Chapter 134 : The Three Great Evil (Part 2)

In the midst of chaos, facing three metal golems, one of them was downed by this one young man who held an axe resting on his shoulder.


Alicia called his name while she's still with her group, they were all shocked and their mouths wide opened.

"O-one hit." Hiba mumbled.

"Is that even possible?!" Hilbert spoke.

"E-even I couldn't manage to cut that through with one swing...who is that guy?"

Ashley asked, not knowing the real identity of this young man.


Yes, the young man who swung that axe was none other than Kiritsuka Rei.

'Hmmm, I could have done better than this.'

He didn't seem to listen to their comments, but then he turned around to look at them.

"Hey." He called them to get their attention, "Do not get in my way."

Alicia widened her eyes when she saw his face clearly now.

"You are..."


Before she could finish her words, the golems in front of them began to move.

"Now then, let's start this again." Rei raised his left hand above his head, then when he moved it down, he [Equip] something from his [Inventory].

A helmet appeared from thin air and he wore it on his head.

The helmet had this beast design like he had from before, although what's different  is that this one looked more knightly. The gray mane on the back fluttered as the approaching golem created a wind current.


[The Black Beast King Helmet]

Grade: Epic

Type: Helmet


Durability: 100%

A helmet that was created with the beast that evolved through extreme conditions. It mixed with two kinds of beast that have both the power of the sky and earth. Upon mixing them, the color darkened into black that gave birth to a monster that can dominate both land and sky.


[The Sky Ruler]

[Active Skill]

Using the power of the sky beast, it allows the individual to temporarily increase STRENGTH, VITALITY, and AGILITY by 100.

Duration : 360 sec.

Cooldown : 720 sec.

[Pertification Eyes]

[Active Skill]

MP Cost : 100 MP/

Maintaining the skill: -10 MP/1 sec.

Cooldown : 600 sec

Using the power of the earth beast, users could apply [Pertification] debuff on the enemy with just a gaze. (When this skill is used, it will [only] petrify a certain part of the target)


Then his hands were equipped with armored gloves, with black color and red for contrast while the fingers looked like a claw.


[The Basilisk Gauntlet]

Grade: Epic

Type: Gauntlet



Durability: 100%

A gauntlet with a claw shape on each of its fingers. Earth beast that could petrify its enemy upon gazing at them, but with the shape of this claw, it could petrify enemies upon injuring them.


[Pertification Claw]

[Active Skill]

MP Cost : 50 MP

Using the power of the earth beast, it will apply [Pertification] status towards everything it touches, including the wielders' enemies. (When this skill is used, it will [only] petrify a certain part of the target)


Seeing his appearance changed when he equipped that helmet, Alicia recognized him immediately, "You are..."

Before she could utter her words, Rei immediately charged at the three golems that approached him.

"That idiot! He charged alone!!" Hiba spoke.

"Dammit! Does he have a suicide wish!!" Ashley then took her sword.

But then, Alicia stood before them and raised her hand.


"Wha—?! Alicia?! Don't stop us! He's gonna get killed!" Sharon spoke.

"Don't...or else, you will be caught by it."

"Don't worry, we can dodge their attack and help him!" Hilbert spoke but Alicia shook her head.

"No...that's not what I mean." When Alicia said that, they became quiet and stared at her who's watching the male in front of them running on his own.

"Or will get caught up by his attack."

When Alicia said that, the four of them shuddered at her words since she looked serious about it.


Meanwhile Rei was running and tightened his grip on his axe.


One of the golem's eyes began to glow, then it began to shoot out its laser magic towards Rei.



Rei quickly managed to jump aside and dodged the laser.

Then followed by the other golems that shot out more lasers at him.



Rei then dodged the first laser like before,


while the second one.


He swept it away by swinging his axe as his body was clad in his red aura.

Then he continued to run at them and shortened their distances immediately.


The golems didn't stop and continued to shoot their lasers at him.


Yet he managed to dodge it again.


