Chapter 151 : 1000 Blade vs 1 Blade (Part 1)

What is a [Hero]?

The savior?

The one who vanquished evil for world peace?


Just some righteous idiot who only believed in the goodness of the people.

That's right, that's the existence of the [Hero] which Rei had perceived this whole time.


Hero was a good guy. Everyone knew that.

But from others' perspective, they only knew them as a good person who help what they need.

Yet, they ignorantly didn't know about things the hero sacrificed to save the world.

What if the Hero who had done countless good deeds, started doing something evil?

Of course...

They wouldn't be perceived as a Hero, but a monster in disguise. Because a Hero is someone who had unimaginable strength that could fight off against the most evil monster in this world.

Just like the one Rei was facing now.


In front of him was a man with a full plated armor just like himself, sitting on the throne with a two handed sword that was around 6 feet tall, it's almost weird for that length to exist.

There's a black colored name floating above his head.

[The Former Hero, ?????]

Rei gulped seeing the gap in their strength as suggested by the black color.

'Unlike [Deus Ex Machina, Arrangias] and [Frost Death Emperor, Hamel], I know full well of what they capable of and their abilities would be useless against me, because of that I was be able to defeat them.'

'But...this guy...he is more than above them!' Rei thought as he felt the pressure coming from this former hero.

Of all the enemies that he faced so far, he could stand tall in front of them whether they were stronger or not.

But the former hero was definitely the definition of sky above sky, the strongest existence besides the Demon King who conquered Demons.

It made him froze in his spot, as his body trembles and couldn't handle the pressure that leaks off around him.

'This is dangerous....I don't think I can win this.' Rei nervously thought, just like when he fought against [The King of Destruction, Kajia], he couldn't measure the former hero's strength.

Then the former hero stood from his seat.


The former hero shifted his eyes towards him, "Tell me...what is your name?" And began to spoke.

The voice and the tone didn't sound deep or pressuring.

But the aura he emitted was something that couldn't be looked down upon and his instinct told him that he needed to be ready before he could use that sword to cleave him down.

Rei swallowed, 'Let's not provoke him while he introduces himself.'

"My name is Crimson" Rei answered him, "I came here to stop the curse on this land."

Upon hearing his introduction, the former hero only looked down at him from his throne.

"Are you not the hero of this era?" The former hero asked.

Rei shook his head, "I am not the hero, the hero of this era is someone else, though I do not know him or met him in my life." And answered him.

The former hero slowly observing him, as if he is fascinated by his presence, "Hmmm, you are telling me the truth, I do not sense any lies from your words except one thing."

"Your lied about your name I see." The former hero suddenly released a pressure against him, after uncovering his lie even though he only lied about his name.

Rei couldn't help to get wary about this and immediately reached his hand towards his [Inventory].

But the pressure subsided afterwards.

"It is understandable that you tried to hide your identity, since flaunting your name could create a mess." The former hero spoke reasonably.

Rei was confused by his reply, and that made him more nervous of this quick change of atmosphere.

"I won't ask for your name, but I do not want any lies from you." The former hero spoke.

Such a strange conversation between the former hero–the boss of this castle and the one who cursed this land and Rei–the challenger to end this curse.

"So, tell is my comrades' final moment?" The former hero asked him the same question Hamel asked about Arrangias.

But knowing the danger, Rei couldn;t afford to misspeak and make sure he didn't mix it with lies.

So he decided to put his heart in every word he spoke.

"Their last moments were...brave, they protected the thing that was more precious than their life."

"For the comrade who abandoned them to become evil, they still followed the former hero and became the monsters that they once hated."

"So...if you ask me again, I think up to their very last moments, they were happy to be your comrade." Rei concluded his speech.

But unexpectedly, the former hero was quiet this time, and instead...

"I see.." He bitterly replied to his answer.

Rei could tell the feeling of loss coming from him, he who also held the memories of his mentor who was once their comrades, couldn't help but feel his sorrow.

