Chapter 121 : The Knight & The Princess (Part 3)

This is the story of...

[I am weak...].

...a young man.

[No matter how hard I try...I will always lose someone I care].

...who was fated with so many misfortune.

[It started when I was 6 years old, one day my village was raided by a monster].






[My father, my mother...and my little sister, they all died trying to protect me in front of my eyes].

[As my family was eaten alive by those monsters, I couldn't move at all and had to be dragged by my father's friend uncle Nel].

[As we ran and ran...the monsters kept following, the survivor slowly diminished one by one so uncle Nel stopped running and pushed me away].

[Telling me to run and survive...]

[I...couldn't utter any words as I cried and ran without looking back, trying to survive and the only thing I could hear...was the sound of the monster eating up Uncle Nel].

[And that day...was the day that I found out how weak I am].

[After I escaped with the remaining survivor, I began to cry and fell into despair at how miserable I am].

[...but crying wouldn't revive my family].

[After the incident I wandered around with the remaining survivors, and we eventually stumbled upon a certain village].

[Of course, the village was surprised to see us refugees coming to seek help. We expected that we would be kicked out but...]

[The village accepted us with a warm smile. They let us in and gave us food].

[After that we started to live normally again].







[The village was peaceful and they were kind and helped us try to make a living there].







[Some of us had adapted here].

[Some of us also made friends].

[Others were working, playing, relaxing...and even creating a family].

[It was very peaceful to see their smile and happy expression].

[As if...that day was nothing but a passing nightmare].

[But...not for me].

[I couldn't find peace].





[Every night, I had a nightmare and it's always the sound of scream of that day...the sight of my family being eaten by those monsters and the village that got burned down].

[The peacefulness from the village...couldn't calm my heart and my mind].

[My mind was fueled with rage and sadness...]

["Who should I blame?" I ask myself over and over].

[Was it our carelessness for letting the village got destroyed?].

[Or is it because I am weak].

[Then the blame...became a question that always reminded me of that day].

["Why am I this weak?"]

["Why did I let that happen?"].

["Why did my family die?"]






["Why am I the only one alive?"]

[As I question myself...blame myself...I couldn't get over the death of my family...]

[I scream at night...crying...groveling...and even hurting myself].

[I couldn't contain my rage].

[So...I decided to grab a sword and start training myself using my rage as its fuel].






[Several years later, I had been training relentlessly and hoping this hard work would pay off to get the "Job" that I wanted].

[A "Swordsman", a perfect job to kill those damned monsters].

[But when an appraiser appeared in the village and they appraised my "Job"].

[It was then that I had cursed my fate once again].






["Blacksmith", a production job that forges a weapon, the same as my dead father].

[Which means, it's not a job that I wanted].

[Once again, I fell into despair and cursed myself for wasting my time training to the death to be a " Swordsman"].

[Just to get a "Blacksmith" In the end. It's like being punched in the gut then getting spit on by the harsh reality.]

[This world was so unfair].

[After crying over it, I matured].

[I decided to accept my fate again and went down the path as a "Blacksmith" since the villagers praised my ability to help them with stuff].

[From forging a hoe, hammer, and all kinds of necessity for their living].

[I was surprised at myself. I finally found the path that I should be working on].

["Instead of training myself on how to use a sword"].

["Maybe I can help people by creating a weapon for them to kill monsters"].

[My goal changed, and so I left the village to travel the world to gain experience on how to forge a weapon].

[It saddened me to leave the village, but I must train myself, so I can help them].

[As I found myself arriving in the first town on my journey, I began to study under a certain blacksmith. He was harsh but I learned a lot from him].

[Another year passed, I had become 12 years old].

[I was finally able to create a decent sword and other weaponry].

[I made money, but I missed the village so much, I could imagine how happy they would be when I helped them and even bought some souvenirs from the town].

[I decided to go back to the village to help them prevent a similar disaster like the one that befell my hometown].

[And this time I had grown stronger, even if it's just a bit].






[But...once again, my misfortune caused another disaster].

