Chapter 38

Pearl awoke to Rhys bustling around the suite on his phone. "Yep sounds great! We will be there. You have all the info for the offer if it works out, right? Good. Thanks Bill. You rock." Pearl made her way out to main room. "Coffee" she said. "Well good morning to you too, babe. There's coffee over on the room service tray. And breakfast. I figured you might be hungry." Rhys gave her a big hug. Pearl made her self a cup and walked to where Rhys was sitting. "So what are we doing today? And I'll need to grab a change of clothes if you're taking me anywhere in public." Pearl said. She had texted her assistant late last night and told her she wouldn't be coming in today. Ashley seemed a little shocked but she said she would handle everything. "We can head to your place or you can borrow a shirt of mine." He suggested. He walked over and pulled a Tom Waits t-shirt out of his closet. She loved it, actually. "That'll work." She said. "Ah, we are at the stealing my clothes phase of our relationship" he laughed. "This is getting serious". She slapped his arm and headed to the shower. After a quick makeup touch up and his tee, she was as good as she was going to get.

They took a cab this time. An hour later, they were far out of the city. They turned into a long driveway that twisted and turned into a wooded area that lead to a beautiful secluded mountain style mansion surround by a gate. A man was there to greet them. "Holden, nice to meet you finally. Your lawyer sent all your information and this is the home I emailed you. I hope you like it' The man said, putting a code into the box at the entrance. Pearl was blown away. The home itself was beautiful and the fact he wanted her to come along and give him her opinion meant a lot. She felt valued and special. They drove into a circle drive and parked at the entrance to main house. She had never been in a home so large and beautiful. They walked into a giant foyer with an open ceiling all the way to the top of the house with exposed beams and a giant chandelier. She made a gasping noise and covered her mouth. "So I'm taking it you like it so far?" Rhys asked with a big smile. "It''s amazing Rhys." Pearl said. They walked into a main living area with floor to ceiling windows and the biggest and most beautiful stone fireplace she had ever seen. They went through an enormous dining room and industrial kitchen then a smaller dining room adjacent to the kitchen. Rhys was pointing things out to the realtor and asking questions. Pearl was still in shock at how amazing and vast the house was. "Is it this way?" She heard Rhys ask "My number one request, it's on the main floor, right?" And the realtor led them down a hall past what looked like an office and a bathroom. They turned a corner and walked into a huge, two story library filled with shelves of books. Pearl had seen these things in movies before but never in real life. It even had a ladder with rolling wheels. There was another fireplace on the far side of the room with a big, comfortable looking couch and two chairs placed in front of it. It was her idea of paradise. "Do you like it?" Rhys asked, glowing with pride and trying to get a read from her. "Most little girls dream of castles and being a princess when they grow up. I always dreamed of having something like this" she said. Rhys heard her say those words and knew he made the right choice. Not just on the house, but in choosing this amazing woman, entranced by something as perfect and simple as a library and grateful just to be coming along with him to help. She was like a kid on Christmas morning and he was so proud to be able to give her this. She made him want to be a better man. A good man.

She was sure she was trembling. "May I?" She asked as she started to climb the ladder. "Of course ma'am" the realtor said, smiling. She climbed up and looked at all the books. It was unbelievable. A dream. She was so thankful Rhys to bring her along and let her see this.

After the library, they toured the rest of the massive estate. 5 bedrooms and 4.5 baths. A guest house. A pool. Two out buildings and the private lake out back. It was...amazing. They walked back into the foyer. "What do you think, Mr. Tomlinson"

The realtor asked. Rhys turned and asked "Pearl, what do you think?"

"I think it's the most amazing home I've ever seen. It''s great Rhys. I love it. I think you'll love it here."

"Would this be something you'd live in?" Rhys asked. "Of course, who wouldn't? One day when my marketing department takes over the world, I'm going to buy something just like this. And I'll live in the library." She joked.

"I'll take it. Tell my attorney to make an offer. Tell him to offer the asking price, I don't want to lose this place." Rhys said. Pearl's jaw dropped. He looked at her and smiled. "I'm glad you like it. As soon as I saw it, I knew you would."