"To think someone similar to me came here to fight against me, exactly the same thing I did in the past…" The former hero muttered.

Rei narrowed his brows a bit at that, 'Similar?'

"But as always, humans are pests that keep coming and continue to destroy their own land."

"You see, I hate humans who greed over power."

"I hated dragons who boast their power to control their people."

"I hate dwarves who only think about their creations and drink over alcohol."

"I hate elves who only think about their own race and noble deeds"

"I hate demons who only think about their own desires."

"I hate gods who keep thinking that they can do everything they want."

"And...I hate the world for being unfair towards me who sacrificed myself for the world." The former hero spoke as every word had a certain weight within it.

The weight of hatred towards the entire race and the world itself.

Rei could tell that this hatred manifested into a curse which caused this land to be in this state.

The former hero calmed down after that.

"My apologies, it was my own desire to share my problem with you, so do forgive me."

Rei gulped as he couldn't say anything to that, as he became more nervous now.

"But let me ask you another question." The former hero spoke once more.

"Why would you go so far to save them? From what I see, you aren't from this land, yet you tried to help these humans that you don't know."

"You don't even speak or ask me to stop this curse, nor wanting to know, why am I doing this or trying to sympathize me."

"But instead, you're preparing yourself if a fight breaks out, as if you know that it is meaningless to talk sense to me who had fallen like this."

Rei still remained quiet even after being told by him.

"And...the way you look at seem to know me, very well, despite I don't know you or even remember your face." The former hero looked him straight in the eye.


Then he pointed out the most crucial point during their conversation, "Why? Because I never mention a former hero nor about my comrades behavior in the first place, how strange."

But Rei didn't answer his question again, nor reply to his explanation about knowing him.

"You won't answer, huh? I see...but nevertheless, regarding your answer, you did trespassed this place."

"So before we start...there's one final question." The former hero reached his hand towards the sword that was stuck beside the throne.

Rei immediately took out his battle axe—[Behemoth] from his [Inventory] when he saw him reaching his sword.

"Explain to me..."

Then, before questioned him.

"How could you have her scent on you?"

The former hero suddenly appeared right in front of him.

There's no sound nor gust of wind from his movement, he just appeared right in front of him without a warning.


The former hero already lifted that long sword with his right hand and swung it down towards him.


Rei managed to react by lifting his axe, and blocked the strike using the blade part of his axe.

But with that one strike, is enough to cause one of his knees to fall on the ground.

'H-heavy—?! With just one hand, he was capable of exerting that much force?!' Rei thought as he struggled against his enemy.

"'re capable of blocking this? I must say, I am impressed that you managed to climb up here, with this much strength." The former hero spoke calmly as he did it with ease.

"So, are you finally able to answer my previous question?" The former hero spoke as his eyes lit through his helmet.

Rei ground his teeth, "K-kughhhhh—?!" Then forced himself to push his long sword upwards using his axe.

'[Sky Ruler]...[Death Bringer]....[Hell Flame]....[Agni]!!!'

All kinds of buffs were applied to his body, soon after his body lit up with his [Hell Flame] skill which covered his entire body, creating an armor of flame and a flaming cape around his neck which extended past his back.


The former hero wasn't surprised when seeing his long sword being lifted up after Rei applied so much buffs to himself..

He's excited to see it instead.

"Ohhh, isn't this quite interesting?" The former hero spoke, seeing him getting up to his feet.

Then, Rei shifted his axe to the side causing the former hero's long sword to slide through and hit the floor instead.

Then Rei lifted his axe up, then swung downward towards him to exchange his strike against him.


But the former hero took a step back and dodged his strike.


And caused his axe to hit the floor instead.

But Rei didn't stop after that, the moment his axe hit the floor and caused a fissure there, he dragged his axe to swing it upward towards the former hero.

Causing a little dirt and debris to be thrown at him.

The former hero was blinded by the dust and dirt flying in front of him, "Ohhh? Such petty tricks."


Then Rei dashed to his left side, then swung his axe from there.