[As I arrived...I found the village empty–no…not empty].

[Everything was scorched in black, the village had been burned down by something].

[I ran inside of the village, looking if there was someone i knew].

[Calling them out screaming, and the only thing I could find was...]

[Corpses, and blood splattered around the houses].

[I couldn't hold back my tears as I looked at these corpses that turned black due to the fire that burned down the entire village].

[Once again...I lost a place that I could call home].

[I despaired and cried over and over while scratching the ashes, punching the ground, and screaming until I couldn't breathe].





[Again...I wandered aimlessly in this wretched world].







[According to what I found, the village was raided by Bandits].

[From hating the monsters, to hating my own kind, it's quite ironic, isn't it?].

[And in the end...I end up hating the world].

[I became an Adventurer after I turned 15 years old so I could travel around the world to improve my skills].







[After a long journey, I ended up arriving at the capital].

[Though I didn't have someone I knew within the capital, so I wandered around and worked there].

[Until my skill improved enough, the people there who I worked for...suggested me something].

[Which is to open my very own workshop near the Academy, a place of learning for noble children].

[Though as a young blacksmith, not many people would come here because to them, I am still inexperienced].

[It saddened me but I managed to get several customers from low-class nobles who couldn't afford that much money for an order somewhere else].

[I lived there, forging many weapons].

[Life was pretty nice this time, but...I wondered if I am allowed to find such a joyful life after all these years].






[That was until a young noble lady came into the workshop].

[She was beautiful].

[Very very...beautiful].

[Her hair was as dark as the night sky and her sky blue eyes contrasted her hair color. Her calmness and that gaze…her aura surrounding her made her look so mysterious].

[I couldn't find better words to describe her...because she was simply beautiful and I couldn't help but dazed off for a moment].

[It took me a while to recover and once I did, I greeted her with a warm smile as usual].

[But she seemed out of place and I wondered if this was her first time coming here].

[No…more like "Why did she come here?" I mean to this shabby place? Ughh...It hurts to call this place shabby]

[So I asked, "Are you perhaps lost?", since I couldn't hold my curiosity].

[But then she laughed at me].

[That took me by surprise].

[She showed me a refreshing smile, as if she just found something brand new. I couldn't help but admire her beauty even more].

[And that...was how I met you].



Back to the current time, where Kajia's fist was stopped by an unknown monster that immediately showed up in front of him.

'A [Death Knight]?!' Ray spoke while looking at the monster who protected him.

"Death...Knight?" Rei muttered to repeat his words.

'[Death Knight] is a high-grade undead monster that has strong combat abilities, especially if the enemy he fought is a lot or stronger than he is, then his strength would be multiplied.' Ray explained.

'To think I am witnessing such a monster like that...and Iris was the one who summoned it!'

Then the two of them fixated their eyes on Iris who stood behind Kajia and pointed her rapier at his neck.

'Iris...who are you actually?' Rei asked himself.

"So? Do you think this would be enough to defeat me?~ A high-grade undead, [Death Knight]."

"I have seen this monster in action before but to be fair, they are still much weaker than me~ so what's the point?~" Kajia kept on underestimating her.

But what he's saying was the truth for Iris who knew him from the future, 'I know this won't be enough...'

'But what if something unexpected happens?'

Then on Iris' left hand, the one with the ring that she got from before, started to glow and reacted towards her [Death Aura].

She also released her light magic on her hand, causing another effect where the light got absorbed by the ring.

And just like that, what she said had become the truth.


The outer ring began to crack.


and shattered, revealing its true form.


[You have met the requirements to open the seal of a certain item!]

[????????] ==> [The Ring of Heaven & Hell, ]


[The Ring of Heaven & Hell, Regnum]

Grade: Legendary

Type: Accessories



Durability: 100%

The ring forged with the power from both holy and death powers, and the purpose of this ring was to balance between light and darkness. Additionally this ring allows the user to be capable of controlling both [Light] from [Holy Magic] and [Darkness] from [Undead Magic], and combining them into one harmony that bends the very reality itself that opposed each others' element.


