Chapter 137 : The Unworthy of the Worthiness (Part 1)

At The Fort City, Halvenburg.

There's an Adventurer Guild that had been protecting this cursed snow land for almost a century.

They protected the city from the danger of the monsters that evolved due to the harsh environment from this weird phenomenon called [Eternal Freeze].

They didn't know the cause of this weird phenomenon and the exact location of this curse.

But what they knew was that their ancestors might be the one responsible for this madness.

And the Guild Master is a former Knight from the Duke who he served, Raven.

He was known as the strongest swordsman in the north, using his swift skill to cut through the enemy without the sound of the sword and beheaded them with cold blooded precision.

But now...


It is completely blocked by a stranger.

Using only his fingertips.

Raven grinned widely, "Are you some sort of monster?" He asked in a provoking way.

But Rei remained calm, "Well, I heard that a lot." And replied as he lowered his sword using his finger.


Raven shook for a moment when he lowered his sword, 'So easily...' he was quite surprised despite the fact that he's putting his strength on his sword to deal that strike.

But...he was easily handled by this young man in front of him.

"Now then... shall we discuss our business now?" Rei spoke while looking down at him, as if he was telling him that he's above him.

"Well...what do you offer?" Raven asked while his sword slightly trembled because he's trying to pull his sword away.

Rei then let go of his sword, "I have the information that you guys want this whole time, regarding...the [Three Great Evil]." Rei spoke while lowering his hostility towards Raven.

Raven looked at him as he sighed and pulled his sword away from his grasp after he let it go, then immediately sheathed his sword back.

"My apologies, I just couldn't help being on alert since you come out of nowhere like that." Raven spoke.

"It's okay, it is normal for people to react like that." Rei approached him and spoke when he picked up the intention behind his previous attack, "So? Did I pass some sort of test you had in mind."

Raven chuckled awkwardly, "Seriously, I know you are quite a monster, ever since you hid your strength and registered yourself here."

" think you managed to block my attack so easily and read what I had in mind....Chris." Raven smiled. "No, should I call you... Crimson?"

Alicia and the others were surprised to hear that.

"Y-you both knew each other?!" Alicia spoke.

"Since when?!" Hiba spoke while looking at Rei.

Rei turned at them and chuckled, "No, no, we just met now."

Then their eyes shifted to Raven.

Raven nodded, "Yeah, it's's just my habit to investigate people who I don't know."

Rei smiled, "So, how did you know I was Crimson despite I have never shown anyone my face?" He spoke while releasing his helmet to show them his face.

He looked like an 18 year old young man with his body figures. His red-brown hair, and his indifferent eye color makes him look unique.

Alicia gulped seeing him taking off his helmet, 'Crimson-san's face!' While the others still couldn't believe it and were amazed by the way he looks.

'So young...' Raven thought when he looked at him face to face.

"Well, it was during that time I had my drink in the middle of the day, it was also the first day you arrived here."

"And when I saw you, my instinct suddenly told me that you are no ordinary person, are more than ordinary but a danger itself."

"Despite looking so young for your age."

"Well thank you for that." Rei took that as a compliment while looking smug.

But Raven looked weirdly at him, "It's not a compliment."

"And as you registered yourself as Porter and received F-class, I immediately thought you were a spy from our enemy Kingdom, the Empire... but I was wrong."

"You were wrong? Why? I mean, someone suspicious came to your Guild, wouldn't you think that I was your enemy?" Rei spoke.

"True, but my doubt changed after you registered yourself here and created your guild card." Raven spoke.

Rei looked as if he had anticipated that since he still remained calm, "And my soul showed the achievement I have." Rei spoke.

"Yes." Raven replied.

"But that's still weird, since my achievement is far greater since I killed a lot of famous monsters on the way here, so shouldn't you find it hard to know that I am the same Crimson." Rei spoke.

"That's true, the guild card doesn't lie, since it is registered using your soul, and it will show every achievement you have achieved in the past few years."

"But you see, I have keen eyes." Then Raven showed his purple sharp eyes with a cross mark in his pupil, "So it's not hard to find a few achievements that Crimson could achieve." Raven explained.

"Ohh, I never spoke to anyone but my teammate about my achievement." Rei replied.

But Raven smiled, "The Guild Master of the Aven City told me about you."

Rei was shaken a little bit due to the unexpected answer, 'That old man...'

"And considering the Kingdom went into an uproar to search for a single adventurer, and that's how I found out...that you are Crimson." Raven finished his deduction.

Rei widened his eyes and smiled, "Wow, impressive."