But right before his axe could reach him, the former hero did something weird all of sudden.


By using his long sword on his right hand, he shifted his sword to the left side into position as if he was unsheathing his sword and blocked Rei's axe.

Such an awkward position, since he is using a long sword it should be impossible to reach the sword towards that side and block such a short attack, not only that, he's only using one hand.

And still managed to do it.

It's back to square one where their weapons are clashing against each other and the former hero shifted his body to make a proper position and shifted his sword to be lifted up to overwhelm him again.

"Such an interesting toy you have there." The former hero spoke, meanwhile Rei was struggling again with the huge gap in their strength.


"Hmmm, forget about that question, something else had piqued my interest." The former hero spoke and did something unexpected.


And that was when he reached his left hand towards him.

Rei sensed something when that hand was approaching his body.

Before the former hero's left hand could reach him…


Rei immediately backed away and jumped as far as he could to distance himself from him.

Rei was panting heavily afterwards, "Haah...haaah...." with just a mere few seconds and few exchanges, it was enough to exhaust him.

The former hero remained on his spot, then lowered his long sword.

"Hmmmm, such an interesting structure. Using my comrades core to create those weapons of yours..." The former hero spoke.


"Surprised? Well…."

"An axe that created a domain of anti-magic and anti-mana, that could neutralize-no, swallows everything that comes through that domain if it's based on mana."

"No wonder, I cannot sense or use my mana, when I try to release it, it is as if it is being blocked by something."

"But that armor that emits power of frost and death, I don't think it has much use since it only provides one buff skill."

"Although I can only guess it's to make use of the frost skill to counter that weird flame skill of yours." The former hero concluded.

Rei was surprised that he managed to guess what he was wearing.

"A helmet and gauntlet made from a sky beast? Is it some unknown monster? Well everything you wear is pretty interesting to see, I must say." The former hero continued.

Rei became more surprised by it, 'Did he...just used [Appraisal] on all my equipment? In those mere seconds?!'

Which made him more wary of him, making sure he remained in his stance and made sure his eyes were following his moves.

"But as I expected, using this sword doesn't fit me at all." The former hero sighed. "Well then, should I change it."

Something about him changed, and it's something that Rei didn't expect to see.

"[Break]." The long sword that he held break apart.

"...?!" Rei was surprised by his sudden action, 'Did he use a skill?!'

But the broken parts didn't fall, as it was flying in mid-air within his hand.

"Now then...[Creation Forge]." Then the broken parts suddenly began to combine together into different shape.


Afterwards, the shape changed into something very familiar.

"It can't be...."

The former hero's weapon took on a new form.

The sword, shaped with one thin blade on the side. The blade curved as if it was made to slash through the enemy.

The sword that came from Rei's past world before he was sent here.

The sword was now in sheathed state.

"[Katana]?!" Rei spoke out in surprise.

"Ohh? What a surprise, not even the people in this world know about this sword." The former hero spoke.

Then, the name on top of his head changed.

"Forget my previous question, you have now completely caught my interest."

"You, who knows about this sword. You, who is similar to me...I wonder...who exactly are you."

"So, let's have a battle...unknown warrior."

[The Evil Ancient Dragon, Fafnir]

Finally, the name revealed itself after he showed his power in front of him.

'A dragon?! On top of that, an Ancient Dragon?!' Rei screamed insidehis head, then he widened his eyes after this dragon took a stance.

After Fafnir took the sheathed [Katana], he took a stance.

A stance he was familiar with.


Rei couldn't help but be more surprised than before, 'did he...came from the same world as me?! No...there's an eastern part of this world, I am sure of it.'

'But...what are these familiar feelings?' Rei was puzzled by this mystery that had shown itself in front of him.

But he kept his guard up despite that, 'Focus...Kiritsuka Rei! Do not not stop, focus on your....'

At that moment.


Fafnir appeared behind him, without a sound and even a gust of wind.


When Rei took notice of his presence…


His body was cut diagonally, the katana pierced through his armor.

