Chapter 48

"Hey. Can I come in for a minute?" Dylan asked as he walked up to Pearl.

"I'm not thrilled about it, but I don't have a choice currently. I know we need to work together on these songs. Just know that what you said and how you behaved the other night is borderline unforgivable. I don't know what you hoped to accomplish putting on that show, but if it was to make me resent you, mission accomplished." Pearl said, as direct and confident as possible.

"I understand that." Dylan replied, as he grabbed his acoustic guitar from his car.

They made their way into Pearl's apartment. "I wrote a song . I'd like to bounce it off of you, see what we can make happen." It was obvious Dylan was trying to keep on task and casual. He began playing and singing,

"I close my windows

To keep out memories

But I would understand

If you still seep through the pores

Oddly effervescent

I hide my secrets

Deep, locked inside a vault

If you burglarize my life

I'm not surprised

I would understand the crime.

I cried, before it all went dry

We were light

All ghosts, no repose

I'm the champion of the night.

You could burn the world

To show the brighter side

I would let you this time

I cried, before it all went dry

We were light.

Lay, lay with pretty actors

But lack acting average

A little short on everything you want

After, after ugly is mastered

We're all better bastards

Nothing like the truth to free the heart.

I lied, before it all went dry.

We are light."

He put down his guitar and waited for her response.

"It's beautiful" Pearl said.

"I was hoping you could tweak it maybe. Add or change the lyrics a little." Dylan said, looking down and scribbling words on a notebook page. Pearl knew it was about her. Them. The emotion in his voice when he sang it told her this should be his song to sing when they present it to Epic. "I wouldn't change a thing. This is your song. And it's lovely, Dylan." Pearl said.

"No. It's your song." Dylan replied, looking up from writing, into her eyes.

A long moment passed between them. Pearl knew she cared for him. But he was so volatile, so moody and scared, like a child, afraid of ghosts in the night. He's intelligent enough to know what's real and what's not, but he's still afraid to turn off the light. She knew he wasn't able to care for her in a safe way. Not right now, anyway.

They worked on a couple more things and decided to meet at John's an hour before rehearsal the next day to get some more time in. He left without mentioning anything else. Pearl was optimistic this was a sign that maybe they could salvage some shreds of their friendship and creative collaboration.

Pearl ate a horrible dinner of carrot sticks and yogurt. Her nerves were on edge. She emailed Jason, sending him the bands availability in the upcoming couple of weeks. He replied that he was pleased and that he would get back to her ASAP. She took a quick shower and settled for the night. Her text dinged. "I need to see you, I'm at your door." It was David.

"Hey, everything ok? It's late and this isn't like you." Pearl asked as she opened the door.

David grabbed her face and began kissing her. He ran his hands along her back, cupping her bottom and pulling her closer to him. "I can't get enough of you. I can't be away from you. What are you doing to me?" David said as he cupped her breast and kissed down her neck. "I don't care about my job anymore. My father. I want you. I want to be with you."

"David. Wait. Stop." Pearl said, backing away. Him mentioning his father made her uneasy and cautious. "This isn't like you. What's going on?"

"I wish I knew, Pearl. I really do. I was home tonight, trying to relax and clear my head, and I couldn't. My body ached for you. My thoughts are all over the place. I needed to see you, HAD to see you." David said, reaching for her again.

Had his father talked to him? Had he told him his stipulation? She couldn't know for sure what was real and what could be put on. There was a lot of money and company ownership at stake. That's why she hadn't told David about the meeting she had with his father. She knew she'd never be able to know if he was being honest with her or not. And with Thomas saying he would tell David eventually, she still couldn't be sure. Maybe ever. Even after they discussed it, it would still be a question for her as to what is his true intentions were with her. She needed to sort this out within herself and give David time to show this wasn't an act. He was pushing more and she was worried.

"I'm really tired, David. Can we meet tomorrow night after my rehearsal?" Pearl asked. David looked defeated and frustrated. "Yes. Of course." He said, but Pearl could see him pondering as to why she wanted a break from him. "I'll see you at work tomorrow?" He asked, forcing a smile.

"Yes. Definitely." Pearl said. "Goodnight, David."