The combat training finally came to an end, and by the end of it Y/N was sure how hard she needs to work on her quirk. Ofcourse, U.A. High has kept up to its expectation and all these students were exceptionally good.
Y/N wanted to go to the Nurse's Office to check on Midoriya but she had to go back to the classroom along with the other students and attend the rest of the class. She also glanced at Bakugou at times and it was pretty evident that she was a bit worried about him. He was never this quiet in any of the classes before felt like something was missing.
When all the classes finally came to an end and everyone was engrossed on talking about the day, Bakugou suddenly got up. He was leaving the classroom. Everyone tried to stop him but Y/N knew, with that temper of his, no one is confident enough to stop him. But shortly after he left the class, Y/N decided to follow him and atleast try to talk to him. Suddenly the door opened and Midoriya came in.
"Woah, you look awful. Make sure to get some rest." Y/N said, observing his injuries.
"Hey, it's Midoriya! Good to see you back super." Kirishima said as the other started swarming around him, "Man I don't know what you were saying during that match, but you were all fired up huh?"
"I can't believe you held on your own against Bakugou. He's super strong!" Sero said.
"You did a great job dodging!" Mina said.
"Hey.." Y/N tried to grab Midoriya's attention, "Bakugou-"
But once again, she got interrupted when everyone started complimenting him. But after a while, he finally noticed the empty chair and asked, "Um, where's Kacchan?"
"Finally," Y/N said rolling her eyes, "now that I have your attention, let me inform you. Everyone tried to stop him from leaving but he wouldn't listen. You just missed him."
"Come on." He said grabbing Y/N's hand as she took her bag along with her. They started running to catch up to Bakugou.
"When you said everyone, did you mean 'you' too tried to stop him?" He asked.
"N-no." Y/N said in a small voice.
"Why? I mean-" Midoriya said but got interrupted by Y/N.
"Look Midoriya. I don't know what you think but even you have a space to exist in Bakugou's life but-" she sighed, "I have no importance in his life. I am what he calls - an extra. Just someone...unimportant."
They reached the exit of the building. Midoriya glanced at her and said after a short while, "....I know that you will never admit this but I think you don't realize that you actually care for him."
I know.
"You consider him as much of a friend as I do."
I know.
"And somewhere, I am sure, he also considers you a part of his life. I-I mean don't take it in any other way but you do hold a place in his daily life." Midoriya said, "Okay, come on, he's almost in the exit. We gotta catch up to him."
But Y/N stopped him before he could grab her and run to him again. "I's best if you guys talk alone. I will try to talk to him when you guys are done."
By the end of Midoriya and Bakugou's small conversation, All Might joined and tried to say something to Bakugou but he immediately stopped when he sent a glare to him.
And for the first time, Y/N saw a new emotion in Bakugou. He was crying.
On the way back, Midoriya looked at Y/N and said, "It's your turn."
Needless to say, Y/N was crapping her pants on the idea but she needed to get through this - either this day or some other day.
"This is a bad idea." Y/N said as she ran and tried to catch up to Bakugou. As she was near to him, a blast was send off and she was on the ground, grunting.
"What the heck." The blond said, both of them looking at each other with pissed off faces. But then he averted his eyes, a small blush covering his face.
"I should be saying that. Why the heck did you just blast me off?!" Y/N said, quickly fixing her skirt, a blush covering her face as well.
"If you hear stupidly fast footsteps approaching behind you, you'll attack too dumbass." He said as he started walking, "Why are you here?"
"I uhm..uh-" Y/N started stuttering.
"Speak faster. I don't have time." He said.
"Shit." Y/N quickly said the next words, "I was worried."
Bakugou stopped and looked back at her with a confused face. "F-For Midoriya!!" Y/N said, coming up with an excuse.
"....He's better than I am. Fuck-" He chuckled bitterly, "You guys must be laughing behind my back all this time. Did you enjoy watching me get defeated?"
"You really think you're having the worst time huh?" Y/N said in an anger laced voice, "Just because others don't voice their feelings doesn't mean they aren't...insecure. You think I am having a great time after watching all those guys? With that dumbass Todoroki and his stupid ice quirk, Kaminari and all the others? And it doesn't help that so many of them are so much more intelligent than me, I know I'm fucking stupid. Heck, I know that I don't even stand a chance against you and Midoriya. You think I'm having fun knowing I probably don't deserve to be here." She laughed lightly, "I don't even know why I am telling you this."
Bakugou who was listening her rant didn't speak a single word. But his mind was running through miles and he didn't know what to answer. He didn't even want to admit it but he felt a weird sense of comfort in her bitter words. An awkward silence spread through the atmosphere when he said with a grin on his face, "Grandma underwear? Really?"
Y/N's face flushed a thousand shades of red and she said, "O-Oh boohoo! I'm sorry but were you expecting a fucking thong? You wear a string up ass crack and you'll understand asshole."
Now it was Bakugou's turn to get embarrassed as he said, "Shut up freak. I don't have any interest in looking down there."
"....You gay?" Y/N suddenly asked, "Is that why you fight with Midoriya all the time? Because you have the hots for him? Look, I'm totally okay with that and I'll absolutely support you."
"Are you fucking kidding me!! What kind of logic is that you freak!!!" He yelled at her.
"I don't know! You know I'm fucking dumb!" Y/N yelled back.
A moment later both of them were laughing. And when they looked back at each other, they realized their behavior and both of them shut up immediately. They arrived the bus stop and Y/N knew it was Bakugou's turn to go. So she decided to ask the question that has been bothering her for a while now.
"Why do you hate me?" She asked, finally gathering u the courage to ask the real question.
A bus came and without saying anything Bakugou got up and sat near a window seat. He saw Y/N looking at him as she let out a sigh and almost nonchalantly waved at him. And then leaving on her way to home.
"I don't even have a reason to hate you dumbass." Bakugou whispered and closed his eyes, leaning on the window.