Kinda Makes You Think

The next round was after going to be after lunch.

Y/N took her lunch and sat next to Kyoka along with the other girls.

"You finally broke your silence huh?"

"Not in a way you think though. He...he thought I had plans up my sleeve because I was trying to be Shinsou's friend. Like so what? Just because I can't make friends easily doesn't mean I can't try, right?" Y/N said.

"So you guys are still fighting?" Momo asked.

"When are we not?" Y/N asked, "Wait, how do you know about this?"

"It's kind of obvious Y/N. You guys are arguing all the time so I think all of us noticed it when you started avoiding him." Ochaco said.

"So.." Y/N started tensing up, "E-everyone in our class knows?"

"Well I don't know about the boys but we do. Locker room talks you know?" Mina Ashido informed. "Besides, it was fun to watch you know."

"I'm glad that you find our fights entertaining." Y/N smiled, sarcastically.

"But to be very honest, you are not the type who will go around making friends out of the blue and that too with someone who just insulted our whole class." Momo said.

"I are right. He was misinformed about us all so I just wanted to make sure he doesn't hold a grudge against us. So I decided to just go out of my way and.." Y/N sighed, "Kinda douchey of me to do that. He knew about it right away."

"Yeah no shit." Kyoka chuckled, "But the thing don't try to be friends with a rude person just because you can benefit out of it. I mean you could've faked it with Bakugou if you wanted because he is powerful and you know he's gonna attract attention of agencies. You don't fake it when it comes to friendship. Didn't think you won't know that."

"Woah...thanks I guess." Y/N said, "But I think I'll come clean with Shinsou. It's gonna bug me if I don't and I can't afford any kind of distractions."

She looked around the cafeteria for a glimpse of that boy. He was sitting with his friends of general studies and having his lunch quietly. According to Ojiro, he had a weird quirk because he didn't remember doing anything about the cavalry battle. "My ego is drowning for fuck's sake. Why the heck do I make such mistakes and then feel embarrassed about it later." Y/N thought and sighed in frustration and covered her face with her hands.

"Hey, don't sweat it. If needed, I'll go together with you." Kyoka said elbowing her friend.

"For what? Laugh at my face when I blush out of embarassment?"

"For emotional support but that too." She laughed. "By the way, the media has already gone feral about your family background. And the good news is that most people have a positive reaction. It's good publicity. Although, I feel like now you're gonna be approached by more fangirls and some will want to be your friend just because Haruto is your brother. And the media will be just be on your ass to capture any kind of gossip they can get out of you."

"Yeah I know. But to be honest I can sense when someone is being dishonest with me." Y/N said.

"Okay forget about that. Tell me how did it feel to have Bakugou's ass on your shoulder?" Kyoka asked.

Y/N groaned and then smiled, "I knew you're gonna bring it up. Do the others know about my..thing for him as well?"

"No. They just think you had a fight." Kyoka said, "But be honest, it felt good to work with him right?"

"I felt like a loser." Y/N furrowed her brows, "No one was taking me in because everyone had a team decided. And he decided to put salt on my wounds by saying some shit to me. But...he was confident about winning. So I guess, in a way, he trusted me as well?"

"Bakugou is bad when it comes to emotions, you should know that by now." Kyoka said.

"I don't know. I feel like he is being especially harsh to me these days." Y/N said, trying her best not to look sad. But you know, when your heart feels heavy, sometimes it's just hard to keep emotions in check. Finishing her lunch, she got up along with the other girls as they finished having theirs.

"Or maybe, you're more sensitive these days because you have a crush on him." Kyoka said looking at her, "Just come to me when you feel like venting."

As the girls were going to keep their plates, Mineta and Kaminari called them.

"Uh huh, do you need something?" Momo asked.

"Well, I'm sure you already know since you're the class vice rep, but they said that all the girls have to wear uniforms for the cheer battle this afternoon." Mineta said pointing out some girls wearing the cheerleading outfits.

"That's odd. This is the first time I'm hearing about this." Momo said.

"You don't have to believe me if you wanna get in trouble. But this is coming straight from Aizawa. I thought maybe you'd forgotten so I figured that I remind you just in case." He replied.

Y/N looked suspiciously looked at him and then turned to Kyoka with a blush and surprisingly she had a blush as well. "Are you kidding me? I don't even wear mini skirts man. I don't trust him at all." Y/N whispered.

"Forget about mini, I don't even wear skirts!" Kyoka replied.

"Don't worry girls, I can use my quirk to make it according to your sizes." Momo said, "We should go now. We have very little time on our hands."

"But Y/N, on the brighter side, Bakugou will see you in that outfit." Kyoka smirked.

She blushed and slapped her arm playfully, "He didn't even give a shit about Midnight's outfit. What makes you think he'll bat an eye about me? He has his goals and literally doesn't care about any girl right now."

"Except you." Kyoka said, "Y/N believe it or not, but Bakugou actually notices you more than any other girl in our academy. I mean, he doesn't even care enough to know about our names when we are his classmates. While he...actually cares enough to notice when and how you were talking to Shinsou. I mean, I don't know about you but that's something different. No one in our class thinks so much and cares enough to come to the conclusion about you having any kind of plans with him. But...he did huh? Kinda makes you think."

