Chapter 145 : The Final Trial (Part 1)

Finally, the 2nd expedition had finished with flawless victory.

No casualty.

No injuries.

They only felt exhausted mentally due to hours of fighting.

And that's all thanks to this young man who stood in the middle of the throne room all by himself.

The fight between him and high-ranking undead.

The fight that was supposed to be filled with despair, ended with a single punch.

Gilbert could feel his heartbeat beating fast as he watched his back. 'He....really did it.'

Garon, on the other hand, looked the same.

But inside, he felt all kinds of emotions. From admiration, happiness, and...guilt.

Garon then approached him from behind, ", sir Crimson, I–"

Then he did something unexpected, "—I apologize for my rude behavior." While bowing his head.

But Rei didn't turn his attention towards him, but instead he answered him without even looking at him.

"Do not worry about simple things, what matter is that you all survived."

Then he suddenly walked away and accepted his apology without further action.

Garon clenched his fist as he couldn't help but felt deeply admired by his words, "Thank you...for your generosity."

Rei was quiet while the others were celebrating. He stood where [The Frost Death Emperor, Hamel] was standing.

The body was scattered into pieces but there's still one thing that remained.

It was his skeleton's head, with half part of its head already broken and slowly turning into dust.

"Do you have any last words?" Rei spoke to it.


*"You noticed."*

Hamel began to speak, despite only half part of his skeleton's head remaining.

"Well you and your friend are quite persistent." Rei spoke.

*"Heh, I think I would be defeated like this.*" Hamel replied.


But Rei didn't reply to his words as he just stared at the skeleton's head while it slowly dusted away.

*"I guess I don't have much, before I disappear..."*

*"May I know....what was...his last words."*

Hamel spoke while looking straight into Rei's eyes.

"Do you really want to know?" Rei asked.

*"Yes, I do...and..."*

*"That weapon...that you forged, it came from his core...




. I right?"*


Rei didn't answer him right away, instead...

"He told me..." he answered his previous question.

"To free his friends."

Hamel's light eyes flickered for a moment.

*"How foolish...he should have resented me for turning him into a monster..."*

*"Instead worrying someone like me."*

*"...he is such a nosy...troublesome...and idiotic friend as usual."*

*"But....I don't hate it."*



Its skull cracked more as the process became faster.


*" seems my time is over."* Hamel spoke calmly.

Rei gritted his teeth, "Do you not feel any regret?"

Hamel looked up at him, "No...I do not regret it at all."*

*"Since my regret has been fulfilled, for someone like you to appear..."*

*"Because of you...I could finally feel how to live as a Warrior just like my friends."* Hamel spoke as the only thing remaining was half of his face.

" was an enjoyable fight." Rei replied.

Hamel chuckled, *" think I got a remarkable warrior like you to be my last opponent."*

Rei only nodded his head.

Hamel sighed, *" friend, I apologize...I guess this is my end."*

*"I shall be going first to meet her and him, we shall wait for the end of our journey."*

*"So young man."*

*"Please free him."*

Then finally, his head dusted away, leaving a round purple core.

Rei then grabbed the orb and lifted it up, "Do not worry...I will free him, because....






That is my wish and my master."

Rei muttered as he put the core into his [Inventory], then looked over his shoulders, seeing his comrades celebrating and talking to each other as they didn't bother to talk with him.

But it couldn't be helped that they're just so relieved they could survive in this situation.

Rei didn't approach them though, instead he walked towards the broken throne.


And grabbed his axe that was stuck on it. When he lifted it up…

The throne broke apart, the noises caught their attention.

"Crimson?" Hiba muttered his name.

"I-is that?!" Ashley immediately pointing it, the room behind that throne.

Which is something unimaginable was revealed.

"What are you guys waiting for?" Rei spoke while standing aside to show them.

A room filled with gold and treasure.


The cheers become louder seeing that much gold in one place. The expedition suddenly became worth all the trouble, and they wasted no time to grab and bring the treasures out.

This expedition ended without a problem.


