Chapter 4

Pearl wasn't a big drinker and had definitely drank too much. John offered to drive her and her Jeep back to her place and have Janie pick him up there.

"I'll just take a cab. Don't worry about it." Pearl said.

"It's a half hour drive back to your apartment Pearl, that's like a 60 dollar cab ride. Let me see if I can get you an Uber." John was looking at his phone when Dylan asked "Where does she live? I'm also about a half hour from here. I rode to work with a friend so my car is at my house. I could take her if it's close."

Pearl heard them negotiating her ride home and she felt terrible about it. She gave Dylan her address and apologized profusely. "That's maybe two streets over from my place. I'll drive you." Dylan said, and it wasn't an offer. It was obvious that was the plan.

"I usually don't drink dark beer. I'm a lightweight. I'm so sorry guys. I totally suck." Pearl said, slurring a little and trying to seem like she had it together.

"It's cool, Pearly Pearl. You've been through a lot lately. It's good to escape even if it's just for a few hours and you'll most likely regret it tomorrow." John put his arm around her and made sure Dylan was ok with everything before he left.

"Here's a water. I have to finish closing up but it shouldn't take long." Dylan said, handing her a large ice water.

They walked to her Jeep and Pearl got in thinking, it's my first night owning this thing and I'm not even driving it. "Don't get pulled over, I just got this today and haven't been to the dmv to get it licensed or insured or anything yet."Pearl said.

"Good to know and I'll be careful. If we get pulled over, I'll explain everything."

Dylan said, putting her address into his phone gps.

The drive was too quiet and Pearl was too intoxicated to just sit there in silence.

"So what are you, like a genius or something? I'm pretty good at reading people and you are NOT a brewery guy." She sounded condescending but she was too drunk to care.

"Not a brewery guy? That's funny. Brewery guys are some of the smartest and most creative people I've met." Dylan avoided her real question.

"Yes I'm sure and I'm not knocking them, I'm just saying that you don't seem like that is where you're meant to be."

"If you want to know more about me, be specific." Dylan said, focused on driving or pretending to be focused.

"Ok. Did you go to college? What did you major in?" Pearl was going to go along with this game.

"Yes. Philosophy. And yes. I have a high IQ. And honestly, I don't like to be 'read' and I'm not sure how to feel about you calling me out as many times as you have tonight." Dylan looked at her for a split second and she could see he was serious.

"Sorry, it's just what I do. It's not a good trait sometimes. So why are you working at a bar instead of doing something with your degree?"

"Is this a job interview?" Dylan asked, then paused and said, "I was taking care of my grandmother and she passed away a little while ago. I had to take over her house and deal with the funeral arrangements. The job was available and I needed one."

Pearl's heart dropped. She wasn't expecting this surly behaving man to have an answer like that.

"I'm sorry." Pearl said.

"We're almost to your place, I think. Look familiar?" He asked as they turned the corner onto her street.

"What's your philosophy on love? Do you believe in it? I need expert philosophical advice because I'm becoming quite abhorrent to it." Pearl ignored his question and thought she better ask this now or never.

He stopped the Jeep in front of her building and leaned toward her, looking directly at her. "I believe all human emotions are as real as the person feeling them. I also believe love is extremely overrated and not seen or felt the way it is supposed be, was created to be."

"And what's that?" Pearl asked.

"Everything." He answered.

She felt an intense wave of emotion and leaned in, kissing him on the mouth. She mumbled, "I'm so sorry." And promptly passed out.