Chapter 159 : The Debut & Heart (Part 2)

That night, many high ranked aristocrats gathered to see the debut of the rumored [Villainess] in the Royal Ballroom.

The crowd that was busy with themselves, slowly fell silent the moment the star had come into the room.

A dress that looked like the night sky and sparkles that resembled the stars.

And her hair that matched with the dress, along with her eyes that looked like the blue sky in daylight.

Rather than a villainess, she was more like a Goddess of the Night who had descended into the earth.

Several men stopped breathing, while the women slowly fell by her elegance. In that moment, everyone within this room were stunned by her beauty.

All the attention went towards her at this moment.

The Crown Prince, [Arthur Van Alfredssons].

The young man who took pride in his own looks and rejected many women that desired him.

Had fallen to the beauty of this young villainess.

"...beautiful." He uttered.

Even his stoic aide, [Nicolas Han Ashdown] who had been quiet and calm this entire time, was affected too.

"Woah woah woah...who the hell is she? She's so…pretty!"

Even the successor of the Radcliff family, [Aston Kei Radcliff] couldn't help but admire her beauty.

Alex Nox Schafer and Emma Shalifa Schafer, the siblings of the Schafer family also felt the same way.

"Yeah...Iris-sama has become..."

"So beautiful~"

The siblings finished each other's words.

Iris or Yomi, who's currently controlling the body, was nervous when many people were looking at her.


[Skill "The Villainess" has been activated!]

But with her skill, her expression remained calm.

Her brother, [Albert Dragh Welford], was more surprised by her lack of expression.

'Waaahhhh!!! My little sister is so beautiful!!!!' Though behind that calmness of his, lies his sister-complex for his little sister.

'She's grown into such beauty!! Your brother is happy!!!' And now he's crying as well.



When they were about to walk upstairs, someone approached them after their arrival.

"Greetings, Iris May Welford, it is nice to meet you."

Arthur, who was on the second floor earlier, now appeared in front of her on the first floor, greeted her with a warm smile full of confidence.

Aston and Alex just now noticed his disappearance.

"Ah! Even Nicolas is there!" Aston pointed out.

They also could see Nicolas was standing behind Arthur and took this chance to take a closer look at the star of the ballroom.

Iris returned his greeting with a smile and bowed her head slightly with Albert does the same.

"It is my pleasure to meet you, your highness, the Crown Prince." Yomi wasn't bashful and remained calm in this situation.

"Ohhh, it seems you know about me." Arthur replied to her while rubbing his chin and try to cover his smile.

"Of course, who wouldn't know the first son of his majesty, the King of our kingdom."

"Thanks to your father the King for allowing me to attend this party." Yomi raised her head and wear a calm expression even after having conversations with him.

It was rather an unusual sight for him, usually girls who get to meet the crown prince were either arrogant or shy…but Yomi was neither of them.

She's rather calm, as if she's not affected by his looks. Not even an ounce of reaction towards the second most handsome man in the kingdom that was right next to him, Nicolas.

Arthur was quite bewildered, 'A woman who can act like this exists? Is she blind or is she just playing hard to get?' With his imagination running off and making assumptions.

'Then…how about this?' Then Arthur proceeded to do something that shocked everyone.

Without her extending her hand, he immediately held her hand and leaned down to kiss her forehand.


That single handedly caught everyone's attention and created quite a commotion, even Albert who stood beside her was stunned by the prince's action. Did he not see him?

Arthur smiled underneath the shadow that covered half of his face, 'What kind of expression she will be making now?' But when he looked up, he saw something he didn't expect at all.


It was a look of disgust followed by a click of her tongue, but she immediately hid it with a calm smile and pulled her hand away from him.

"Excuse me, your highness, I, thank you for your generosity to greet me here."

"But do remember that the successor of the Welford family has greeted you." Yomi changed the topic and diverted his attention to Albert who's been standing by her side this entire time.

"I-indeed, it was wrong for me." He cleared his throat and put his hand over his chest "My apologies Albert Dragh Welford, I just cannot contain myself after seeing how beautiful your sister is." Arthur spoke, regaining his composure from his initial shock at her reaction.

'Did she really just look at me like that…? Me? The Crown Prince?' Arthur thought.

