Summer Camp

"Honestly I thought everything was going well between us," Y/N sighed moving her feet back and forth while sitting on the edge of the school swimming pool, "But we're back to square one. I mean...earlier he used to fight me but now..I don't know. Feels like we're in a weird position now. He isn't angry enough to despise me like before but...doesn't consider me a friend either?"

Kyoka looked at the retreating figure of her classmates and said, "Isn't that a good thing though?"

"No cause," her voice sounded eager and desperate, "now he doesn't even look at me or acknowledge me. I don't want to be just an extra to him."

"I don't even have an advice for you. The only thing I can say is that maybe you should just talk to him," Kyoka said getting up and walking towards the girl's bathroom.

"Are you kidding me?!" Y/N exclaimed, "Do you have any idea what you sound like right now?!"

"Holy shit you're so dramatic. It's not as hard as you think,"

"Oh yeah, tell me that after you ask Kaminari on a date. Forget about date, I bet you can't even ask him for a study session together,"

"A bet? Okay, if I ask him for study session, you gotta talk to Bakugou too. Deal?"

"...Okay," Y/N said, "Oh by the way, are you done shopping for the camp?"


"Now that you've finished up your first semester in U.A. High, summer vacation has official begun. However, don't think these will be months of rest for you heroes in the making. This camp will push you beyond your limits. You're aiming to be plus ultra," Aizawa said as their class stood near the bus.

Y/N eyes automatically searched for the blonde who was standing with his best friend as expected. She sighed and looked at the students of section B who were getting in the bus.

"Just talk to him," Y/N heard Kyoka say standing beside her. She was about to remind her of their deal when Kyoka interrupted her and said, "And before you say it, I already asked Kaminari and we agreed on being study buddies."

" were already study buddies weren't you?"

Kyoka smirked and said, "Well, you didn't specify any detail in the deal."

"You found a loophole! That's-"

"Look, I wouldn't force you to talk to someone like him if it wasn't bothering you. And honestly, the last thing we need is stress outside of whatever we are already facing right now."

"Okay, you've got a point," Y/N muttered and looked at Bakugou, "I' to him later."

"Hey we're going to a camp and I think you've got plenty of time to get him alone to talk."

"Easy for you to say. He won't come if he doesn't want to talk."

"The bus is here!" Tenya's voice boomed, "Everyone line up in seating order!"


The ride was pretty much tiring but exciting at the same time. It managed to make Y/N forget about the deal and focus on the training they were going to get. Besides her own, she also noticed the unusual change in another friend's behavior - Ochaco. Either Midoriya was influencing her to act that way or the girl definitely felt something for her school friend. It put a smile on her face.

It was cute. Both of them really felt the same for each other, but then again, both of them were awful in talking about their own feelings.

Class 1-A arrived on a mountain top around nine in the morning. Aizawa didn't waste any time and introduced the pro-hero team that will train them: the Wild, Wild Pussycats.

"We own this whole stretch of land here- everything you see. The summer camp you're staying at is at the base of the mountain," Mandalay said.

"Uh..then why did we stop all the way up here instead?" Uraraka asked.

"I'm afraid we both know the answer to that," Tsuyu said.

"The current time is 9:30 in the morning. If you're fast about it, you might make it by noon," Mandalay said and the students try to rush back on to the bus to avoid the harsh training, but Pixie-Bob used her quirk to spill them over the mountainside and into the Beast's Forest.

Pixie-Bob used her quirk to create monsters made from the earth, one of which immediately tried to attack Mineta and Izuku jumped in to save him. As the monster approached them, Todoroki froze it's feet and Y/N took no time to use her quirk and break it, making it lose it's balance. Bakugou and Iida then worked on breaking it's hands and Midoriya used his quirk to smash it into pieces. "You guys took that beast out in seconds!" Sato said.

"You showed that thing who's boss," Kirishima said, turning to Bakugou.

"We're not done," he replied.

Ofcourse it wasn't that easy. The place was known as the Beast's Forest for a reason. It was filled with monsters made by Pixie-Bob and Class 1-A started forming teams and taking down each one of them on their way to the summer camp.

Y/N was about to join the boys she just assisted in taking one down, but looking at Bakugou's face, she realized that...

...she wasn't really needed there. She turned and joined Ochaco and Tsuyu's team instead.


They reached the lodge well after their initial allotted time limit, arriving at some point during the evening. Class 1-A was severely worn out, but the pro-heroes congratulated them anyway.

"I thought it would take you kids even longer but you did much better against my dirt monsters than I thought you would. You guys were seriously great, especially..." Pixie-Bob said, "..the five of you! It seems like you've got quite a bit of experience!"

She jumped forward towards them, "I got dibs on these kittens! I'll groom them myself!" According to Mandalay, she was at the age of finding her mate.

And almost like out of instinct, Y/N moved forward infront of Bakugou to prevent her from being near him but...well, she didn't exactly realize that she was one of those kittens too. Covering her face, she stepped back so Pixie wouldn't kiss her and she hit her back on someone. Feeling the hard chest on her back, she looked up and behind her, as her face soon turned red. Bakugou was standing with his usual frown and looking down at her.

While Izuku was getting kicked on his groin by the kid named Kota, a tiny staring session went on between Bakugou and Y/N. He clicked his tongue and walked back, pushing her forward lightly.

"The last thing I want is to hang with some wannabe heroes," Kota glared at Iida who was holding Izuku.

"That brat's got spunk," Bakugou smiled looking at him.

"He's like a mini version of you," Todoroki and Y/N said, in unison. They looked at each other and chuckled.

Bakugou like always turned to him and yelled, "What are you talking about?! You need to shut up before I blast you all the way up to hell!" But wait, only to him.

He ignored her again.

"Enough playing around. Get your stuffs off the bus. Once your bags are in the room, we'll have dinner in the cafeteria. After that you can bathe and sleep," Aizawa said cutting their argument short, "Tomorrow your training starts so you better get a move on."

As everyone started walking towards the bus, Y/N decided to talk to Bakugou. She had to know if there was a reason. Well, there has to be right? Earlier they used to fight but Bakugou stopped that too.

She walked and paced with him. "So are you gonna tell me what's up with you?" Y/N asked, "You're acting...different around me."

"Shut up and move," he grumbled in response.

"Just...just talk to me. Cause you are avoiding me and it's pretty evident."

"You needed to study, I taught you and you passed. That's it," he looked at her and gave a straightforward answer, "We've nothing else to talk about, damn extra."

The words jolted her from whatever stance she was in. She stopped by her tracks and looked at him walking away nonchalantly like he didn't just drop a bomb on her head. And that word, that term he used on her was exactly what she feared. That she was just some extra to him. Not even a...friend. She sighed and ran towards the bus to get her stuffs, avoiding the little pain in her heart and controlling her emotions.

On the other hand, the blonde looked at the girl packing her stuffs, her face having no expressions at all. But that was it, right? He chose the right words..correction: word.

Sure he wanted to know all about her weakness, something to annoy her. But Bakugou didn't expect himself to be someone capable of affecting her that much.

Oh he loved it. Loved the control and power he had over her.

But that was no where near as much as he hated to admit the thumping that his heart did the day she kissed him in the hospital.