Chapter 143 : Name and Pain (Part 2)

The pace of the fight slowly became faster.

The numbers of the Frost Skeletons reduced faster.

And The Frost Lich...

Despite he tried his best to revive them.

Their bones would melted down or crushed...

The moment they approached Rei who was still walking forward.

The Frost Lich became nervous...


*There should be a limit that a human can do!!*

The vile creature shouted in denial, as his army that could overwhelm anyone, by the power of his owner.

Was now being wiped clean by this young man.


After that, Rei stood right in front of him.

The Frost Lich couldn't help but tremble.

*I...cannot use my magic, human...what did you—*

But before he could finish his words.



His skeleton's body was cut in half and shattered into pieces, by his black axe.

Rei calmly swung it without even letting him finish his question and the Frost Lich just melted and evaporated due to the heat.

The only thing that was left was a necklace and a robe.

And the fight had finally stopped the moment Rei struck down the Frost Lich down.

"D-did we win?" Gilbert asked as he looking around as there was nothing left.

"W-we...won!" One of the soldiers shouted.

"Ohhhh!!!" They were amazed by what they did.

1500 Frost Skeletons, and 1 Frost Lich.

The fight that should be impossible for twenty people to win.

Had resulted in absolute victory without casualties.

"Hahaha! We lived!"

They couldn't help but celebrate it, knowing that they survived until now.

And that was thanks to this man who stood before them.


Rei turned off his skill, and the black flame that set his body ablaze immediately disappeared while he put [Behemoth] into his [Inventory].

He then approached them, "Do not let your guard down, we still have one phase to finish."

Yes, there still another phase they still need to finish.


They immediately obeyed because he's someone that they didn't want to mess with.


After that, they took a rest for a moment before they continue for the next phase.

They set up a campfire in this cold room with the firewood they brought and having a small meal while drinking stamina potion and mana potion to replenish their strength.

But despite that they were still tired mentally after fighting a whole army like that.

Garon and Gilbert sat side by side with Hilbert and Hiba. On the other side, Alicia and Sharon are with the Priests and Mages, while the Warriors stayed together.

Meanwhile, Rei was sitting alone on the corner where he laid his back against the wall behind him and facing the campfire he set up alone.

Garon sighed, "To think we're able to survive this fight."

Gilbert nodded, "Indeed...I heard that Lich is something we cannot defeat unless we have the right number."

Hiba nodded, "I agree young master, Lich is something we as adventurers avoid, of course we could defeat it if the Lich summoned only a few skeletons."

"But it's a different story if the Skeletons were that many." Hilbert added.

"Not only that, it was a unique monster that is several times stronger than any other monster." Garon spoke.

"If not for Crimson being here, we'll probably die." Hiba stated.

The mood became gloomy when they mentioned it.

"But...who exactly is Crimson? I know he is an excellent warrior, but he is abnormally strong." Garon spoke as he was curious about him.

But they stayed quiet because they knew his identity.

"Well...I wonder." Hiba spoke while his eyes looked elsewhere.

The same as Hilbert and Gilbert, they couldn't speak about his identity unless he wanted it.

At the same time.

Rei remained quiet as he didn't speak nor doing anything, but just sitting there alone and staring the campfire.

Alicia who noticed him being alone, slowly approached him, "Ummm, Crimson-san? Are you awake?" She asked him.

Rei glanced at her, "Yes, I am." and replied to her question.

Alicia clapped her hand "I see! Then you must be hungry! We still have some leftover dried meat here, would you like to eat?" And offering him with the dried meat on her hand.

Rei shook his head, "Thanks, but I don't need it now." He responded.

Alicia gloomed a bit, "I see..." but then she had an idea, "Um...then can I take a seat?" As she asked again while pointing to the empty spot beside him.

"Hmm? Sure." Rei answered nonchalantly.

Alicia's eyes sparkled "T-thank you!" And took this chance to get closer to him as she sat beside him, 'Yay! I am sitting closer to him!' And giggling in secret.

But instead something like a lovey dovey atmosphere, Alicia found out something quite unexpected.

