Chapter 228. Frustration and Desperation IV

Dragon King's Harem Chapter 228. Frustration and Desperation IV

I spoke to Glasha with a sense of authority before Evelina had the opportunity to speak. "It was my command. Do you have an issue with it?"

Glasha responded with a look of discontent. "It appears that you do not take kindly to things that are not going your way," she sneered.

Nonchalantly, I responded, "It depends on the situation."

She replied to me with a sharp exhale of displeasure before she turned around. As Glasha walked away, her shoulders hunched and her head hanging low, I remained unfazed. I had expected her reaction and I was prepared for it. I knew that she would be unhappy about being captured and forced to submit to me or even as simply as receiving help from Evelina, but I had no choice. The war had to end, and taking her as a hostage was the only way to guarantee the orc tribe's throne.

Evelina turned to me, a look of sadness and guilt on her face. Without a word, I knew what she felt.

Once again, I patted her on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile. "You just did what you had to do."

Evelina nodded, but the sadness in her eyes didn't disappear. I could see that she was struggling with her guilt.

"Come on," I said, trying to cheer her up. "Let's head back, We have a lot to do to prepare for our journey to Vurdor."

Evelina nodded, and together we walked toward the fortress. As my legs moved, I whistled, ordering all of my soldiers to return to the fortress.

The dragons responded to my call with roars. I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. We had won the war. My first war. I managed to protect what the real Argod had entrusted to me.


The orcs were brought to the dungeons, their chains clinking against the stone floor as they were escorted by the dragons. It was a dark, damp place, the walls covered in mold and the air thick with the smell of decay and rot.

As they were led down the dimly lit corridors, the orcs glared at their captors with hatred in their eyes. They were proud, fierce creatures, and the defeat on the battlefield had been a blow to their pride.

Despite their defeat, the orcs remained proud and defiant, refusing to beg for mercy or submit to their captors. But despite their hostility, the dragons remained calm and composed, their eyes fixed on the orcs as they led them to their cells.

They were greeted by the sight of dirty and cramped cells, filled with the stench of sweat and blood. The orcs went inside, adding the cells' pitiful sight. Their bodies were covered in wounds and their eyes filled with fear and despair.

After all of them were in, the dragons had brought bandages, salves, and other supplies to the dungeons. It wasn't much and only basic medical supplies, but the orcs accepted the offerings. They treated their wounds as best they could with the supplies provided, their eyes fixed on the dragons with hatred and mistrust.

That was Evelina's suggestion. Although I didn't completely agree with this, this was better than her previous suggestion about using her Mass Healing skill to heal the orcs. Although I knew she did it because she knew most of them were young orcs and they never wanted to go to the war, there was no way I would let her do it. They were my prisoners, my enemies, not her patients. So giving them some basic medical supplies just to keep them alive was a better solution.

As the orcs worked to treat their injured companions, the dragons stood watch, their eyes scanning the room for any sign of rebellion. But despite the tension in the air, the orcs seemed resigned to their fate, their movements slow and defeated as they tended to their wounded.

It was clear that the orcs were not happy with their current situation, but they had no choice but to accept it. They were prisoners now, at the mercy of their captors.

On the other side, Glasha was led into a room, not the dungeon, she couldn't help but feel a sense of disgust and frustration. The plain walls and sparse furnishings seemed to mock her, a reminder of her current situation as a captive of the dragon king. Despite her hatred and anger towards her captor, she knew that she had no choice but to submit to his will.

Once the soldiers secured the door and left her alone, Glasha's thoughts turned to escape. She knew that the bracelet on her wrist was a formidable obstacle, but she refused to give up. She paced around the room, examining every inch for any potential weaknesses or vulnerabilities. She scrutinized the door, searching for any possible means of tampering with the lock or finding a way to slip through the cracks.

But as she examined the room more closely, she realized that there was no way out. The windows were too high up, and even if she could somehow reach them, they were too small for her to fit through. The door was sturdy and well-guarded, and there was no other exit.

With a sigh of defeat, Glasha sat down on the bed and buried her head in her hands. She couldn't believe that she had been reduced to this, a prisoner of the dragon king. As she wallowed in her despair, Glasha's resolve grew. She would not let the dragon king win. She would find a way out of his grasp. She vowed to herself that she would not let the dragon king use her to do anything to the orc tribe's throne and her brother. But how? She even couldn't kill herself.

But then an idea crossed her mind. 'I think I know what I should do.' But she knew it would be a painful thing for her.

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Genre: Villain, MMORPG, R18, harem

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