[Caelus Infernum]

Passive Skill

With the power of the Heaven and Hell, it allows the user to control and combine [Light] and [Darkness] into one, also increases both magic affinity elements by 50%. (All the skill that is related to [Holy] and [Undead], the MP cost will be halved)

[Holy Undead]

Active Skill

MP Cost: 500 MP

Duration: 1200 sec.

Cooldown: 7200 sec.

Skill that allows the user to cast [Holy Magic] and embedded it into summoned [Undead] that will allow them to use [Holy Magic] which is their opposite power. (Also immune to any kind of Light or Holy Magic)


[Please select your target]

"Kaiser, I order fight alongside me and cleave the enemy in front of me!"

[You have selected "Kaiser"]

[Skill "Holy Undead" have been casted to "Death Knight, Kaiser"]

After that, Kaiser's body was enveloped with a white aura.

Unexpectedly, Kajia who was still underestimating them suddenly felt his fist was pushed back.



Which was followed by Kaiser who swung his sword at Kajia's right abdomen.


It was a direct hit, Kajia was pushed and flown away from where he was standing after taking on an unexpected strength which caused him to feel the tiniest of pain.

"That hurts a little—"


After Kajia landed on his feet, Kaiser already closed his distance by jumping and lifting his sword then swung it down from above.

"Woah!!~" Kajia grinned widely and swung his fist.


His fist clashed against his giant sword, causing a strong shockwave around them and a crack from where Kajia was standing.

But that's not all.

'[Shadow Movement].'

Iris suddenly came out of the shadow behind Kajia that was cast by Kaiser's large figure.


And that surprised Kajia.

Iris enveloped her rapier with dark and light magic bursts again.

"Don't get too cocky!~" But Kajia raised his right leg and stomped his feet down on the ground, causing the ground to crack and created fissures from the ground to fly away in all directions.

Iris' attempt to attack him failed and forced her to retreat from the shadow, before jumping away.

But in response, Kajia managed to turn around and close his distance just like Kaiser


By jumping at her.

"Hey~ where are you going?~" Kajia spoke playfully.

But Iris stayed calm and smiled, "Where are you looking at?~"


While at the same time, Kaiser was right behind him and swung his sword at Kajia's back.


Then struck him down, face down to the ground.

Kajia was surprised after getting hit twice like that, 'I couldn't notice it...!'

Meanwhile Iris stretched out her arm, '[Dark Pulse].'

Following after that was Iris firing several dark energy balls at Kajia.


He's taking a direct hit once more.

Finally, she landed on the ground with Kaiser on her side.

Iris looked at the ring that had changed its form. It was golden and the ring seemed to be alive, and the eyes of the skull were lit up with red color.

'The not white?'

The color of the gem turned black, 'I don't know what this is...[Regnum]. This is my first time stumbling upon an item that could contain both [Holy] and [Necromancy] magic into one.' Iris thought.

'And because of that...the strength of my attack that seems to be insignificant before be this strong.'

'I guess luck is on my side now.' Iris slowly glanced her eyes at what was in front of her.

''s still not enough.'

The dust smoke from that explosion slowly dissipated, Kajia came out from the ground where he crashed before and...





...looked unharmed.

"Puha!~ That was quite strong, I didn't know your attack could become strong this fast." Kajia spoke while maintaining his wide grin, as if he was getting more excited.

'Tsk...this damned monster.' Iris almost couldn't believe her eyes as she looked at this man.

"Since you are serious about this~ then...I shall use 10% of my power~" Kajia spoke while cracking his finger.

"Well I don't think you need more than that~" Iris mocked while aiming her rapier at him.

Then Kajia's smile grew wider, "Then show me more of your power~!"

'Then...[Enchant: Strength, Shield, Speed]!' Iris immediately buffed herself along with Kaiser.

"Hahaha!" Kajia laughed again.


Then they began to dash at each other, immediately jumping into battle.