".....stop." Y/N said, "Stop before I start liking him more than I already do."


Y/N never felt so uncomfortable in her whole life. The media was already going mad over her family background and now she was going to go in the arena wearing a cheerleading outfit? She didn't want to think about this much.

Trying to pull her skirt down and keep it down as much as possible, Y/N's face turned red when she realized that her classmates indeed tricked the girls into thinking it was true. She glared at Kaminari and Mineta from the distance and then turned to the crowd who were cheering. Yes, maybe it was just her overthinking, but she felt like all the cameras were now only concentrating on her - judging every little detail about her figure starting from her freckles to the stretch marks.

"Looks like class 1-A is going for fanservice!" Present Mic announced.

"Oh for god's sake-"

"We do have a little amount of time before the next round and I kinda like these uniforms so-" Toru started dancing and waving her pom-pom, "How about we just rule with it!"

Even though she was shy about wearing it, she did want to see the reaction of a certain blond. But looking around, he was nowhere in the arena.

And he only arrived when the announcement of the third round took place where students were going to fight one-on-one with each other. Some students backed out because they felt it went against their conscience when they barely did anything. The names were announced and Y/N was up against the girl she earlier thought was delicate - Shiozaki.

"I don't even know anything about her quirk." Y/N sighed, tensing up. Not knowing about someone's quirk was a bit of a challenge for her. She wasn't so spontaneous like Bakugou to be "Well I guess Midoriya feels the way I do." Y/N said, looking at Shinsou. No one in their class had any idea about what that guy's quirk was. "Oh, and that reminds me-"

She walked towards him and called out, "Hey." And her tone wasn't enthusiastic like before which Shinsou was quick to notice. Well, she was going to apologize sincerely so joking about it won't do any good. "Uh...I have something to say."

A guy from his class commented, "Hey lucky guy, she has something to confess Shinou. Don't keep a girl waiting."

She ignored his comments and continued looking at Shinsou, hoping he would listen to her for once.


They walked away from the crowd and into an empty space. "I am still not telling you my quirk."

"I don't want to know. But I have to apologize. I guess...I did try to benefit from the friendship I was offering and I'm sorry. But I meant everything I said. I really did, I can ofcourse refuse to trust me but I swear I'm telling the truth now."

Shinsou stared at the girl in front of him. It was the first time someone was apologizing to him genuinely and didn't actually expect anything in return. He felt a bit happy. Yes, mentally he has been cursing a lot of people for making things hard for him but he didn't expect someone – especially from a class he threatened – to be so warm.

"And I understand if you-" she looked down at her feet, covering her bare legs with the pom-pom, "- if you don't want to see my face anymore."

"No." Shinsou replied within a second, which made Y/N look up at him. Even he himself didn't expect to say this out of reflex but a part of him knew why. For the first time, he didn't want to give up a person who made him feel happy and warm. "Uh- I mean, it's okay. Thank you...for being honest."

" I forgiven?" She asked, "You'll watch anime with me?"

"Yes, for the first one." He said, looking at the crowd on his left and trying his best to not make it awkward.

"Well, atleast give me your number!"

"Wow, how bold of you."

"You know I don't mean it like that."

"I know." He said looking at the blond guy he had his first fight with, "I noticed it in the first day."


"I didn't even have to use my quirk for this. It was so obvious."

"Wait what? H-how do you know? What is your quirk?" Y/N asked but she only received silence as a response. "Um, it's fine if you..don't want to say it. I understand. Oh, they've announced the mini games. I think I'm gonna go rest for a while. Best of luck. Just give me your number after the festival." She was going to turn around and leave when suddenly something strange happened. She spun around and jumped like a cheerleader. It felt like she wasn't in control for a moment and wasn't able to move by herself. But the next moment she was hugging herself and she was in control again.

Y/N looked at Shinsou standing in front of her with a smirk.

"Amazing." she gasped, "That's your quirk? You can help the heroes in making the villains confess about their deeds in a second! That's so cool!" She heard a ring of a bell for a game coming to an end, "Oh shit, I have to go now! I need some time to myself, you know, to calm down and all. Good luck! Bye!"

Shinsou stood in the same position for a few minutes. He chuckled looking at the girl running away. It was the first time someone appreciated his quirk instead of thinking it was something evil and villainy, and that too when she saw it for the first time. Inspite of the little dance he made her do.

The grudge he had went down just a little bit. She was just a bit more tolerable than others.

On the other hand, a little far away from them, the pair of red eyes which were at first fixed on finding his opponent was now on the girl he previously teamed up with. He was trying not to feel angry about it after he said 'okay' to her but he was pissed anyway. Why was she even talking to someone Deku was going to fight with? What's with the privacy?

"And what's with that stupid outfit?" He thought. Unknowingly it was for quite a long time that he was staring as his eyes observed the outfit that she wore.

Atleast he thought he was observing.

"Dude you gotta chill." He heard Kirishima's voice, but still didn't move his eyes from her.

"I'm honestly confused about whether you're glaring at her or just checking her out." His friend said which finally made Bakugou snap his head towards his direction.

"Fuck off." He grumbled.

Yes, just fucking observing her.