Chapter 17

After several more drinks, Pearl managed to convince David to head back to their room. He was clearly drunk and Pearl wasn't even angry. After he went on to talk about his horrible father, she disliked him even more than she did at dinner. What a selfish, money hungry prick, Pearl thought. Thank god his mother had a prenup and was smart about money or David would have had nothing. And his father was only making this merger happen to come back into his life, and David was suspicious it was because of his money. How horrible.

They hailed a cab and Pearl told the driver what hotel they were staying at. As they rode, David grabbed Pearl's hand and held it in silence. It was not in any way uncomfortable and she was happy to be there for him. He always treated her like an equal at work. Lately, he wanted to be near her more and she wondered how many friends he had. His wanting to be around her at work more started about a month ago and she was putting it all together now. He had probably wanted to talk to someone about all this. They got back to the hotel and Pearl helped David to the couch. She helped him out of his jacket and shoes. She knew he'd be furious in the morning knowing he slept in this expensive suit but she wasn't even going to attempt the kind of work it would take to get him out of it. She grabbed a blanket and covered him. And just as she was reaching to turn off the light, he reached up and grabbed her face. Looking deep into her eyes, he said "Thank you for being amazing tonight. I meant everything I told my father about you. You are a brilliant light, a beautiful soul and I am a better person because I know you." And he kissed her forehead and laid back, passing out into a much needed sleep.

Pearl took her dress off and hung it neatly on the hanger and covered it with the dress bag. What a night. She washed her face and got into bed. No one had ever said anything like that to her before. It made her tear up. Did he really feel that way? Or was it the 5 scotches talking? Either way, it moved her. It meant something to her, to be appreciated. She had received more kind words and care from two men she barely knew in a matter of a week than she had ever heard from her husband of over ten years. It was overwhelming. The tears continued and she let it out. It was needed. She was past all the hurt now and she was stronger. Better equipped for the bad things. But these wonderful things, she was absolutely not prepared for in the least bit. It felt good. It felt foreign, but good. She had needed this for a long time. And she was letting it in. She was worthy. And people really cared for her.

She had no idea what was on the agenda the next day but she was hoping it wasn't anywhere near the asshole she met tonight. Her phone dinged and she looked at her text messages. "Look, I need to talk to you. When will you be back? You weren't at rehearsal tonight so I couldn't talk to you in person. How are you? You're in Seattle?" It was Dylan.

"Yes I'm in Seattle. What's up? Is it our set list? I'm fine changing it to whatever you want. Just tell me what to learn. And I'll be back Saturday afternoon."

She wasn't in the mood for his bullshit tonight. "The set list is fine. It's not that. You've been on my mind lately and I was hoping we could talk."

Pearl had no idea what this was about.

"Okay. Are you free Saturday afternoon? Maybe around 2?

We could meet at the coffee shop around the corner from my apartment?"

"That sounds great Pearl. I missed you tonight. I'll see you then."

She didn't respond. Missed her? Why? What was going on. She was too tired to even think about it and fell asleep as soon as her eyes closed.