Kaiser went first by swinging his sword in a diagonal straight line from Kajia's left side.


Kajia blocked it with his left forearm which was clad with his aura.



Followed by Iris who showed up through Kaiser's shadow and jumped out towards his right side, then fortified her left fist with a barrier and clad them with her dark magic.



Kajia responded by raising his right hand and simply caught her fist.


But that didn't stop the attack, Iris used her left fist to bounce his right hand away after being caught.


It was followed by another connected attack with Iris raising her rapier and Kaiser raising his left hand.

They swung their rapier and fist together at Kajia's unprotected abdomen because both of his arms were preoccupied and was pushed away.

And because of that...he couldn't guard their next attack.

Iris focused on the tip of her rapier with spiraling dark and light energy, while Kaiser clad his right fist with dark energy.


It was yet another direct hit.


First, Kajia's abdomen was hitted by Kaiser's punch.


Then followed with Iris' combined magic.


Which sent Kajia flying away...







But that was far from over.

Kaiser immediately dashed at him by her order and passed through him to get on his back while Kajia was still flying away.

Iris also dashed at him as well, preparing for another joint attack.

Kajia was quiet the whole time when he was being thrown around like that.

As Kajia's body got closer to Kaiser who had already raised his sword, he swung his sword at him like hitting a baseball.


But something unexpected happened.

Kajia who's still in the air, spun himself like a ball and slipped away from Kaiser's giant sword.


Then Kajia stretched his body out and swung both of his feet right on Kaiser's face.


Kaiser took the hit, and Kajia used his face for his foothold then jumped forward.





Towards Iris.


Iris was caught off guard from how flexible his body was, so she decided to raise her rapier.

Kajia raised his right fist, then swung it towards her.

"Hah!~" Finally she could see Kajia's excited face again and confronted his fist.


Iris managed to block his fist, but her body got pushed back and received damage due to the forces that clashed between the two of them.


And the one who's stronger was Kajia who overwhelmed her now.


Her rapier was flung away from her hand to the air.

"Haha!!~ This is fun!!~"

Kajia took this chance to launch his left fist towards Iris, taking this as his payback.


But unfortunately for him…

Iris' eyes were glowing red, '[Foresight].' She knew that Kajia was not going down and would strike her back.

Then she took this chance as well to pull her hands back, casting two skills simultaneously.

'[Shadow Blade]...[Spear of Light]!'


[Spear of Light]

Active Skill

MP Cost: 100

Cooldown: 20 sec.

Maintain the skill: -10 MP/1 sec.

Creates a spear made out of light which will pierce through any evil and darkness.


Then her left hand stretched out a sword that was made out of shadow, then swung it down at Kajia's hand.


Which stabbed him through his arm.

Kajia widened his eyes after seeing his fist was stopped for a moment with that sword.


After that, her right hand began to shine brightly, the light formed into a spear as she grabbed onto it.

Then she swung the spear at him, towards his head.


Kajia as expected managed to dodge such a fatal strike that was aimed at his head by moving his head aside, causing her spear to pass through.

But what's more surprising was...

Iris let go off the spear after she swung it, as if the spear wasn't meant to thrust and strike him...


...but to be thrown at him.

Kajia looked at Iris who seemed pleased of herself, as if she had planned this in just a short moment. Her eyes glinted, using her [Foresight] again.

And the spear was not for her to use.

'Kaiser...kill my enemy before me!'

But for Kaiser who immediately got up and grabbed the spear of light with his own hand.

Kajia soon noticed the presence of the Death Knight who's already closed his distance, holding onto the spear of light which should be impossible for an Undead to use or to even grab it.

'An [Undead] using [Light Magic]?!'

This moment was pretty much a decisive moment, for this strike would have struck Kajia from behind.

'Although this might not still be enough...but eat this, Kajia!' Iris celebrated within her mind.

Only to be ruined by Kajia's smiling face.

Iris shuddered after seeing that smile, knowing that...

Her effort was futile.

"Haaaa...." Kajia opened his mouth as he breathed in so loudly.