"Thank you for noticing this humble me. I am here as an escort to my sister, but I must agree, my sister is so beautiful that she even captivated my heart." Albert replied gracefully.

"Indeed, I hope you enjoy the party with your sister, since it is her first debut after all." Arthur spoke, dropping hints that he wanted to continue the conversation.

Albert picked up on his intentions, and he narrowed his brows slightly in irritation.

Yomi then leaned her body slightly towards the prince, "Your highness, I have something to say~"

Arthur widened his eyes in slight surprise, "Y-yes? What is it?"

Yomi opened her mouth, and her eyes suddenly turned cold and revealed a bit of bloodlust, causing the prince to stop his breathing for a moment.

"I need to remind you to refrain from doing something that would drive your dignity to the ground."

"And do remember that I have your father, the King's favor."

"So I hope you do not make the same mistake again or else I would leave this place because of your actions." Yomi spoke coldly. Nicolas noticed her action which made the two stop moving from the pressure she's giving off.


A pressure coming from a mix of swordsman aura and 6th Circle mage, which forced them to be obedient.

"...Yes." Arthur answered her with a forced smile, his dignity as the most high-ranked person in this ballroom crumbled down with just a few words from a young lady who came out of nowhere.

Then Yomi returned to Albert's side, "Now then, let's enjoy the party together, your highness~"

She smiled sweetly and walked past the two of them with her brother, leaving the prince behind.

'Hahaha!~ that was funny!~'

Meanwhile, the real Iris laughed after she saw the prince's reaction after being rejected by Yomi.

'To think this is the prince who killed me and rejected me hundreds of times~ how hilarious~' Iris giggled.

'It is hilarious, he can't even contain his excitement.'

When Yomi looked at her hand that had been kissed by him, she scrunched her nose in disgust, 'Tsk… touching me like that…ugh.'

Iris couldn't help but be surprised seeing her reaction, which was much stronger than she thought.

'I guess you really are head over heels for this [Kiritsuka Rei] guy~' Iris smiled.

Yomi stopped for a moment and was flustered by her words. She could literally hear her heart beating so fast the thought of him.

'W-what are you talking about, why do you have to talk about him at this time?'

But her skill, [The Villainess] forced her face to remain calm even with her mixed emotion.

Iris laughed, 'Fufufu~ it is quite enjoyable to see that there's a young lady like you who would fight for one man this much~'

'It makes me jealous that my cute Yomi is taken by another man~' Iris teased.

'Since when we are in that kind of relationship? Besides we are stuck together like this because someone decided to send me here and possessed your body.'

'That's true~ but our bond has become strong in these past 7 years~ think of it as a special relationship for just the two of us~' Iris spoke.

Yomi sighed, 'Okay okay, but refrain from teasing me during serious times.'

Iris smiled, 'Of course my dear Yomi~ then let's start with our debut first~'

Yomi nodded, 'Yeah.'

After that conversation, the two siblings went upstairs to meet their waiting guest.

Albert immediately separated from her, because he had to meet and greet other nobles.

As for Yomi, she went towards her childhood friends.

The Scafher siblings, who had been waiting for her arrival.

The young man with brown hair and green emerald eyes, greeted her with a bow along with his sister.

[Alex Nox Schafer] and [Emma Shalifa Schafer].

"It's been a long time, Iris-sama." Alex greeted her politely.

"Indeed, it's been a long time, Alex-kun." Yomi replied with a smile.

"And you too, Emma~" Yomi shifted her eyes towards Emma who bowed her head beside her brother.

"Y-yes, it's been a long time, Iris onee-sama." Emma replied shyly.

"You two had grown up splendidly, especially you Alex-kun~ I still remember how short you are~" Yomi teased him, reminding them of their childhood.

"P-please don't remind me of my past, Iris-sama." Alex replied while being flustered by her comment.

"Fufufu~ by the way, it seems you both had reached quite a high-level~" Yomi's eyes glinted for a moment, using her [Status Appraisal] and [Magic Eyes].

"Alex-kun had reached 4th Circles while Emma had reached 3rd Circles, considering your talents, you'll reach 5th and 4th sooner or later." Iris deducted which surprised them.