And swept it away.




...Even though he got a direct hit, he blocked it straight by pulling a round shield on his left hand.

Despite all the barrage of lasers from the golems, he continued to run and run.

And that made the adventurers team who stood at the back watched him with a surprised look.

But that wasn't over yet.

Instead of stopping, when he was already getting closer to his enemies, Rei jumped high enough to pass through the golems' height.

And at that moment, the golem took this chance to strike him down.

As if it was designed to learn and to know how to take a perfect chance to defeat its enemy.

So they directed their eyes at him and charged their magic laser as their eyes glowed bright.

Meanwhile Rei was still in mid-air and saw what was coming to him.

"No! Dodge it!!" Ashley shouted out seeing Rei was up there and about to get hit.

But instead, Rei lifted his round shield in front of him and prepared to block their simultaneous attack...

Head on.


The lasers were fired towards him, focused at nothing but him.

'[Focus Block].'


Then Rei blocked the laser with just one shield that was clad with his aura.


Continued with his skill, absorbing the impact of the laser while taking a large amount of damage. Which made his HP go down rapidly.

It was definitely a dire situation for him.


He was smiling behind his helmet.


He found it to be...amusing.

'[Fotress] plus...[Rush]!'

Using a new skill he gained, his entire body was clad with an armor of hexagon shaped barrier, then he began to fall towards the golems while aiming his shield to the front and still blocking the laser.

The golems continued to shoot their laser at him, but he didn't flinch and rushed at the laser like it was nothing.

"Come on! Come on!!"

Rei spoke in excitement while slowly approached them until...


His shield charged and struck at the golem's which was in the middle between the other two golems.



The golem fell along with Rei after getting struck by his shield.


When Rei stood right on top of the golem he struck down, the other golems raised their fist and slammed it down at Rei's direction from above.


It struck the golem underneath him as well and created a large explosive sound, but the dust all over the place was enough to envelop the whole area, making Rei unable to be seen by the others.

"No!" Alicia shouted as her eyes widened.


When Rei jumped out from the dust and managed to dodge their attacks…


He gripped his axe with his two hands, while his body was clad in aura during mid-air.

'[Wide Swing].'

Then his axe exuded a massive aura, creating a larger axe shaped aura, after that...


He swung his axe in a horizontal line, spun his body then created a large red shockwave made out of his aura, striking the two golems on his two sides.


The golems confused at what happened, until..


Half of their body fell down in a clean cut as if it was a butter cut by a knife, but...

it's not over yet.


Rei lifted his axe that still exuded that aura.


He knew that the golem that was on the ground was still alive after being struck by its two friends beside it.

"Last one."

Then Rei swung his axe downwards as he fell from mid-air.




Then struck his axe just right in the middle of the golem's chest, cutting it in half.

His strike was enough to leave a massive crack line on the ground, all the way to where the adventurer group was standing.

The S-class adventurers were in shock to watch something unbelievable that never happened during their adventuring career.

But not for Alicia who once saw such devastating damage during her childhood.

"As expected..." and she managed to recognize him.

Through his face, that she glimpsed in her memories.

"....Crimson." She called that name.

The four adventurers then looked at her.


"Yes...the Wrath Knight, back."

She spoke while watching the back of this man who stood alone after destroying four large golems with his sheer strength.

Alicia then ran at him, followed by the rest of them together.

Rei heard their footsteps.


He turned around, while still wearing his helmet and holding his axe.

Alicia then stopped and flinched for a moment when their eyes met.

"U-ummm...Crimson-san, is" Alicia asked him.

Rei was quiet for the moment, and said, "No."

Alicia widened her eyes in shock, "B-but!"

Rei then laughed at her, "Hahaha! I was just joking." But well, it seemed like he's still an easygoing person like he usually was.

Alicia blinked and pouted her lips, "C-come on! Don't joke around like this!"

"Well, I knew you would recognize me this quickly, even though I tried to use another weapon." Rei replied to her.