"Aghh—?!" He didn't even notice that his body was injured by his katana, nor could he see the sword movement.

"[Iaido Art: Swift Cut]." Fafnir spoke after Rei fell on his knees.

Then he went around to see his back, "Hmmm, I was planning to cut your body apart, but you are quite sturdy."

Rei coughed out blood from his helmet, despite his body being enveloped with his black flame, it couldn't react against his Katana's movement that even pierced through his armor.

Fafnir was surprised when Rei's chose his next action


As his armor fell apart, Rei took the chance to use his black flame and burned his injuries, to close his wound and stop the bleeding by force.

Then he immediately took out several potions from his [Inventory], taking every bottle and throwing them away.

"Ughhhh..." The injuries were quite fatal, but with his decisive action, he managed to get away from death.

"I didn't know you would do that, such a sacrificial act, just like how I did in the past." Fafnir muttered as he watched him intently.

Rei finally got back to his feet, 'My HP is now around 40%...I don't know how much longer I can survive this.' Rei spoke while panting heavily. 'To think the former hero had become an evil ancient dragon...I didn't think about such a possibility.'

'Of course, it is not impossible for me to defeat it, I need to reorganize my thoughts first.'

'His Katana managed to pass through my hell flame, but as long as I can react to it...i could probably minimize the damage.' Rei thought 'But my eyes cannot follow his blade's movement…'

Rei clicked his tongue, "Tsk....what am I saying? I should stop thinking negatively like this." Rei muttered.


Rei took a deep breath, "...if my eyes cannot see the blade, I just need to increase my [Sense]." Rei spoke while opening his status.



NAME: Kiritsuka Rei / Ray Houston

JOB : Blacksmith

[Level: 170]

[HP: 14525/30500]

[MP: 8450/8450]

[FATIGUE: 150*red*]

EXP: 0/2,500,000



STRENGTH : 636 (+45)

AGILITY : 360(+25)

VITALITY : 355 (+35)


SENSE : 345 (+25)





SENSE : 495 (+25)

Rei suddenly felt a significant change from all his senses, and even Fafnir could feel something different from his opponent.

Fafnir tilted his head, "Did something change about you?"

'Then my [Strength] and [Agility]!'

Then he dumped all his remaining status points on these two.




STRENGTH : 711 (+45)

AGILITY : 435 (+25)

Fafnir felt more changes on him, he couldn't help but feel more excited.

"What's this? I suddenly felt your strength had increased? Is this some sort of power you hid until now? This is..."

"Intriguing..." Fafnir spoke while taking his stance again.

'[Sky Ruler], [Death Bringer].' Rei buffed himself again, then the pressure of his feet caused the floor to crack.

Then, "The best defense is good offense." Rei muttered.

'I just need to attack him first, until he cannot use that skill again!!!'


Rei jumped off, leaving a large crack on the floor he was standing on before.

Then he immediately appeared in front of Fafnir who took a stance.

' managed to shorten your distance here and calculated so I cannot perform [Iaido], clever."

With a short distance like this, it's impossible for Fafnir to do that technique.

But instead he took a step back and when he unsheathed his blade, Rei immediately swung down his axe after he lifted it up.

'So, the best action in this situation...'

'Attack him!' (Rei)

'Guard it!' (Fafnir)


Then, their weapons clashed against each other, creating a large shockwave around them.

But that wasn't over yet, Fafnir took another step back.


Rei pulled his axe and swung his axe from his right side.


But Fafnir anticipated it by blocking his axe with the back of his katana.

Rei pulled his axe and spun his body while lifting his axe up, then performing a downward swing of his axe.



Fafnir then lifted his katana up and met his axe with his blade to fully block the full force of his strength.

Which caused the floor underneath him to crack.

"Not bad." Fafnir praised.

But Rei didn't give up despite that, he pulled his axe to perform another side strike again.

'[Wide Swing]!'


Yet Fafnir blocked his axe again with his katana by only shifting his blade.

But something unexpected happened.