Raven sighed, "But I wasn't 100% sure, until I saw Alicia's reaction, and finally I can say that you are the real one."

Rei then looked at Alicia, "Hm? Why Alicia?" He asked, then Alicia became flustered when Raven mentioned her name.

"F-fuee??" Alicia blinked for a moment.

"Well, she is the only adventurer who hasn't stopped searching for you ever since you went missing." Raven spoke.

"R-raven-san! S-stop saying too much!" Alicia spoke out.

Rei turned to her and smiled, "Thanks." and that charmed her, which made Alicia's face grow bright red while she screams internally.


Rei chuckled, "Such an amazing insight and deduction."

"My insight and deduction is nothing compared to your achievement." Raven spoke.

"No, no, I didn't do much." Rei replied dismissively.

"What the hell are you saying? Defeating one of the worst criminals to save a village, not only that, killed several unique and boss monsters alone."

"Furthermore, you saved the Elf Kingdom and defeated a dragon! And you are still saying that you didn't do much!" Raven spoke about all his achievements which made them even more surprised to hear it.

"But to think you are still C-class, what is wrong with Aven Guild Master." Raven sighed.

"It's okay. They're just doing the right procedure. It is not right to skip class without making an effort, right?"

"You are too humble! Your effort is enough to climb up and achieve the highest class!" Raven spoke with excitement.

But Rei didn't answer him and remained smiling.

Raven coughed a bit as soon he calmed down after what happened. "Ahem, sorry about's just that I am quite excited to see a renowned adventurer such as yourself."

"Thank you for the compliment, although I just hope we can continue our conversation... regarding the remaining [Three Great Evil]."

Raven slowly went back to his seat and looked at Rei, "Yes, I understand that."

"First things first, I would like to thank you for helping our S-class adventurers here...if not for you, it would be disastrous for our Fort city to lose the S-class."

"I didn't do much, I only did it because we have the same goal."

"So you were aiming for them? The Three Great Evil."

"Yes, I have been aiming for them for months, although my luck on finding their location is very low." Rei spoke.

"That is why I want to borrow the luck of your S-class adventurers here." Rei explained.

Raven sighed, "I guess you heard about them."

"Yes, since they have the luck that always saves if God itself has helped them several times." Rei shifted his eyes at Alicia, who's standing among them.

"That is true...although we have the same goal, the purpose of it is different, am I right?" Raven guessed.

"That is correct." Rei nodded.

"I am not saying that you are an untrustworthy one, but knowing you hide your identity and suddenly showing your strength like that, it makes me wary whether you are gonna be a dangerous existence to our city or not." Raven spoke.

"Well, I can tell you my purpose if you want." Rei spoke.

"I know it's hard to tell us—huh?? What did you just say?" Raven looked at him confused.

"I said, I will tell you my purpose."

"So easily...what's the catch?" Raven asked.

"Nothing... but I only want you to tell me one thing." Rei replied.

Raven stared at him, "Go on."

"Whose order is scout [The Three Great Evil]." Rei asked while releasing his red aura to intimidate him.

But Raven remained calm in front of him, "I can not expose the requester."

"I'm not asking you." Rei replied.

Raven crossed his arms to his chest and shook his head adamantly, "Be that as it may, I still cannot answer you."

The atmosphere in between them became more intense as they tried to intimidate each other.

"Then... let me guess, the one who requested it…is it the Duke who reigns in this territory?" Rei asked.

"No comment." Raven answered.

Rei looked at him and smiled, "Then I guess it really is the Duke who requested you to scout these myths." Rei decided but when he looked at him again…

He looked pissed.

"But you do know how dangerous this quest is...and if I weren't there, they would have died without you knowing it." Rei spoke.

Raven nodded while closing his eyes, "I know...that is why I am thankful for you." He answered him truthfully.

"If you know how dangerous it is... how can you allow your best adventurers to die in vain?" Rei spoke out.

Raven then shook his head, "I can not say that I am in the wrong... but we all are in a dire situation here since the monster around us has become stronger than usual."

"And the Duke—our lord who reigns in this region is currently in a crisis and his soldiers are more focused on defending this city from the monsters."

"So he cannot carelessly throw his soldiers in the middle of the snow that could swallow them anytime." Raven explained.

"And that is why you let S-class adventurers to scout these myths?? It's also the same as throwing your one and only shield that could fend off the monsters into the pit." Rei replied.

"But still, I cannot reject him!" Raven replied in anger and irritation.

"Why not!" Rei pressed him further.

"Because!...if not for him, we would all die by the hands of the monsters around us...and the cold that is slowly encroaching into this city." Raven explained.

