Chapter 46

Pearl walked into the office still feeling a little shaky from her night and morning. Her assistant greeted her in her office and went over what she had missed on Friday and her schedule for the current day. "Hey there, glad to see you're feeling better. I heard you took a sick day Friday." David said as he walked into her office. Pearl's pulse raced. "I am feeling much better, thank you." Pearl said looking down, trying to show her flushed face. "I thought you were off this week?" She asked. "I decided I had some things that required my attention here." He replied with a smile that only she would notice. "I'll see you at the meeting today." And he left. "Could he be ANY hotter?" Ashley said as she watched his tight backside in his tailored suit walk away. "The man is the definition of sexy. I bet he's like 50 Shades when he's in the bedroom. He can take me to his red room any day." She joked. Pearl acted liked she ignored it, but she had to stifle a grin.

She exhaled and sat in her chair. He was so handsome. Like a clean, soft, mad god. He was dark and deep, too. Her attraction to him was unparalleled.

After a quick lunch at her desk, she called Jason at Epic records. She wanted him to know they were very interested and find out exactly how expensive studio time would be, if at all. It was new territory for her. "Oh hey Pearl!" Jason said. "I'd love get you guys here in New York by the end of the week. We had some time open up with our people there. Jax Stark would be a great fit for you guys. Best producer in the business right now, really. You have a classic, sludge rock sound and that's what he does. I need to work a couple of things out, but I'd like to get you a meeting with him. I will take care of your travel costs and hotel. What is the band's availability end of the week?"

"I'll have to check with the guys and get back to you. I didn't realize it would be so soon." Jax fucking Stark! Holy shit. He was an up and coming rock producer that was making his unique sound of adding odd background vocals, beats and sounds into the music as well as adding brass and string instruments to rock, giving it funk, industrial or old school R&B undertones. Pearl was becoming anxious at the thought of getting something together in such a short amount of time. "I'll email you our availability" she said and thanked him.

"Sorry I'm late." Pearl mouthed to David as she sat down at the conference table. He made a no worries face and continued to give his presentation. She watched him speak. His movements were so precise, so deliberate. He was damn good at his job. The confidence he conveyed was really enviable and extremely attractive. His jacket was off and he had rolled up the sleeves of his tight fitting white shirt. She felt the familiar warm rush move through her body and enjoyed the affect he had on her. She started to flash back to the night before. His hands moving along her body, tracing the curve of her side. His mouth, his breath, hot on her mouth.

"Pearl...Pearl, would you like to begin presenting what you have for us?" She came back to reality. David was looking at her curiously.

"Yes. Yes of course. Sorry." Get it together, Pearl, she thought.

After the meeting, she was gathering her things, only her and David left in the room. David approached and placed his hand over hers. "Are you ok today?" He moved in close and whispered, "Can you still feel me, inside of you?"

Her knees felt like they might give. He lingered only another moment and left the room.