Chapter 7

"I have a few things for you today, Pearl", her boss David said in an assertive yet friendly way. "We have a meeting with the owners of the company today to discuss the merger. I'd like you there to get a feel for what direction this all might be heading. I think it would be beneficial for our marketing department to be on board early." Pearl was recently promoted to the management team of the marketing department. David was over the entire PR part of the company. Pearl was in charge of the approval and distribution of all materials sent out to the public regarding their image and promotions. It was a lot to take on, but she found it was a great way for her to dive into something and think less about the her life falling apart. "I'll be there, just let me know what you need from me" Pearl offered. "I absolutely will, maybe we could discuss it at lunch? The meeting is at 2. That would give us time to get on the same page" David said back, slyly smiling, taking a drink of his coffee. What is is with this guy? Pearl thought, almost saying it out loud. "Ok, that works" Pearl said. He really was a beautiful man. Very put together. Not even a wrinkle to be found. Or a wedding band, for that matter. There was talk among the staff about the boss and of his personal life. Some thought he was married to a woman but didn't wear a ring. Some thought he might have a male partner. He never brought anyone along to outside of work functions. He was alone at the Christmas party last year and at the summer picnic. No pictures of family in his office. Maybe he was just a private person?

"So just come to my office at noon. Did you bring a lunch or should we order something?" David asked. "I have something. I'm good, but thank you." Pearl replied. She was certain she would be enjoying the view, regardless.

After a long day at the office, a lunch meeting with her boss that could only be described as lunch with a side of tension, a meeting with the owners, piles of paperwork that she finally finished, she was headed home to open a bottle of wine and take a hot bath. As she was just settling down, she got a text from her friend John. "Hey woman, we booked a gig at The Boathouse two Saturdays from tomorrow! Super stoked. Let's practice tomorrow at 5 before our little acoustic thing at the brewery. That work?" Pearl was excited to hear it. The Boathouse was a huge local venue, and very difficult to get a gig booked at. It was on the lake and probably the biggest live music venue in the lower part of the state. They played many smaller bars, breweries and restaurants around the area but bigger gigs were always great, especially to showcase their original music as well as their covers. "Sounds great man! I'll see you tomorrow. Great job on the gig" Pearl replied. Now for some rest.