"Of course, I would. You're my first—ummmm...I mean my first savior!"

"Hmm? Is there such a thing as the first savior?" Rei asked her and was curious at what she meant by first.

But Alicia became flustered because of that.

She cleared her throat and tried to change the subject, "Ahem enough of that...I think your friends here need to have a talk with I right?"


As they talked, the four adventurers who were standing behind her began to make their move.

"Y-you guys?!—"

They pointed their weapons on Rei.

Ashley aimed her sword, Hiba with his bow and arrow, Hilbert with his hammer and shield, while Sharon with her staff and fireball in her hand.

"You...what are you?" Ashley asked while glaring at him.

"As expected, the S-class is truly different, they would even suspect someone who saved them."

"Well of course, there's no way a person with the right mind would let such a strong person like you go unchecked, Chris~ or should I call you mister Crimson." Hiba spoke.

"That suspicion of yours is correct, but know how to be thankful because I just saved you right?" Rei answered him.

"We do appreciate your help...but you did hide your identity and that's not all, you are also the person who has been missing for 7 years, who wouldn't suspect you." Sharon spoke.

Rei nodded, "That's true, but...not knowing the difference between your strength and need a better choice."

When Rei spoke like that, he began to release a strong pressure when their eyes met.

Their bodies began to feel heavy, as Rei released his aura and pressured them with just a stare.

"W-wha—" Then they began to fall on the ground, kneeling before him.

But only Alicia remained unaffected.

"Crimson-san, please stop." Alicia spoke for them and stood in front of them.

Rei looked at her for a bit and the moment he closed his eyes, the pressure vanished.

"If it's not for Alicia, I would have to deal with you all to make sure you don't do it ever again." Rei spoke coldly to them.

"We still have to finish this place, I'll need you guys as the witnesses." Rei spoke.

"W-witnesses for what?" Ashley asked while trying to get up.

"A witness...for something unbelievable~"


Afterwards, all of them continued their journey in this vast place and went into this certain hallway which was smaller compared to before.

The torch lightened up when they entered and they saw the path that was meant for them to pass through towards to the next place.

"This is..."

Alicia spoke while they were walking with Rei who led them this time, she saw some markings on the walls beside them.

"Did you know, that this place was once an Ancient Temple, belong to a Goddess of Preservation?" Rei spoke.

"Goddess of Preservation?" Hiba asked.

"Yes, it is believed to be the Goddess that bless her people with a power to protect."

"Ohhh, that is an amusing knowledge." Sharon commented.

"Yes it is, but did you know that Goddess have one of her people had become one of the comrades of the adventurer 300 years ago." Rei answered.

"300 years?" Hiba asked.

"Yes, it is the same story you explained during our journey." Rei answered.

"Then, Alicia was right...that the Three Great Evil was once the Adventurer's comrade." Hilbert spoke.

"But how did you know about this information and knowledge, which none of us know?" Sharon asked.

"Because I heard it from the source itself."

"What do you mean by that?"

"What I mean is that I heard it from the living legend itself who lives more than 300 years." Rei answered.

"Wait wait, how is that even possible?! Is that even possible for a person to live that long?!" Hiba answered in shock.

"Is that person even human!?" Ashley asked.

"Ohh, how did you know? That person is a Dragon~" Rei answered.

Then the four of them stopped following him, as their mouths gaped open widely.


They shouted at the same time, while Alicia giggled, she's still following him from behind.

She didn't find it odd or surprised to hear that, as if she didn't seem interested in it but only one thing...

She kept her gaze on his back.

Alicia gulped, "So...Crimson-san, where have you been?"

"Hmm?" Rei glanced at her.

"I-i have been gone for 7 years, the whole world has been asking whether you are dead or not, but I believe you are still alive."

"So...I am wondering where you have been this whole time." Alicia decided to ask about the topic.

Rei smiled behind his helmet, "Nothing much really...I have been training in seclusion for these past 7 years."

