Chapter 42

The first set went well and the club was packed to capacity. Still no sign of Rhys and Jason. Pearl went down to the bar to get a water. "Hey there Pearl with the pretty eyes." She turned around and there was Rhys and Jason. She wasn't going to screw this up for the guys so she ate her pride and said "hey there." And smiled. Rhys had a beanie and sunglasses on. He was trying to look low key but he was getting a ton of looks. "You guys can hang backstage if things get too crazy out here." Pearl said. Just then she felt someone push into her. She turned and there was Dylan. "Hey there, movie star. I hope after all this we're still cool. I appreciate you coming given the circumstances" and he smiled and put his arm around Pearl. "I don't know what you mean, man." Rhys said. "You didn't tell him?" Dylan sneered. "Can I talk to you?" Pearl pulled Dylan away and over to the side stage. "What the fuck are you doing?" Pearl was furious. "Why are you making a scene when less than an hour ago you acted like a total dick?"

"I don't know what you want from me. I cant believe you'd still let him come here after last night. And I'm so sorry I can't be your puppet. Like he his." Dylan had a lot of nerve. "He's here because the record producer is here. For us. And I'm done with this. Tell him whatever you want but you and I, we are through here." Pearl walked away.

She walked back to Rhys and he still seemed confused. "I have to go back on stage. Thank you for coming Jason." She looked at Rhys. "I'll see you after?" She said. "Yea sure." Rhys said, cooly, still unsure of the display between he and Dylan.

The second set was mostly originals. The crowd loved them and reacted more than they've ever before.

"Great job, Pearl. Jason is really interested. He gave me his card and told me to tell you to call him next week. He wants to get you guys in the studio, see what you come up with. Give it a shot."

Inside, Rhys walked up to Dylan. "Great guitar playing, man. I really liked it. Looks like Epic records did too"

"I don't need your fucking record contract. I'm not sure what you're trying to do with Pearl, either. There's no way this is going to work. You're playing games with her. She deserves better than that. She deserves better than all of us" and he started to walk away. "I'm not playing with her, man. I just ended my longest on and off again relationship last night, not that it's any of your business. 8 years I've been letting that woman play games with me. I cut it off. I'm going to tell Pearl I want see her. And only her. I'm serious. I've never met anyone like her." Rhys wanted them all to know he wasn't some piece of shit using her.

"Oh yea? Well that's what you were doing last night. You should ask Pearl what she doing. Maybe that will help move this all in the right direction". Dylan smiled, knowing he wounded him.

"She was with you." It wasn't a question.

"Yes. She was. All night. And I love her. Not some flash in the pan bullshit manipulation like you have going on. I really love her." Dylan said.

"Yea ok, but does she love you? Because none of that means shit if she doesn't feel the same way in return. That's this chip you have on your shoulder, isn't it? I get it now. You know you're not her choice. You know you don't don't deserve her. Ha ha ha. So you laid it in thick with your bullshit and fucked her. You are her friend man. You want to talk about manipulation. THAT'S manipulation. Now you're terrified it's all gonna back fire. That's a pussy ass move, man. You don't love her. You love YOU and the idea of her. Sad man. Really sad." Rhys said and turned to walk away.

Pearl couldn't believe what she had just heard. Rhys walked over to her. "I'm not angry with you. It's just that I know guys like that. They are everywhere. I used to be one. Fuck him. And I haven't been completely honest with you, either. I was with a woman last night. But I ended it. It hurts to think about you with another man but I know this this is new. I admit, I went all in and Christ woman it's only been a few weeks! Right? It's crazy, I know. But this whole thing is supposed to happen. I believe it." Pearl felt awful. What was wrong with her lately that she couldn't figure out what was real and what she wanted? "I'm sorry." Pearl said. "Do you love him?" Rhys asked. "No. I don't know." She said. He hugged her and said "Look me up when you figure it out." And he left.