Chapter 139 : The Unworthy of the Worthiness (Part 3)

After that, they all moved to a bigger room.

They were sitting across from each other. Rei, Doldain and Ignia sat side by side while Vincent, Gilbert and Raven were on the other side.

Except for Heisman, he was standing beside them and was serving a cup of tea for them.

But for a few minutes, silence fell in the room.

Meanwhile, Ignia was sipping on her tea calmly, while the other two just waited for her to finish.

"Hmmm~ the tea here is quite excellent as usual, Vincent-kun~" Ignia called him as if they were friends, even though their status was so different that you could imagine them as a sprout and a big tree.

"T-thank you for your compliment, but I don't deserve such praise."

"Indeed, I should thank your butler here, you have a good eyes on people." Ignia spoke while putting down the cup.

"Yes, Ignia-sama."

"And I think it's been a long time~" Ignia spoke with such nostalgic smile towards him.

"Indeed,'s been a long time." Vincent replied as if he had met her before.

"Ara~ to think you still remembered this old lady~ I still remember our first meeting, you were just a child back then huh~" Ignia spoke.

"Yes, that is true...thank you for remembering this lowly human, Ignia-sama." Vincent bowed his head towards her.

It was a shocking view of course since the highest aristocrat in the North was now bowing towards this unknown lady.

"So let me get this straight, this disciple of mine had requested you to have him in the front line for the next expedition, am I right?" Ignia spoke.

"Yes, that is correct." Vincent could only nodded.

"Then why do you have to refuse him? I don't think he is lacking anything." Ignia continued, "Although the only thing lacking is that, he's still a virgin."

"Ughh, could you please not to tease me." Rei spoke out when Ignia was joking like that.

"Hm~ you talked back quite a lot lately~ but that attitude makes you a good warrior~" Ignia somehow praised him despite that.

It was a very nerve-wracking atmosphere, which made them nervous since the most powerful being here was now having a fun conversation with her disciple who nonetheless happened to be this young man.

"But anyway, you said you just needed a recommendation for him, am I right?" Ignia turned to him again and said, "Then I recommended him."

As expected, this was where it led to.

"I-i understand and I shall accept your recommendation." Vincent couldn't help but feel powerless before this woman and accepted his recommendation so easily.

But one person refuse to accept it.

"F-father! We mustn't accept it that easily! We can win without his help anyway!" Gilbert got up from his seat and decided to join the conversation as he opposed the idea of it.

Vincent found it hard to believe that his son hadn't given up, but... "Son, this is a grave matter and we cannot reject the King of Dragons herself." He had accepted his fate already.

"But, this is our tradition and our ancestor will! I can't just let—"

"Gilbert! Enough!" Vincent shouted at him to stop him from finishing his words, the scene leave a bad taste towards their guest.

Ignia observed them closely then she smiled,

"You." Then she pointed at Gilbert, "You said your name is Gilbert, yes?" Ignia asked.

Vincent and Gilbert immediately turned towards Ignia, after they had short arguments a moment ago.

"Y-yes, ma'am." Gilbert answered.

"How confident you are to be able to say that~ it seems Sigebehrt house have a good offspring~" Ignia complimented him.

Vincent was surprised to hear that and looked joyful, "T-thank—" but right before he could thank him.

Ignia cut him off, "But not be able to gauge your opponents strength is either foolish act or suicidal~" She took her compliment back again, as if she was teasing him.

Gilbert found it unbelievable to hear that, but Ignia didn't stop at that.

"I am certain that you wouldn't be able to defeat my disciple~ or even stand against him...hmmmm~ let's see~"

"Maybe less than 10—no, 5 seconds~" Ignia spoke it.

Gilbert widened his eyes and of course he was about to burst out, but he immediately held himself back and gritted his own teeth while looking down.

Rei remained calm while glancing at him.

Ignia simply smiled, "Though he have potential to become a good lord~"

"So child~ I forgive you this time~ but make sure to keep following your father's words~ understand?~" Ignia spoke to him.

"Y-yes...Ignia-sama." Gilbert sat down back to his seat, knowing the fact that his plead and words doesn't have much affect and treated like a child by this woman.

Then Rei raised his hand, "Then can I have an offer to make?"


They immediately turned their attention towards Rei who had been quiet this whole time.