"I-i see." Alicia replied.

"Though I am surprised that you managed to know who I am." Rei spoke.

"W-well!—" Alicia became flustered, 'I-i cannot say I remember his face when he took off his helmet on that day?!—' while screaming within her mind.

Rei found it odd when she suddenly became quiet. That was, until a question arose within her.



As she stopped walking, she looked up at him.

"D-do you still remember me?!" With her face reddened like a tomato, she shouted it as if it was a big confession.

The four adventurers who stood behind were surprised to hear that question and even Rei stopped his movement.

He turned around to look at her.

"Of course...the moment I saw you, I immediately recognized you, so why wouldn't I?" Rei answered her truthfully.

Alicia bit her lips as she almost screamed and swallowed her voice once she heard what he said.

Alicia shrunk and nodded her head, "I-i see, t-then thank you...for remembering me."

Rei smiled and reached his hand towards her head.


Then he gave her a pat on her head.

"No, I should be thanking you for remembering me." Rei thanked her, as Alicia could see him smiling behind that helmet.

Alicia couldn't help to hold her breath at this moment until...

"I didn't know that the little girl I saved would grow up into this beautiful girl." Rei praised her.


Alicia's face became even more red and even let out smoke above her head.

"F-fueee..." Alicia shrunked once more.

Rei didn't know that the heroine of this Otome Game.

Had fallen with his action, while the four adventurers who followed them are now watching them with such amusement as they brought a popcorn.



After that, they continued their walk towards the next place within this ruined temple.

"So, what do you know about this place? Or rather...about the Adventurer's comrade?" Hiba decided to ask him.

"Well, long ago, the Adventurer had several comrades that followed him, because of his deed."

"And the first comrade he had, was once a [Paladin] of the Goddess of Preservation."

"A [Paladin]?" Hilbert asked, "How such a high-class Job who was supposed to follow the righteous path had fallen into great evil."

"Is that even possible?" Hilbert asked.

Alicia then looked at him, "It is possible, because once a people who follow the righteous path had strays off their path, they become corrupted." She explained.

"You could say, fallen to be more precise."

"Then does that mean we are gonna fight some Undead? A [Death Knight]? Woah! This is getting me excited." Ashley spoke.

"That's true, a fallen Paladin would become a [Death Knight] after being corrupted once they died." Sharon spoke.

"Then since Alicia is here! It's gonna be easy for us!" Ashley spoke and became more excited.


"Well unfortunately, there won't be any [Death Knight]." Rei broke their excitement.

"Huh?? What do you mean by that?" Hiba asked.

"Do you ever find it odd about this place?" Rei asked.

"Huh?? Odd??" Ashley asked.

"Well if the Adventurer's comrade was a Paladin, and died, then become a [Death Knight]."

"Shouldn't there be Undead monsters roaming around?" Rei spoke.

Then they soon realized what he just said.

"T-then probably the undead monster would be in the next room!" Ashley spoke.

"You can't be more wrong than that." Rei replied, which irritated Ashley.

Then Alicia decided to ask, "Does that mean, the Golems we faced had something to do with this Paladin?"

"Correct, from what we all know, a Paladin or a Warrior Job, would become a [Death Knight] or a [Death Warrior] after their death and fall into the hands of Necromancer or Death magic."

"Which means there will be Undead monsters around this place, but what we are facing is the complete opposite of it." Rei explained.

"What are you trying to say?" Hiba asked.

"If you carefully observe it, during our walk...have you sensed any traps?" Rei asked.

Then Hiba widened his eyes, "No..."

"You see, a Paladin is a righteous path, which protects people around them and fights for peace."

"They also have a code of honor."

"But if it became a Death Knight, they would go to the wrong path, probably using trickery such as traps or curses to weaken its enemy."

"Then finally finishing them off." Rei explained.

"So you are saying..."

"Yes, the monster we are about to face is a Paladin that has lived for more than 300 years." Rei spoke.