Fafnir felt his katana have been pushed a bit and forced his body to take a step back.

"Hahaha! What's this?! Your strength is slowly increasing, I see!" Fafnir raised his voice in excitement.

While Rei was dealing with the notification that kept ringing inside his head.


[Skill "Berserker" has been activated!]

As he kept losing HP everytime he used [Agni], his [Berserker] skill continuously activated which increased his [Strength] and [Vitality]


'I must keep moving forward!!!'

The two of them moved their position, as Fafnir jumped back and Rei followed after.


Their weapon clashed one more time, as they moved, and jumped side to side within this large throne room.

They even jumped in the mid-air and continued to exchange strikes.


Rei swung his axe towards him.


Then Fafnir responded by swinging his katana to counter his strike.

Even in mid-air and the two of them fell down to the floor, they continued to strike each other's throat.

They increased their speed.




and guard.




And guard.

Strike and guard, strike and guard, strike and guard, strike and guard, strike and guard, strike and guard, strike and guard, strike and guard, strike and guard, strike and guard, strike and guard, strike and guard, strike and guard, strike and guard, strike and guard, strike and guard, strike and guard, strike and guard, strike and guard, strike and guard, strike and guard, strike and guard, strike and guard, strike and guard.

Until the fatigue reached max point.

Rei's breathing became heavier at this point, except for Fafnir who remained calm despite being in this state.

Then suddenly, something unimaginable happened.

With Rei's HP kept depleting until there's only 20% left, his axe...



Finally able to reach him.

Fafnir was struck on his left shoulder, but of course the damage wasn't that significant but it's still an improvement considering much time had passed and he should be dying now.

Fafnir didn't say anything, but instead.

He carried his strike and took this opportunity to use his blade, and...


Stabbed his blade into Rei's left shoulder as well.

His HP was reduced to 15%.

But was that all?

Rei didn't give up, instead he let go of his axe and...


Jumped towards him while his shoulder being pierced through by his blade.



'[Shield Arts: Brawl Mode]!'


'[Reflection] + [Bash]!'

Rei then made a full swing with his right fist, towards Fafnir's face.


His head took a direct hit against a full force fist completely buffed with aura and skills, and that...


Left a crack on his helmet.


Fafnir was pushed back and took a few distances away from him, even leaving his katana that was stuck on Rei's left shoulder.

Yes, this was something that wasn't supposed to happen. It should be impossible for Rei to push through this far considering the gap in their strength.

With no comrades, with no special skills, with no support from the world, he stood here purely by his skill and will power.

Even if his body was beaten up like this, he's still standing in front of him.

And the same person also managed to leave a crack towards the strongest monster he had ever faced after 7 years.


Rei shattered his katana off from his shoulder, and immediately grabbed a potion to pour it on the hole on his left shoulder.

The wound closed up with the help of his hell flame that was still covering his entire body.

Then he also took this chance to drink another potion to increase his HP back to 35%.

'With [Agni] and [Hell Flame] still on, my recovery rate becomes slower as it goes.'

'But now it's just a battle of wits, if I can just defeat him in one shot, this fight will be over.' Rei thought while staring at the former hero himself standing in awe after receiving such damage.

"Amazing, to think you are capable of injuring me despite not having holy power nor having special skill, I applaud your skill." Fafnir spoke.

His helmet continued to crack.

"I shall acknowledge you, who challenged me here to stop the curse of this land."

"And let me apologize for not revealing my true name." Fafnir spoke.

"Your...true name?" Rei repeated, looking confused.

Then Fafnir raised his hand and pointed his index finger on top of his head.

"I can tell, there's this thing written above my head that revealed a name, am I right?" Fafnir suddenly spoke.

"...?!" Rei widened his eyes in surprise.

"Don't act so surprised, like I told you, I sensed something familiar when I looked at you."

"You...came from a land called [Japan] am I right?" Fafnir revealed which made Rei even more nervous.

Since he just revealed something he never told even to his master.