"Amazing, you immediately noticed our circles with just a glance, what level had you reached, Iris-sama?!" Alex and Emma's eyes were beaming with excitement.

"Hmmm, well this secret stays between the three of us~" Yomi leaned towards them, "I had reached 6th circle a few days ago~" and whispered to them.

They couldn't help but be more surprised,

"Y-you reached that high level already!" Alex slightly raised his voice in surprise.

"T-that's so amazing...Iris Onee-sama!" Emma was positively brimming with admiration at this point.

"Yeah, I need to keep training so I can catch up with [him]~" Yomi spoke.

"[Him]? it about Ray-san?" Alex asked, he felt a bit sad just by the mention of his name.

"Yeah, I need to become strong just like him, seeing him fought against someone who is stronger than me and him alone..."

"I realized that I need to steel both of my body and heart." Yomi replied.

Alex fistedbith of his hands, "Then I shall become strong as well, just like the way he taught me."

Emma then raised her hand, "Y-yes! Me too! So I can protect onii-chan from enemy!"

Yomi smiled at their enthusiasm and gently stroke their hands, "That's the spirit~"

Alex and Emma smiled bashfully at her action.

"Y-yes..." The two answered at the same time.

'It felt weird yet refreshing that these two are friendly with you.' Iris spoke after being quiet for a while.

'Is that so?' Yomi replied.

'Well these two siblings usually are wary of me, since I was their enemy in the past.'

'So, seeing them so affectionate towards me feels so out of place.' Iris explained.

'That's...true.' Yomi replied with remorse.

'You don't have to worry, it's all in the past, they don't know their future, but I am sure they will grow stronger.' Iris reassured her

'Not as our enemies, but as our allies.'

'Indeed, it was worth to befriend with them when I had the chance.' Yomi smiled.

Afterwards, the three of them were approached by some people.

Arthur approached her with his aide and friend, Nicolas and Aston standing beside him.

"It seems you guys are having fun." Arthur spoke

Yomi, Alex and Emma, who noticed his appearance, bowed their heads for a moment.

Yomi could felt Arthur's gaze from this close.

"Is there anything you need from me, your highness." Yomi replied with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, barely hiding her irritation.

They know immediately that her action was rude despite maintaining a calm expression and polite manner.

Arthur gulped down, feeling nervous for the first time in his life, "Yes...I was wondering if you have a partner to dance with tonight."

"Hmmm, I do not think I have one, your highness." Yomi replied to him, knowing where this conversation going to.

"I see, since this is your first debut, I, the Crown Prince, offer myself to be your first dance for tonight." Arthur spoke in a haughty attitude, which caught everyone's attention.

Yomi knew what he's planning, turning the spotlight on them, especially this is her first debut.

And rejecting the Crown prince, could give her a bad image.


Yomi slightly bowed her head gracefully, "My apologies your highness, I humbly refuse your offer." With a cold stare, she confessed her true feelings.

An action which shocked everyone who watched the scene, especially for the ladies who anticipated to have a dance with the Crown Prince.

It irked Arthur and made him twitched his lips from his smile, he was shamed by her action not once but twice in this night alone,

"I see, but you do realize the weight of refusing the Crown Prince's offer, don't you?"

"I understand full well, your highness, but...I don't think it has any weight on me, because I am just a young lady of the Welfords."

"And...a [Villainess]~" Yomi stated with a warm smile towards him.

It was not the answer that he thought for, he was someone that have been desired many ladies. His face is handsome, not only that he is talented in both magic and sword.

Yet, this young lady didn't even take a glance of him nor accepting his offer.

"So, do not think badly of me, because this is just my way of life and my path I have chosen~"

Afterwards, the music started and the nobles gathered to the center of the ballroom.

"Please excuse me your highness, the dance is about to start, I need to search a partner for myself~"

"Of course not from you~" she started by pointing her finger at Nicolas.

"Not you~" then to Aston.

"And not from you either~" Finally to Arthur himself.

"Then please excuse me~"

Yomi gracefully left the scene with a calm expression while passing through these three high ranked people.

Arthur was rendered speechless from shock, even Nicolas and Aston were the same.

When she walked through the downstair after leaving the scene, Iris laughed again within her mind.