And then...

"GRAAAAAAA!!!!!—" He roared, causing a massive shockwave around him.


The ground began to crack and Iris along with Kaiser were both being pushed away.


Her skills were canceled since her [Shadow Blade] and [Spear of Light] disappeared as Iris and Kaiser immediately landed on the ground after being flown away just by his voice.

Kajia grinned widely, "Heh~ to think I got damaged from a puny darkness magic sword." He spoke while showing his bleeding right arm because of her [Shadow Blade].

"[Shadow Blade] was it? a magic skill that could cut through any kind of defense, but's quite bothersome."

"You see, I take pride of my skin's unusual since my skin can block your sword before."

"Not only that, you managed to get a direct and here~"

He also pointed out on his abdomen that got dirt and bruises due to the strikes they performed and also the bruise he got on his back from her [Dark Pulse].

"Becoming this strong in such a short expected of an [Irregular]~" Kajia was suddenly surrounded with a large aura.

The word [Irregular] that left his mouth surprised Iris, 'How did he...' but what made her more nervous was...

His aura grew even bigger...


The aura spiked up, as it got larger and larger. His laugh was enough to cause tremors on the ground and made the two of them feel the pressure.

"So this is what it think you could bend common sense in this world."

"An opposite affinity element that works together, an undead who could grab and use [Light Magic], and finally a sudden power up from a mere child."

With every word he spouted, his aura became stronger and bigger.

It was enough to make Iris unable to move from where she was standing. 'K-kughh—!! This intensity!—'

"I shall acknowledge you...40%~"

After those words...


Kajia disappeared from their sight.


Iris' eyes were wide open, she couldn't catch up with his speed, until she noticed his presence using her [Foresight].






Kajia appeared right above her, he already raised his fist while his body was falling down to her.


Kaiser immediately reacted to him, and ran to his master, but Iris couldn't move at all and stayed where she stand.

'Wha—I couldn't move!'

Iris struggled and for some reason, her body froze as if it's her instinct that told her to stop moving.

'I-i won't make it!—'







Kaiser pushed her away.

"Huh??—" Iris widened her eyes to see her summoned undead in her place.

"[Martial Arts: Destruction Fist]!"

Kajia, who was already getting closer, swung his fist, while Kaiser managed to raise his sword.








As his fist collided with his sword, a devastating explosion occurred, the ground cracked and created a massive hole while the fissure from the ground flew all over.


Iris was pushed away but was still caught by the explosion.


Even though she used her barrier to guard her, the piece of rocks hit her head and made her bleed.



The explosion hadn't stopped, and the trees around them fall due to the massive explosion.








Until everything quieted down.






Iris was found lying beside the large hole that was caused by that man.

Her vision was blurred due to the blood from her head and her ears were ringing despite using her barrier.

For the first time, she was injured this much, even after she had defeated two demons.


Iris coughed out blood as her body was hurt all over, even the damage penetrated her barrier.

She tried to stand up from where she laid down, that was until she saw something.

After the smoke dust began to dissipate.

Kaiser was still standing but...

His sword was broken and there's a hole on his chest, no doubt it's from the man's fist.

"M-master...must protect..." Kaiser desperately tried to move despite being in that state.

Kajia just stood there while his fist still stuck inside Kaiser's chest, his attention was more focused on Iris who tried to stand.

"Kaiser!" She called her Death Knight.

"Ughhh...HAAAA!!!" Kaiser, still desperately trying to move, reached his hand to grab Kajia's face.

As he managed to grab his face...


His hand started to shatter into dust.

Kajia did not respond as if he knew…

That Kaiser's body began to break apart from that fatal damage, then his legs and his other arm began crippling down.

"Master..." Kaiser muttered in his final moment...until he finally turned into dust.

"Kaiser!!" Iris shouted.


["Death Knight, Kaiser" was put to sleep, please wait for it to respawn].

[Respawn time: 11:59:55]

The notice board appeared from where Kaiser disappeared, and Kajia began to walk straight to Iris while stepping that board without knowing it was there.