'Hm?' Alicia took a closer look towards Rei.

Rei was panting so badly, despite the cold within this room, he looked like he just ran a marathon from those rough breaths.

"Crimson?" Alicia called him, "....?!" And in that slight moment, she could see his neck....

...had a burn scar.

'Is that...a burn scar?' Alicia thought of it, ' doesn't look like an old wound but...'

'A fresh burn?!' Alicia noticed it.

'Since when? All the enemies we fought until now doesn't have fire magic, nor I seen him getting injured by the enemies.' She quickly gathered her mind to solve this puzzling situation.

And she immediately realized something, ' can't be...' her lips slowly trembling.

'Was it that time....when he released that black flame and covered his whole body with it.'

'But he looks fine this whole time! Unless...he have been holding the pain the whole time.' Alicia immediately faced with a sad truth.

She bit her lips, 'I need to help him...' as she immediately leaned closely to Rei.

"Crim—hmph!" But before she could utter any words, Rei covered her mouth with his hand.

" not say anything." Rei shut her up while their eyes met each other.


Alicia wanted to called his name, but all she could feel was his hand...

...trembling while he holding her mouth, 'He's in pain...' As she noticed that he was holding in an immeasurable pain.

But she didn't want this, then took his hand away from her mouth, "No, I am a Priest, a let me help you."

She insisted on helping him, but Rei shook his head.

" cannot heal me." Rei spoke.

"Why not?!"

"Because I said so."

"That is not a good reason! I cannot leave a patient alone untreated!"

"You don't have to worry."

"Of course I am worried!"

Arguing from one to another as she keep denying his rejection.

"Stop being stubborn like this! Didn't you told us that we have an important role in this expedition and the next one." Alicia grabbed his hand.

"It's the same as are not alone, you are important in this not burdened yourself like this." As she lowered her voice more.

"So let me be your strength...I don't want to be a useless girl who cannot help someone in need." She remembered that time when he saved him.

But Rei just stay quiet until their eyes met once again.

" not reject my will to help, so please..." Alicia spoke determinedly.

Rei looked into her eyes, and sighed.

"Seriously...seeing that you wouldn't budge no matter what I said."

"It is hard for me to reject it." Rei muttered.

Then he sighed again and spoke, "I understand...but do not waste too many of your mana, just like you said you have an important role as well."

Alicia then smiled seeing him accept her offer, "Good."

Rei sighed again.

And so she began to treat him just like she wanted.

Alicia stretched out her hands towards Rei who sat there and laid his back on the wall, "[Heal]." Then she casted her magic as his body was covered in green light.

'Huh? This is...' She knitted her brows when she found out about something, 'The healing is slow.'

Just like she said, while his body glowing due her healing magic, the burn wound on his neck didn't recovered at all.

"Crimson...this is..."

Rei glanced at her, "Like I told cannot be healed, didn't I?" He stated.

" is this possible?" Alicia questioned herself

"[Hell Flame]." Rei mentioned his skill.

"[Hell Flame]?..." Alicia repeated his words.

"Yes, is an special skill that was bestowed to me."

"That black was a skill?" Alicia asked as she confused in this part.

"Yes, it is a skill...a skill that borrowed the flame from Hell that burned down everything and cannot be put out until the user wanted to." Rei explained.

" that the reason why your injuries cannot be healed..." Alicia gulped.

"Yes...the injuries that this flame can cause, slowed down all healing process from both magic and potion." Rei added.

"It's still slowing down right? We can use high-rank magic to heal you! Or higher grade potion!" Alicia stated.

But Rei shook his head, "That's indeed true but the scar will still left behind and the pain caused by the flame remained."

"No way..." Alicia couldn't help to be terrified by it.

"And the more I use, the longer it goes, more burn scars remained and...."

"A-and? W-what will happen?" She asked.

Rei nodded, "And the damage will be irreversible and my body would be crippled to unable to fight.

"And the worst part is...






it could lead to my death." Rei explained.

"...?!" Alicia widened her eyes as she shocked by his statement. "N-no...."