'Hahaha~ that's right~ we are [Villainess], one or two bad rumor isn't going to take us down~'

Yomi sighed, 'Seriously, his attitude is the same in the game, I have no idea why people liked that kind of man.'

'It is an undeniable truth, because most handsome men can just blind any women's heart with their looks, whether they're bad or not.'

'And even when they knew what kind of person he is, it is still hard to escape after they set their eyes on them.' Iris explained.

'That's true...' Yomi sighed once more.

'But...what are you gonna do?' Iris asked.

'About what?'

'I mean, about your dance partner.' Iris answered.

Yomi felt her heart sink and forced a smile, 'This is my debut but…I don't care if my partner is someone else other than [him].'

Iris looked at her and knew what she is feeling currently, 'But this is your first dance...'

Yomi shook her head, 'My answer is still the same, if it's for him...I will do anything.' Yomi answered in finality.

Iris could tell what she's feeling right now because of their connection.

'Yes...we shouldn't be picky.' Iris replied as they walked downstairs.

The moment she reached the first floor, she was greeted by a young man in front of her.

"Greetings, my lady." The young man kneeled with one leg, and offered his hand towards her.

"Will you be my partner for your first dance for tonight?" The young man spoke.

Yomi didn't dare to look at his face but she held his hand and took his offer, "With pleasure."

With a calm and cold stone heart, she finally went to the center with this young man.

When the star of this party had finally arrived, the music slowly started which marked the beginning of the dance.

Yomi began to move according to the music with the young man who held her in his arms, followed by other nobles who were dancing together with their partners.

During the dance, she gracefully moved her body despite her eyes weren't focused on the young man before her at all.

Instead, her eyes were fixated towards their feet.

"Is there something wrong? My lady?" The young man started the conversation to lighten up the mood.

"There's nothing wrong." Yomi replied with a smile but still not looking at his face.

"I'm sorry for being blunt, but the way I see it, you look upset, my lady." The young man replied with a calm tone and at the same time noticed her feelings right away which she kept hidden with her act.

Yomi just shrugged it off, "I see, you are quite perceptive…but please I hope you do not cross the line for asking a lady with such question."

"Then my apologies." Despite her words, the young man replied with subtle mirth.

Yomi narrowed her brows slightly with interest at his lack of reaction, but she and Iris became wary of him because despite her rejection and rude act, this young man still managed to stay calm.

'Yomi.' Iris called her.

'I know.'

Yomi nodded and decided to shifted her eyes for a moment to look at his body, "Hmmm, are you perhaps a swordsman?"

The young man smiled, "Ohhh, I am amazed you're able to notice it."

Despite that, she haven't looked at the young man's face.

"Yes, I immediately know from just looking." Yomi answered him.

"Really? Then would you care to explain it to me how you concluded that?" The young man questioned her answer which piqued her interest to explain.

"Sure, since this is the only chance we could talk, I can explain it for you." Yomi replied.

"First, I can see how sharp your movement is during the dance, from my opinion only someone who know how to handle a sword have this kind of movement." Yomi explained.

"Second, was from your hand, I could feel how rough and calloused it was, it showed how hardworking you are with a sword."

"I see, how perspective of you." The young man praised her.

"But...your muscle, it gives off different feelings than an ordinary swordsman." Yomi suddenly started to .

"Ohhh? How different?" The young man asked.

'Different....from the way I see it, rather a sword, his body gave off this feeling of handling other kind of weapons.'

'Now that I mentioned it...this young man, why does he sound familiar...' Yomi realized.

'Not only that...his hands and his feet, they are both rough and sharp, but his firm grip and movement is someone that is capable of fighting.'

'I do not remember inviting someone like him.' Yomi thought for a moment.

'Yeah, I don't know him either...use [Status Appraisal] now!' Iris reminded her.

To use [Status Appraisal], one need to look at the person face to do that.

When Yomi finally looked up to see the young man who had talked with her this whole time.






The kindling light from the ceiling briefly blinded her eyesight, which made her incapable of seeing what this young man looked like for a moment.






"Is there anything wrong, my lady?" The young man asked.

After that, her eyes slowly adapted to the light.







Yomi widened her eyes after she saw his face.







A familiar gentle smile.

And a pair of eyes with different colors, the crimson red and golden yellow.