They were greeted with such joy after surviving the crisis as they emerged from the underground.

Although some of them aren't happy about the result, even after celebrating their joyous victory at the campsite.

Alicia, Hiba, Ashley, Sharon and Hilbert, the five of them were not happy because they couldn't help with anything. Only to assist Rei who fought those armies alone.

Things were especially hard for Alicia.

'I worked hard to be able to stand and fight by his side...but...'

'The more I watched you...the harder for me to catch up with you.' Alicia thought as she watched Rei who sat by himself beside the campfire.

Hiba sighed, "Let's not think too much, we all know that he is on a different level than us."

Ashley sighed as well, "I agreed."

While the other three nodded their heads.

Sharon raised her hand, "It makes me realize...that us S-class Adventurers, who were supposed to be in the front line, were just a mere child for him."

They couldn't deny it, the fact that they were hopeless despite having the title of "S-class", they still couldn't move to fight against that monster.

Alone, on top of that.

Rei single handedly fought it and raised into victory, he made the enemy acknowledge his strength and not only that.

He sympathized with them.

'Makes me wonder...why are you so desperate, fighting by yourself like that.' Alicia thought about it again.

"Well, let's not dwell on this any longer!" Hilbert tried to live up the mood as he raised a cup of wine in his hand.

"Drink drink! And worry about that later! Crimson said that he still has another trial to finish and the curse in this land will be over."

"So let's just celebrate this brief moment for our survival!" Hilbert spoke out to them.

It surprised them to hear that.

"Woah...I didn't know you could say something like that." Hiba spoke.

"What do you mean by that?!" Hilbert replied.

"Well you are the most muscle-head in our group, so it is weird for us to hear such reasonable words from you." Sharon explained.

"Y-you guys! I'm not that stupid you know!" Hilbert drank his share to hide his embarrassment.

Though that made them laugh as they slowly joined the celebration.

Meanwhile, Rei was having a deep thought to himself on the side. But his alone time was interrupted when Gilbert joined him.

"May I sit here?"

Gilbert spoke while holding two cups, "Warm milk?"

Rei looked up to him, "Thanks." As he took the offer while letting Gilbert sit beside him.

The two of them drank the milk, though Rei drank through his helmet as he insisted to hide his identity.

The same age, the same gender, but the difference between the two of them are quite vast.

Gilbert and Rei silently stared at the campfire together, none of them initiate any conversation.


"Do you..."

"Have you ever felt scared?" Gilbert decided to speak first.

Rei wasn't surprised, but he gave him a brief silence.

"Why do you ask?" Rei asked him back.

Gilbert fiddled his fingers on the cup he was holding, "It's just...I am curious about you."

Then silence again, Rei immediately put the distance away from him while making this complex look.

"Uhhhh...I do not swing that way."

"I do not mean something like that!!" Gilbert immediately cut him off before this misunderstanding became a mess.

Rei chuckled, "Heh, I'm just joking."

Gilbert sighed as he looked at his own cup, "I was thinking...despite the fact that we are of the same age."

"You're stronger and braver than me, which is why, I wanna know...."

"Do you ever feel scared during a fight?" Gilbert asked him again.

Of course, Rei didn't give him an immediate answer as he took his time for a while, before he could answer his question, "Yeah."

"Y-you do?! T-then...were you afraid when you fought that undead?" Gilbert asked again.

"How can you stand against that monster... alone, without anyone's help?" Gilbert threw another question.

But Rei didn't give him the answer again right away, as he took another sip of the warm cup of milk again.

Then sighed, causing his breath to be visible due to the cold weather.

"I was...indeed afraid."

Unexpected answer came out from him.

"Well who wouldn't? As we fought against monsters, we all knew...death is lurking anywhere."

"With just one misstep, a disastrous accident could lead to death." Rei answered.

Gilbert listened to his every words, but...the real question is that.

" How are you able to stand there and fight?"

"Even if you are afraid of would be impossible to withstand such pressure alone." Gilbert's hand trembled while holding the cup.

But Rei remained calm.


"Each person has a different perspective, I cannot explain how I was able to do it."

