Chapter 31

"Would you like a drink?" David asked Pearl.

"I'm ok, actually. I wanted to see you. I wanted to let you know I believe you about what I saw the night at the cafe. It's not my place anyway. We aren't together in that way and it wasn't any of business. I was a little drunk and over reacted. I'm sorry."

David studied her, trying to get a read. Did she want him to suggest something more official? He didn't want to try to pressure her in any way. "I understand and you don't need to apologize. Just because we aren't official in whatever capacity that even means doesn't mean I will disrespect you. You can't tell someone you love them and then purposely deceive them. It isn't right." David wanted her to know she was safe with him. "Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that too." Pearl continued, "Being with you in Seattle was not at all what I expected. I got to know you in way I wasn't prepared for. I really enjoyed it and am happy I was able to be there for you through that. It was a whirlwind of emotion for us and I was caught up in it all, deeply. When I told you I was in love with you, I meant it at that moment. But I don't want to lie to you. I'm not sure what my feelings are in that regard. I do love you. As a person. As a human. And I have feelings for you that I don't really understand fully. It's new, you know?" Pearl wanted him to know what she was thinking and why she needed time. "So you're not sure about me yet?" David seemed to be trying to understand. "I just got out of a terrible situation designed to keep me down. I was lied to and cheated on among other things. I don't want you to take my apprehension personally" Pearl also didn't want to mention an even bigger issue, David's father and his telling her that she would have to marry David for him to receive any inheritance. She would have to try to figure out if Thomas had spoken to David about it yet. And then the thought hit her. Hard. If David knew about the inheritance, how could she know if David was being genuine about his feelings for her? She couldn't!

"Pearl, I understand. I do. I never expected us to become so close and I know we still have a lot to learn about each other. I just want you to know I'd like to keep going and getting closer. I know you've been hurt. I won't push. But the attraction I have for you is....overwhelming at times. The need to be close to you. And I'll just say it, the need to protect you, is there. It isn't going away. But I'll give you time. I'll try to respect that." David looked defeated. Did he know about his father's demand?

"Ok, thank you, David. I appreciate you listening to me and understanding. Really. I'll see you tomorrow at work?" Pearl was trying to be as casual as possible. "I'm taking a few days off. I fly out to San Francisco next week on Wednesday for a PR conference to learn the new software we are transitioning to. I'm taking the rest of this week off from the office. I'll be working from home. I won't be back in the office until next Friday." David was also keeping it casual. She wondered if this decision was for him to have a break from her not just the office. "Oh ok." Pearl said. "I'll see you when you get back then?"

"Sounds good" David said. And walked her to the door.

What am I doing? Pearl thought to herself as the crisp air hit her. He's a great guy. I just have to sort all of this out right now.

Her phone dinged. It was a text from Dylan. "Can I stop by? I have a present for you."

"I'm not home. I will be in about a half hour. Meet me then?"

"Sounds great" Dylan texted back.

She looked at the time. 9pm. It was late. Hopefully she'd get some sleep before work in the morning.

Never in her life did Pearl imagine she would have to juggle admiration from men in this way. She was not accustomed to it and spent most of her early adult life alone and controlled. To say it didn't make her feel good would be a lie. She still was good at her core. The caring, loving and loyal person she knew she always had been but the need to fulfill a void and live free was there, too. And she didn't know if she could be anyone's property ever again. She didn't know if she could belong to any one man after the one man she did give herself to wholly tried to destroy her. She was thankful he had moved on. He was engaged to a a woman he started seeing after the girl he began a relationship cheating on her with. The guy was a serial asshole. After Pearl signed over everything, he pretty much left her alone. He was done with her. The end was just as sad as the rest of the relationship. When he had nothing to gain from her, he threw her away like garbage. Indeed, Pearl would never, ever allow another man to hurt her like that again.