But Rei remained calm, "Despite the fact that I have control of the flame, it doesn't mean that it won't hurt me, so...the more I use it, the more it injures me." As he continued.

'Well it is convenient with my [Berserker] skill to increase my stats.' Rei thought it at the same time.

But Alicia began to look more horrified by that fact after listening to it, and soon she realized something.

"Then...have you been enduring such pain without no one knowing it!"

"A-and didn't you use it when you fight against that golem?!" Alicia realized that this whole time he had been enduring such pain.

Since the more he fought, the more he used that skill, the more pain and burn scars were left on his body. that moment.

"How can you be so reckless..." Alicia began to tear up.

Rei who saw that remained calm as he doesn't want any necessary attention.

Alicia cried silently, as if she cried for his pain.

Then he slowly reached out his hand towards her head, "You don't have to worry, you already helping me to ease my pain." He spoke to her while gently stroking her head.


Alicia sniffled, her nose started to be runny.

Rei shook his head and slowly stood up.

"We don't have much time, so let's continue, our fight isn't over yet." Despite all the pain he received now, he still able to stand tall like that.

"Can you follow me?"

Alicia, who heard his question, shook her head and wiped her tears, "Y-you don't need to ask me!" Then she stood up.

Rei smiled behind his helmet, "Then let's finish this."


After a long rest, they began to prepare once again for the next room.

Before reaching the room, they walked through this long passage just like they did during the Ancient Temple before.

As they walked together, Hiba approached Rei who led them, together with Gilbert and Garon.

"Crimson-san, may I ask a question?" Hiba asked.

"Yes?" Rei replied.

"Do you know what we will be facing soon?" Hiba asked, he had been curious this whole time.

Of course the others were curious as well.

Rei didn't spare them any glance, but he answered him.

"Well the being that we're gonna face is the same as the other room before, an [Undead] monster that lives in this cold environment."

But Hiba shook his head, "U-ummm, what I mean is...does this [Undead] is related to the story you mentioned before?"

"The story? Ahhhh, so you are very curious about that."

"Yeah, I think I can learn something from this story." Hiba spoke.

"Then, I shall tell you the story, since we have the time." Rei accepted his request.

"Long ago, there was once a man who lived in this cold castle above us."

"He was a Mage, an outstanding one, you could say his level is above the Legendary Witch herself." Rei spoke.

"There's someone like that in the past?" Hiba spoke in amazement.

"Yeah, he is a mage that could control ice, which is rare nowadays."

"His ice magic are special, it could freeze almost anything, he could created sharp ice that cut through all his enemies, and....sculptured thousands of soldiers with his ice."

"Woah..." Sharon was amazed by the story even the other Mages are fascinated by it.

"He also a mage who could control the weather, a blizzard that could slow the movement of others." Rei spoke.

Gilbert gulped, "Even the weather?!"

"Yeah, because of that, no one dares to challenge him." Rei muttered.

"Except one." Rei raised his one index finger.

"Despite his brilliance and amazing magic, he's still lost against one person."

"Don't tell me..." Hiba could guessed it.

"Yeah, it was that adventurer who I mentioned." Rei answered it.

"He won?!" Hiba was surprised to hear that

"Yeah, even a mage of that caliber, still lost against someone like that, it is almost impossible to believe it." Rei continued.

"But it did happen." Rei spoke.

They all having this complex looks, having their imagination mixed together about what kind of monster this Adventurer he is talking about.

"Then, how did they become friend?" Alicia asked while raising her hand.

"How?... well despite their different perspectives, even though they sometimes fought each other."

"They still end up being friends because of one certain dream."

"A dream?" Alicia repeated.

"Yeah...and that is..." As his tone softened.

"A peaceful world." Rei answered.

They were surprised to hear that words, and that made them quiet for a moment when they heard it, since they knew about the reality.

They couldn't run from these so-called [War].

But Alicia smiled and stayed positive, "What a wonderful goal." And that lightened up the mood a bit.

Rei would smile behind his helmet, "Yeah, what a wonderful dream."