"But there is one thing..." Rei spoke.

"....what is it?" Gilbert asked again.

"That you need to experience death at least once." Rei answered.

Gilbert was so surprised he couldn't utter any words to comment on his answer immediately.

"....Then, does Crimson-san...ever experience death?" Gilbert asked.

Rei glanced at him, "Yes, I experienced it beforehand...not once, but...twice."

"Twice?" Gilbert repeated it.

But Rei just scoffed it off with a laugh, "Heh, let's not think too much about it."

It just made Gilbert even more curious about that.

"And with that question, may I know...the real reason why you asked me that question?" Now it's his turn to ask the question.

Gilbert was about to answer it, but he hesitated for a moment.

"I...actually, don't know what I am supposed to do." Gilbert answered.

"What do you mean?"

"Actually, back in the house, everyone put their hope and expectations on me as the successor of the Sigebehrt."

"My father, my mother, hoping that I could lead the family, the whole city." Gilbert explained. "I am....afraid that I might not live up to their expectations."

Rei listened to him quietly, 'I see...the burden of the family, the condition of the city and this land slowly worsen each year.'

"I understand, a 15 year old boy like you would feel burdened by that." Rei commented.

But Gilbert laughed when he heard that, "You say that as if you're not as old as me."

"That's true, but what I wanna tell you is that, to share your burdens to your comrade around you." Rei pointed his finger towards his soldiers, and his comrades who were now celebrating their joy.

Gilbert watched them from the side, and that lightened his mood.

"But soon those expectations will disappear, after this curse ends." Rei spoke.

"How are you so certain?" Gilbert asked him.

"Because, the final about to appear."

"The final...boss?"

"Yepp, after all...we did break the seal which could lead us to the one who caused this curse."

"Huh???" Gilbert became more confused with his statement.

Rei smiled as he looked towards the night sky, 'The two thrones that I destroyed were the seal that kept the barrier for the final [Three Great Evil] to show up.'

'Since all of the seals has been broken...soon, the progress of the destruction will increase.'

'And the land will be more dangerous.'

'I already made my preparation, and this time...I shall acquire that new strength.'


The next day, they immediately went back to the city without any problem.

But even after they arrived.

They weren't greeted with joy.

"W-what happened here?"

Just right in front of the gate, they could see blood stains all over the wall and the monster corpses lying around the walls.

From wolves, bear, boar, and even ogre.

All kinds of monster corpses were seen there.

And that's not all.

"Send the supply!"

"We need medic here!"


The city was in shambles.

They who just arrived didn't know what happened but the situation was far from alright.

As if last night was the last time they had any sort of joyous celebrations.

They all went down from the carriage and were immediately greeted by the Duke Sigebehrt—Vincent Van Sigeberht and the Guild Master of the Halvenburg—Raven.

The two of them were wearing armor and leather clothes, with their sword hanging on their waist.

"Oh! My son! You are back!" Vincent greeted his son with joy.

"I'm glad you are fine!" Vincent couldn't hold back his tears and grabbed his shoulder.

Gilbert was happy to see his father again, "Thank you father."

"You have done great, I'm happy to see you safe and sound." Vincent started to become emotional as he continued to hug him

"You don't have to worry...but, may I know what is the situation here now?" Gilbert asked him as he held off the reunion first.

Vincent was surprised to hear that, but he was hesitant to answer him while looking at Raven.

"You truly have grown up." Vincent muttered and nodded.

"We will hear your report and after that, I will tell you the situation we are in now."

"But first, you all needed to rest." Vincent spoke.

Rei stepped in, "I don't think we have the time to leisurely rest."

Vincent looked at Rei, "Sir Crimson, what do you—"

Then, something began...


Suddenly the ground shook.

The air was quivering.

Then, it stopped after that.

"W-what was that...." Vincent spoke.

"It finally had come...the last trial, with the Trial of Death and Life had been finished."

"[The Trial of Human]." Rei spoke.

They were shocked to hear that, as there was a weight in that name.