"We are indebted with his I cannot let down with his sincere request." Raven sighed after he calmed down a bit, after he was enraged by the fact that he couldn't help their lord.

After what he said, Rei couldn't afford to say anything since what he said was right, but...he looked displeased.

"That's a wise decision, but also a stupid one." Rei spoke.

"What? Do you not hear what I said? We had no choice! The outside is dangerous and we cannot afford to carelessly jump into danger" Raven shouted.

"I know! The city has been at risk of fighting with monsters for the past many years! But so what! Despite living in fear for so long, they still don't know the reason or the cause of these monsters' behavior nor want to know about the curse of this land."

"I admired all of your spirits to survive in this cold land, but I hate the fact that no one questioned the reason for the curse that was thrown to this land." Rei replied in anger as if he knew this curse more than anyone.

"You...what did you know." Raven noticed his behavior.

Rei looked straight towards his eyes, "If no one would take the frontline...then let me take that role."


"Yes, I shall prove it that I can dissolve this curse with my own hands." Rei spoke.

Raven widened his eyes for a moment then he sighed, "You sound delusional, but knowing what you have achieved so far...I don't think it's impossible."

"So, what do you say?" Rei asked him so he could get his final answer.

Raven looked doubtful despite having seen his achievements, since this is much more large scale than the one when he had to save the Elf Kingdom.

"I was the one who defeated that Golem, if you need to know."

"That golem?" Raven asked, soon he realized "Wait, does that mean–!" Raven realized it.

Hiba, Ashley and the rest of them smiled while pointing at Rei.

"Yepp, this guy defeated it all by himself." Hiba spoke.

"Yeah, not only that he overwhelmed that golem after releasing an anti-magic field and the fight became one-sided, of course he is on the winning side." Sharon explained.

"When we were all helpless...he stood alone and fought the Golem to protect us!" Hilbert spoke.

"S-so! He had proven that he could save our situation!" Alicia spoke.

Raven was shocked to see they pointed at him and explained what he did before, "Even you, Ashley?" As he looked at Ashley since she's the most prideful one in the group.

"I admitted that he is stronger than me... even I can not one shot a golem with one strike." Ashley spoke while sighing.

Raven sighed seeing all of them agreed, " think you were the one who defeated one of the Three Great Evil, not together with my S-class adventurers...but alone."

"Aghhh...this is giving me more headache than the last request, but fine! I shall accept your offer." Raven gave his final answer, which is something they immediately celebrated.

"But we still need permission from the duke himself, so make sure you explain everything and every single information you have." Raven added.

Rei smiled, "Good, we have the deal." He replied like an innocent young man as if the person who tried to intimidate him before was gone.

'How scary...' Raven gulped and smiled nervously when he saw that smile.

"Now then, since you all have done a great job, have a rest and we will meet at the duke's mansion." Raven spoke.

"Yes sir!" They all responded with smiles, then Rei put his helmet back on again.

"Then I shall be waiting for the news." Rei spoke to him before they left the room together, leaving the guild master alone in his distress.

Raven sighed once more, "What a troublesome group...but, I wonder...if there's a day when we will see the sun once again."


After they left, they all went to a certain inn beside the Guild.

The inn was filled with people partying and having a warm meal together. Since it is cold outside, warm food is always the best for the people here, especially their alcohol.


"Puhaaa!!!" Hiba sighed loudly after gulping down his large glass of beer.

Together with Hilbert, Ashley and Sharon having their share of drinks, except Alicia and Rei who's drinking warm milk.

"Beer is always the best after work~" Hiba said.

"It just warms you up after that cold journey." Ashley sighed.

"Yepp! Hahaha! But it is quite fun!" Hilbert spoke.

"Of course it's not." Sharon spoke while silently drinking her share.

"Well we almost died of course." Hiba shifted his eyes towards the main character of this session.

" think he could eat that many."


After their cheers, Rei immediately ate his food with such delighted looks while still wearing his helmet.

His helmet had the same function where he could open the lower half part of the helmet that showed his jaw and mouth, that way he could savor his food with no trouble.

"Hmmm??" Rei looked at them, seeing him eating a big portion of food.

"Nothing, it's just that…you eat quite a lot." Hiba commented.

Rei licked his lips to clean up a stained mess on his mouth, "Well I need energy to be ready for the next fight...since using that skill drains my energy really quickly."

"I-i see..." Hiba gulped seeing him savoring the food so deliciously.

Which made them feel hungry.

So Ashley took the initiative by lifting her hand, "Miss! I want a large size of Meatball Pasta!"

Hiba didn't want to lose, "I want a large size of Mushroom Gratin!"