Hiba slowly raised his hand, "Then...what happened to him?" He asked.

"Well....just like the last story, the world betrayed his effort."

"But mostly, rather than him, it was for the adventurer." Rei spoke.

"The adventurer?" Hiba repeated.

"Yeah, the effort of the adventurer who wanted the peace of the world had become in vain."

"Despite he tried his best and wishes for all human happiness, the humans repay him with betrayal."

"And the mage witnessed that, his friend, who he considered as a brother."

"Was ruined by the greed of the human who want to use him."

"And with that reason, his trust for human had long gone."

"He fell into madness, conducting many experiments to help his friend to take revenge to the world."

"He helped his other friend, the Paladin, to make him stay alive as a monster." Rei spoke

"He...was the one who created that monster?" Hiba reminded of the Golem they fought previously.

"Yeah, not only that, he touched [Necromancy] magic and combined it with his [Ice Magic]."

"Which was how this place came to be." Rei explained.

"...?!" They couldn't help but become horrified by the thought.

"Then...the [Undead] we fought was..." Gilbert realized it.

"Yeah, it's the people he experimented with which were called as [Frost Undead], an [Undead] that have been combined with his Ice magics." Rei explained.

"So it wasn't because of the environment...but..." Hiba spoke.

"He created those [Undeads] himself?!" Garon spoke out.

"Yeah, with the remaining magic he has left, he used it all and sacrificed himself into something that shouldn't have been born just like that Golem."

"An [Undead] that excels in both [Ice Magic] and [Necromancy], who was once called as the [Ice Sage] in the past."

As he spoke, soon they arrived at the next room with a giant door.

They were surprised to see such a big door, and soon they approached it.


The door opened itself, and revealed a large space room.

A blue fire torch began to light up and brighten the whole room.


A throne with someone sitting on it.

"This is..."

Unlike before, the throne was a lot smaller but the evil aura was leaking out from this someone who sat there.

Enough to reach them who's still far away from where he sat.

"The [Undead] we're gonna face isn't just any [Undead], it is not [Lich] nor [Death Knight]." Rei narrated.

"But something above it."


"He is..."

When they looked closely, this someone began to reveal itself.

An armored skeleton, covered in ice like armor and a crown. Together with a giant axe that filled with icy and death aura around it.

They could tell…

That this one was dangerous just like before.

And the name was revealed above its head.

[The Frost Death Emperor, Hamel].

With black color name, just like Arrangias.


The light of its eyes began to light up as their eyes met.


Their bodies froze on the spot with just a glare.

'I...cannot move.' Gilbert thought as he struggled to move his body.

'What kind of monster...are we facing?' Garon thought the same.

They trembled in fear once again, just right after facing thousands of [Undead], it wasn't enough.

A high-ranked, unique and named boss monster. Appeared before them.

It's enough to make them feel despair. began to speak.


"....?!" They were surprised that it could speak.

*I applaud for your courage to come into this place with just a small forces*

Such horrifying sound coming from this monster alone sent chills down their body.

*But I cannot let you rampage anymore, cause I, Hamel, the Frost Death Emperor!*

*Shall sentence you all to dea—*

During his conversation.


A giant black axe was flying towards him.


And hit right through his left shoulder and down to his chest.


And interrupted his speech before he could finish it.


Hamel shouted and wanted to know who was the culprit, while groaning in pain and trying to pull out the axe.

And the culprit...

Was none other than this man.

"Ahh, my hand slipped."

It was Kiritsuka Rei who took the initiative and attacked him first.


"Hmm? What?"

*What kind of Knight who would dare to use such cowardly attack like that?!*

Hamel stated.

"Well I mean since you were just standing there without doing anything."

"Well rather just listening to your boring speech, I deliberately took that chance to strike you first."

"So, aren't I amazing?" Rei proudly spoke without a hint of guilt.

'It's true...'


The others who watched him stated that, were slack jawed, as if it was about to fall. Even Hamel himself does the same.

And they all thought of the same thing.

'I-isn't...that's too dirty!!'

To be continued...