Chapter 15

She slept like crap. David had insisted she take the bedroom and the guilt and awkwardness caused her to have a fitful sleep. She got herself together and came out to the little kitchen. David was already awake and had coffee going. He looked pristine as ever and she was starting to think maybe he wasn't human. "Good morning Pearl, how did you sleep?" David asked with a smile. "Ok I guess. So what's in the agenda today. I know our big meeting is Friday morning at 9. That's the most I got from Ashley before we left." Pearl wasn't sure what was planned but she preferred to know ahead of time. "Today we head to the corporate office and meet the team. I have scheduled a tour for you and then we will have dinner tonight with the head of marketing here. Sound good?" David asked. "Yes sir. Sounds great"

The tour went well. It was a huge, 12 story building with three times the staff their company had. Pearl met several people that did what was similar to her job and she was getting all sorts of suggestions and mentoring. Before she knew it, it was 4 o'clock. David found her and let her know they needed to get back for the hotel to get ready for dinner. "Is this something I need to dress up for?" Pearl asked. "Yes it's a formal dinner at Canlis. I would expect maybe a cocktail dress?" Pearl panicked. "I didn't bring anything like that, I'm so sorry. I only brought business attire." "Well let's get out of here so we can find something for you." He said with a grin. He seemed to relax a bit and she felt stupid but his smile made her feel a little better. They grabbed a cab and David was on his phone. He gave the cab driver some directions and they ended up at a dress boutique called Samillas. They walked toward the door and Pearl started to feel uneasy. "This place looks expensive." She said. "Don't worry about that. I asked you to be here and I didn't tell you about this dinner. It's my fault and I want to get this. It's on me." No way she could accept that. "I don't feel right about that." Pearl said sternly. "Well you don't have a choice. You need a dress and we have a little less than 3 hours before we have to be there. Let's find you something" David wasn't taking no for answer. "Ok" Pearl said and they walked in.

Two women greeted them at the door. "How can we help you?" The pretty blonde asked. "We need a cocktail dress. Something a bit formal" David said. His demeanor was a bit sexy. Masculine. "Yes a dress" Pearl repeated, like an idiot.

The ladies took Pearl to a fitting room and sat David at a chair across from a mirrored wall. He pulled out his laptop and seemed to make himself busy. The blonde asked her size and Pearl told her she wasn't sure. She hadn't bought a formal dress in almost ten years. "You look like maybe a 2 or a 4" the blonde said. "What color are you thinking?"

"Black maybe? I don't know." Pearl replied. The blonde brought four dresses. One full length and three shorter. One was red. Dark red. It had a high lace neckline and open drop back, exposing her entire back almost to her butt crack. It was beautiful. Pearl tried it on and it hugged her petite frame like it was made for her. Was it too sexy? Pearl felt confident yet extremely vulnerable in this dress. Her ex husband would have called her an attention seeking slut in it. But as she looked in the mirror, she knew that was precisely the reason she was going to get it. She told the lady to bag it and that she was getting it. She didn't ask the price because she didn't want to. She already felt bad. She had a pair of red and black heels she brought with her back up suit so it would work perfectly. She walked toward David and said she was ready. "Already? That was fast. You're a great shopper, among the many other things you're great at, I see" she smiled back and thanked him as he put his hand on her back to guide her tot he counter. "You two are the most adorable couple we've seen in here in a long time." The blonde said. "You can just see how much you adore each other".

"We're not ..." Pearl started to say and David interrupted, "thank you" he told the blonde. He paid and was careful that Pearl didn't see the total.

"I didn't feel like getting into all that with them" David said, referring to the comment the salesgirl made. "All good. And thank you. Really. For the dress. I hope it works." "It will work fine, I'm certain" David said with a smile.

After an hour of talking herself out and back into the dress, deciding what to do with her hair and plastering way too much makeup on, Pearl walked out of the bathroom into the tiny living area of their hotel room. "Ok I'm ready" Pearl announced. David, looking even more like a young Robert Redford in his suit, looked up from his laptop and dropped his jaw and his drink. He dropped his drink, right from his hand. "Oh wow, you look....beautiful. I mean. Very nice. Perfect for dinner. Thank you."

"Thank you?" Pearl chuckled. "You're welcome." And she smiled big. And so did he.

**********Author's note************

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