"Sorry, he was pretty annoying so I have to put him down first~" Kajia spoke while he slowly approached her.

Iris tried to move but she couldn't.


"Heh~" Kajia grinned dangerously, but...


Something came out from behind her.

"Ice Magic Sword Art...."


A silver-haired woman appeared before Iris. "[Ice Prison]!" then she swung her sword from the ground, and ice was formed.

It froze the ground where Kajia was standing. The ice spread and began to freeze him, starting from his feet and up towards his body. The ice kept spreading until it created a bloom of ice that reached up to the sky.

Kajia was frozen on his spot.

Iris turned her attention to this woman.

"Silvi?" Iris called her name.

Silvi was standing before her.

"Ojou-sama...please stand back." Silvi spoke and next to her was Harson who stood beside her.

"No...why are you here? I told you to stand back!! His target is me!" Iris ordered.

"Ojou-sama! It's not the time to argue—!"


As they argued, the ice shattered and Kajia came out from that frozen ice.

"Ohhh~ your friends are here~" Kajia spoke while continuing his walk towards Iris again.



"[Sylph Shot]!"

Then a lightning came from behind Iris and struck Kajia down, followed with an arrow that was imbued with wind magic.



But Kajia just swept his arms away and deflected those attacks with ease.

"Ohh, more people?"

Iris then turned around to see the others came as well, the one who shot that attack were Dahlia and Ruru.

"Iris-san! Are you okay!" Ruru spoke, then the others jumped and dashed at Kajia.

It was Fang, Andrew, Kagura, Erika, and Albert who were engaged in a melee fight against Kajia.

"We will stop him! You must run Iris!" Albert spoke while running at Kajia.

"Onii-sama! Don't!!—He is not the enemy we must face off!"

Iris kept telling them to stop but they didn't listen and confronted Kajia who was smiling while being surrounded by new enemies.

Wise stood in front of her and Lena sat beside her.

"[Heal]!" Iris began to be enveloped with green light.

"Lena! Hurry up!! Run!!" Iris spoke while trying to stand, but Lena shook her head.

'This isn't right!' Iris suddenly thought of it.

"Hahaha! Now THIS is party! The more the merrier! Isn't that right?!"

Kajia grinned widely again while the five of them confronted him together.

Then he raised his arm and swept it again, causing a large wind that sent them flying back.


The five of them crashed away behind her.

"Fang! Kagura!" Ruru shouted.

"Andrew! Erika!" Followed by Dahlia.

"Onii-sama!!" Iris cried out.

Kajia looked extremely calm after all of that, "Hmmm~ weak." He spoke as he continued to approach them.

"Damn you!" Ruru cursed in anger and shot her arrow.

"Grrr...[Lightning]!" Then Dahlia fired her lightning at him as well.

Kajia simply swatted away their attack like it was a mere bug.


Kajia then stomped his right foot on the ground, creating a large fissure of rocks that flew upwards

"I hate magicians and archers the most." Then he kicked the rocks and sent it flying towards both of them.


Iris stretched out her arm, '[Holy Wall]!'

She shouted, creating a barrier around the two of them.


But the force from the rock was enough to break the barrier and caused Dahlia and Ruru to be thrown back.


Another two got knocked down.

"Everyone...please run and leave me!" Iris cried out desperately. '[Heal]! [Heal]!' She tried to heal herself instead so she could stand up.

But for some reason, her [Heal] doesn't work on her. 'W-wha—'


Wise decided to rush at Kajia with his shield.


But with just one punch, his shield was shattered and Wise was sent flying as well.

"No! Please...stop."

Iris began to tear up seeing them fall one by one. She tried to release her magic aura but couldn't get it to work.

[Why do I feel so useless?]

" must run...I don't want you to die." Iris pleaded while grabbing Silvi's skirt from behind.

"My apologies...Ojou-sama, I must refuse." Silvi raised her sword with Harson beside her.

"It is my oath to protect you. You, who saved me from that lonely path." Silvi spoke while she ran at Kajia with full speed along with Harson, leaving Iris alone with Lena.