"With its righteous thought still intact." Rei spoke, they gulped when hearing it.

"There will be no trickery, no annoying traps, no curses, but a trial to defeat the guards who guarded this place before meeting the owner." Rei spoke.

"That is impossible! He was a human being unlike Dragons who live longer!" Sharon commented.

"That is true, but do you remember one particular part in the story of the adventurer?"

"Which part?" Hiba asked.

"The part where [the world responded to the adventurer's hatred and gave birth to a monster that had never existed]." Rei replied.

"That part also included the adventurer's comrade, the world responded to them all." Rei spoke.

They quietly listened to his words, as Sharon raised her hand.

"Then...what are we facing now? A Paladin who is 300 years old?" Sharon asked.

Rei smiled behind his helmet, they soon reached the end of the path and were led to a very dark room with no light.

"Correct, but also wrong."

"Like I said, the world responded to their hatred and the Paladin was granted with a blessing and a curse."

"A blessing...and a curse?"

"Yes, the blessing came from the Goddess of Preservation herself, he was inherited a skill called [Steel Body] which is higher than [Iron Body] and it is ten times harder defense."

"While the that the skill [Steel Body] that he got, grew stronger and stronger, causing a change in his body."

"His body becomes hard as steel and not only that, it grows some parts that shouldn't exist from the start."

"It continued to grow and grow, again and again...until the body of the Paladin lost its human form and turned monstrous." Rei explained.

Again, they became quiet and held their breath from each word he spoke.

When they went inside of the room, Alicia used her light magic to brighten their path.

"Don't tell me..." Alicia spoke, her eyes widened after seeing what was in front of them now.

"Yes, the Golem we faced before was part of his body, created from his [Steel Body] that continued to grow."

"And now he has become one with steel...added with the help one of his comrade, by using his body and advance ancient magic."

"He become more hideous and more stronger."

When Rei looked up, the figure of this thing was finally being revealed.

A giant body of steel, sitting on a large throne made out of stone. The figure itself wasn't like a human at all, but like the Golem they faced from before. But with 8 pairs of eyes and 1 big round red eye in the middle.

Its size was probably around 30 times their size, it could probably reach the tall ceiling above them that they couldn't even see.

"And finally, it gave birth...his name now become."







"[Deus Ex Machina, Arrangias]."

The name showed up above its head, showing the color of black which meant...

'This thing is stronger than everyone in this place now, even for me...' But Rei wasn't scared or nervous.

'From a closer looks, it is more like a robot than a golem.' Rei thought of it while beaming in excitement to fight this monstrosity in front of him.

All of them immediately equipped their weapons.

"W-what is this..." Sharon spoke.

"A monster this size...we need a raiding team to fight it." Hiba spoke.

" it's not an Undead but a fucking big ass Golem!" Ashley cursed.

Hilbert raised his shield and Alicia held her staff.

When they were ready.



Rei took a step ahead and jumped straight to the monster before them.

"Crimson-san!" Alicia shouted, since Rei just went ahead without any preparation.


But the second Rei approached the golem.










....he was sent flying and crashed against the wall right above the entrance they walked in.

All of them were shocked to see that the man who toppled four golems by himself wasn't able to react to the golem attack.



Then it revealed what was the thing that attacked Rei just now. The golem had something attached on its back, flying around it as it stood up from its throne.

A cable, not two, not four but multiple one with the same red dot eyes on the end of the cables.


And Rei was heated by the laser magic from one of those cables.

"No way...are we gonna fight that thing?" Sharon spoke in fear.



The golem let out a robotic voice as it began to look at the intruder that it spoke of.

But for certain, the golem was focused on these adventurers.


Its eyes suddenly went towards a certain person that was stuck in the wall due to its action.


And that is...

Rei, who's smiling widely as his body was injured and covered in blood.



[Skill "Berserker" has been activated!]

"You are fucked up now..."

Now, it is time to show the result of his training.

After 7 years.

To be continued...