Chapter 62

He kissed her and woke her but she pretended to still be asleep. It was sometime in the middle of the night, they had fallen asleep, still in their clothes. It had been a long few days. She felt him moving her shirt over her head and lifting her higher in the bed. He pulled her jeans down and off and covered her with the blankets, trying not to wake her. She watched his shadowy movement in the dark as he took his clothes off and climbed into bed next to her. She heard him rustle some paper on his side of the bed and felt him place a rose by her head on the pillow. Just as he moved over her, back to his side, she sat up halfway and kissed him. "Thank you for being so good to me." She said. He put his arms around her and moved her body underneath his. He wiped her hair from her face and kissed her back. He moved down her neck and further down her body. She moaned and pulled him back to her face. He moved her panties to the side and touched her. She could feel how wet she was. He moved himself so he could enter her and with that, he slid inside of her, gently. He didn't stop kissing her and it was so gentle. So sweet. He took his time and kept eye contact. "I can't believe you're real. And I can't believe you really mine." He said, thrusting and kissing her. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him into her. "I can't believe any of this. But you're here now. And this feels more real than anything I've ever felt." She said, kissing him harder. He picked up the pace and she could feel the heat moving through her body. They were making love, really making love. Moving together and connecting. She could feel her climax coming and she let it wash over her. "Oh Pearl." Rhys said. She felt him tighten and pulse into her. They just stayed like that, looking into each other's eyes for several moments before he moved slightly off of her and took her into his arms.

"I have to take back something I told you." He whispered. "What's that?" Pearl was worried.

"That was the best sex I have ever had in my life." He said as he kissed her head.

"That wasn't sex, Rhys. That was you loving me." She said and drifted off to sleep.

Rhys could feel his eyes well up and he knew she was right.

Pearl woke up and Rhys was still sound asleep next to her. She had to get around and get to the hospital. She went down into the kitchen to make coffee and took a quick shower and changed. She slammed a cup and decided she'd grab another one on the way to hospital. She checked her work emails from her phone and sent some tasks to Ashley. Things seemed to be ok at work for now. She saw an email from Maggie. She was just checking with her because David had told her what had happened. She let her know she was ok and would touch base with her the next day. There were texts from John and Blake as well as David. She figured she'd text John after she saw Dylan and had no desire to even open the one from David.

She left Rhys a note and headed out. When she got to Dylan's room, he was sitting up on the edge of the bed and dressed in pants and a t-shirt. He looked great. "Hi! You look amazing! How are you feeling?" She asked.

"I'm feeling really good actually." He said. His voice was so much better. "I'm in pain but the meds help. My throat feels much better. I'm eating more ice cream than I think I've ever eaten in my life." He laughed. "How are you?"

"I'm good. Better than I deserve. I can't believe you saved my life. I owe you so much." Pearl felt terrible about what he has gone through at her expense.

"I did what anyone would have done in that situation. I'm just glad you're ok. Hear anything about the demo?" He asked.

"Not yet. Hopefully soon." Pearl said.

"So the doctor thinks I'll be good to go by maybe Sunday or Monday. They have to find a doctor to refer me to back home. How long are you staying here in New York?"

"Until I take you home." She said. He smiled.

"Are you staying at the hotel still?" He asked. "No. I'm staying at a friend's place. Rhys. He has an apartment near here. He's letting me stay until you're ready to go home."

"I see. Tell him thank you for me. And tell him I'm sorry about being a dick the last time I saw him."

"I will." She said.

She left and went back to Rhys' place. She was so happy to see Dylan doing well. She felt so relieved.

She walked in and saw Rhys sitting on the couch and noticed someone else in the room, standing by the fireplace. She walked around the corner and saw that it was David.