Chapter 52

Thursday arrived quickly and the band finally had what they needed to bring to New York. They were all a bundle of nerves and decided to take the night off from rehearsing. Pearl was looking forward to a hot bath and some down time. She had texted Rhys the day before to update him and thank him again for everything. She would always be grateful to him for this opportunity, even if nothing came from it. She hadn't heard back and was feeling a little uneasy about it.

She stopped and picked up a few things for the trip on her way home, and while she was at the market a few blocks from her office, she heard a familiar voice in the next aisle.

"I am trying, but she doesn't seem to be as eager to take the next step as I am. I don't know if she's just not that interested in me or if she's just resigned to being on her own. She's had a lot of damage done." It was David. And he was talking to a woman she couldn't quite see from where she was standing.

"This isn't just about your heart, David. This is about your future. The company depends on this. You know what your father said to me. He's not giving you anything unless she agrees to be with you." Holy shit. It was Maggie, from Seattle. What was going on? "Look, David. When I left your office after offering her that job, I was convinced this was all going well and going to work. Then Thomas called me that evening, telling me all this. That man is either spying on you or has the intuition of a fortune teller. Either way, you know this puts everything into a conflict now. I knew you had feelings for her, it was obvious in Seattle, but I didn't know it was this deep, and I didn't know you were sleeping with her." She said in a loud whisper.

"I don't care about what this does to the company. What I care about is what it does to me. And to her. My entire life is compromised now. If Pearl were to find out, she'd think my only reasoning for wanting her is this. And I'm so affected by it, I'm beginning to distrust my own desires." David said to her. "I appreciate you staying in town a little longer after all this happened and I appreciate your help in trying to figure this all out, especially you telling me about what my father said to you in confidence."And he hugged her.

He knew! When did he find out? This was going to make things so much more complicated. And was Maggie a friend? They hug? What was happening between the two of them? This was going to compromise her promotion. Her feelings. This is what she deserved for sleeping with and falling for the fucking boss. Pearl had to get out of there, unnoticed. She made her way towards the door as quickly as possible. While she was moving around a man reaching at a higher shelf, he turned without warning, and she ran right into him. "I'm so sorry, are you ok?" Pearl asked, still scurrying.

"Pearl?" She heard a voice say, walking toward her. "I thought that was your voice." And she looked over to see David and Maggie standing there.

"Oh hey! I was just stopping to grab a couple of things for my trip tomorrow. Hello, Maggie, I didn't know you were still in town?" Pearl said, trying to stay professional. They also looked a little guilty. "Um yes, I was supposed to fly out yesterday but a few things came up that I have to deal with here." She wasn't lying.

David just looked at her. It was awkward. "So, I'm going to head to pay for this catering order for the meeting tomorrow, David. Nice seeing you, Pearl." Maggie said, walking away.

"I'll see you Monday." David said to Pearl, breaking eye contact and following Maggie.

This! This is why! Pearl thought. This is the reason I couldn't and shouldn't make any decisions about my future yet. What a mess. When things seem to good to be true, it's usually because they are. Nothing is easy. She only wondered what kind of fresh drama awaited with Rhys. If any contact would happen again, at all.

She got home and folded into the couch. She needed silence and nothingness for awhile. Just as she started to doze off, her email dinged. It was Jason, confirming all the information for the next day. She pulled herself off the couch and finished packing. She was as ready as she was going to be. She took a bath so long she thought her skin might fall off. Wrapping herself in a towel, she went to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of wine. Just as she was finishing her first sip, there was a knock at her door. "Fuck" she muttered out loud.

She walked to the peephole and saw Maggie standing at her door.