against that monster, and I feel ashamed that I couldn't fight that monster myself." Eindride spoke.

"But the next time we meet, I will become stronger than you and I will make sure to show you how strong I am and win." Eindride spoke while reaching out his hand towards him.

Rei was surprised to hear such words coming from him, 'Despite our first time being pretty rough...he's truly not that bad in the end.' Rei thought.

"Then, I am looking forward to it, Eindride." Rei then grabbed his hand and shook it.

Erna and Eindride approached Ruru who was standing among them.

"Ruru." The two of them called, but Ruru just stayed where she was, looking away and felt too shy to approach her siblings.

That was until she was pushed by Fang, Wise, and Kagura from behind.

"H-huh?? W-wait—"


Eindride and Erna wrapped their arms around her body, giving her a warm and loving hug.

"No matter where you are still our precious little sister." Eindride spoke to her and gently patted her head.

"Remember always Ruru, Viorgrand is your home and we will always welcome you." Erna spoke with a smile at her.

Ruru who was flustered by her words felt like her eyes started to water and responded with a tighter hug.

"I-i will! I will!—I will remember it for the rest of my life!" Ruru cried to her heart's content, after such a long day of handling matters regarding the safety of the Kingdom, she didn't get to spend time with her siblings.

It was a relief for them to see their precious comrade said such a heartwarming farewell to her family.

After a while, Ruru pulled back and they finally departed from the Kingdom, and were led by some elf soldiers that showed them a way out of the forest.


After that, they finally left the forest. They could see a carriage standing by in front of the forest.

Rei was quite surprised to see it and saw Iris was holding an orb, meaning that she already contacted someone to prepare a carriage for them to go home.

Rei smiled as if there's nothing better than this peacefulness even just for a moment.

They all get into the carriage together but this time something different on their position.

Instead of getting in the front carriage, Rei was told to sit in the middle one, and not only that...

It was just him and Iris in that carriage.

Rei was quiet, thinking of what just happened.

' the hell did I end up here?' Rei wondered in confusion, he was sitting across Iris who just sat there quietly as well.

'I did say that I want to talk with Crimson alone...' Iris thought

'But…this is so awkward...' Iris was flustered, she couldn't handle the man's stare that sparked her emotions.

As they lifted their heads, their eyes met each other.

Just as soon as they did that, they looked away, looking like a shy couple during their first date.

Iris decided to take the initiative, "U-ummm...I have something to talk with you."

"H-huh?? Yes." Rei replied as he couldn't help but feel curious about her intention for calling him.

"T-this is regarding our contracts, we still haven't paid you and your comrades for escorting me and my brother along with my servants." Iris spoke, using the memories of the girl who used her body.

"Ahh...yes, it's okay, you can pay me when we—"

"I have a proposal!" Iris immediately cut him off with her shout, it startled Rei of course since she suddenly looked at him with wide eyes.


"I-i...." Iris stuttered as she couldn't let out her voice for some reason, 'Come on...speak! You are Iris May Welford! the Tyrant and the Villainess that everyone admires and hates! Speak!'

She built up her courage as her eyes met with Rei again, "I...want to hire you." Iris was finally able to let it out.

"H-hire me?" Rei looked at her in confusion.

"Yes...I want to build up my own army, your strength is what I have been looking for so long." Iris continued, speaking based on her experiences.

'Crimson...the man who was known as [The Wrath Knight], I didn't know him in my previous life...he would surely become a great asset for me.' Iris thought.

Rei touched his chin and seemed to think about it deeply, "Hmmm...."

After a while, he looked at her and answered, "I am sorry...but I have to reject that offer."

Iris was stunned to hear that, "W-why? If you are hired by me, you will get fame and your dream will become much closer!"

Rei looked at her, 'It is true...I will get the fame and I will be even closer to my dream...but...I promise Houston to help him prevent the disaster in the future.'

'If I stayed with her, it might hinder my growth to become stronger...and I have two quests that were given by Ifrit that I have yet to finish…'

'So then...'

"Yes I am aware, but I'm sorry. I cannot accept that offer." Rei answered her with a smile behind that helmet. '...I should become stronger...strong enough to be equals with her.'

Iris widened her eyes, as if she noticed him smiling through that helmet, 'I see...those eyes again, it's similar to someone I know.'

'A straightforward look, with a strong unbending will, why....why is it so familiar...' Iris wondered before sighing.

"If you insisted...then I won't force you anymore."

"Thank you—"

"But! Just like the Elf Queen Erna, I won't give up and always welcome you to join me, do you understand!~" Iris spoke while pointing her finger at him.

Rei blinked his eyes for a moment before he chuckled at her response, "Okay then, if I changed my mind, I will come to you."

"That is a promise, then!~" Iris puffed out her chest and smiled, she looked like a cheeky little girl.

That made Rei smile, and Ray who witnessed such a scene couldn't help but smile as well.

It was a heartwarming scene. It would take a week for them to get back to the human kingdom, and hopefully nothing too crazy happened on their way back…






'...?!' Ray suddenly sensed something.

'Kiritsuka!!!' and immediately warned him by shouting his name.

Rei, who let his guard down, instantly widened his eyes and...




A large boulder crashed into their carriage.

To be continued…