Vincent coughed, "A-ahem, Yes? What is it Crimson...san?" Then he asked.

"Well it's more like a suggestion than an offer." Rei answered.

"I see....then what do you offer?" Vincent was curious about what he gonna said.

"Then, I would like Gilbert-san to join the frontline." Rei suggested.


They were surprised to hear his suggestion, most of them are confused, but only Vincent reacted differently,


Vincent immediately slammed his fist at the table,

"Are you foolish?! Do you want me to send my only successor to his death?!" And shouted at him while forgetting the important guest in front of him.

"Master..." Heisman called him to remind him of the important guests and powerful beings before him.

"U-ugh..." Vincent was taken aback and looked down, "M-my apologies...for my rudeness."

"No no, I understand~ my disciple is rude as well~" Ignia replied to his apology while swaying her hand.

"But disciple, why do you want to bring him with you?" Ignia decided to ask the main culprit who started this mess.

Rei looked calmly while facing her, "I know I need to be in the front line, no matter what, so I could be able to pass this test of yours."

"But I cannot ignore the Lord who has been protecting this land from the monsters and let me have all the glory."

"So instead of him, I want Gilbert-san to join me." Rei explained.

"I see I see~" Ignia accepted that reasoning.

But Vincent looked more concerned, "But why does it have to be my son?"

"There are two reasons."

"First, is that you the lord need to lead the city and make sure it safety from the roaming monsters." Rei raised one finger while explained his first reason.

"I see...and the second?"

"The second, it would be a gain for you both."

"Gain for both of us?" Vincent and Gilbert looked at each other confused.

"Yes, first for Gilbert-san, he could gain experience by contributing into this expedition."

"From learning the danger of the monsters around the city and approximate the territory that he gonna lead soon after you, my lord."

"Finally for my lord, Vincent-san, you could fulfill the Sigebehrt family longed wish to end this cursed land while also having a successor that have experienced and seeing the end of the curse more upclose." Rei explained.


"So it is a win-win situation for us, it is like striking two bird with one stone." Rei ended it with smile.

It surprised them to hear that, especially for Vincent.

'I...never think of that.' Vincent thought.

But Rei didn't stopped at that, "And! As long as Gilbert-san is with me and the other adventurers, he will be safe."

Vincent had this pensive look, he was thinking of whether he would accept this or not.


'It is a risky suggestion, but to maintain the pride of the Sigebehrt family, I need to accept it.'

'But...Gilbert will...'

Vincent still look concerned of Gilbert, since what kind of parents who would send his own son to his own death like this.

Until finally, Doldain raised his hand.

"Then how about I add more to that offer." The last person who hadn't spoken this entire time finally joined in.

"Y-yes, Doldain-sama..what kind of offer?" Vincent responded.

"How about this guy make him a weapon?" Doldain spoke while pointing his finger at Rei.

They looked at him in confusion, "Huh?? Weapon?"

Rei also did the same, "Doldain...why the hell you gave them offer by making me do stuff."

"Heh, I said I only [add] an offer~ it doesn't have to be me who does it~" Doldain snickered at him.

Rei sighed, "Seriously, you and master...but first, I haven't told them yet." He spoke to him.

Doldain looked surprised when heard him, "Huh?? Wait, you didn't?!"

"Yeah, I didn't...I only revealed my face and that's all."

"Seriously...I thought you did." Doldain stared at him blankly.

"How loose lipped do you think I am?" Rei replied

As the two of them argued, the others didn't quite follow.

Then Raven raised his hand, "W-wait...Crimson, I have a question."


"What is your [Job] actually?" Raven decided to ask, 'I mean it is unclear yet what kind of [Job] he has to be able to wield many weapons.' Raven remembered the report he had.

"Uhhhh..." Rei couldn't help but feel nervous from the eyes of these people.

Then Rei sighed, "Seriously, this is very classified...since I only shared it with a few people."

They looked at him with sparkling eyes as if they were curious about this young man's [Job].

But Rei looked at them calmly, "Well...I am actually a [Blacksmith]." And answered them with a straight looks.


They were shocked beyond words compared to when they saw Ignia and Doldain were summoned before them.

Doldain and Ignia snickered as if they were delighted to see their shocked faces.

"Y-you are a [Blacksmith]...and can still defeat those monsters alone?!" Raven shouted.