She felt a warm atmosphere on the day they met each other for the first time.

Yomi never thought something like this could happen.

Especially Iris.

'No way...' Her sky blue eyes turned blood-red all of a sudden.

Her feelings were shaken by an emotion that she had suppressed for so long.

The face that they're more than familiar with...and longed for 7 years.

"Ray..." Iris and Yomi called his name at the same time.

The young man smiled at her. His hair was a different color right now for some reason. A simple brown with some of the warm ceiling light reflected on its surface.

But his eyes and face remained the same. There's no mistaking it.

"It's been 7 years, Iris."

Right now.

At this moment.

[Hanamachii Yomi] and [Iris May Welford].

Had reunited with their beloved.

[Kiritsuka Rei] and [Ray Houston].

" can't be..." Yomi was about to burst into tears, but she had to hold it in, to not show any emotion because she was in the spotlight.

'There's so many questions I wanted to many answers I need to hear...but...right now is not the time.' Yomi held herself back and Iris also did the same.

Her right eye then turned into a sky blue color, and she smiled towards this young man.

The words that she have been meaning to say to him.

"Welcome back, Ray~" Iris and Yomi answered him at the same time.

Rei smiled in return, "I am back, Iris."

When the song came to an end, the two stood facing each other and bowed their heads for a moment.

Yomi lifted her head as she was suddenly approached by Alex and Emma, before she could ran towards him.

"That was an amazing dance, Iris Onee-sama!" Emma praised her immediately and covered her vision.

"W-wait, you guys."

"Indeed, I didn't know you could dance like that, your partner did well to keep up with you." Alex spoke as well.

But Yomi tried to look behind them as she could see Rei slowly turning around to walk away.

Yomi bit her lips, "I apologize, but can we talk later? I have to catch up with something."

Yomi replied and left them in a hurry to chase after the person she had been looking for, the two siblings were confused of why she suddenly acting like this.

Yomi ran and went passing through the crowds.

When she was about to reach him out, she was blocked by Arthur and his gang again.

"That was a magnificent dance, Iris May Welford, how about taking a dance with me this time—" Arthur praised and offered his hand.


"My apologies...but I am in a hurry." Yomi immediately rejected and passed through them again.

Arthur was shocked after being rejected for the third times and stunned on his spot.

Yomi continued her chase, as she looked around to see where Rei went to.

Until she found him, when he was about to enter the balcony.


Eventually, she ran to catch up with him and enter the balcony.

And found him was standing there together with a woman who opened up a portal.

Yomi stopped her movement as she couldn't understand of the situation in front of her.

'Who is that woman?' Iris asked about the woman in red dress, standing besides him.

But her eyes immediately shifted towards Rei who is standing there and about to enter the portal.


"Ray!" Yomi and Iris called him out and stopped him from entering the portal.

Rei looked back towards her and smiled.

Yomi panted heavily because she tried her best to catch up to him even though she was blocked by many people.

When their eyes met, Yomi couldn't utter any words at all.

Even Iris was the same, she wanted to say something about who's the woman beside him.

But, she gave the chance to Yomi who wanted to ask a certain question.

Yes, one question that needed to be answered right now.

And that is....

"Are you...[Kiritsuka Rei]?" Yomi decided to ask him that question.

It was something that she had been meaning to ask, the familiar feelings that she always had everytime she looked at and talked with this young man.

He looked at her, and his reacted with the same smile he always wore.

A warm yet an awkward smile, but with a calm gaze looking towards her.

"Yes, my name is [Kiritsuka Rei], but at the same time I am [Ray Houston] that you know." Rei finally answered.

Yomi widened her eyes this time, she was so surprised and couldn't contain her excitement.

"I do not know how you know about my name, but it seems like you know me." Rei continued.

Yomi bit her lips, as she knew he is going to ask something like that.

It was bittersweet for her to know his real identity and he doesn't know her at all.

Yomi wanted to answer him, but at the same time she was afraid to answer him.

Rei looked toward her and smiled again as if he knew her thoughts from just one glance, "But we can hold off that question for later."

Yomi was stunned for a moment when he said to hold that question, "Huh?.."

"That's why, the moment we meet again, let me hear your other name, [Iris May Welford]." Rei spoke.