"Well, you must also know that you feel familiar with me." Fafnir spoke. "You might think I came from somewhere similar to Japan in this world...but you're wrong."

The helmet cracked even more and finally....


It fell apart and revealed something he had long forgotten.

Behind that helmet, was a man with long black hair, with sharp purple eyes and a face that was familiar to him. A person who came from the same country in his past world.

There's another addition to the name floating above his head.

[The Evil Ancient Dragon, Fafnir (....

It was the name of the greatest swordsmith in the Jōji era.

"My name is...[Muramasa Kengo], the 46th successor of the Muramasa clan."

"So nice meeting fellow countryman."

The shocking revelation completely stunned Rei on the spot.

He thought the person in front of him was born here, more specifically in the Eastern part of this world.

'But to think...Muramasa himself is here.' Rei gulped.

Muramasa smirked at him, "Well I can't see what your face looks like, but I can guess what you're thinking about."

"[How come, there's someone like me in this place], am I right?" Muramasa answered based on Rei's hidden expression.

"Of course you had so many questions in your head, but I don't think it's time for you to be asking those questions yet." Muramasa spoke.

Rei gritted his teeth, "Then, so what? I don't care whether you are that famous Muramasa or not, I am here to defeat you and end this curse."

"Again, there's no sympathy within you, you don't even tried to question this old man's stories." Muramasa chuckled as he cracked a joke. "Based on your equipment, I can guess you are a [Blacksmith] just as I am a [Swordsmith]."

"But there is this differences between both of us."

"You who devoted yourself with many kinds of weapons which don't focus on only one but multiple weapons, so I cannot say you know about the weapon you use."

"While me...I have been a [Swordsmith] for many…many years, devoted myself to one katana, and yes, I haven't shown you my true strength yet." As he said that, Muramasa released his aura and powerful pressure around him.

And that's when things became weird.


[Skill "Abyssal Domain" have been resisted, and another "Domain" have been applied]

'What is this...?' Rei asked himself as he couldn't understand of what happened.

"Your axe used a [Domain] type of skill, am I right?"

"But do you know what could happened when a [Domain] skill type met against another [Domain] skill type?"

"They will clash and the one who is stronger will be the one who will take over." Muramasa spoke.

"This is the power that has been with me ever since I was thrown into this world."

Then suddenly, the pressure was gone and silence befell them.

"[Creation Forge]....[Swords Grave Domain]."

When he activated his skills, the floor–no, the room itself slowly changed and revealed something unexpected.

Several katanas emerged from the floor, and soon Rei found himself standing in a room full of katanas.

'This is...'

"[Creation Forge] a skill that allows me to create weapons instantly as long as I have mana and enhance their strength based on my affinity with the weapon."

"And the weapon that I have devoted my life [Katana], and in this domain are the katanas I have created in the past."

"Of course, they have the same strength and same durability."

Muramasa snapped his finger and suddenly several portals showed up behind him.

He took two katanas out and held them in his hand while several others floated in mid-air behind him.

"This is my true strength. I acknowledge you and I shall defeat you with it."

"And I shall proceed with the destruction of this land, then seize the whole world with my army." Muramasa declared.

"Now then, do you have something to say..."

This whole time when Muramasa revealed his skills, and his power, Rei remained silent.

But instead of cowering in front of absolute power…

Rei stood there and put his black axe inside [Inventory].

Muramasa saw that and looked slightly disappointed, "Have you given up?"

Rei didn't answer him for a while, then he opened his mouth.

"This is an emergency situation, right? Ignia." Rei spoke and suddenly a fiery red magic circle appeared around his body which slowly broke apart in the next second

A notice appeared before him.


[One of the Restrictions from "Dragon Tongue" have been lifted].

[You may use the allowed skill].

'Is that....[Dragon Language]' Muramasa spoke, 'Did she put a restriction on this child? he hasn't shown his full strength as well.'

"Amusing...amusing...amusing!" Muramasa pointed the katana on his right hand towards Rei while the ones floating in mid-air were also aimed at him.

