Chapter 13

After a long bath and a dinner of champions, Pearl settled down with a book for the night. She was more than ready to sleep and hopefully dream about her night with a movie star. She finished the chapter and turned off the light when her her phone dinged. It was a text. She opened the phone and saw it was from Dylan. "You're right. I don't know why I cared. Glad you're safe. Have a good night." Ugh. He was a dick and confusing as hell. She turned out the light and slept like a baby.

"Good morning, Pearl." David, her boss, greeted her in her office. God he was always so put together. His cologne smelled clean and his green eyes were always so inquisitive. He looked like money and purpose. He really was handsome. "Have a nice weekend?"

"I did." Pearl replied trying to stifle a giggle. Even she couldn't believe what had happened. Her body still felt his presence and she was actually thankful for the soreness. It reminded her it was all real. "We still set for our meeting at 4?" He asked looking at his watch. "Yes sir. I'll be there." Pearl replied. The day went quickly and she made her way to his office at 4. "Ah yes. Come in please." David seemed a bit more formal than usual. And nervous even. "So what's up? What are working on?" Pearl asked. "Your new business cards came in. Hope you like them." She looked down.

Pearl Clarke

Director of community marketing promotions

It felt official.

"There is a meeting in Seattle this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I need you there. It's part of this merger and the owners of the merging company along with the owners here will be there. I need you to make some brochures and information for the meeting as well as gather information for the upcoming merger. I know it's short notice, but it really is important that you be there. The company will take care of the hotel and travel expenses and you have the company card for marketing purposes, you can use that for food and anything you need out there. Is this something you can make happen?" David asked and seemed to give the impression it wasn't an option. "That's short notice, but I can make it happen. I'll need to work late tonight and tomorrow morning getting the brochures to graphics, but I'll make it happen. Will you be giving me the itinerary and flight times and hotel info?" Pearl asked. She was stressed and needed to get started ASAP. "Yes. I'll have your assistant get it all taken care of and she will let you know. We will plan on leaving late Tomorrow evening so we can get to Seattle and settled for the next morning."

"We?" Pearl asked. "Yes, I'm going with you." David replied.

Oh boy.