Yomi firmly gripped her dress, and looked at him straight into his eyes.

"Then that moment, I will tell you my name, so wait for me." Yomi replied to him with full confidence.

Rei nodded his head, "I should be the one saying that."

"Then let's meet again later, Iris." Rei spoke, "On the day we met...I will not be that [Weak Blacksmith] who you knew."

For a moment his tone change, which made Iris recognized him.


Then finally he entered the portal.

Before the portal was closed, the woman who was with Rei just now stood in front of her.

"I see, so you are the one that had stolen his heart~" The woman spoke out and smiled towards Yomi.

"You are..." Yomi about to ask her but, she turned around.

"Anyway, we will meet again sooner or later~"

"So, see you later~ the young lady of Welford~" The woman walked towards the portal as they disappeared from her sight.

Yomi just stood there and being silent for a moment.

She didn't dare to ask where he's going or what kind of relationship he had with that woman, but she knew for sure…

That the person that she had been looking for was alive and now had become stronger than ever.

Iris watched what happened, she knew that [Kiritsuka Rei] was connected with [Ray Houston], just like her and Iris.

'But to think he's in the same position as us…' Iris spoke.

'What are you going to do now?' Iris asked her after what just happened before her.

Yomi smiled, "Of course, what else? I need to become stronger than him."

Iris widened her eyes and smiled, "Indeed, such a simple answer. In that case…do not slack off on the next training then~'

"Yes ma'am~"

Yomi replied to her and left the balcony to finish the party, she had to apologize to the Scafher siblings because of what happen.

After that, the party was over.

Without meeting the Crown Prince nor other guest, Yomi immediately left the ballroom and went back to her mansion with her brother.

The mansion that was given by the King himself, for her reward creating an alliance with the Elf.

Silvi who waited for her, greeted her after she came back from the ballroom.

After a long night, she retired to her room without stopping and just wanted to take a rest for a moment.

But before she went to her bed, she saw something hanging on the table in front of her.

"Hmm? This is...?" Yomi was surprised after she saw it, she looked around but her room was clean and there's no speck of dust.

'There's no magic residual here...did someone barged in?' Yomi then took a glance of this thing approached it.

Then she held the thing with her hand, this thing is long like a stick or cane that had been nicely wrapped with cloth.

Beside it, there was a note.

Mentioning, "For you."

Iris immediately noticed of who is it from, and even Yomi also were the same.

The familiar feelings that she had long ago, her present that was given by a certain someone.

Finally, she opened it…


It revealed a rapier sheathed with black color, with white silver hilt and rose carving in the middle along with a blue gem on it.

Then when she pulled the blade out of its sheath, the blade was crystal clear and its silver color matched with the hilt.

It was thin and clear like a glass made out of crystal, but there's one thing she knew, it is definitely sharp.

'How beautiful...' Iris spoke out first after seeing the rapier.

"Yeah..." Yomi followed with the same comment then she swung the rapier.


'There's no discomfort.' Iris commented when she held the grip.

'But that's not all...I can feel it resonate it with me.' Yomi spoke.

They never thought they had such unforgettable night starting from having their first dance taken with the man they loved the most.

Not only that, getting a present from him, a weapon that matches with her.

Strong yet beautiful, sturdy yet elegant.

Then the two ladies smiled, "What a wonderful present we got tonight, to think he just presented it without even meeting us~"

'Indeed, I never thought he could be this sly.'

'But with this's perfect for tonight as well.' Iris suddenly suggested something.

"Yes." Yomi spoke as something approached her from behind.

One of her 13th Guardians, [The Death Assassin, Kage] had arrived in her room and knelt in front of her.

"My lady, the bait has been caught." Kage spoke to her.

Yomi's eyes turned full red and smiled towards him then lifted the rapier so she could look closer towards the hilt.

Then she leaned closely towards it, "Thank you..." then gave a kiss on the rose part of the hilt.

"For his wonderful, tonight....we shall show them what this weapon capable of~"

Yomi answered her guardians that appeared one by one within the shadows, with full confidence she set off immediately to start what she prepared.

On the other hand.

Rei set off to start his training again, for the promised day, when they will be reunited again.

"Ignia, prepare the trial."

To be continued...