"Could you explain it to us, about what's going on right now...sir Crimson." Vincent asked him.

"As the seal that sealed the final evil among the three lifted, it will release all the monsters that have been kept within."

"It will swarm this land, and judge the humans for their sins." Rei explained.

They couldn't help but be confused at this moment, listening to his words.

But there is one thing that they understood.

It's not something good.

Vincent sighed, "I knew this is not going well, Raven, I want you to stay on your post, deploy your best adventurers."

"I will lead the army to increase the defense here."

"Yes, my lord." Raven replied to his command.

"What about us?" Gilbert asked his father.

"Gilbert..." Vincent muttered his name.

"Of course, you all need some rest, the time of the Trial hasn't started yet." Rei spoke.

"When is the Trial started?" Vincent asked.

"Hmmm, around 5 days from now, so...for the time being we will rest up."

"How about you sir Crimson?" Vincent asked him.

"For me...I will start my preparation, since the upcoming battle...would be tougher than the last time." Rei answered as he walked past them.

"Make sure to prepare the furnace, I am going to prepare for this one final fight." Rei ordered him as if he was the one in charge.

"S-sir Crimson, you shouldn't be too rude to our lord—!" When Garon wanna step forward.

Vincent raised his hand to stop him from saying any further, "I will ask the workshop to prepare anything you need, but...when we get back, I wanna hear the full details of this situation."

Rei nodded while continuing to walk and left them alone.

Vincent looked at his back, then leaned closely to Gilbert, " he feeling irritated right now?" While whispering.

"Ummm...from the looks of it, he is...but we better not irritate him in the future." Gilbert whispered back.

"Why is that?"

"Well...he just fought head to toe with [Death Emperor] by himself." Gilbert whispered.


And thus, Gilbert continued his report to his father back in the manor with Raven and Sigebehrt's butler—Heisman.


The report was presented with a magic item that looked like a small crystal which functioned like a video recorder.

This magic item was called [Video Recorder] which allowed them to record anything like a moving picture.

Of course, the one who created this magic item was unknown.

As they watched the scenery through the video recorder that had been displayed like a hologram.

They were thoroughly baffled at what they saw.

"Unbelievable..." Vincent commented while resting his back on his office seat.

"This is beyond anything I ever imagined." Raven had this complex look on his face.

"Indeed, in all my years of experience...this is the first time I saw something like it." Heisman spoke while fixing his monocole.

"Yeah, even when I was in that room...I couldn't do anything but watch." Gilbert spoke.

"I thought you guys would combine your power to fight this....this...." Vincent couldn't even explain what kind of monster in that video.

"[Frost Death Emperor], sir." Heisman had to enter and finish his words.

"Yes, that' all the monster records I have seen, this is the first time I saw that kind of monster." Vincent spoke.

"But from the way I see it, it didn't even use any skill." Raven spoke.

"Ohhh, his skills have been temporarily sealed in that video."

"Sealed? I don't think we have that kind of item in the vault."

"We don't...but the black axe that Crimson brought, has a skill that seals all kinds of skill that uses mana." Gilbert explained.

"An anti-magic field?! That axe?!" Vincent spoke while pointing at the video.

"But even so...using a fist only towards a monster like that should be impossible." Raven muttered, still in disbelief.

"Since the durability of [Death Emperor] is much stronger than [Death Knight] itself." Raven explained.

"Indeed...but to think he is capable of showing us something like that." Vincent sighed.

"Nevertheless, this will be just on us, Gilbert, tell the soldiers to keep their mouth shut about sir Crimson's strength." Vincent ordered.

"Why is that Father?" Gilbert asked.

"Because I'm certain that the other nobles will be interested in him."

"And if they started to pestered him and crossed the line, we will get into the King of Dragons' bad side."

"Do you understand?" Vincent spoke.

Gilbert gulpded and nodded, "Yes, I received your order Father!"

As he ran out from the office room, the three of them left with baffled looks while looking at the video again.

"5 days huh..." Vincent muttered.

"We're all gonna be busy from now on...."

To be continued...