"Then I want six pieces of Giant Boar Meat!" Hilbert added.

"A sandwich filled with a lot of cheese for me, please!" Sharon joined them as well.

They all felt hungry for the first time, after they saw him eating his food in such enjoyable looks.

Alicia couldn't help but smile while watching him eat as she took a sip of her drink.

After a few minutes, the food arrived and they all ate their share until they were full.


"Phew...this might be the first time in my life I ate that much." Hiba spoke while resting his body on his chair.

"Me too..." Ashley replied while doing the same.

"Me three..." Sharon sighed.

Meanwhile, Rei was confused why they eat that much, unaware of the fact that he influenced them to do it.

"Ummm..." Alicia, who sat next to him, turned to look at him. "Crimson-san...what is your plan after this?"

Since they were together on this quest, it didn't guarantee that he would stay with them.

"Hmmm...I was planning to stick with you guys until this quest is over." Rei answered her.

"Since tomorrow we will be meeting with the lord here." Rei spoke.

Alicia went flustered after knowing that he would stay with them, "I-i see..."

They all noticed that Alicia's behavior sometimes became shy and flustered whenever she talked with Rei.

They would smile secretly watching these two youth having their youthful moments.

But of course, only for Alicia who felt like that.

Since Rei was more focused on other matters.

"But what is your purpose to be here? I mean...why north?" Hiba asked him since he was curious about his purpose.

So the question that they had been waiting for had arrived. It was purely out of curiosity, but...who wouldn't ask that?

Since what he had displayed was something that was out of this world.

Because this world was based on [Otome Game], which had a weirdly low setting about power creep where the monsters are stronger than the people here.

Even the S-class Adventurers could only  defeat one Golem which would take a lot of people to take down.

But the power he displayed was different and something that no human could have possessed, even when they saw it with their own hands.

It's like seeing the birth of an unimaginable monster that could destroy the balance of this world.

'Now I understand...why Ars called me [Irregular], since my strength is something that cannot exist in this balanced world.' Rei thought.

Then his eyes shifted towards Alicia who was also curious about his response.

'Well the main character of this world is here...she could probably help me in this [trial].'

"The purpose is..." Rei decided to answer them. "To train myself to become stronger."

"To train?" They were confused to hear what he said.

"Yes, to train." Rei repeated. "Weird right? This is simply training for me and a test that was given by my master."

"Wait, I thought your training was over?" Hiba asked.

"Since when did I say it? If it was over, I wouldn't be here, right?" Rei answered him.

"Uhhhh, that is true." Hiba pursed his lips, he looked like he's trying to think about something.

"Then what is this test?" Ashley asked.

"Well I cannot answer you that right now since I will be answering that tomorrow when we see the duke"

"Then your master?" Sharon asked.

"No comment." Rei replied.

"Then...why do you want to train?" Alicia asked him, "I think you are already strong yourself."

But that didn't make Rei the slightest bit happy to hear, "Alicia-san, the world is quite vast you see...there will always be someone above you."

"That's what I know based on my experience." Rei spoke.

"I-i see." Alicia felt she had stepped on a landmine, so she decided to shrink herself from embarrassment.

Rei nodded, "But it is nice to talk with someone after 7 years of seclusion, it makes me feel alive especially after eating real food." Rei spoke with such joy in his smile.

Although he sounded happy and sincere, the part of the [real food] caught their attention.

"Uhhh, what have you been eating for the whole 7 years?" Hiba asked since he said it like he didn't have a good meal.

"Well it was hard, imagine you had to run for the whole day without rest and train your muscle by lifting weight, then you started to eat." Rei explained.

"Ughhh..I would feel nauseous." Ashley shivered just imagining it.

"But Crimson-san, may I ask?" Alicia lifted her hand.


"If I remember correctly, don't you use a sword? And also using an aura on your sword?"

After that question, it left them speechless for a moment.

"Ahhh, yes." Rei answered her.

"What?!" Of course they are surprised to hear it.

"I thought you were an Axe user!" They abruptly leaned closer to him as they were more surprised to see him handling weapons other than Axe.

"I never said I was..."

"An Aura user...that could use two different weapons?!" Hiba couldn't contain his shocked look.

"Even I cannot use two weapons because of how dangerous it is..." Ashley thought.

"Crimson-san, you surely are a man amongst men!!" Hilbert was more amazed.

'Uhhh...I should hide the fact that I could use 5 weapons now.' Rei thought.

On that night, Rei had a hard time explaining himself to them all and after that they all went back to their room to rest.


Inside his room, Rei stood there alone while taking off his clothes and getting ready to sleep.

