Chapter 11

Pearl walked back to Rhys and said, "Shall we?" "After you" Rhys said and motioned her forward. Pearl looked back and saw Dylan glaring at them until they were out the door.

"I'm parked in this garage here. The brewery only has one spot out back for the entertainment and John always parks there with our gear, so I'm stuck parking what feels like a mile away" Pearl explained. She was calmer than she'd think herself to be in a situation like this. He didn't seem like a famous person. He seemed beautiful but normal. She'd never met anyone famous before so she really had no comparison, and she didn't feel weird about it at all. He was a little quiet on the walk. She sensed something was odd on his part maybe? "Here we are! It's not a Rolls Royce, I know, but it runs well." Pearl said as they arrived at her less than attractive Jeep Wrangler that was 12 years old. "I love these old Jeeps." Rhys said, running his hand along the side. "I have one, actually. Kinda similar".

"Pearl..." he said with a little hesitation. "...I know it might sound weird, and I don't want you to feel weird, but, my hotel is not far from here. We could walk, actually. I'm not expecting anything, but I would love it if you'd consider coming back with me. I just love the conversations we've had and I have a full bar in my suite. And food. And my guitar. We could just chill and drink and talk some more. If you'd like, that is." Rhys sounded incredibly genuine and she actually wanted to. "That sounds great, actually." Pearl replied. Rhys looked up at her with the biggest smile. "Really? Awesome. Do you need anything from your car?" "No" Pearl answered. They walked through the garage to the opposite side and exited from a side door onto the Main Street. He lead the way across the street to the Hyatt downtown. They entered and he gave the front desk a fake name and asked if he had any messages. They then went to an elevator and he hit the presidential suite button. The doors opened into a lobby with two large doors. He used the key to open the large door and into the most luxurious suite she'd ever been in. There was a living room area with a full bar. It looked like maybe two bedrooms and a full charcuterie spread of fruit and meat and cheeses. The man didn't disappoint. "Can I get you a drink? Some food? I didn't see you eat at the brewery." Rhys was visibly excited to have her there. She didn't want to be intrusive but she felt she needed to ask, "So...I googled your show while I was in the bathroom at the bar. It's a huge show. And you're one of the male leads, man. You're really famous. What are you doing in this small city alone? I mean, I don't know any famous people but this isn't exactly what I envision when I think of them."

He brought her a beer and sat down, crossing his leg, looking at her with his fire blue eyes. "What exactly is it you envision?" He asked with sincerity.

"I don't know. Bodyguards and lavish parties and girls and people around you. Not walking into my bookshop alone and into a local brewery alone" she answered. "Well, I'm dressed down and always grow my hair and facial hair out when I'm on break from shooting. I like to feel as normal as possible. It's pretty quiet here. Sometimes I'm recognized but everyone seems pretty cool about it. And I'm here in town because one of my charities are here, at St. Michael's children's hospital. It's the largest charity children's hospital in the country and I visit here twice a year." Rhys answered. "Anything else you'd like to know?"

"How old are you?" Pearl asked. "Is my age an issue?" Rhys replied to her question with a question. She hated that. "No. But you seem young. I was just wondering" she said. "I'm 28. Is that suitable to your liking?" Rhys asked. "It's fine I was just wondering. Anyway, this is a great hotel suite, dude. I've never been in anything so nice." Pearl looked around in awe. "It's much nicer now with you here." Rhys said and came walking toward her. "Look I know I said I wouldn't expect anything but I didn't say I wouldn't try anything." And he grabbed the back of her head gently and kissed her. Intensely. Her body immediately felt like it was on fire. She felt the heat moving through her body and up through her chest and neck. Her stomach instantly fluttered and she was sure she was bright red from the rush of blood to her face. She kissed him back and grabbed his back, pulling him into her. What was happening? She didn't know and she didn't care. "You're beautiful, Pearl. You are so fucking beautiful. I love your mind. Your eyes. Damn you're so fucking sexy" Rhys said the words hungrily. Pearl melted. Melted right there in his giant living room in his giant suite. "I want you, Pearl. Is that ok?" "Yes. Yes that's ok, Rhys. I want you,too." And with that, still kissing her, he lead her to the side bedroom. He wasted no time taking off her jacket. Her shirt. He cupped her breast, still in her bra and didn't even bother to take it off. He wanted her jeans off. He wanted to take her and make her his and was impatiently working her out of her clothes to make that happen. Pearl slid out of her jeans and sat back on the bed, on her elbows. She watched him take off his jacket and his shirt. He was beautiful. He had full lips, chiseled abs and tattoos on his chest that resembled some kind of fantasy scene. It was breathtaking. He reveled in her watching him, taking him in. He took his time taking off his pants. He wasn't wearing underwear, which somehow didn't surprise her. He slowly moved on top of her, gently moving her up on the bed. He kissed her deeply, wanting more. Opening her mouth and moving his tongue deep inside. She had only been with one man before this and the lovemaking was always quick, no kissing. This man was eating her alive, kissing and licking her mouth, her neck, her breasts. He slid her panties down while kissing her tummy. "I want to be inside you, Pearl." Holy shit she thought. She didn't care about the risks. She would probably get some std and she was being so stupid but in the heat of the moment she didn't care. "I want that, too" She whispered. His reaction was insane. He started kissing her hard. Grabbing her ass. Pulling her towards him. It was like nothing she'd ever even heard of let alone experienced. It was like he couldn't get close enough to every inch of her. He moved his hand to her clit and she shrieked and instantly felt a hot rush of heat inside of her. He moved his finger in and out of her. She was dripping. "Holy fuck, you're so wet. It's so hot, Pearl." He rolled his tongue saying her name and she had never heard anything more seductive. "I want to be inside you. Are you ready, baby?" "Yes...please. I don't want to wait any longer, I want you inside me now." Pearl said, dying for it. Begging. With that, he positioned himself on top of her and pushed his cock inside of her. She sucked her breath in and muttered, "my god. Oh my god. You feel so good". He pumped in and out. "You're pussy is unbelievable. You're so wet. So tight. My god Pearl." He cradled her head, looking into her eyes the entire time. He moved her to a more seated position, rocking her. "I want to look at you." He said. She rocked back into him, moving with him. He seemed to love it. She was so responsive to him. He looked into her eyes and began to thrust harder. And with that, she could feel her orgasm brewing and she knew she was going to cum harder than she has ever before in her life. She felt her toes and feet curl and her body locked around his cock. "I'm gonna cum" she whispered in his ear. And then she came. Hard. And her saying that put him over the edge, too. He felt her muscles tighten around him and a flow of her hot juices move around him. He pushed hard, as deep as he could get inside of her and she could feel him pulsating his cum into her. Deep into her. It was the single most erotic moment of her life. He stayed there, inside of her for a couple of minutes before he pulled out and rolled to the side. He just held her, panting and their hearts pounding for what seemed like forever. Her bra was still on and their clothes were splayed all over the room. That was heated. It was obviously a deep need for both of them. He managed to compose himself and he gave her a kiss and said "That. THAT was incredible, Pearl. I should be asking who and what YOU are. I won't have to though. I know. You're a goddamn goddess." He joked. "I'm not trying to stroke your ego or anything but that was the best sex I've ever had in my entire life, I'm not even going to try to be coy about that." Pearl said, trying to find her clothes. "Me too" Rhys said pulling his pants on. "Let's have a cigarette. Fuck man, the neighbors probably need one too" he laughed at his joke and Pearl hoped he was serious about agreeing with her.