They couldn't help but be amazed by his achievements, not only that, but with the production type of job that was usually being scoffed at by people.

He raised himself to the point that no one could be able to talk back.

'Yes, this is the reason why I hide myself and not announcing my real [Job].'

'It is a foolish act to announce yourself to have that kind of [Job], if it's in the past the people would wonder if I was lying or not, so rather than revealing it blatantly, I need to hide it as a [Warrior] instead.'

'That's plan needed to be achieved little by little, so I could raise myself to be a [Knight].'

'Then after that, I will reveal myself as a [Blacksmith] and a [Knight] at the same time.' Rei didn't forget his wish after many years of being stuck in this world.

'Though, I am satisfied to watch these people's shocked faces, but....I must not show it to anyone.'

'Yes, not yet...' Rei closed his eyes then his eyes went straight to his.

"So? What do you say?" Doldain spoke out instead, "Not only he is strong, he crafted his own weapon with material that came from his hunted monsters."

It gave them time to think, especially for Vincent since he had to send his own successor to the battlefield.

But it was a matter of choice since this chance couldn't be ignored anymore.

"I understand." Vincent finally made his decision.


"Son, I really don't want to send you off into the battlefield this early...but you have the blood of Sigebehrt within you, it is our duty to protect this land and save it from this curse." Vincent spoke while staring at him.

Gilbert didn't cower and instead faced his father with a courageous look, "Yes, I understand father...I will never let you down!"

Vincent couldn't help but smile, "I am proud of you son..."

Such a touching scenery for them to see, Raven and Heisman couldn't help but shed a little tear.

Ignia and Doldain couldn't help but smile as well.

But only Rei remained calm as if he didn't feel anything after seeing it.

'Family...huh.' It reminded him of something unpleasant.


After that, the meeting was over, Ignia and Doldain were sent back with a portal that Ignia created.

"Don't forget, you are on your own now." Ignia spoke to him before she left.

"Break the leg, my disciple, hit them with all you got." Doldain encouraged him as they finally left.

Rei just smiled towards them and nodded his head, "Yes."

As the portal was closed, Rei turned around to face Vincent once more.

"Now then, could you show me your workshop here." Rei spoke to him.

"Yes, I understand." Vincent answered him confidently.

"Oh, one more thing."


"Bring me your family heirloom, [The Sword of Sigebehrt]."


Of course it confused them, when they were told to bring their family heirloom that had been passed on from generation to generation while they were brought to the workshop after the deal was made.

The workshop was located around the area of the basement underneath the manor, since this was where they supplied their weapons so they made sure it didn't get attacked or stealed by someone.

Now they were meeting with the owner of the workshop.

Their blacksmith, Osgar. The male had a bald head with a cut scar on his left eye.

"So want this young man to be in charge in my workshop to craft a weapon for the young master?" Osgar spoke to him.

"Yes, that is correct." Vincent answered while holding onto a clothed stick.

Osgar had this complex look since he was looking at the young man who wore his helmet back on.

"But, why is he wearing a helmet?"

"You don't need to ask..." Vincent answered with complex look.

And that made Osgar stepped back a bit, "I-i see..."

"So, can you let him stay for a moment?" Vincent asked.

"Of course, since I am indebted to you Vincent-sama, I will do anything for my lord." Osgar spoke with a proud grin.

That made Vincent smile.

"Thank you."

But during their conversation, Rei had already walked inside the workshop unnoticed.

"Hmmm, such a decent place." Rei spoke while observing the place.

"Huh?? Wait—when did you?!—" Osgar were surprised when he saw him already looking around inside of the workshop. 'When did he...rather, I didn't noticed him?!'

"But, the fire...isn't bright enough."

He looked at the stove where the fire was lit up, he showed something that no one had ever seen.


He snapped his finger and a flame appeared on his hand and the color was red, no—it's redder than an ordinary flame.

"[Blacksmith Flame]."

Then he threw that flame into the stove and the fire turned brighter red, which made them freeze at the sight of it.

"My master once said, to forge a good weapon, you need a good flame, good temperature and a good material."

Rei spoke while taking off his shirt, revealing his tight black tank top while still wearing his helmet.

Osgar was speechless by the sight of the flame and this young man appeared before his eyes, "Y-you..."

"Oh, right, I haven't introduced name is Crimson, from now on I will be in charge of Gilbert-san's weaponry."