In front of a mirror.

It showed his body that was filled with rough burn marks, it didn't reach his face but some parts of his body was covered with marks from his [Hell Flame] skill.

Rei looked at himself in the mirror, then towards his hand that was filled with calluses, rough skin and cut scars all over it,

"Even though I can control the flame is still damaging my body even if it's just little by little."

"And despite I have defeated level didn't go up that much huh." He muttered to himself while looking at his own status.


Then a familiar status board showed up in front of his eyes.



NAME: Kiritsuka Rei / Ray Houston

JOB : Blacksmith

TITLE : [The Reincarnator], [Time Traveler], [Quick Learner], [Beast Slayer], [Die Hard], [Jack of All Trade], [The Warrior Might], [The Monster Slayer], [Blessing of the Fire Spirit King], [The Dragon Slayer] !!NEW!!, [The One Who Stand Alone] !!NEW!!, [The New Myth Creator] !!NEW!!, [Chaos Descendants] !!NEW!!

[Level: 146]

[HP: 23060/23060]

[MP: 7085/7085]


EXP: 0/100500



STRENGTH : 612 (+45)

AGILITY : 336(+25)

VITALITY : 341 (+35)


SENSE : 321(+25)


Blacksmith Mastery LvMax; Swordsmanship Mastery Lv9; Battle Instinct Lv9; Super Growth LvMax; Fire Magic Lv9; Aura LvMax; Cooking Mastery Lv8; Knitting Mastery Lv8; Alchemy Mastery Lv8; Pain Resistance LvMax; Spearmanship Mastery Lv9; Archer Artillery Mastery Lv9; Shieldmanship Mastery Lv9; Dual Wield Lv8; Soul Emergence LvMax; Fire Resistance LvMax; Axemanship Lv9 !!NEW!!; Haki Lv8 !!NEW!!; Berserker Lv9 !!NEW!!

Fire LvMax

Blacksmith Flame Lv9

Sword Arts: Horizontal Slash LvMax

Sword Arts: Vertical Slash LvMax

Sword Arts: Nine-Heads Dragon Lv8 !!NEW!!

Sword Arts: Moon Fang Lv8 !!NEW!!

Sword Arts: Dragon Claw Lv8 !!NEW!!

Sword Arts: Sky Decapitation Lv8

Sword Arts: Omni Slash LvMax

Persona LvMax [Locked]

Imitation Fire Sword LvMax

Magic Sword: Kagutsuchi no Ken Lv8

Shukuchi LvMax

Weapon Breaker Lv9

Intimidate LvMax

Sprint LvMax

Focused Block LvMax

Spear Arts: One Strike LvMax

Spear Arts: Gungnir Lv9

Spear Arts: Falling Dragon Lv7!!NEW!!

Spear Arts: Deadly Strike Lv7 !!NEW!!

Spear Arts: Gae Bolg Lv7 !!NEW!!

War Cry Lv9

Archery Artillery Arts: Artillery Strike Lv9

Archery Artillery Arts: Cracker Lv9

Archery Artillery Arts: Homing Missile Lv8 !!NEW!!

Archery Artillery Arts: Silent Destruction Lv8 !!NEW!!

Archery Artillery Arts: Nuclear lv7 !!NEW!!

Weapon Fuse Lv8

Shield Arts: Bash Lv9

Shield Arts: Rush Lv8

Shield Arts: Reflection Lv9

Shield Arts: Grand Cross Lv8

Shield Arts: Fotress Lv8 !!NEW!!

Shield Arts: Guardian Will Lv8 !!NEW!!

Shield Arts: Brawl Mode Lv9 !!NEW!!

Hell Flame Lv9

■■■■■■■ Lv■■

Armor of Flame : Agni Lv9 !!NEW!!

Axe Arts: Smash Lv8 !!NEW!!

Axe Arts: Wide Swing Lv9 !!NEW!!

Axe Arts: Spinning Wheel Lv8 !!NEW!!

Axe Arts: Brutal Impact Lv8 !!NEW!!

Axe Arts: Mountain Wave Lv8 !!NEW!!

Axe Arts: Mountain Cleaver Lv8 !!NEW!!


"Three new titles from the rewards 7 years ago, and one title I acquired from achieving the training from Ignia and Doldain."

"All the new skills that I acquired and leveled is prepared for this day." Rei soon staring at his own eyes towards the mirror.

"I promised this..."

Soon it glinted in the darkness.

"I will bring to an this ill fated land." Rei muttered.

It was finally over, the fall of the one of the Three Great Evil.











Once again, the gear of fate started to move into a new path.

To be continued...