Rei sighed and opened his inventory.

He revealed every weapon he had been saving for this moment.

Sword, Spear, Bow, Shield, and Axe.

That is when something familiar happened.

Rei then held the sword and spear on both hands.

Then something came out from his [Inventory].

A red orb with black cage which contained it.

Then the weapons that he called out, his bow, his shield and axe…

…were now flying in mid-air with this orb on his side.

And the restricted skill that had been hiding in his status was...

[Magic Skill].



Blacksmith Mastery LvMax; Swordsmanship Mastery Lv9; Battle Instinct Lv9; Super Growth LvMax; Fire Magic Lv9; Aura LvMax; Cooking Mastery Lv8; Knitting Mastery Lv8; Alchemy Mastery Lv8; Pain Resistance LvMax; Spearmanship Mastery Lv9; Archer Artillery Mastery Lv9; Shieldmanship Mastery Lv9; Dual Wield Lv8; Soul Emergence LvMax; Fire Resistance LvMax; Axemanship Lv9; Haki Lv8; Berserker Lv9; Magic Lv8 !!NEW!!: Dragon Magic Lv3 !!NEW!!

Fire LvMax

Blacksmith Flame Lv9

Sword Arts: Horizontal Slash LvMax

Sword Arts: Vertical Slash LvMax

Sword Arts: Nine-Heads Dragon Lv8

Sword Arts: Moon Fang Lv8

Sword Arts: Dragon Claw Lv8

Sword Arts: Sky Decapitation Lv8

Persona LvMax [Locked]

Magic Sword: Kagutsuchi no Ken Lv8

Shukuchi LvMax

Weapon Breaker Lv9

Intimidate LvMax

Sprint LvMax

Focused Block LvMax

Spear Arts: One Strike LvMax

Spear Arts: Gungnir Lv9

Spear Arts: Falling Dragon Lv7

Spear Arts: Deadly Strike Lv7

Spear Arts: Gae Bolg Lv7

War Cry Lv9

Archery Artillery Arts: Artillery Strike Lv9

Archery Artillery Arts: Cracker Lv9

Archery Artillery Arts: Homing Missile Lv8

Archery Artillery Arts: Silent Destruction Lv8

Archery Artillery Arts: Nuclear lv7

Weapon Fuse Lv8

Shield Arts: Bash Lv9

Shield Arts: Rush Lv8

Shield Arts: Reflection Lv9

Shield Arts: Grand Cross Lv8

Shield Arts: Fotress Lv8

Shield Arts: Guardian Will Lv8

Shield Arts: Brawl Mode Lv9

Hell Flame Lv9

■■■■■■■ Lv■■

Armor of Flame : Agni Lv9

Axe Arts: Smash Lv8

Axe Arts: Wide Swing Lv9

Axe Arts: Spinning Wheel Lv8

Axe Arts: Brutal Impact Lv8

Axe Arts: Mountain Wave Lv8

Axe Arts: Mountain Cleaver Lv8

Magic Missile Lv8 !!NEW!!

Fire Lance Lv9 !!NEW!!

Fire Wall Lv8 !!NEW!!

Fire Arrow Lv9 !!NEW!!

Fly Lv7 !!NEW!!

Telekinesis Lv8 !!NEW!!

Dragon Magic: Dragon Dominance Lv2 !!NEW!!

Dragon Magic: Dragon Breath Lv3 !!NEW!!

Dragon Magic: Ignis Prominence Lv2 !!NEW!!


"[Telekinesis]." Rei spoke out.

Muramasa curved his lips into a wide smile.

"This child...for 300 years, the first time I see this." Muramasa stated.

Then he began to laugh, "Kukuku....kuHAHAHAHA!!! This is what I have been waiting for, a worthy opponent."

"Shall we face off, you who are not the hero and me the former hero..."

"Swordsmith and Blacksmith, which one of us shall fall!" Muramasa declared.

Then the final battle that would change this ice land, had begun.

To be continued...