"And in the meantime, I am also gonna prepare myself a new weapon for the next battle." Rei spoke.

They were confused about what just happened and what he meant by that.

"Vincent-san, the heirloom please." Rei reached out his hand and waited for Vincent to bring that clothed thing on his hand.

But Gilbert took it from his father before approaching him to give it to him, "H-here."

Rei then grabbed it and took off the clothes from it, revealing the heirloom of the Sigebehrt family.

"That is...." Osgar immediately recognized the thing that he was holding.

"[The Sword of Dawn, Grand]...the sword that has been used by Sigebehrt's ancestors." Osgar spoke.

The sword looked like an old sword that hadn't been taken care of, since he could see the dirt and the rust on the sword, but the handle on the sword carved with the Sigebehrt symbol on it which made Osgar recognize that sword.

"My apologies for showing this kind of appearance of our heirloom, it's just that this sword is quite special." Vincent apologized about the condition of the sword.

"The blacksmith who forged this weapon had died very long time ago, so we couldn't fix it even with our best blacksmith." Vincent explained.

But Rei simply observed the sword within his hand.



[The Sword of Dawn, Grand (Incomplete)]

Grade: Epic

Type: Sword


Durability: 10%

A sword that has been passed on within the Sigebehrt's family from generation to generation. The sword was forged by a mysterious blacksmith using the sun's power created by his own will and sacrifice to defeat the curse of this land. Yet it is still in an incomplete state because of the lack of material required to make it.


[Dawn Strike]

Active Skill

MP Cost: 200

Cooldown : 480 sec.

It grant the user the power of the sun to strike the enemy down.


'Woah...the description is no joke, to think this is their heirloom...even my sword is still better than this.' Rei was somehow disappointed by it.

'And lacking material...huh.'

When Rei was still observing it, Vincent and Gilbert just stared at him.

'Not only he is young...but his physique.' Vincent couldn't help but observe his body that didn't look like a normal 15 years old boy.

'What kind of—what kind of life he had been through, to be able to achieve that.' Vincent couldn't imagine what Rei had been through.

"I understand now." Rei then suddenly spoke and that turned their attention again towards him.

"I just need to do this right?" Then he threw the sword into the flaming stove.

"....?!" They opened their jaw in shock after seeing what he had done.

"W-what have you done?!" Vincent shouted.

Of course, they were shocked to see the heirloom that had been passed on from generation to generation had been thrown into the sea of flame without much of a thought.

"Don't get near, I will start working." Rei spoke while slipping his hand into his [Inventory].

"Like I said, to forge a good need a good flame, good temperature and a good material." Suddenly he started to explain.

"I am sure the flame that the blacksmith you spoke of forged this sword with a good flame and temperature, not only that the material is very rare and his technique is beyond those of other blacksmiths since he could forge this weapon into legendary grade."

"But why is it still weak—no, rather, why no one cannot repair this weapon despite that?" Rei asked them a question.

"The answer is...






you need the right equipment for it as well."

Rei pulled out a hammer that seemed to be a different hammer than anything they had ever seen.

A one handed hammer just for forging a weapon, yet the weapon itself seemed to glow as if it was alive.


[Hammer of Hephaestus, Vulcan]

Grade: Legendary

Type: Hammer


Durability: 10%

A hammer that was forged with the will and life of a certain blacksmith using the flame of his own breath, his sweat and blood drenched upon this masterpiece. The hammer itself alive with the name of the God of Blacksmithing himself and it was named by the one who forged this.


[Hephaestus Blessing]

Passive Skill

The blessing by the God of Blacksmith that courses through this hammer, it increased the possibility to create a legendary item by 10%.


It was during his 4th years on his training, he was able to craft this masterpiece.

His first legendary grade item, but of course it's not a weapon so it's useless for battle.

But it is useful for forging.

It would definitely increase his strength beyond what he could imagine.

'Now then...let's begin.'

Then... Rei pulled out the heated sword from the flame that he casted himself and brought it to an anvil.

When he raised his hammer...

The hammer glowed bright as he also released his aura, his red flame coursing throughout his body.

After that...


He swung his hammer.







The first strike had been dealt.








Onto the second one.








Onto the third one.


The fourth one.


The fifth one.


The sixth, the seventh, the eight.