[Will they die because of me?]


Then Silvi swung her sword that was covered in ice, while Harson swung his sword that was enveloped with bluish aura.


Their sword was stopped by his arm, and didn't leave any damage.

Kajia swung his arm away at them, pushing their swords away.

Then Kajia grabbed their face and smashed their body to the ground.


Both Silvi and Harson coughed out blood as their bodies were slammed to the ground.

"Silvi! Harson!"


"Annoying." Kajia spoke and continued to approach her again.


"D-do not…g-get any closer!!"

Lena decided to stand in front of her this time with both arms spread wide, she put on a brave look but her face and the tremble on her body gave away the fact that she was extremely terrified.

"Lena...stop! You must run!" Iris grew even more desperate, she felt so weak and couldn't move.


"I'm sorry...Iris-san, this is my job, I will protect you!"

Lena bravely spoke while still standing right before Kajia.

"Hmmm, you're quite brave~ but just being brave is not enough."

Then he swept his arm again, swatting Lena aside and she crashed to the ground while coughing out blood.

"So weak."

He said until finally he was standing right in front of her.

"See?~ I promised you~ I won't kill them~ although I don't know if they can move now, but that's what they get for swarming me~" Kajia defended himself with a smile.

Iris gritted her teeth and glared at him, "Kugh..." She gripped her rapier that had been worn down due to constant use.

Kajia sighed "Just stay down will you?"


He kicked Iris on her stomach which caused her to fall again.


"Ack—!!" Iris coughed out blood from her mouth.

[I'm scared...]

Iris kept coughing again, 'I cannot breathe...'

Kajia stared at her, who was still lying down on the ground.

"Pitiful, here I thought you could last longer." He spoke as he lost his smile seeing Iris' pitiful state.

"Your luck has run out. I wish I could let you live...but my friend will scold me if I don't deal with you later~"

Kajia said as he clenched his fist and raised it.

"That vixen would be angry...but this is for my one and only friend~"

Then clad his fist with his aura.

"I'll make sure to send you off without a pain."

Iris raised her head to see what Kajia would do as her heart was beating fast.

[Is this my end?]






" I sound like him, but farewell~ it was nice to know you~"

[Am I going back to that hell again?]

Then...Kajia swung his fist at her.







She closed her eyes and something suddenly came into her mind.






[Ahhh...I guess no one will save me again].














Her forgotten dream in her first life never came out…but after her 156th life.








It finally became a reality.

"Then...I'll save you this time."

Something that she had been waiting for since forever...


It was followed by the sound of something breaking apart.

Iris immediately opened her eyes, and it was then that she saw with her own eyes...

There was still one person left to protect her.


It was a man who wore a black armor, wearing a long red scarf that fluttered like a flame. He was holding his shield which broke down from the fist of this monster who stood before them.

It was just like the story she used to read when she was a child.

[Ahh...I see, it wasn't a "Prince" nor a "Hero" who saved the Princess].

[It was a "Knight" in shining armor had come to save the princess].

His armor wasn't that shiny, but it looked beaten up after being used for so long.

Suddenly, this man flared up with black flame all over his body.


Kajia saw it and had to take a step back the moment he felt his fist was burned from that flame.


The man was surrounded with this black flame, and his helmet slowly cracked.







Before it broke apart as well…


...revealing the identity of someone that Iris knew by heart.

"It can't be..."

Rather than a man, it was a boy in that black armor.

A young boy in the same age as her, from the looks of his face.

His different colored eyes that shined brightly through the black flame that slightly covered his face along with his brown hair that turned into red.

Iris widened her red eyes, and something changed.

Her left eye turned blue the moment she saw him as tears began to fell off from her left eye.

"Don't worry now..."





The name that she buried deep within her heart.






"Because I am here to save you...Princess."


[Skill "Persona" have been activated]

Ray Houston and Kiritsuka Rei had joined the fight.

[You have acquired a new skill!]

To be continued…