And he continued to hammer this sword.

The way he swung his hammer and struck the sword down, the sparks hit his skin because he didn't wear any gear to protect himself.

It was like a show for those who saw him working, especially for Osgar.


Even Vincent and Gilbert who didn't understand it, could tell...

That this man was definitely a [Blacksmith] and not only that...

Probably the most powerful [Blacksmith] they had ever seen.

[Yes, that's it...]

And during that moment, a voice that he remembered during all his years of training.

[A "Blacksmith" doesn't need this tool to protect themselves during forging their weapon].

[What they needed is a will and guts to face the hot temperatures and the sparks on each strike they made].

[A dedication to create something powerful, something magnificent and something beautiful that no one ever saw.]

[Let your feelings out, embrace the flame, image the scenery that you would like to use this weapon for!].

Rei smiled during that moment, 'This sword isn't mine...but...I shall forge this and finish this for them.'

His eyes lit up and his aura was released.

He continued to hammer this sword again and again without stopping.

He brought it to the flame then pulled it out to continue to hammer that sword.

And when Rei was so focused he looked like in a trance, they left him alone with Osgar who watched over him.

They still couldn't believe what they saw.

Is there a [Blacksmith] out there, that could use aura? And used it for forging?

In this world filled with magic and sword.

There was almost no productive type of [Job] that could achieve what Rei had now.

Vincent looked like he's deep in thought as he walked out from there with Gilbert.

"I had made a mistake." Vincent muttered.

"Father..." Gilbert noticed what he was distressed about.

"Son...for all these years, I have met all kinds of things."

"From weird monsters, this never ending snowy scenery, and even the most powerful beings." Vincent spoke to him.

"But...this is the strangest and the most amazing thing I've ever seen." Vincent smiled.

"Son, when he is done...make sure to make a connection with him."

"Because the tide of this world might be going towards him..."

"...and also her." Vincent turned around to walk upstairs, which led them back to the manor.

Gilbert looked at the back of his father, "Yes, Father...I will not disappoint you."

Then after that, they left to where the other adventurers were gathered.


"My apologies, it seems sir Crimson need to stay in this manor for a while."

Vincent had spoken to them who were waiting in this particular room.

They were surprised by the arrival of their lord and specifically went to this room despite him being the owner of this manor.

Alicia and the others looked confused, even Raven who joined this room.

"Why does he need to stay?" Alicia asked.

"He is doing the part of the deal that he wanted from me."

"W-what kind of deal?" Alicia asked as she looked more concerned than the others.

"You don't have to worry, young lady, he is not doing anything dangerous." Vincent spoke to them.

Alicia looked relieved, "I-i see."

"But I am afraid I have bad news to inform you all right now." Vincent spoke.

Their attention immediately went towards him.

"What is it about?" Hiba asked.

"All of you are gonna be at the top front on the next expedition to the other Three Great Evil." Vincent announced.

"...?!" They were more shocked than surprised.

"Wait, hold on, do we have the right to be at the top front?" Hiba asked as his expression became complex.

"I know this might be shocking news for you, but I trusted you all as the comrades of Crimson." Vincent spoke.

"No, no, we apologize for offending you, but we just felt that we weren't fit to be in that position." Hiba spoke.

"Don't worry, I believe that you all are strong enough to help Crimson on saving this land." Vincent spoke.


Then he bowed his head towards them.

"....please, free this land from this curse."

Such a sincere request coming from a Noble.

"Please!" Even Gilbert who stood beside him also bowed his head, along with Heisman.

They were taken by surprise and rendered speechless by this sight, even Raven could tell how desperate he was.

They turned their attention towards Raven, "Guild Master."

Raven had his answer already and went towards him, ", my old don't have to bow towards us like this."

"We will definitely help you, because you have done everything to protect this city."

"We will repay you." Raven spoke while putting his hand towards Vincent's shoulder.

That was when Vincent, the current head of the Sigebehrt family who had been protecting this land from a young age.

Could finally be able to sigh relief and cried to his heart's content.

During that moment, it was established.

The force that would fight against the Three Great Evil.











As time kept on ticking.

A single person was sitting on the throne within the darkness.

His eyes slowly opened, revealing sharp looking eyes.

"Is it time already?"

In that moment.

The gear of fate had shifted for another course.

And a new wave would start.

To be continued....